Member Reviews

★★★★ ☐ The publisher has provided a copy for review.
Self-sacrifice is hardly a popular theme in the Church today. We're more into self-actualizing and realizing our potential.

But what if we carefully read Romans 12:1 and other scriptures and do what they say? What if we lay our lives down, one decision after another, one day after another? What if we trust God enough to let him give our lives away and let living water flow unobstructed through our being?

This book is a challenge to every believer and especially to pastors and leaders to lay down our own plans and let God work through us.

It reminds me of the classic Blackaby study Experiencing God. We're called to listen, hear, relinquish, and obey - regardless of consequences to the self. Only then do we participate in the kingdom of God and realize our true purposes.

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Certainly worth reading if you want to dive deeper into what life on the altar for God might look like. Easier to read than put into practice possibly.

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Wow! This is a beautiful read. I would go so far as to say this book is more of a commentary or companion piece to go along with Bible study. I would definitely not call this book a devotional. It goes so much more in depth into our relationship with Christ and our worship unto Him!
I had more passages highlighted in this book than probably all other inspirational non-fiction I’ve ever read. LIFE ON THE ALTAR is so much deeper than “read a passage and quote a prayer each day”. Stay with it, really read and absorb it and you will get so much more from it. You know, like that other inspired WORD we glean so much from?! I think that in itself is what I loved most about this book. You will find something new and eye opening each time you read it.
So much truth. So much knowledge
Bottom line: A great accompaniment to daily Bible reading.
5 stars

I was given an eARC copy of this book from NetGalley and Thomas Nelson Publishing for my honest review.

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Loved this book so much… it was just so freaking good. One of the best of 2022 and I’ll be recommending it to every one of my friends.
Thanks to NetGalley for the ARC.
5 stars!!

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