Member Reviews

A thought provoking book of which I’m sure there are to be many in the coming years even decades, very descriptive of what the world went through in 2020

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As a nurse, working in COVID vaccination clinics in Australia, I found this a particularly interesting book.

Dr Welch went through the NHS experience, when COVID first started until around 18 months later. She reminded me of how frightening the beginning of the pandemic was, with this unknown virus taking over the world and no vaccines in sight, yet. We had no idea what we were dealing with, and most of us had never dealt with anything of the sort before.

I enjoyed reading accounts of various health professionals who were working at the NHS at the time, and I found the vaccinator's account particularly interesting - it was a LOT like my own experience, even though I am on the other side of the world. I also enjoyed the other viewpoints of this crisis, the security guard had my sympathies, that is one tough job too!!

Anyway, this was a really good book, and I enjoyed it.

4.5 stars from me.

Thank you to NetGalley and Pen & Sword.

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Wow what an interesting inspirational read. Very informative about what was going on during the covid pandemic. 2020 will forever be remembered as the year the Coronavirus pandemic changed life as we know it across the World. Economies crashed, livelihoods were eradicated, and thousands of lives were shortened or devastated by the effects of this novel virus. In the UK, the National Health Service was thrust into the limelight as the country watched our healthcare system respond to the consequences of this disease.
This book traces a timeline of the COVID-19 pandemic, highlighting key events in how the UK and the NHS approached these unparalleled events. Comparisons are made with tactics used around the globe and the decisions of our leaders questioned. Recommend this book!

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