Member Reviews

I love reading Rebecca Raisin’s novels and her newest book, Elodie’s Library of Second Chances is a delightful read. Elodie is not fulfilled at her family run company and makes an escape to Willow Grove and is hired as a librarian to save the Willow Grove Library from shutting it doors. She devises a unique plan to save to save the library with the help of the community which is a difficult challenge. In this book there are lots of secrets and rumours abound, l can’t wait to read Rebecca Raisin’s next book and a big thank you to NetGalley for an arc copy of this book . Bravo Rebecca from a devoted Canadian book fan of all your books.🇨🇦🥰🤗🙋‍♀️👏👍💐

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I received an ARC of, Elodie's Library of Second Chances, by Rebecca Raisin. I love libraries and I enjoyed this book. Elodie, or Ellie as she prefers to go by, is a really enjoyable character. Will she be able to save the library?

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I loved the premise of this book - that people are like books; you shouldn't judge on outward appearances. It is very relevant in the 'Be Kind' movement, and all round it was a feel good read.. This would be a perfect holiday read by the pool or on the beach where you can dip in and out of a story and pick up exactly where you were at. This however is also partly why I only gave this 3 stars despite thoroughly enjoying it: the characters lacked a depth. Whilst you heard of the bad things that had happened to them for me it didn't hit on an emotional level as I wasn't connected with them (but maybe that's a reflection of me rather than the book).
Despite this I would definitely recommend to others.

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It is nice and charming but probably I am not a reader for this genre.
Characters and the plot are quite fictional and not very realistic which is not bad but it would be better if it were more like cozy fairy tale-ish,
But I can imagine many readers would enjoy it as a nice summer read when you do not need to concentrate.

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Absolutely loved this book. Great characters, nicely descriptive without being overly wordy. Who doesn't love a book set around a library. Great summer beach read. Thank you netgalley for the advanced copy

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A lovely story, nice and easy to read. The threads of the story keep you hooked in and wanting more throughout.

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I am a big fan of Rebecca Raisin and her latest book did not disappoint! I really enjoyed the storyline, Elodie was a likeable main character, who despite being exceptionally privileged, you do feel sorry for her situation. The author does well to write her so she is sympathetic and caring to the villagers she meets, rather than potentially patronising. In fact I liked all the characters and feel like this series could definitely be carried on!
I devoured this book in one sitting and cannot wait for Rebecca Raisin’s next one!

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Elouise works for her parents’ publishing company but is a frustrated librarian at heart! She takes the opportunity to turn round a small town library under treat of closure. Her ploy - human books - which allows individuals overlooked or misunderstood in the local community to tell their story.

The library from being forgotten becomes the heart of the community and allows many of its inhabitants to be heard for the first time.

A lovely story - heartwarming.

One to be recommended.

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I like this author and her style of writing! Throughly enjoyed reading this book. Loved the different characters adding to the overall story.

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I’ve just finished this book and enjoyed it very much. It tells the tale of how things are not normally just quite as they seem and tells the stories of a wide range of interesting characters. Very funny in places. There is of course, romance built into the story. One of those books which is hard to put down.

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There is something so wonderful about sitting down to a new Rebecca Raisin book and Elodie’s Library of Second Chances was just that wonderful. Rebecca Raisin does it again. Ellie Astor is done being the face of Astor Publishing , the continuous red carpet events and after work drinks parties have lost their glamour. If that weren’t enough, the endless ways she is trying and to live up to her mother’s expectations without ever being able to make a real contribution have left Ellie drained. Just as she was despairing, Ellie sees an article about a library that is on it’s last legs and very likely to be closed down unless they can recruit a new librarian to increase membership and once again be eliiblgle for local authority funding. Ellie’s one true love and escape is burying herself in a book and with a degree as a librarian, she applies for and is given the job. With the support of her brother Teddy, Ellie leaves London for Willow Grove. All Ellie wants is to save the library and so that no one will recognize her she reverts to her real name of Eloddie. As a newcomer to this little town, Elodie discovers that the town is resistant to change but she instantly connects with the residents of Willow Grove who are often overlooked. Elodie feels that everyone should have a second chance and that like books, who shouldn’t be judged by how their covers, people shouldn’t be overlooked because of the way they look. So begins Elodie’s battle to get the town involved in the library once more.
Yet another fabulous, feel good read that really makes you think about the way we treat others, judging them for the way they look rather than who they are .

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Anyone who is passionate about books and libraries should enjoy this book. Elodie has never wanted the glamorous PR role she’s been given. Family loyalty has kept her tied to a job she has come to resent. Her previous attempts to leave have failed. This time she is determined. Her brother Teddy could take over her role and would love to. Applying for the job of Librarian at Willow Grove is an act of defiance. Willow Grove is where her love of books started. Elodie decides if she gets the job, she will resign. She does, but Willow Grove isn’t quite as welcoming as she had hoped. Maisie, the library assistant seems to resent her. Unless they can make a success of the library. it is due for closure and Elodie isn’t about to let that happen. Why does someone want to sabotage her efforts? Then there is Finn, the journalist. He wants to help her, but would he if he knew the truth? Her plan for ‘The Peoples’ Library’ may give both the participants and the library a second chance. Can telling a story be a step on the way to healing? Can hearing a story be a step to changing someone’s mind?
With thanks to Rebecca Raisin and Net Galley for an advance copy in exchange for my honest review

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A charming read about friendship and libraries and their importance to us all.
Light hearted and would make a good relaxing read for the Summer when you don't want to read something too intense.

