Member Reviews

Susie Larson helps us learn to gear up for battle...a spiritual battle. With helpful tips, she shows how we can get through anything with God!

I'm half way through Strong in Battle and there is so much I love about this book. It is the perfect book to pick up when you need a does of inspiration or motivation! As we all face battles in our lives, and with the help of Larson's writing, we will have the tools to not only fight the battles ahead, but to win those battles. I highly recommend!

Susie Larson has written the most amazing book on being strong in battle. From the introduction to the last word, the power of humility and the preciousness of intimacy with God is present. Susie is transparent and familiar with prayer and yielding to the Lord. And with those trials and tribulations that make praying with intention necessary.
This book touched my heart and refocused my aim for intercession, and fired up my passion for moving closer to the Lord.
Susie’s down-to-earth appeal for us think deeply and move closer to God and Jesus holds strength that I believe will make a difference—not just for the reader but for those the reader prays for and interacts with. Truly, this is a life-sharpening book that has redirected this disciple of Jesus onto a clearer path studded with purpose and joy.
I was given STRONG IN BATTLE, Why the Humble Will Prevail for an honest review, so I have written my thoughts and observations. I find the gems that Susie writes to be filled with wisdom and inspiration. If you seek closeness with the Lord and insight into praying with knowledge, authority, and victory—this is the book for you.

I’m part way through Strong in Battle and I’ve already highlighted so many parts. This book is not just a wonderful read, it’s encouraging, inspiring, motivating, and if taken to heart, life-changing. Larson not only discusses the spiritual battles we all face in life, she also gives readers tools to fight well and to win those battles. This is such a timely book for the days in which we live. I highly recommend this book to every follower of Christ who wants to live a victorious life.
Note: I was provided a free copy of this book through NetGalley, but the opinion is my own.

I was hooked by the title, Strong in Battle. Boy, has the warfare been fierce lately. Susie Larson did not disappoint. Each chapter was a deeper dive into the challenges we're facing and biblical strategies to fight the enemy's attacks. I discovered ways I had left myself open and vulnerable and encouragement to dust myself off, get up, armor up and get back in the game. Susie inspires me to be a better person. Even more, I was inspired to stay a group study and encourage others as well. This book is timely, relevant and powerful!

Susie Larson has done it again, with this being her most powerful stand in your faith, work yet. If you are ready to put on the FULL Armor of God daily and fight the good battle to stay strong in your faith no matter what life gives you or what our world becomes, READ THIS BOOK!

We all find ourselves in time of need. Yet we are not always prepared to fight thru till deliverance on our own. That’s why this book is worth your time. It is a tool to help you use all the weapons that Jesus supplies us. Susie writes as though she is there with you, guiding, encouraging and empowering you to stay strong. She speaks from experience from her own life struggles and uses the word and prayer to encourage your heart and soul. This book has made me more certain of who our God is and just how much he cares. I will be returning to Strong in Battle often for practical and Godly direction.

Susie Larson’s Book “ Strong in the Battle” is a book that equips its readers with insight into how to prepare for the storms of life by using scripture, prayer, personal experiences, journaling, and a community of Believers that share the same principles they do to help carry them through their turbulent times. Susie offers stories of her own journey which allows her to relate on a personal level to every reader so they can truly identify with what she has written. She writes from the depths of her heart where often brokenness has played a part knowing that redemption draws from the well. This gives the reader hope. When they can see there is hope in one person’s story, it allows them to feel there is hope for their story as well. There is rest and encouragement for the weary soul. God’s grace is sufficient in our time of need. Susie encourages the reader to be filled with the Holy Spirit, to learn scripture for when the storms of life hit hard, to be prepared so that one can petition God with powerful prayers. Truly a book worth reading and sharing with others.

This was a very timely book. Very encouraging and a reminder of who we are in Christ. Definitely worth your time to read and glean nuggets of wisdom, and tools for the battle.

Susie Larson has woven scripture from all parts of the Bible throughout her new book, “Strong in Battle” to strengthen our “ whole armor of God” for our battles, especially the sword of the Spirit, “which is the word of God.” This book leads readers, whether reading alone or in a Bible group, through the challenges we face today and those we’ve been dealing with throughout our lives. Susie encourages us to build a relationship with Jesus that cannot be broken. She is in it with us in this book.
I am in a valley right now, walking, sometimes crawling through it. Pain. Frustrations. Pride. Exhaustion. So much! And I know I am not alone in this challenging time. People who I’ve never heard say they are depressed and tired are depressed and tired. They have questions. Their questions are in this book, too. Susie doesn’t shy away from the stuff of this world that sucks our energy and joy. She guides readers through these tough questions and paves a way for us to seek God for the answers through His word and through prayer and conversations with Him. This book has taken my relationship with God to a level I’ve not had the courage, nor quite honestly, the faith to even imagine.
This book models finding joy in the battle in a way that transcends the world’s definition of joy. I was granted an early copy of the book, and I already feel stronger in my battles and am excited to work through the book with my family members and friends, sharing our love for God and holding each other up to flourish and live as the warriors we are through Christ Jesus.

This book is now one of my favorites! I struggle with health and faith issues and Susie Larsons words in each chapter were so inspiring! You will be taking so many notes and highlighting every page! If you are struggling with life’s battles, this book will encourage and give you courage. I learned that Jesus is right there with me fighting the battle and guiding me. Highly recommend!

In Susie Larson’s forthcoming book “Strong In Battle” Susie reminds readers to turn and keep their eyes on Jesus. The theme resounds through this book that anything and everything we face is no match for our God! And those who remain humble and look to Him will ultimately prevail. I have had such an appreciation for Susie’s writings for sometime now, it always feels like a good friend giving a word of encouragement. Each chapter closes with self-reflective questions that are thought provoking and would be great to either think through on one’s own or to start a dialogue with book club or Bible study group. So much encouragement packed in these pages. Highly recommend this read!

