Member Reviews

Hades and Persephone on Fire



Dionysus, Hermes, Hera and other Gods and Goddesses

Amazons, Ariadne and Theseus

What do we need more of it?!

Hades, God of the Dead, inflexible bargained owner of luxurious nightclubs fell in love with Persephone, Goddess of Spring, a journalist.

This was for book one, to my pleasant surprise, their story in this book is more exciting and twist!

Hera, Goddess of Women, as always we know her, has a plan against her beloved husband. Hera made Hades perform a series of labors in exchange for blessing his marriage!

Someone is killing demigods, gathering weapons and instruments for killing immortals, so every Gods should take a side, The War Is Coming!

As I don't want to below anything up, so just recommend it to romantic mythology lovers, good news for me was that Hades is the narrator, a rare male character who was greatly performed by Tyler Donne.

Where is book 3?! Where is Hecate??!

My huge thanks to Tantor Audio via Netgalley for giving me the chance of listening to A Game of Retribution by Scarlett St. Clair, Narrated by Tyler Donne. I have given my honest review.

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3.5 stars. This was a fun read, but I really wish I had read the first book in series before. It definitely had an interesting storyline, but there were several moments in the story where I lost interest and had to stop reading. Luckily, when I picked up the book again, it was able to reel me back in, and hold more of my interest! I do have to say, Persephone drove me freaking nuts for some reason!! There was just something about her character that just really, REALLY irked me, and I wanted to scream. I can't put my finger on it, but she made me mad on one too many occasions. I just wanted to shake her lol.

I did enjoy Hades though, and there were some awesome side characters that made me laugh and I eagerly awaited their next appearance in the story! And lets not forget the steam, there was some good spicy moments! The narrator did a wonderful job, and I enjoyed listening to him.

The book ended on an interesting note and now I am very curious as to how the next book will be!!

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Ah, I got 40% into this and then realized I DNF'd the first book in this series, and now I'm remembering why.
Hades is a controlling ass and Persephone is like the shell of a character. I LOVE Hades/Persephone retellings, this shit is my life source, but when it's done wrong it just makes me so sad. This is an example of one that makes me sad. Even the sex scenes fell flat, I was ultimately disappointed.

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I didn't get a chance to listen to it before it was archived. I can't wait to check it out from the library.
Thanks for the review copy.

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Oh Daddy Death 💀❤

Thank you NetGalley and RB Media for this audiobook for an honest review.

Though I was not a huge fan of the narrator in this (cannot really pinpoint it), I thought he had done an ok job. I had enjoyed the continuing story of Hades and Persphone (Hade's perspective). This for me was such a fun, fast-paced ride. And I cannot wait for the next one.  

Bonus: Im just loving Hermes in this.
Please check TW with this book.

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4/5 – #2 of Hades Saga; Listened to via eARC Audiobook

*Recommended to read after/ tandem with Hades & Persephone Series, specifically A Touch of Ruin, Hades perspective.

I really enjoyed this book! I love getting Hades perspective of all of the events of A Touch of Ruin, especially with all of the additional details to his rule for the Underworld, and the limitations of his power. A lot of the strengths are the same for ATOR, as well as some of my qualms. The romance is so odd at times, but it didn’t take away the major happiness of this book! Definitely recommend if you enjoy the Greek mythology/ Hades storyline.

Brief Plot: Hades and Persephone have professed their love for one another, and now they work on the development of their relationship. Hades must come to terms with the expectations of a relationship, and how that my impact his work as the God of the Underworld, and the deals he typically makes with mortals. With his hope to marry Persephone contested against with her mother, Hera, the Goddess of Women, offers Hades the chance for her approval, but Hades must help her overthrow Zeus. Hades has a history of not taking sides or bending the rules, but he reconsiders it all if it’s for Persephone.

Thank you NetGalley, and Tanto Audio, for the eARC Audiobook access of A Game of Retribution, by Scarlett St. Clair, narrated by Tyler Donne. This is my honest review!

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This was a good book and a fun read, but I wish I would have read the other books in this series before reading this one. The only thing I didn't like about this book is that I couldn't stand Persephone and there was just something about her that annoyed me. Overall this was a good book though and I plan to check out the other books in this series.

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There was much more development of hades story line in this book which I enjoyed. It didn’t feel like just a repeat of the other book in hades pov which I’m happy about

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I received the ARC in audio form through Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are based solely on my experience listening the story.

I'm quite new to Scarlett St. Clair's books but I can confirm, the author has once again give readers a great follow up from the first book.
This time around, we get to meet Hades in a more personal way. The romance and smut parts were done nicely and the plot delivered as much as I was expecting.

I must admit, the miscommunication trope is quite up there and it's not exactly something I enjoy but other than that it's a great one.

