Member Reviews

This was a great read! Thrilling- exciting and kept me guessing. Very well written Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher!

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This was an awesome fast paced thriller. I could not put it down till I finished it. Good characters and story!!

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Freddy Ferguson is a PI in the Spenser tradition—a tough ex-boxer with a keen sense of right and wrong. He runs a small detective agency populated by a few select colleagues with distinct and useful skills: the people person, the computer nerd, the ex-FBI guy with connections, and the super-smart trainee eager to learn. The story is fast-paced and suspenseful, with just the right combination of deduction and brute force. The characters are strong and seem like they would bear following in many future installments. This book would have easily rated 5 stars from me, except that towards the end the romantic tension—good in small doses—was over-emphasized and became a little distracting.

Thanks to Netgalley and Stolen Time Press for a digital advance review copy.

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I did not know that this was the second in a series but I did not feel lost while reading it. Good characterization and plot.
Many thanks to Stolen Time Press and to NetGalley for providing me with a galley in exchange for my honest opinion.

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This PI thriller is incredibly entertaining and action-packed. Both the primary and supporting characters are well-rounded, and Freddy Ferguson, a former boxer turned private investigator, is accurately portrayed in the narrative voice. The story's twists and turns are unusual for a thriller and the conclusion is rewarding on many levels. Despite being the second in a series, this one reads nicely on its own. I'm eager to read more writing from this author.

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Thank you to the author, Stolen Time Press and NetGalley, for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

This is a very enjoyable, fast-paced PI thriller. Both the main and the secondary characters are well-rounded and the narrative voice, i.e. that of Freddy Ferguson, a former boxer turned PI, rings true to the character. Unusual for a thriller (at least for me as someone who reads quite a bit of this genre), the twists and turns the story takes are surprising and suspenseful, and the ending is satisfying on all fronts. This is the second in a series, but reads well as a stand-alone. I look forward to reading more from this author.

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Finished this in one sitting, It was such an easy fast paced read, this mystery goes to show how you can never truly plan as the world as it’s own agenda, Just a lovely story with all the romance you could ask for.

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Good book! This book had a bit of everything! It had suspense, intrigue, action, murder, great detective work and even some romance! The storyline was very interesting and kept me glued to my kindle! I will definitely recommend reading this book! It was well worth reading! Thank you Netgalley and the publisher for sharing this book with me!

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There's an old saying that goes, "Man makes plans and God laughs." Nobody knows that better than Freddy Ferguson, a former boxer turned private eye who finds a dead woman in a Virginia woods. But just as he gets hold of her, an incoming storm overwhelms the area, and the swollen river quickly knocks out the dam and sweeps the body downstream and leaves him holding a leather strap holding a tiny numbered key.

Intrigued - and upset that he wasn't able to hold onto her body - he informs the local police and they make an initial investigation that turns up a couple of mysterious and partial handwritten notes in her hotel room. Back home in Washington, D.C., he tries to get back to working on the firm's cases with his partner, Earl Kessler, and employees Bethany, Leon and Claire (each of whom has both endearing and annoying character facets, BTW). In fact, Freddy has a "thing" for Claire, but he realizes that an interoffice romance isn't a good idea - even if he thought Claire would be interested in him (which he doesn't).

Not long thereafter, the dead woman's body washes up in the James River and his intrigue undergoes a revival. Now, he's determined to identify her; so far, the police have no leads. With some help from the other sleuths in the firm, the tiny key gives up its secret, and he traces it to Delray Beach, Florida, and off he goes. There, he gets a couple of surprises, not the least of which is that she has ties to organized crime. Another comes in the form of the woman's father, who is convinced his daughter's most recent boyfriend did her in and hires Freddy to find her unknown "Romeo."

From that point on, the book focuses on Freddy chasing both Romeo and Claire (I'm not sure which "catch" he thinks is more uncertain, but based on the number of pages devoted to the subject, I'm betting on Claire). All in all, it's an enjoyable journey from a reading standpoint. For the record, this is the second in a series, but there's plenty of background "stuff" thrown in and I never felt at a disadvantage for not having read the first one (I did, however, read and highly recommend To Hell with Johnny Manic, another of his books).

The next one in this series, however, I'm looking forward to - and for the opportunity to read and review a pre-release copy of this one, I heartily thank the publisher, via NetGalley.

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A bit of a mixed feeling about this book, more because it actually felt like you read two books. The first part was the like travelling along the road to the roundabout then heading off down another road to finish the journey.. I liked the characters featured in the book and even though it is in 2 parts, the storyline but it just felt there was something missing.

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The first-person perspective of this book has the reader on an external and internal journey with the main character, Freddy Ferguson.

