Member Reviews

I didn’t like this one as much as the first book in the series. For me personally once the couple is together in a romance book of any type I start to get bored and annoyed with the dragged out drama. That’s exactly how I felt with this one considering the couple was together right from the beginning. It wasn’t a bad book by any means, just not for me.

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As someone who typically doesn't gravitate toward romance novels, I was hesitant to pick up A Game of Retribution by Scarlett St. Clair. However, I was pleasantly surprised by this book. The story takes place in a reimagined New Greece, where gods and mortals coexist in a fascinating and magical world.

What sets this book apart is its masterful use of mythology and fantasy. The author has done an excellent job of weaving these elements into the story, creating a world that is both enchanting and believable. I found myself getting lost in the world of Hades and Persephone, eager to see where their story would lead.

The plot of the book centers around Hades, the God of the Dead, who finds himself in a difficult situation when he refuses to help Hera overthrow Zeus. Hera punishes him by forcing him to perform a series of impossible labours, causing him to be distracted from his relationship with Persephone, the Goddess of Spring. The characters are well-developed, with Hades being a standout protagonist. I enjoyed seeing the story unfold from his perspective and watching as he navigated the challenges thrown his way.

Overall, A Game of Retribution is a fantastic read for anyone who loves mythology, fantasy, and romance. The book is full of action, drama, and romance, and I found myself hopelessly addicted to the story of Hades and Persephone. I highly recommend this book and can't wait to read more from Scarlett St. Clair.

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Man oh man is Hades the ultimate Daddy. I don't know what Scarlett puts in her books but its they are amazing. I will say you have to read the other book before this to know what is going on but I love how even though we re read some of the same scenes from A Touch of Ruin, it still feels like a new book with new scenes and insight. I will buy anything this woman writes.

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I have been reading Scarlett since the beginning (I am talking the og when the stars come out) so while I love everything she does I will say that this was a bit more middle of the road for me. There was nothing about it that I particularly hated but there was not anything that made it stand out in particular from the rest of her books. I love Hades POV and am excited to see how the series continues.

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I’ve been increasingly disappointed by the main Hades x Persephone series, but I am glad the Hades series continue to be solid reads. I just wish they hadn’t been split into two series—I feel as though the main series would be much stronger if Hades’ POV and story had been included in those, instead.

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I had a hard time reviewing this book. As someone invested in the series, I know that this part of a larger story and sets a foundation. As such, it has some of the hallmarks of a middle book in series with continuing plot lines.

When I originally read A Game of Fate, I enjoyed it more than A Touch of Darkness. The same applies for this book. Personally I prefer the Hades POV because there is more action. Also, I connect more with Hades. In the Main series, I’ve gotten annoyed with Persephone at times due to her immaturity. To be fair, Hades has the perspective of thousands of years and multiple lives and Persephone is a new goddess.

I love all the references to Greek Mythology! With Hera’s challenges and a deeper understanding into the workings of the Underworld. I didn’t get the Ariadne/Dionysus subplot so much but I think it could be a precursor to their own book.

Overall, I liked this book. It’s more than ATOR from Hades’ POV, it’s a story unto itself. And while I enjoy that in application, it also bothers me how much Hades keeps from Persephone. For two people in a committed relationship, it seems like they are at time living separate, disconnected lives. My hope is that when A Touch of Chaos comes out, its dual narration will make for a more connected relationship. Both A Touch of Ruin and A Game of Retribution highlight the growing pains in Hades and Persephone’s relationship. In the meantime, I’m looking forward to reaching A Game of Gods for more Hades adventures.

***I’ve seen a lot of discourse about the audio narration of this book. I will admit when I first started it, it was surprising because that wasn’t what I had pictured for Hades’ voice. However, I think the narrator did well.

Overall series rating:
A Game of Fate
A Touch of Darkness
A Game of Retribution
A Touch of Malice
A Touch of Ruin

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De la série Hades & Persephone - A Touch of Ruin n'est pas mon livre préféré de la saga à cause de la mauvaise communication et des problèmes que les heros rencontre sans jamais y faire face. Saga un peu décevante, dans ce livre, La lecture du POV d'Hades n'apporte pas grand chose de plus par rapport a la saga initiale. je m'attendais à un peu mieux. Je n'ai vraiment as accroché au personnage d'Hades qui est trop anxieux.

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I will always love the Hades/Persephone Sagas from Scarlett St. Clair - enough to read the story twice since we are getting both POV's of the same events. This one really helped to flesh out what Hades was doing during the second book while Persephone was dealing with so much and being forced into growing up/learning how the overworld and underworld work. I can't give too much away about the plot but just know this one is a joy to read. and plenty spicy, as you impatiently await the release of A Touch of Chaos due in 2023! I was also very happy with the narrator for Hades ,Tyler Donne, returning and delivering a great performance.

