Member Reviews

This was such a fun book! I read the audiobook and really enjoyed both narrators. I felt like it was fast paced, especially listening to the audio. This is a quick read, workplace romance, and slow burn (closed door- only kissing).
Blaine secretly likes her co-worker Lysander but he has self esteem and body issues. As he begins to overcome those, he slowly realizes Blaine had been flirting with him through their messages at work. In between all that, there are several laugh out moments. I only wished there had been more details and scenes with Blaine playing roller derby!

Thank you Tantor Audio and NetGalley for the advanced copy.

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Perfect summer romance pick.

Two unlucky in love characters who like each other, but their past mistakes and personal struggles hold them back from being open to what is right in front of them. Will they figure it out and see what everyone else can see or will they once again miss out on love?

Listened to the audio version of this title and enjoyed the story, while rooting for the main characters to figure things out. The person who preformed the reading was enjoyable to listen to as well.

If you’re looking for a great road trip listen or a beach read add this one to the list.

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You’re My I.T.
By C.N. Holmberg

ROM-COM Alert 🚨

Blaine has been unlucky in love and is cautious when she starts crushing on office IT buddy Lysander.

Fast forward 2 years and Blaine has yet to come out and tell Lysander how much she really likes him. He’s due back from a transfer to California and she plans on getting her guy.

Little did she know he would come back a different man and everyone is after him. He has a new physique and a girlfriend. Blaine has lost her best friend.

A super cute audiobook that will have you laughing and crying at Blaines adventures. Enjoyed this lighthearted audiobook! Thanks @netgalley & @tantoraudio 🎧 for the fun book!

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I received an audio ARC from NetGalley and Tantor Audio in exchange for an honest review. Blaine works at an IT company as a technical writer. She has long had a crush on her friend Lysander. People are often surprised, he’s quiet and slightly awkward. But through hours of chats on the company messenger she has gotten to know him and longs for the day he may pick up on her signals and ask her out. Because of bad experiences with men in the past, she’s afraid of coming out and telling him how she feels. But that doesn’t keep her from flirting and dropping big hints. He leaves for six months on a company project. During that time his father gets bad medical news and as a result Lysander focuses more on taking care of his body so that he won’t follow his father’s path. When he returns, he’s 50 pounds lighter and suddenly everyone is treating him differently, most of all women. Will Blaine have the courage to tell him of her long time feelings? Will Lysander find someone else before she gets a chance?

I thoroughly enjoyed this audiobook. Both the narrators were perfect for this novel. Being someone who works in IT, I loved the setting, a tech company. I appreciated how the author approached the weight loss, the subsequent differences in people’s reactions, and the feelings of insecurity that Lysander had. It’s not often you read about someone losing a significant amount of weight and see the negative repercussions. Most of all I loved how the story was about two people getting to know each other and falling in love with who they were on the inside and accepting however they were on the outside. It’s an absolutely adorable story. I would recommend this to fans of friends to enemies to lovers, nerd romance, closed-door romance.

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There aren't enough "nerdy guy gets the gal" romances out there, but this dual POV was perfect!

Blaine has a crush on the IT guy, Lysander, at her new job and pines for him for years, dropping what she thinks are not subtle hints that he is either not picking up on or just isn't interested in her. I loved their interactions and her low-key, yet persistent endeavors to reel him in. Due to a string of humiliations around some past attempts at being frank with men she liked, she is hesitant to come straight to the point with him and risk another crushing disappointment. I enjoyed this sweet story, but the last bit almost felt like a different book and left me a bit confused. Most of the story is told from Blaine's POV, but it does zip over to Lysander's at regular intervals.

I definitely liked the female narrator more than the male, but overall the narration was great.

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I loved this book so much. The narrators were great and I loved the different vocies for the POVs.
If you love romcoms with a nerdy twist this is the one for you. I cant wait for the next one!

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I just finished is book and must say I absolutely loved 🥰 it. It was emotional for me because I have similar struggles all my life.without giving up to much of the story I would just like to say it was so relatable. The audio was perfect and the narrator was so good and relayed the emotions so so well and helped the story be more effective.
Story ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Narrator ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Overall 5 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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This book was good. I listened to the audible and it was an easy listen. I liked the story but it felt a little rushed.

Thank you to RB Media for the ARC copy.

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I want to thank the publishers and Netgally for giving me the opportunity to read this book as an ARC.

This book was such an easy, fast and enjoyable read. In this book we follow Blaine (female) who is a tech writer and Lysander the IT guy (male). Lysander goes on a business trip and comes back hotter then ever.

While they both like each other there is obviously something’s that stand in their way.

This book is smut free if that’s what you are looking for, and is relatively short compared to other books I’ve read. To me that makes it the perfect book to cleanse your palate or break a reading slump.

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I loved this story! I thought that Lysander's thoughts and doubts after losing weight were so well done. I especially love that Blaine was into him before that change and it was obvious. The pining was fantastic and I thought the speed was great. I really enjoyed listening to this

Thank you NetGalley and Tantor Audio.

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This book started off SO GREAT. Very good book if you're between 13-16 I was really getting into it. The narrations were great, however about half way through the book- it kind of felt like the author forgot what she was writing? I don't think I would try this author again.

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This was a such cute coworkers to lovers book. I loved how Blaine pined after Lysander for 2 years at work, and he was just completely blind to her feelings for him. This situation made every interaction they had together even more captivating, since the reader is left wondering ‘Will this time finally be the time Blaine and Lysander get together?’. Without revealing the ending, I have got to say it was pretty satisfying to their love story.

Overall, I would recommend this book to anyone who likes the coworkers to lovers trope!

