Member Reviews

While the writing is pretty good here, I didn't really want to read a story that includes sexual abuse of a minor. I wish I'd know before requesting a review copy. The writing made up for my issues with some of the subject matter.
Thanks very much for the free review copy!!

TW: Sexual abuse of a minor.
Supermen is a coming of age story about a young boy named Otis and his best friend Casey. Both Otis and Casey are great baseball players so the story takes you through their journeys, both in baseball and personal, from little league to college. This book is a very easy read and has a unique writing style. Another review I read said it perfect, as the style plays off the short attention span of a child. While this can be a positive and negative, depending on what you prefer. The author never spends too long of a time on any given topic, which is nice, but can also be a negative as it seems to jump around so fast.
The biggest negative for me is the part of the story where Otis gets a 12-year-old drunk and then proceeds to lay naked with her until they fall asleep. It seemed the main character had enough hardships in the story to overcome, that this one did not need to be added. While I was rooting for Otis up until that point, after that it made it hard for me to like him.