Member Reviews

This is such a fun way to introduce kids to journaling! There are lots of great prompts and some intriguing questions to answer about your travels. This book is a great gift for kids who like to travel.

I loved this little travel journal! Such a great resource for kids who want to express themselves, keep track of adventures, who need a fun way to get into writing more, drawing, memory keeping. I absolutely would recommend this to anyone for their kids next trip!
Thank you to SOURCEBOOKS Kids for sending me this free ARC through Netgalley.

A fantastic travel journal for middle grade readers! Here I Go includes wonderful templates to be creative and document their travel or whatever they like. I would have loved to have this when my family traveled cross-country. What a fantastic way to document things and memento to look back on later. This would make a wonderful gift for the young traveler! Thank you NetGalley and the publisher for providing this ARC. All thoughts are my own.

I have been a fan of Katie Clemons and her journals for many years, and this children’s travel journal is fantastic! Thankful to NetGalley and the publisher for a digital copy — and I’m going to purchase a copy for my daughter.

Remember that September essay, the one titled “How I Spent My Summer Vacation?” Give a child this enticing travel journal and, if they take a trip, they will easily be able to write their story. Along with this book, give a child some colored pencils or markers. They should then be able to do the rest.
The author encourages kids to use this title in the way that works for them. It does not have to be filled in in any particular order. An sample entry has clouds to write in. They say things like Today, this mad me really happy or this was really fun. Another is called Around Here and has room to write what was on the day’s schedule and what happened that was not planned. Yet another leaves space to fill in a weather report. There are many choices in this book of close to 150 pages.
This journal could be filled in now and definitely enjoyed by a child when they are older and look back at it. It is a nice, fun spot to recall trips over the years.
Many thanks to NetGalley and Sourcebooks Kids for this title. All opinions are my own.

WOAH! This book is A LOT.. in a good way. There are so, so many different activities in here, many more than I was expecting. I really liked how the execution encourages the reader to make the journal their own, using colour and doodles etc. Creative kids in particular will have a blast with this.

This is such a nice idea for kids when they are going on a road trip or vacation. This will keep them busy and engaged and help them form memories for later on in life. Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for this advanced copy in exchange for an honest review.

I absolutely love this journal! I love the intro which explains why the author wanted to make a journal like this and gave ideas on how to keep a journal. I love the prompts throughout which help to get kids thinking and writing. I love that there’s places where you could insert pictures of the trip or drawings. This will be so much fun for us to have on our upcoming trip! Thanks NetGalley and Sourcebooks Kids for this awesome ARC!

How fun! This would instill a love of travel journaling in any kid!
Even though this is marketed for children, I think whimsical adults would have a blast with this, too. I can’t wait to take one on my next trip!

Okay, this is an adorable travel workbook for kids. The whole family can contribute to this journal, but it really is set up for just one child. The journal takes kids through what they expect to see as they travel. Kids can record what they do every day and reflect on it at home. Thanks to NetGalley for the free ARC.

The whole family can use this journal!
Everything is so subtle perfect for the travel plans and the prompts provided are fun interactive.
Definitely can be used as a planner as well.
Thank you, SOURCEBOOKS Kids, for the review copy.

Inspirational and fun! This travel journal is perfect for kids to catolouge their trips and adventures! When I was young my grandma made me scrapbook my summer trips and now looking back I'm always glad I did! This journal is a great away for kids to write about their journeys in a fun way. It's kinda like Wreck this Journal! I think all kids should get one of these before their next trip!

Here I Go! is an awesome travel journal not just for kids, but I could see adults using this too! I love this as an activity to keep children occupied and also to appreciate the trip they are on. It has a variety of prompts of things seen, feelings felt, images, even what smells were smelt! I love how many different page prompts there are. This could last for several trips.