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BOOKREVIEW: I received an audio ARC from the publishers through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. It has not affected my opinions.

I absolutely love this series, and allso that we get the story from bothe sides. This book is from hades point of view.

It’s a light book with love and spice but allso what couples get through. So I can deffently recoment this series to anyone that loves some spicey books with a mythical story.

I listen to the audio book at speed 2.0, and the narrator did a very good job.

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I did enjoy this as an audiobook. I had read this book from Persephone's POV as a text, I can tell you I enjoyed the story mores from Hades POV. I think it's because his world and life is much more complex than Persephone's. She's very young and in an early stage of her life, and it makes her fall a little flat for me. The same events but with the responsibilities Hades carries was more compelling. I know existing fans will adore this expansion of the story.

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I've received the audiobook prior to release and the book itself is glorious!! Like it's predecessor (Game of Fate) it has action, magic and glorious spice, and it is so damn funny! I love Hades's humour and I loved him even more than in the first book. Amongst all books of this series (Touch AND game books) I'd place this one as second-best. The audiobook is also great! The narration is splendid, and even the female voices sound okay from the male narrator.

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This is a great pick for fans of mythology who are looking for a twist, and some steam integrated into their reading! I definitely thought this was part of her other series featuring Hades (totally my fault!), but that didn’t detract too heavily from my enjoyment & I think it will work for anyone who is into the source material.

Thank you so much Netgalley & Macmillan for the audio copy!

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Okay. Honestly it took me a bit to gather my thoughts together regarding this review. I really enjoyed book one from Persephone’s POV, A Touch of Darkness. I believe it made her less annoying and/or aggravating because the reader could at least understand her thought process. However, book two from Hades POV was not my favorite. It was harder to love Hades and Persephone as the main romance. In fact, I loved the side characters a lot more than I did either of the two MCs.

The plot to this story was kind of all over the place. Its not that it didn’t make sense but a lot of it seemed to go nowhere or not be as important as it was led to be. I believe there was a main point to everything happening that all hinted at the potential storyline for book three.

A Game of Retribution was a lot of behind the scenes to Hades life. Mainly his (unhealthy?) obsession with Persephone. When the goddess of marriage and women, Hera, approaches Hades because she wants his aide in taking down Zeus, Hades refuses. Hera spites him by tasking him with performing several tasks to earn his right to marry Persephone. With their new relationship in the public eye, Hades can’t seem to cease in his worry for Persephone and her safety, especially when she seems to be at the center of every threat.
What I liked about this book:
• HERMES. I know I shouldn’t start what I liked about this book with a side character, but I am. Hermes honestly saved this book for me. He was hilariously perfect, and I appreciated his character because although he’s the god of mischief, he was a great friend and he added to Hades almost non-existent personality.
• I had a love/dislike relationship with Hades protective nature. There were times I was like this is borderline too much and just past hot. I mean you could tell how much he loved Persephone since every other thing that came out of his mouth was about her, her safety, and their future, but mostly getting her into bed…
• The side characters were really what kept me listening.
• I listen to the audible version of this book and I really enjoyed the narrator. I could definitely picture Hades, with the commanding tone and no-bulls**t manor of speaking, I genuinely enjoyed this audible. Although I wasn’t a fan of the way he changed his voice to sound almost weak with any female voice.
• The setting to this series is my most favorite part. I like the idea of having the underworld and upperworld, how each god has their own territory and the power each of them has.

Things I wasn’t a fan about:
• The lack of communication between Hades and Persephone. They fought consistently throughout this whole book and it was just tiring. It took a lot away from what I thought I liked about each character. Persephone was just too naïve and insecure that all she did was yell at Hades and NOT LISTEN. It was frustrating and I am not sure if its because it was from Hades POV but I couldn’t agree with anything she said.
• Speaking of not listening. They never truly heard each other out because there was just constant sex. I mean I like my books steamy, but I actually found myself saying this is too much. And part of it comes from the fact that the scenes really didn’t differ much other than the setting.
• There were four marriage proposals. Three of them were done while in the midst of sex and two of those were following an argument that led to the sex. Not very romantic.

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Let me preface by stating that I did not read book one. For some reason when I requested this audiobook I was completely blind to the fact this was the second installment in the Hades Saga. Fun fact though, the author does a splendid job of not only making me feel like this could have been a standalone, but also making me want to go back and read A Game of Fate like yesterday.

I love a Hades and Persephone retelling and St. Clair kept me very entertained with this one. The sexy scenes are decadent to the point you want to fan yourself in public. The plot points are exciting, though sometimes jumpy. With Hera's trials, the underground safe haven and so many more intricate details, I was listening on high speed itching to know what happens next. Now I need to know what happened before.

