Member Reviews

This book was absolutely adorable!
A workplace romance that builds slowly from friendship with a cute technical writer and a nerdy I.T. guy.
It was relatable, cute and a refreshing change to see the male MC transformation instead of a female MC. Touching on body positivity as well as the insecurities and the mental toll a weight loss journey can take you on, she really got across the lingering self confidence issues that can remain with such a transformation in a perfectly sympathetic situation.
I appreciated the authors portrayal of Blaine and Lysander's insecurities navigating a workplace crush and the slow progression of their friendship to romance. It was a quirky and fun romcom but had depth to not make it an overly fluffy romance novel.
It left me wanting more and excited for the next in the series.

Thank you to NetGalley and Tantor Audio for a copy of this ARC audiobook in exchange for my honest review.

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I enjoyed this book! The characters were well developed and unique. The story was engrossing and I listened to it in one sitting (great audio book- dual narrators for dual POV).

TW: lots of body image discussion in this book, which normally I can’t handle, but it was handled in a graceful way. Maybe the first book I can say that about when it comes to weight/ weight loss/ body image.

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Blaine is unlucky in love, constantly hoping for her happy ending. She meets Lysander and they strike up a lovely friendship both unaware of the others hidden feelings.
I rooted for them constantly to just be honest and see what is so obvious. It has laugh out loud moments and at times it's a tearjerker too. I was sad when it ended it felt far too short
#You'reMyI.T #netgalley

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Thank you Net Galley for an audio ARC of Your My IT by C.N Holmberg. This is a fun, cute finance. Narrator did a great job.

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Blaine is a put upon technical writer dealing with a toxic boss, but finds comfort in her workplace friendship with a guy she's had a crush on for years. She's been burned before in trying to move from friendship to relationship, so she hesitates to reveal her feelings. Lysander is a gamer enthusiast who hasn't had female attention. When he suddenly goes through a physical transformation, Blaine has to try to catch his attention now that everyone is treating him differently.

This was a quick, cute read that I really enjoyed. I was not sure if it would be something I'd end up liking or not, but it really held my attention the entire way. I especially loved the early communication via their workplace instant messaging. Now that most corporate workplaces use things like Slack or Teams all the time, it felt realistic and relatable. One thing I didn't feel 100% fantastic about is Lysander's interactions with his family. I absolutely understood his frustration with his mom, but he seemed to be very frustrated with his dad's health and weight issues, and that didn't feel like a great depiction of representation. I also just wished it had showed Lysander's struggle to lose weight. It didn't seem to be difficult for him, which I don't think is at all realistic. He also made mention of being 50 pounds lighter after an out of town temp assignment, but it's not realistic or healthy to lose 50 pounds in 6 months.

Overall it was an enjoyable read, definitely worth the few hours I spent on the audiobook.

I received this book in exchange for an honest review from NetGalley and Tantor Audiobooks.

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This book was a breath of fresh air!!! On the surface it’s a cute friends to lovers, slow burn, romance novel but it felt like much more. I might even say this book could use a trigger warning for those who struggle with their body image. That being said, the subject was touched on in a way so real that even I’ve experienced what was written.

I don’t know who I related to more. Lysander’s journey to a healthy life transforming him from “fluffy, cute, and shy I.T. nerd” to hot I.T. stud was written so well that I think anyone who has been through a weight loss journey can relate to. The lingering insecurities, the internal struggles with self doubt in each new relationship. He perfectly embodies someone who has gone from just being there to suddenly being the object of attention. Blaine’s ENTIRE backstory was my favorite. Being from Washington state it was awesome reading about places you don’t normally read about in books. I felt like I would bump into Blaine in Spokane and immediately love her. One of my favorite quotes from her in the book was along the lines of , “we have the same stretch marks” and that hit home. I loved how real she was. She is the girl you want to be friends with in real life.

C.N. Brought a love story that I felt was the first relatable I’ve come across in awhile. You’re not getting your average “petite, down to earth chick meets brooding, chiseled, sexy man” love story.