Also, I've been trying to get out of a reading slump for the last few months through audiobooks and yes the story is great but not a big fan of the narrator in the audiobook.

Thanks again Sourcebooks and Netgalley for the chance to listen to the ARC.

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“Get wet, Daddy Death.”

Honestly, can I give Retribution more than 5 stars...because it deserves it. I am obsessed with the Hades and Persephone saga, but the books from Hades' perspective just hit differently. It adds a whole new layer to the story told from Persephone's POV. We get to see what Hades is up to when Persephone is not around, and his side of things when they are together.

I can't not mention Hermes and Hecate, two of my absolute favorite characters in these books. Their banter with Hades is absolute gold....especially a particular scene with Hermes which actually involves gold. Hades might be the king of the Underworld, but he's also the king of sass when he wants to be.

Scarlett is seriously the best, and I fall more in love with these characters each time I read her books. Retribution shot to the top of my favorites list for 2022. I hope more people pick up the Hades Saga and read these books because they are beyond amazing!

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Omg. I was absolutely foaming at the mouth DYING for this release.
And has Scarlett EVER disappointed? The answer is no. She hasn’t.
Diving back into this world was everything & from HADES pov?! Dreammmyyyyy.
I can’t recommend reading this series from HADES pov anymore. It is so important to the story, and it is NOT just rereading the same story over again. You get: more time with the gods. And INSIDE HADES HEAD. what more can a girl ask for?
Grab this ASAP.

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Thank you so much to Bloom Books and Netgalley for providing an ALC of this book. All thoughts and opinions are still my own.

I absolutely adores this world and series. It's such a fun, singable read and I can't get enough of the wild politics and maneuvering.

I love how the author has set up these spinoffs so that they still feel unique to the story. Rather than simply rehashing Touch of Ruin, this has it's own plot that interweaves with Persephone's. And I thought it was fascinating to get a peak into the political maneuverings that are happening around Hades.

The political drama and development was definitely my favorite aspect of this story. You really get to see the different plays everyone is making and the why behind what is happening.

But overall this book (and it's counterpart) feel like setup for the rest of the series. Everything in here is important to the overall story, but I didn't find it has fun as the rest of the series. Knowing what happens in Touch of Malice though, you need this foundation for the rest of the series. And I can't wait to get Hades POV for that story!!

Overall, while this is my least favorite installment in this world, it's still a ridiculously fun and addictive series. The audiobooks for these are wonderful and my preferred way of consuming the story. I love both narrators and they really pull me into this world. I can't wait to read the rest of this series and see where it's heading!

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I was so excited to get this book before the release date and I finished it on the release date hehe

A Game of Retribution is the second book of the Hades saga, and the events here occurs at the same time than the events in A touch of ruin. When I read A game of fate, I was pleasantly surprised to find such a unique story. Usually, the same-book-different-pov format can be very repetitive, but that's not the case with these books. AGOR has an even more different plot from ATOR, and I loved that because we get to see a lot of new stuff about what Hades does, how he interacts with other gods (my favorite parts were his interactions with Hermes, his BEST FRIEND!!!!) and how his mind works around Persephone. I loved how we get to see a new point of view of the things that happened to her and her friends in the second book through the eyes of Hades, but also how we get to discover all the other things that were happening on his mind (and body) during those times. Honestly, the fact that we get to see all the other gods is a great point to this book, and it adds a lot to their story.

I have to say, while I really liked Hades before, I don't think I was in love with him until this book. The way he's so smart and he's always worrying about those he loves is something that is really captured between the pages of this book. It shows some character development that I don't think I realized until now. I now can firmly say that I LOVE HADES.

The narrator was really good! I love him and I can't wait to have A touch of Chaos narrated by him and Persephone's narrator at the same time, it's gonna be so (hot) good!

And finally, Scarlett St. Clair knows what she's doing. She can write a lot of different things, but she always has her seal on it. Her talking of grief and making references to it, showing a realistic portrayal of how much it hurts to lose someone, even for a goddess, those little things that will always make me feel at home within the pages of her books. I love her and love these stories so much! Can't wait for Queen of myth and monsters, A game of gods, A touch of Chaos and everything that comes from her!

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Scarlett St. Clair has done it again. I absolutely love this series. I admit that I really missed Hermes' presence in A Game of Fate, a hole which was filled so well by this sequel!
So much happened in the background for Hades to love Persephone and it makes me love him even more. I can't wait for the third Hades POV and the next Persephone POV. Things are heating up and I am so excited to see where Scarlett takes this next.

