Member Reviews

This is a story about the extraordinary aspects of being an ordinary person.

As it turns out, this book was the perfect thing to get me out of a total reading slump. Props to the author for writing a book that made me laugh & sob and totally distracted me from the state of the world. I loved the dynamics between the protagonist and her coworkers, and I had a great time absolutely loathing her ex boyfriend. Also, if you - like me- HATE 3rd act miscommunication in romcoms, this subverted that trope perfectly. Nothing but good things to say, and hoping for an adaptation!

Thank you so much @netgalley & Macmillan Audio for the ALC!

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I absolutely adored The Bodyguard by Katherine Center. Center reverses roles with a female bodyguard tasked with protecting a world-famous actor from his stalker. Hannah Brooks, as the bodyguard, was a very relatable character, reminiscent of Gracie Hart for the Miss Congeniality films. Hannah is hard-working and dedicated but also emotional in a genuine way. Heartthrob actor Jack Stapleton isn’t perfect, but he’s likable. For once, we get a glimpse into a celebrity's private life as he navigates his life at home with his family and his bodyguard Hannah, who is posing as his girlfriend. This book is a happy, lighthearted romantic comedy, perfect for the summer!

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✨Book Review✨
The Bodyguard by Katherine Center
I started this audiobook without the actual intention of reading the whole thing at this time, but once I started, I was hooked instantly. I really love Katherine Center and this book did not let me down.
The premise sounded pretty cheesy and usually fake dating is a little too over the top for me, but this book was extremely subtle, and I really liked the relationship that Hannah and Jack had.
The turn of events near the end of the book was a little weird for me, but still did not overshadow my enjoyment of the story. Definitely would recommend this one if you are a Katherine Center fan or if you like sweet PG romances.

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This was such a sweet romcom! It reminded me so much of The Proposal.
There was love, acceptance, laughs, swoony moments, hardships, and kindness.
Love, love, love!

My review will be posted on my Instagram page (bookmarkedfavs) on May 22.

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I wish this book was longer. Not because it was missing anything but because I didn’t want it to stop. It was funny and well written/narrated. I loved that Hannah was not what you would imagine it’s a bodyguard. I will be keeping this author on my radar.

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thank you netgalley and the publisher for giving me this arc in exchange for an honest review!
let me start off by saying i’m OBSESSED!!! i listened to the audiobook and it was so good. it was so funny but had some serious topics as well. i think katherine center did an amazing job with this novel and delivered it perfectly. i am going to NEED a physical copy of this book when it comes out. i didn’t want it to end. i want moreeeeee. well done with this novel!!

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Katherine Center did an excellent job writing The Body Guard! I loved how it was in first person, and it felt like Hannah was talking to me through the whole book. Hannah is a body guard (which was a plot twist in itself) to famous actor, Jack Stapleton. It would be too obvious for a detailed security team to follow him around, so instead Hannah pretends to be his girlfriend to remain close to him for protection. When feelings start to take hold of her, it's game over.
I enjoyed reading this book, it was a light, quick read. (I actually listened to it, but I finished it in a weekend). This was a very cute book, and you should read it when it is published June 7th!

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Super cute premise, but this one didn’t hit for me. The main character was way in her head and the action just crawled. The narration didn’t quite fit the character, either.

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What can I say about this book? It was cute! Perfect for a summer read and as a feel good story. I have read a few books from Katherine Center and have enjoyed them so far. This is probably my favorite or tied with Things You Save in a Fire. I'll certainly be on the lookout for the next one! Also, I enjoyed the narrator (hope to hear more from her).
Thank you to NetGalley and publisher for giving me a copy in exchange for an honest review.

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I have slowly been getting away from
contemporary romances, but I am so happy I requested this ARC! This story was unique. The female lead is a badass bodyguard but struggles with her self worth. However, despite all the knockdowns, she still manages to see the best in people. It’s great to see the female be the hero! And even nicer for the male lead to know that she can take care of herself but still want to protect her.

This is my first experience with Patti Murin and I thoroughly enjoyed her narration!