Freddy is a private investigator who was sent to do some preliminary work for an upcoming political race. As that is wrapping up a storm hits the town he was visiting. Before he can get in out of the rain, a dog presents him with a present. It’s no ordinary dog present either.

I think the author does an excellent job of drawing readers into the action, adventure, and unfolding mystery.

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Really a great book. The reader wonders who Romeo is. Through the pages, it is slowly revealed who this is and how he fits into the story. Highly recommended.

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It was fast paced and I finished it in one sitting. The book did become too focused on the romance elements and barely wrapped up the mystery. But I enjoyed it because it was so easy to read and I liked the characters to some extent.

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This was a really enjoyable read that was fast paced, well written and had a cast of well developed characters that I liked. IT was a gripping read that was twisty and unpredictable.

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Excellent take on the also-ran boxer making a life as a P.I

I think you will enjoy an in depth mystery

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I enjoyed Kill Romeo (Andrew Diamond). Freddy is a private detective who finds a woman's body just before a dam breaks and him and the body go down stream. Although he tries to hold onto her, Freddy loses the body and it slips away from him. Watching Freddy follow the clues to find answers made it an interesting read. I want to thank NetGalley and Stolen Time Press for an early copy to review.

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Freddie Ferguson is a former pro-boxer who is now a PI. One night, during a storm, he is out walking a neighbor’s dog. The dog gets away from him and he follows it. He discovers a woman’s remains near a river but between the dog and the storm, the body gets dragged off by the current. He, when he gets to where he has telephone service, contacts the Police about the woman. Because of the storm and it’s repercussions they wait until morning to search for her. Freddie begins looking into the death and the particulars leading to it. He also wonders if a man he saw (and helped change a flat tire for) may be involved. This was nothing like I prejudged it to be. I expected Freddie to be all fists and very little brain. I also expected him to deal with things simplistically. None of this was true. It a remarkably well written with plot twists that will make the reader keep guessing. It is also written with wit and humor and Freddie is smart and a genuine thinker. Thanks to Net Galley and Stolen Time Press for an ARC for an honest review.

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This ARC was provided to me via Kindle, Stolen Time Press and by #NetGalley. Opinions expressed are completely my own.

Fast-Paced, intriguing, thriller fantastic characters.

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Investigator Freddy Ferguson is not a man who easily walks away from a mystery and a mystery it is when he finds and then loses the body of a young woman. Freddy’s mind will not let this mystery alone even when the body seems to disappear, and no-one reports the young woman missing. His only clues are two short notes that seem to point to an unfilled romance.

And so the hunt is on to track down this woman and bring her killer to justice.

Kill Romeo is an excellent read and a top-notch thriller. The story drew me in from the first few pages and held my interest until the highly satisfying last page. The chase takes us into organized crime and international intrigue as competing powers strive always to be one step ahead of the most recent technological advances.

But there is a second story running through Kill Romeo, a much more personal story. Freddy Ferguson is a man of many layers. He is a man so confident in his ability to “do his job” but so lost and unsure of his ability to connect with others and of his own place in the world. I thoroughly enjoyed walking by Freddy's side through some very emotional events
We meet some fascinating characters in Mr. Diamond’s work, from local law enforcement to top level federal agents, from a nosey local inhabitant to a crime lord who kills at the drop of a hat. Each and every one of those characters is wonderfully drawn and believable. Kill Romeo is a story that wanders, from mystery to emotion, from location to location, from the real world to the world inside Freddy’s head. This is just one element of the story that makes is so interesting.

I have no hesitation in recommending Kill Romeo to those who enjoy a good mystery. I definitely want more of Freddy.

I received an ARC of Kill Romeo from Netgalley in return for an honest review, with thanks.

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Who Is This Dead Woman?

Freddy Ferguson is a private detective on assignment but currently taking a walk in the woods with dog, a friendly yellow lab, when things go wrong. A storm is brewing quickly and dog has wandered away. Freddy is searching for dog rather than turning back to the house when dog suddenly appears with something white clutched in his mouth, a woman’s shoe. Dog convinces Freddy to follow him in what turns out to be a slip-sliding adventure during a gully-washer that leads to the discovery of a woman’s body. Who is she? Why is she lying dead in the forest with no apparent cause of death? These and many more questions will drive Freddy in his search for answers. The mystery is far more devious than just this woman's death.

I loved every thing about this book, the characters, the mystery, the clever way the plot unfolded to draw me in until the very end. Andrew Diamond is an excellent author with a great imagination and he makes his characters come alive on the pages of the book. (Except for the dead ones, of course.) This is a stand-alone story, but there is a previous book, Gate 76, starring Freddy Ferguson that you will enjoy, too.

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