This book is just what I needed and I think so many others likely feel the same. There are so many good nuggets of information to take away to ponder and grow from. I was blessed to read an advanced digital copy. I can't wait to get the paper copy to read it again and really dive into all the extras in each chapter. If you are wanting to be encouraged and challenged definitely order this book. Susie has such a gift for getting to the root of things and bringing new insights to help us grow in our faith and navigate the ups and downs of daily life.

"Strong in Battle" is my new favorite Susie Larson book and a definite “must-read”. It is a very timely written book for the uncertain and stressful times in which we live, and the personal battles that we all face. As usual, Susie writes from her heart and shares what she is learning from her own deeply painful battles. Not only does she share personal stories, special prayers, and enlightening reflections, Susie also shows us in very practical ways HOW TO:
*Strengthen our faith;
*Equip ourselves for battle to become the Overcomers God wants us to be;
*Identify our unique God-given purpose;
*Contend for the promises God gives us;
*Guard our hearts against deception, spiritual apathy, and passivity;
*Trust God more and let go of past pain;
*Allow God to heal, redeem, and use every single twist and turn of our life story (God wastes nothing!); and
*Pray/intercede with greater fervency.
Finally, Susie reminds us that we are lavishly loved by God and there is so MUCH God wants to do in and through us to reach others. “As the days grow more evil and the love of most grows cold, we must shine brighter and love deeper”.
This is a book I will return to again and again. I look forward to re-reading and studying it because there is so much to meditate on and I want it all to "sink in".

We all have battles, and Susie Larson gives a wise and thorough plan of attack that had me filling pages of my journal right from the first pages of introduction through to the end. I love how each chapter gives 4 specific exercises to train us to continually deploy as we come up against enemy tactics.
I came upon Susie Larson a few years ago in some of my darkest days, and her writing has helped me immensely. This book did not disappoint! Can't wait to re-read it and dig in even deeper.
Thanks to Baker House Books and NetGalley for an ARC of this book. The opinions here are entirely my own.

Are you prevailing in your battles? Susie Larson’s new book, Strong in battle: Why the Humble Will Prevail, will equip you for today’s challenges.
This is such a powerful book, that I will be using it for a future Bible study. Larson has organized the book well for both personal and group Bible study.
Each chapter contains a Bible story and lesson. The reader is then asked to ponder prayerful reflective questions. A section on “The Humble Way” asks the reader to spend time with the Lord asking Him a specific question and waiting upon Him as the reader carefully listens. In the “Discern the Fiery Arrows” section the reader considers a Scripture and asks God what He wants the reader to do with it. Journaling space is provided throughout the book. In the “Say NO!” section the reader considers the shield of faith as a supernatural weapon to say “no” to Satan. The “Say YES” section reminds the reader that the Sword of the Word is our “weapon of offense.” The flame of personalized prayer leads the reader in a prayer steeped in gratitude and a request for strength in the battle. The last section, “Spiritual Intelligence Training,” asks the reader to read passages of Scripture and ask how those passages apply to them.
“There’s always a cost and a time of preparation for serving God in greater ways. How has God prepared you for what you’re doing now? How does it seem He’s preparing you for future service?” (Susie Larson)
I was strengthened by this incredible book. It provides practical steps based on God’s Word lived out in today’s world. In the midst of Larson’s health struggles, she wrote a strong message for us all … God has worked mightily through her.
I received an advance review copy for my honest review.

Recently, I was able to join the online launch team for Susie Larson’s new book, Strong in Battle, set to be released on August 9. Susie is grounded in biblical truth and I am always encouraged by her insights. She has written many books during times of her own tough physical challenges. God has given Susie an extra measure of strength and insight to convey to others that their dependence on God is the superpower needed when facing life’s obstacles and hardships. And that with God, all things are possible.
When I began reading Strong in Battle, I wasn’t past the introduction before I knew it was going to be a read that would make a difference in my life. And it has! Strong in Battle is filled with many Scriptures from God’s Word and deep wisdom. It is one of those rare books that I want to highlight every page! The messages contained therein have lifted my faith above the muck and mire of these days in which we are living. I have been strengthened and encouraged and will be better able to fight my battles using the principles found in this book. I will definitely be reading it again when I receive a hard copy after the release date of August 9.
I am honored to recommend Susie Larson’s new book, Strong in Battle. You will be encouraged beyond expectation, as I have been.

‘Strong In Battle’ by Susie Larson is such an encouragement and enlightening book that every man, woman and teenager should read; it beautifully illustrates Biblical characters, stories and Scriptures to help the reader grow spiritually, enrich prayer and is a personal experience through thought provoking questions.. This book is available for preorders at Amazon, Baker and SusieLarson.com. #susielarson

Strong in Battle, by Susie Larson, is a potent, yet gentle, truth-telling book that reminds us of who the enemy is and how we resist him and stay strong in the Lord and in our faith.
Daily life is filled with struggles and it’s so easy to grow weary in our faith and lose hope. This insightful book offers practical and helpful tips to gird yourself up, refresh your perspective, and find the steps forward through the hardships of life. Susie offers powerful reminders of who we are in Christ and how to walk in faith and hope. She provides encouragement, anecdotes and a guide to implement into your day-to-day life. I highly recommend Strong in Battle for any believer living life in our current world.

Strong in Battle has some great and powerful points and lessons. The chapters seem to be somewhat long and it's hard to decide where to take a break because of that.