DISCLAIMER: I received this book free from the author in exchange for an honest review.

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Thank you to the publisher and to NetGalley for this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

The Bodyguard is perfect for fans of Sandra Bullock movies. I don’t know why that’s the vibe I got, but it definitely was. I liked the heroine’s struggle to get where she wanted and the mild desperation for escape and travel and love was really enjoyable to read.

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What a cute romcom. It has everything you want in an easy read. It was funny, great characters and good romance storyline. Loved it! Would totally see this as a movie adaptation. 5 Stars

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Let me start with - when I requested this book I had no idea it was an audible, I LOATHE audibles BUT I did enjoy this book considering. Would I have enjoyed it more reading instead of listening? Absolutely, but it was a good romance.

SPOILERS - I read ALOT so I typically am right more then not in predicting what will happen in a story, but at the end there was a curveball I was not expecting. I was definitely expecting something happening with the stalker but it was not the stalker I was expecting so that was a glorious surprise. I usually enjoy a little more action in my books especially one were the leading lady knows "how to kill with a bottle opener, ball point pen, or dinner napkin" so I would have enjoyed more action thrown in for sure. Ex-boyfriend and Best Friend were ew, that's all I'm gonna say about them. Really loved that happy ending Wilbur got! That was so freaking sweet. Overall, cute romcom that I enjoyed "listening" to even tho I hate audibles.

Special thanks to NetGalley and St. Martin's press for sharing this digital copy with me in exchange for my honest thoughts.

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Stop it, this book was perfect and I need 100 more like it right now, please and thank youuuuuuuuu.

Is this book on your radar at all? If not, it 100% SHOULD be.

I don't think I need to warn you, but just in case you're new to my reviews: I love spoilers and I love to ramble. So PLEAAASE read on with caution if you haven't read this book yet and plan on it.

You know what? I need to start carrying around a bag full of stars so I can just go around throwing them when I read a book that I like.

Because this book?

Deserved all the stars.

All. The. Stars.

This is, I think, the third book in a row that I've just absolutely adored, and it's a good feeling. But also, I'm going to cry the second a book doesn't make me feel this happy.

I love love loved this book.

I was so excited when I got notified that my audio ARC request had been approved. But at the same time I was nervous, because this book was so hyped in my head and online, and I was afraid it wouldn't live up to that and disappoint me. But my worries were unfounded, because it was AMAZING.

I was constantly updating on Goodreads and was kind of sad that I didn't have the ebook or physical book handy to put sticky notes and highlights in. I updated my reading on Goodreads every 1-10 percent, so I can't wait to get my hands on a physical copy and add all my sticky notes and pencil underlines.

I adored the back and forth between Hannah and Jack. I was literally always smiling or laughing like an idiot. Jack's family was amazing, especially his parents!

I couldn't stand Robbie. Euch, blech. He was such a toxic person and I couldn't stand him. I didn't really like Glen either because it felt like he was just as toxic but in a different way?

The whole stalker aspect was interesting. There was so much left in the book after they got the stalker taken care of, I knew something else was going to happen. And it did. But not exactly the way I thought it was going to. I was convinced that the original stalker was going to show back up and that was going to throw things into a frenzy, but I was NOT expecting there to be a second stalker.

That whole situation felt a little anticlimactic, but I'm super glad it ended so well. I liked how they took a scary situation and were able to turn it around for EVERYONE. I think Hanna and I both had the light bulb moment at the same time when things were going down.

This book gets bonus points for the fact that there WAS NO MISCOMMUNICATION THAT HAPPENED. There wasn't a big fight because they were keeping secrets from each other/they assumed something bad about the other person. And I loved that so much.

This is also what I would consider a gentle read. So if you're looking for something that's super steamy, don't get your hopes up with this one. It's chick lit with a small side of romance. And it was so good.

I will be purchasing a physical copy of this book to add to my shelves (and so I can add sticky notes and whatnot to it) but I'll also probably buy a Kindle version of this book too!