I loved the POV of Hades and the intimate persona he displays behind closed doors. He has an excellent villainous side that is tapered by his love for Persephone. Hermes is by far a huge fave. I spent a lot of time waiting for him to reappear in all of his sarcastic glory. We all need a Hermes in our lives. Things would be much more glorious. Persephone was my least favorite. I had a hard time envisioning her as the powerful queen by Hades side in contrast to how she came across to me. I'm honestly struggling to pinpoint a decent term but for lack of a better vocabulary, I found her weak at times, overly emotional to the point of bad decision making and just not grounded.

There are some pretty dark themes of suicide, rape, abuse and more. I think St. Clair did a superb job of taking the darker side of mythology and making it relevant in this retelling. Tyler Donne narrates and when I say you'll fan yourself with his tone during the bumchicawawa scenes...girls get your fan flappers ready. Totally worth every sultry second I listened while grocery shopping... with a straight face (lies).

Last but not least, I loved the world building. Every sinister little corner of Hades' domain was imagined in a way I could see in my mind's eye. Especially the different visuals of power. Descriptive writing is definitely a talent here.

Thank you Tantor audio for the gifted audiobook in exchange for an honest and unbiased review. I cannot wait to clear my schedule and listen to A Game of Fate next! True rating 3.5/5.

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publishers for providing me with this ARC and ARC audiobook.

Description from NetGalley:
Hades, God of the Dead, does not take sides or bend the rules. He makes no exceptions to these values—not for god or mortal, even his lover, Persephone, Goddess of Spring.

Usually, fear prevents retaliation.

But not this time.

When Hera, Goddess of Women, approaches Hades with a plan to overthrow Zeus, he declines to offer help. As punishment, Hera sentences Hades to perform a series of labors. Each feat seems more impossible than the last and draws his attention away from Persephone—whose own tragedy has left her questioning whether she can be Queen of the Underworld.

Can Hades maintain the balance he craves?

I really liked the Persephone books that go with these Hades Saga books. It’s interesting to get Hades’s point of view because he was doing so much that we didn’t see since we were following Persephone. It also shows off Hades changing due to Persephone’s influence and also his realm and businesses. It’s definitely a good other side to the story. If you liked the Persephone books by Scarlett St. Clair then definitely check out the Hades Saga, both the first one and this one. The narrator for the audiobook was great.
Overall: 4/5

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A Game of Retribution
by Scarlett St. Clair was narrated by Tyler Donne. He did a descent job, however I struggled with almost every thing about this.
I found it really not going anywhere and I didn’t like Persephone. I couldn’t wait to finish it and move on to something more captivating. Not for me.
Thanks Tantor Audio via NetGalley.

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Wow this audiobook was amazing! I have read every other book by this author, but hearing it on a audiobook was a completely different experience. It was amazing!

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Narrator Tyler Donne’s distinct reading style brings this second thrilling book in the Hades saga to audio life with its evenly paced rendition that transports the listener into the story.
I’ve loved the Hades POV perspective from inception, and it continues to power another awesome narrative of intrigue and is rife with the machinations of the Greek Gods.
The story is another wonderful foray into a world of larger- than- life characters and emotionally engaging prose while remaining true to the all-consuming passion between Hades and the woman whom he desires above all others Persephone, Goddess of Spring.

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I read the book as well, but I just wasn’t a fan of the audiobook. The guy just didn’t match Hades, it felt like I was reading a YA or something by his voice. They guy has a really nice reading voice, this was just not the book to use him on. But the book was really good, so I don’t want to fault the book solely on the audio alone. But this rating is for the audio book so what are you going to do.

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As a classicist, I am a big fan of Greek myth retellings, and I am happy for every chance I get to read them. (See my reviews on Ariadne by Jennifer Saint, Great Goddesses by Nikita Gill,

With this series you get both sides of the story. I know, because I have read the hades/Persephone books side by side, and though that are different they are still the same, and they match up perfectly. This is a very interesting series because there are books for both sides of the story. Persephone's books are the "A Touch of..." titles, while Hades's books are the "A Game of..." titles. It is an interesting way to present dual perspectives, and more in-depth than switching back and forth each chapter.

There are scenes between the two which are cute, because they are the same story, told slightly different from their perspectives. But each having their own book allows for a lot more depth to the story, scenes that reveal character arcs, and shows what the other does in their own life.

To be honest I think Persephones perspectives have more of the spark that made me love the series, but hearing Hades’ side paints the whole picture Much clearer, and shows the ups and downs of effort and compromise in relationships. It’s sometimes easy to forget that everyone has their own struggles and are fighting their own hard battles inside. But, by seeing this relationship from both perspectives like this, we as readers can better understand the motives and reasoning behind each persons actions, and helps to remind us that we are all just trying our best with what we are given. Give the grace that you wish to be given.

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