I received this as an audiobook ARC from NetGalley!

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Was not a fan of Lysander, honestly he didn't deseve a second chance after the sh*t he pulled, I understand body dismorphia and insecurity but after being friends that long he was cold blooded and unforgivable in the way he responded, I skipped ahead because it dragged terribly

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I really enjoyed the story but it was hard to keep up with the constant change of characters names. I think it would be a better read with the physical book rather than an audio. It the story line was cute!

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Thank you to Netgalley for sending me an erc of this book, all opinions are my own.

LOVED! LOVED! LOVED this book. For fans of the STEM romances of Ali Hazelwood, you will adore this book. I adored the awkwardness of both Blaine and Lysander, their quirkiness was completely endearing. Read this in one sitting. Adorable rom-com with a nerdy spin. Would recommend 10 out of 10!!

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The audiobook version of You're My I.T. is spectacular.
I devoured this in a day and would happily listen every single road trip I go on.
This book is funny, sweet and really well written. It's comfortable without being boring.
Most of the time I felt I knew where the story was headed but I really enjoyed being taken on those journeys, often that's not the case.

I enjoyed the use of pop culture and loved that the characters had personalities outside of work- as the story premise is heavily influenced by their jobs. It gives it a really good balance and lightens the plot at times.
I found the hard hitting issues addressed such as weight and healthy lifestyle to be well addressed and informative while still being interesting. All medical aspects seem accurate which is a huge bonus.

The character development is really well paced, I love their ages and that they have their own quirks of character that seem natural. I found the detailing of the locations to be well done and I could imagine the areas they were residing in despite not having been to America before. Sometimes that isn't easily portrayed.

In terms of the audio book (readers? voices?) I found them really easy to listen to. They conveyed emotion really well and I will solely be recommending this audio version for the moment Tim Page reads Lysander's scene at the Roller Derby when he first spots her after collecting the memory stick. .

Honestly this book had me physically laughing out loud far too often- He bought her eggs, come on you can't not laugh at that.
There were many moments where it could have or should have been cringey but C.N Holmberg has done an amazing job. Despite it being tied up at the end so nicely, I really didn't want it to end.
Thank you for letting me consume one of my top 5 books of the year.

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This was a short and quick office rom com, and it was really fun! As someone with an old boss that rivals the horrible boss in this book, I definitelyyyyyy appreciated that, but I think the romance and both main characters' storylines would have benefitted from being more fleshed out.

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Blaine, cute office girl by day and roller derbier by night, falls for Lysander, the nerdy IT guy, at work. Lysander travels for work and comes back as a hot(ter) stud. Blaine is sick and tired of holding onto her feelings and eventually lets it all spill out in word vomit. We love a messy and awkward protagonist!

This romance was very surprising. It was absolutely adorable and Blaine was so relatable. I loved that this book had dual POVs. I wished we had more from Lysander. I could definitely read more about this story.

C.N. Holmberg did a wonderful job creating a slow burn love story that makes you feel attached to these characters.

I recommend reading this book! Definitely had me smiling throughout!

Thank you to Netgalley and RB Media for the ARC copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

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PG 13 Romance set in Salt Lake.
The MCs are 30 and 28. We only know this because we are told.. The whole storyline of "I confessed love before and it blew up in my face!" was confusing and they weren't that bad. The last hour was an unneeded conflict.
She talks about her roommate and they says she lives alone. There are other random lines added for depth I guess that contradict what came earlier.
I wouldn't have picked this one if the description was more accurate, but you may enjoy it!

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Read/Listen if You Like:
❤️ Slow-burn Romance
❤️ Coworkers to Lovers
❤️ Male MC Transformation
❤️ Both secretly crushing for a long time

Book Review:
The narrators of this audiobook did a great job and it was an enjoyable listen as they did a wonderful job with their respective narrations.