There are so many thoughts in my head about this book still, but I think this is where I'll stop for now. Who knows, maybe I'll do a re-read and write a review for the second time reading it.

Thank you so so much to Macmillan Audio and Netgalley for allowing me to listen to an audio ARC. My whole year has been made.

Did It Make Me Cry? In fact, it did. Close to the end when Jack was telling him about the dream that he has about his brother but it was slightly different this time.

*This review is currently posted on Goodreads and will go live on my Blog on 5/23/22

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Katherine Center is so witty. I chuckled so many times throughout the book. "Her breath smells like elephants" almost had me choking on my water.

This is a lovely summer read. Fast paced and full of all your romantic-comedy needs: a bad breakup, betrayal, questioning your beauty in front of a movie star, and everything in between.

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Katherine Center is a treasure. This book definitely required a little more suspension of reality for me than most, but I loved the characters and the story. Everything just jumped off the page and I couldn't wait to see where the story went. She got me on the twist at the end too! Certainly a recommended read. The audiobook is wonderful!

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Thank you MacMillan audiobook for the chance to listen to The Bodyguard by Katherine Center. I have to say that Patti Murin's narration was really great for this story, I thought she added nuance to the plot, particularly in some of the more internal thought parts that really had me engaged with Hannah (MC) and her story.

I have reviewed the plot elsewhere (I was fortunate to get review copies of the book and audiobook) but I will say I truly enjoyed this book because of where it went and how it became for me not a romance per se but a story of personal growth. Hannah was a thought provoking character, I appreciated she had an atypical job for her gender (bodyguard) and that she loved her job, her strength, and that she had career goals for herself. She was a well rounded character, one at a crossroads in life as she reconciles loss and a breakup and then a possibility at unexpected love, and I really liked how Katherine Center found a way to honor this character with a more complex story than it at first seemed. A narrative that had hidden moments of depth was most welcome.

The narration did this story justice, I felt drawn in to the book as I was also able to listen to some parts (I mixed it up and I think having a voice and style in my head added to my enjoyment of the ebook as well).

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4.5 stars

Wow, I did not mean to sit down and listen to almost the entire novel in one go. But I couldn't help it! It was a highly addictive and fun read!

I've been waiting rather (im)patiently for Katherine Center's next book since I finished the last one. And I'm so glad that time has finally arrived!

First of all, the narrator, Patti Murin, did an impeccable job! I thought she embodied Hannah perfectly and really brought her and the entire story to life so well.

I loved Hannah. I'm so hit and miss with female main characters in romance novels (I am working very hard to get better about this) but I truly enjoyed Hannah from the start. I'd be friends with her in a heartbeat. She came off as so organically real, and I loved that. Jack had his moments, but he was supposed to and I thought he was well done too, along with all of the side characters. Katherine Center really brought them all to life in all of their roles.

I really enjoyed the reverse bodyguard take but I also liked how it wasn't a normal bodyguard scenario. The storyline felt original and interesting and fun the whole time. This would make an excellent movie!

There were some really touching moments throughout the novel, with both of them having to work through things along the way. And I liked how there were little pieces that tied in here and there, and sometimes when you forgot the author had given a little detail early on that comes back into play later.

The reason for the half a star deduction is because I wasn't a big fan of the random fourth wall breaks that happened. Sometimes Hannah would refer to something as if she was telling us a story, and I struggled with those little side comments. But it wasn't enough to dissuade the story for me at all. It was just a minor nitpick that I had.

I had so much fun listening to this story. I highly recommend any romance fans, or people wanting a fun rom-com movie-esque book to pick this one up. It's definitely worth a read!

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I literally want to MARRY this book. I listened to the whole thing too fast and now I don't know what I will do without Jack, Hannah and even "Bobby" in my life anymore. This love story will go down in history as one of my favorites ever! Highly, highly recommend preordering this one!

Thank you Macmillan and NetGalley for the ARC!

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I listened to this audiobook and it was incredible.I occasionally have issues paying attention but this help my attention and I could not stop listening til it was over! I lovedddd the narrator - so good. Go listen to this!!

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