Member Reviews

A very basic and very short description of steps to take for a well planned trip. Suitable for those who have never travelled before. Obvious to people who have travelled even a little.

I enjoyed this, was funny with the things we shouldn't do but also interesting to read and learn why.

This book is for someone who has hardly (if ever) travelled before. He thoroughly covers how to plan a plane trip, what resources you can use, how to book flights-hotels etc., documents you need, and much more. Something I didn’t need to know are countries and states that allow you to carry a concealed weapon. If you need to carry/bring a gun then perhaps you shouldn’t travel. That put me off.
I received an advanced copy for my honest opinion.

I received a copy of this book through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.
I'm not sure if it was the version I received or what but this book was full of typos, broken links, and grammatical errors.
The tone was confusing as well. It reads like it's an authoritative guide, but it also has text speak and emojis. There's lists about places to travel and where you can carry guns and other information, but it's not clear how any of these lists are evaluated or what the criteria to organize them or anything is.
I'm not sure who the demographic for this book is. The word exotic is used several times which is offputting and the book talks about destinations in both the US and globally, but seems to be written for Americans. It also feels ironic that the book has a section about making sure that your information is up to date but several links in the book I tried to use don't work and some information is already outdated.
I can see how someone who has never traveled before might find this helpful. The information was very high level and not organized in a way that I found different from any listicle you can find online.

Helpful information and I always pick up up a few tips. Thanks for the advance read. as I am about to take a trip and found a few clever ideas to try and employ

No matter how often one travels or how seasoned one is, this book is a quick read to reiterate all that is important to make the holiday or work travel enjoyable
Thank you Netgalley and Booksgosocial for the ARC

The formatting of this eARC is off-putting. As helpful as this book may be, it doesn’t present itself as a professional how-to guide. There’s a mix of different fonts and font sizes. The way it’s put together, including the images, it almost reminded me of a school project. As useful as some of the information may be, it was incredibly distracting.
With proper editing and grouping information where it’s easy to find, like most travel guides are, this book would be incredibly helpful for new and seasoned travellers. Thank you to NetGalley and BooksGoSocial for this eARC in exchange for my honest review.

Top 10 travel mistakes to avoid was a very simple, straight forward book with some great tips. I would probably have enjoyed some more photographs to break up all the text.

First time independent travellers would find this guide useful. Written from a US male traveller perspective there are quite a few tips and food for thought. Short chapters so it’s a quick read. Thank you #NetGalley for the book to review.

This is a handy reference guide that offers some basic and practical advice that will be useful to anyone who is new to domestic and/or international travel. While a more seasoned traveller will find nothing groundbreaking here, there are many helpful reminders that will always bear repeating.
Many thanks to NetGalley and BooksGoSocial for an ARC.

2.5 stars
Thank you NetGalley and BooksGoSocial for presenting me with an ARC of this book in exchange of a honest review.
Top 10 Travel Mistakes to Avoid was a mediocre read at best. While I do think the information and content were useful and reliable, the rest of the book was just bland.
The writing read like an essay (gone wrong) and the format was very off, resulting in me not enjoying the book. However, if the format is improved and many of the unchecked errors were gone through a proper editor, this book definitely has potential to be a great one.