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A lovely story of how Ellie feels stuck in a rut as she is expected to be the face of her family’s business. However all she wants is a quiet life and to lose some of herself in her love of books. When a job comes up to save the Library in a small village where she spent some of her childhood, it feels like destiny and she applies and gets the job.
Knowing that her overpowering mother will do anything to make her stay, with the backing of her brother Teddy they come up with a plan to get Ellie some much needed time away
Upon arrival at the Library, the first person she meets is a homeless man called Harry who she welcomes with a cuppa and some biscuits. It saddens her not only to see him but how run down and unloved the library is.
But Ellie not to be disheartened reverts to her name of Elodie and begins to open the library up to the wider public with ideas of a book club, Minecraft meet up, cookery etc as she knows she is on a deadline to get new members through the door in able to apply for funding in October. She stubbles upon lots of negativity but as people begin to know and like her, things begin to change for the better.
Her greatest idea is the living books idea which attracts a whole host of individuals who feel the need to tell people there story from homeless Harry to the gorgeous Alfie and his super skills.
A wonderful story of hope, friendship and love

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Rebecca Raisin does not need me to tell you that her books are just wonderful … but I’m going to tell you anyway.
Elodie’s Library of Second Chances spoke to me on so many levels, obviously the concept of a library being the heart and soul of a community in the first Instance but also about friendship, about being seen and about giving yourself the opportunity to speak and chase your truth. I absolutely adored it, probably a lot more than Raisin’s other books, all of which are so sweet and heartwarming.

By way of synopsis: Elodie works in her family’s publishing company but mostly her role is to be seen and not heard, do as her overbearing mother command and look pretty. But when she hears that a library from her last is under threat of closure, she goes under cover to save it and just possibly herself.

A tender, uplifting and insightful book that I absolutely loved from start to finish. I can’t wait to have this one on my bookish book shelf!!

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Like most addicted readers, I have a difficult time not requesting a book with the word LIBRARY in the title. Elodie;s Library of Second Chances provided a neat idea for saving the library. Bonus stars for originality.

And there were enough little twists and turns with the plot to keep it interesting.

But all in all, it is a sweet little romance and wonderfully light and ,,, well just perfect.

Thank you to NetGalley for the opportunity to read the advance read copy of Elodie's Library of Second Chances in exchange for an honest review. Since becoming a NetGalley reader and my introduction to Rebecca Raisin's novels, I've become hooked. Also thank you to the author and publisher. Publication date is Aug 4, 2022.

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Another successful novel for Rebecca Raisin. When Elodie keeps her identity a secret to change direction from her overbearing family business, she sets out to save the library she visited as a child. With great memories and the opportunity to use her qualifications she embarks on saving not only the library but some of the local people along the way. Including herself. Brilliant novel you do it want to put down.

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Rebecca Raisin does it again. Ellie Astor is just plain burnt out being the face of Astor Publishing and trying to live up to her mother’s expectations. Ellie’s only escape is a good book where she can totally lose herself in. With a degree as a librarian, it is a dream come true when she sees an ad for a librarian of a dying library in Willow Grove, a small town outside London. With the support of her brother Teddy, Ellie flees town for Willow Grove. All Ellie wants is to save the library and in turn save herself. She goes by her real name Elodie so that no one will recognize her. Elodie discovers that the small town is resistant to change but connects with the residents of Willow Grove who are often overlooked. Elodie feels that everyone should have a second chance and says that people are like books, they should be judged by how they look and that one should look between the pages. Elodie sets out to save the library and discovers happiness and a chance at love.
I loved this story. Everyone deserves a second chance. I loved the concept of Human books as everyone has a story to tell. What a great concept to highlight that aspect that you really don’t know people that you see every day. It made the story flow to hear each person’s story and showed hope. This is a feel-good book that just warms your soul. Grab this one and curl up for a good read.

Many thanks to #netgalley #rebeccaraisin #elodieslibraryofsecondchances #HQ for the opportunity to read and review this book.

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I mostly enjoyed this. Elodie was a bit of a spoiled brat, and who lets their parents run their lives at over 30 years of age? She needed to stand up for herself like 10 years ago. It was a bit confusing that she said she left the old cell phone at home and the only person who had the new number was Teddy, but then she used the new cell to contact various people from her “old” life. Just a plot hole. I also felt the people library stories were a bit strange. It felt kind of forced. I’m not sure about Elodie and Finn together but it’s not my call. Overall a decent but not great read.

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This book was ok. A little slow at times, but not so slow that it didn’t keep my attention. It was a cute, fun, quick read. A nice break from all the heavy books I’ve been reading. It’s not particularly my writing style, but still a well written book. I love the cover! Yes I would recommend this book! Thanks NetGalley and HQ for the opportunity to read and review Elodie’s Library of Second Chances

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