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I loved reading A Touch Of Ruin from Hades POV. I especially enjoy seeing more of the relationships between Hades, Hermes and Hecate. It was nice seeing why Hades seemed so much more absent or busy when we were reading Persephone's POV. While the love senses are still plentiful, their relationship is believable with the very human issues they still deal with such as lying to try to save your partner from heartache. I was also glad to see that Hades didn't give Hera any redeeming qualities in his thoughts and dealing with her. I understand that she's Sephy's mom but she's just a bully. We get so see Persephone coming into her power without the self doubt from her mind and in excited to see her blossom further and to see Hades pride in her growth.

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I just love Scarlett's retelling of Hades and Persephone. In her typical fashion we are taken on a wild ride of romance, fighting, miscommunication, and smut - lots of smut. If you have read A Touch of Ruin then you already have a good idea of the story line BUT this is told from Hades' POV and it doesn't disappoint.

I personally enjoy the Hades perspective most. Sometimes Persephone can get on my nerves with how she handles things BUT that makes sense with her character and the continued development we are seeing. My only note would be if you've already read A Touch of Malice and know how that one ends - it can be a little bit of a struggle going back to this story, but again, totally worth it and definitely gives us missing insight.

From an audiobook standpoint - the narrator does a great job and adds touches to secondary characters that I never thought to do in my head. My only issue was he is not how I hear Hades in my head haha but that's a personal thing and has nothing to do with the narrator himself.

Overall, I definitely recommend checking out this audiobook (just make sure there aren't little ears around)! Thank you to NetGalley and RB Media for allowing me an ARC of the audiobook in exchange for my honest opinion.

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wow what a book , I've not read the first book and wanted to give this one ago , I'm so glad I did what a fantastic story .

Hot Greek gods , full on fight scenes, romance, and plenty of smut, so if your a smut queen or king out there this is a book for you.

Hades which is the god of the dead , is one for taking sides or bending rules not even for his lover Persephone , but that all gets over turned when Hera, GODDESS OF WOMEN , visits Hades with a plan to overthrow Zeus., but he doesn't help and for that he has been punished Hera sentences Hades to do a series of labours. which each one becomes more gruelling , he starts to find he is sacrificing time with the one he loves Persephone , but even she is having to face her own battles and wondering if she is really as good as she thinks to be the queen of the under world .

I always thought of hades as a bit of a bad guy ,well how wrong I was in the book he portrayed more of an good guy and an hero should I say , I loved the character building I thought they was all so well written .
I was all for the smut it might be a bit over powering for some but not for me .
the book over all was powerful and fast paced which I really like , I really hope we get another book .

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Thank you to NetGalley, Scarlett St Clair, SourceBooks, RB Media, and to Tyler Donne for his bringing Hades to life in this audiobook.

I'm new to the world of audiobooks, but I do like this narrator for Hades. Some of his other voice choices weren't what I imagined (Dionysus) but I still enjoyed listening to the book.

If you like urban fantasy, greek mythology, and some spice, this seems like the book for you.
There is a good deal of the miscommunication trope throughout this and the Persephone POV series, and honestly, thats not my favorite. I love the Hades books because we get to see more of the gods, and I love the Hades/Hermes, Hades/Hecate relationship.

This book you see scenes and times from Hades POV that we saw from Persephone's in A Touch of Ruin. Some things are made more clear, but there, for me, is still the frustration of why. Why not just tell each other, why keep things secret, 5 seconds after your last secret blew up in your face.

I do love Hades acting, and admitting to acting like a horny teenager.

These books are well written, but the miscommunication is just not my jam. I am looking forward to reading the rest of the series still, and feel invested and connected to the characters.

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A Game of Retribution is the second book in the Hades Saga. It contains Hades’ POV of the events of A Touch of Ruin, book 2 of the Hades & Persephone series. The storyline is similar but not identical. The spicy scenes are pretty much the same.

I greatly prefer this series over the original Hades & Persephone. Persephone’s character is very dislikeable throughout her series. Her age shows with her immaturity and general whininess. Hades is a much more interesting lead character. If you like Persephone, no worries, she still has plenty of content.

I enjoyed reading the book more than listening to the audio. I do not enjoy this particular narrator for this book. His voice is nice but very monotone and better suited to something else.

I have read many of Scarlett St. Clair’s books and look forward to seeing where she takes both series in the future.

Book - 4 stars
Audiobook - 3.5 stars

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. I also listened to an ARC of the audiobook. All thoughts and opinions are my own. Thank you to Sourcebooks, Netgalley, RB Media and the Early Reads program!

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5/5 stars

I LOVE seeing their story from Hades’ POV. Hades is such a mystery from Persephone’s viewpoint, so I love getting into his head.

If you think you want to skip over his POV books because they are the same story, don’t. It does follow the same story, but there is SO much that you will miss without his perspective. Hades has so much going on behind the scenes that really adds to the overall story. I also loved Tyler Donne’s narration of this. Can’t wait for the next book!

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