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This was a cute romance with tech incorporated. I really enjoyed the dual POV and how the narrators worked so well together. Lysander and Blaine were relatable characters. Their stories were super familiar and I loved that I felt super connected to them. The male gaze of how they also deal with body issues, dieting and the need to be “perfect”.

Lysander’s story of how he felt about himself being an larger guy. The way his family didn’t see the issues he did. Or how he was trying to help his father to no avail. His body imagine issues is something I don’t think a lot of authors approach but I loved it. Showing this side of men, as well as his feelings of rejection.

Blaine’s life was a exactly what I thought when the book started. Single, living far from home, with a heart for a guy who is oblivious. She was soft spoken And in her own head alot. During the peak of the story I enjoyed how she reacted. As well as her friends, it was just like my friends would.

When the miscommunication was figured out I loved it. Miscommunication is normally my least favorite troupe but DAMN did I love Lysander and his awkwardness. It reminded me of my husband 🥹 I really enjoyed the Roller Derby community that Blaine was apart of. It reminded me of the rugby community that I love so much.

Im excited to read the next in this series, maybe miscommunication is a new troupe I like.

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We all know that the path of romance does not always run smoothly. Blaine, a technical writer for a software company in Salt Lake City, has had a crush on Lysander. She is scarred from some prior experiences opening her heart. Beginning from friendship, Blaine and Lysander's peaks and valleys include tattoo sharing, name calling, and mutual misunderstanding. Walking through life with Blaine and Lysander as they grow over time is a joy. It is a pleasure to see how each character grows and changes over the years that they know each other.

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This was a cute rom-com. It follows Blaine and Lysander, two coworkers secretly in love with each other. With multiple tropes such as friends to lover and miscommunication, this is sure to please many rom-com lovers!

However, even though I did enjoy this, it was teetering on involving too much diet culture talk. I am pleased that Blaine liked Lysander before his weightloss though and didn’t make it a huge thing. Any reader struggling with an eating disorder, diet culture, fatphobia, etc please be warned.

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I am very thankful that NetGalley gave me the opportunity to listen to You’re My I.T.. This was a quick read that I literally listened to in one day. You’re My I.T. is written from two perspectives, Lysander and Blaine. This office romance was very cute, and I enjoyed listening to it.
One thing this book makes me think of is a saying my grandpa used to say “Pretty is as pretty does”. It is not about how you look on the outside, but who you are on the inside. While Lysander ended up becoming a new version of himself, it was never about how he looked in Blaine’s eyes, but who he was. A good person.
While listening, I did feel like the romance was more one sided, and that Blaine was way more into Lysander than he was into her. I would have enjoyed more build up with the romance, and more of a backstory to how Lysander may have been feeling prior to his six months of leave.
Overall, a very cute book!

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This was such an adorable rom-com. I LOVE a good story about women in STEM! It's a slow burn office friends to lovers romance. I loved the connection between the two main characters and it was really fun to watch them grow. Part of the reason why I enjoyed this story so much is that I felt like I could relate to the characters. There was a good balance of external and internal struggles that they both faced. TW: miscommunication trope. There were a few parts where I found Lysander's actions to be really frustrating. This wasn't a story flaw, it just isn't my personal preference.

P.S. This is not a smutty book.

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You're My IT is a slow burn office romance that features several popular tropes, such as friends to lovers, second chance romance and for a moment there - enemies to lovers. It took me a minute to get into it, but now I’m really glad I picked it up.

When I just started the book, I thought I’m not going to like it. It was similar to so many other rom-coms I’ve read. And the someone-fat-loses-weight-and-is-suddenly-attractive trope - I’m really not a fan, though it was interesting it was the guy this time.

But - there was something about this book. Something charming and adorable and super cute. Whatever it was, it kept me invested and cheering for the MCs even through the most cliché scenarios.

The book is fairly short - perfect for when you need some nerdy, adorable office romance to add some cheer and relaxation to busy, stressful days. But it surprised me how well we get to know the characters considering how short the read was.

The next book in the series follows Rue, and I most definitely want to read it ASAP. Hope I’ll love it at least as much as I loved You're My IT. And if the narrators are the same, I have to listen to that one as well, because I just loved them both!

A huge thanks to RB Media and NetGalley for providing me with an audio ARC of You're My IT by C.N. Holmberg in exchange for an honest review.

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I'm a mood reader. That is the phrase of the year, maybe even the decade.
I have a huge tbr, but I jumped at the chance to read/listen to this book.
I'm a frequent IT user/help seeker. I try to hold down my desperation when I contact IT or at my job, "The Help Desk". LOL
This author is new to me but Kelsey & Tim are among my favorite narrators. They are perfectly cast as Blaine & Lysander. Their names added to my curiosity.
Blaine's POV starts it off. I was rooting for her. What's wrong with Lysander, can't you seek Blaine is into you? What are you thinking?
Each characters' inner thoughts had some vulnerability. Lysander in present day is smart, hunky, seems confident. He'd lost weight, got fit and a whole new look. Blaine had noticed him before.
They're coworkers, then friends. I love the natural build up. Tim's narration is very emotional at times.
Blaine needs to overcome work/boss issues+ her mom's health.
I love this author's writing style. There's romance in this, but I'm not sure it's totally Romance.
This could me contemporary fiction, or women's fiction + a male POV.
I love dual POV. The ending is so sweet. Thank you to Net Galley for this audio ARC.

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This was a fun, workplace romance story. While the story was predictable, it was a comforting read with very sweet characters.

I would have loved to have heard more from Lysander’s perspective but would recommend for those looking for a light, quick read.

Thanks to NetGalley and RBMedia for sharing the audiobook version.

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