For the plot itself, it was a super slow burn where you get from both perspectives that they have had crushes on each other for a while but neither makes a move until after the Male MC has a fitness/health change and loses a lot of weight. Because of this, when she finally admits her feelings for him, he calls her shallow because he thinks it’s only because of his weight loss and not something that she has had a crush on him for a while, this continued to drag out the slow burn.

We do get a HEA but it felt rushed when they finally did get together and other than the fact they were friendly as coworkers I wished there had been more of the relationship building for a romance.

Thank you NetGalley and Tantor Audio for the ARC of this book! I am so thankful to obtain a copy to read in advance of its release!

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This story was a cute and impactful story, with narrators who drew the whole story together with just their voices. You could hear the love and hope not only in the story itself and the written words, but the voices of those reading the story. Fast-paced and meaningful, this story is one I will recommend to anyone looking for a cute love story.

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I am trash for Blaine and Lysander❤️‍🔥!

If you want a sweet romance that makes you feel for both leads and want them to overcome their fears and be with each other, I PROMISE THIS ONE IS WORTH IT!

Shoutout to the author for creating a character like Lysander who struggled to overcome with his confidence issues on his weight loss journey/learning to love himself and Blaine’s fear of rejection and going after what she wants! I WANT LOVE LIKE THIS!

Definitely can’t wait to check out the next book in the series with Rue, and the narrators really made the book come to life for this one :)

I need to read more books from this author ASAP! I loved it!!

Thanks to NetGalley and RB Media for letting me get my hands on the audiobook arc!

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I love the romcoms from our younger, millennial authors. They have less hang ups, and they are more able to tell stories organically and holistically.

In this book, the characters are unapologetic nerds, and not faky-cute "I'm such a nerd because I like the Spiderman movies" nerds. Full on, DnD playing, LARPing, comic book reading nerds.

These characters are unabashedly themselves which feels refreshing, and like people I actually know and really like spending time with.

My experience listening to this book was a chance to spend time with two people that I really like, root for them, and be further rewarded with watching them fall in love.

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I really enjoyed this workplace, second chance romance with lots of great You've got mail vibes. Blaine is a strong, roller derby girl who has the worst luck at love, while Lysander - the I.T. guy she has a crush on at work has a few extra pounds and an adorable geeky side. When his Dad has a health scare, Lysander moves away to help him out, losing fifty pounds before he comes back. While Blaine tries to tell him how she feels they have a misunderstanding when Lysander thinks she only likes him now because of his thinner shape. I loved that this story featured a male MC with body image and confidence issues - it was a refreshing change. Great on audio and recommended for fans of the Ponto Beach reunion series. Much thanks to NetGalley and the author for an ALC in exchange for my honest review.

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Thank you to Netgalley and Tantor Audio for sending me an early copy of this audiobook! All opinions are my own!

I wasn't really looking for a romcom with a little depth to it, but I'm sure glad that this one found me! I had no idea that this was going to be so heavily about self image and a healthy perception of weight and I ended up loving how these things were written.

Normally I really dislike a miscommunication trope, but there was so much substance behind this one that I adored it. The book really shows you exactly why each of them are acting the way they are, and I loved getting their sides to the story. It was so hard to watch, but it was so rewarding and really took you on their journeys as they navigated self-esteem.

Lysander's journey with his weight really hit home as someone who is currently trying to lose weight, and his thoughts and feelings were so well done. Both of them really got you immersed and had you feeling as though you were in their shoes.

This was a book I couldn't put down, and it's one that I highly recommend to any romcom lovers out there!

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I saw this pop up as available audiobooks on NetGalley and thought it sounded cute so I decided to request it!
This was just really fun. It’s short and sweet. Blaine and Lysander have a good friends to lovers story. Lysander is a shy IT employee and Blaine is a technical writer at the same company. She’s definitely the fun outgoing one of the two. They both have crushes on each other but Lysander is oblivious to Blaine’s attempts to get him to hang out with her or clues that she likes him. When she finally gets the nerve to tell him straight up, things go a little sideways.
Definitely would recommend. The audio was about 6 hours so it’s a quick listen. It’s dual POV and there are two narrators.

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