Member Reviews

Thank you HQ and NetGalley for an ARC in exchange for an honest review. IYKYK, my reviews are always honest.
Writing: 4/5 | Plot: am I on acid/5 | Ending: COME BACK AND FINISH THIS RIGHT NOW/5
Fern is pregnitos and grieving the loss of her twin sister, Linny, so obvi it's the perfect time to move into a creepy and potentially haunted old house. Who is the mysterious lady that showed Fern around that no one seems to want to discuss? Is Linny really dead? Wagwan????
... if you were knitting the sickest scarf known to all mankind and you were doing some kind of intricate pattern that would only reveal itself once finished. And then just as the pattern is coming together with 20% left to go, you get up and announce DONE with the needles and yarn and stuff all hanging off it.
Ok if you can get past the godawful format of this ARC (I reached out for a corrected version and never heard back), the writing is actually solid. Moore sprinkles in dark humor with thoughtful prose. The brazy ass dreams Fern had were SPOOKY AF. I think Moore would be better off writing a straight up horror, because this was in no way a thriller. ALSO I WOULD'VE APPRECIATED A HEADS UP ON DA SUPERNATURAL STUFF. SO HERE IS THE HEADS UP FOR FUTURE READERS WHO DON'T LIKE SUPERNATURAL.
Anyways. As I said above, I thought this book was going to finish with a bang. I was excited to see who Marte was, if Linny was really alive, what tf happened to Gemma, etc... but instead Moore said SIKE and just yeeted her unfinished scarf out the window—needles and all. There were soooo many unanswered questions. Why were the Rochesters so scared of Marte? Why didn't Fern just reach out to Gemma and say DID YOU SEE MARTE OR NAH?? Why did April act so cold to Fern and then without explanation was her bestie again? WTF WAS THAT ENDING???? SOMEONE ANSWER MEEEE!!
Pros: solid writing—esp of the spooky ass dreams, funny in parts
Cons: too many unanswered questions, no warning about the supernatural elements, digital arc format was whack af and ruined the flow of the story

Thank you to netgalley for the opportunity to read this debut.
Unfortunately this book wasnt for me. I tried really hard but i felt i couldn't connect with the characters and the storyline just didnt keep me gripped .
The author did try very hard but i felt there was something missing but i cant quite put my finger on it. I wouldnt say no to reading from this author again but unfortunately this particular read wasnt for me

I enjoyed the ride this book book me on. The story had me captivated throughout this book. Really enjoyed the story!

I really enjoyed this book! It started off a little slow in the beginning, but once it picked up it had me hooked!

A really clever book that is part thriller, part ghost story and fully about the struggles Fern has, pregnant and grieving the loss of her twin sister.
Fern bonds with the owner of the house as she conducts the second viewing but all is not as it seems and Ferns fragile mental health is pushed to the boundaries of reality more than once with no-one really hearing her scream.
I really liked the flourishing relationship between Fern and her mother in law in the face of her marriage crumbling and her nightmares growing- it was a relief for her to have some support!
A great story with a hugely satisfying ending.

I am sorry to say that i just didn't get this book, it was hard work and i ended up skipping so much of it.
I found the characters unrelatable and the whole thing just dragged on far to long.
Thanks and apologies to the publisher and NetGalley for an early copy and sorry to have left such a negative review.

✨Book review✨
The Woman Before
By Jennifer Moore
This book hurt my head. The dialect felt very messy, and the flow of this book was rough.
The plot was very predictable right from the start, and I feel that the characters were extremely one dimensional.
Sadly this one was not for me. It was hard to finish 😢
Rating: ⭐️⭐️💫/5
This book releases July 13th.
Thank you to @netgalley for sending me an e- ARC of this book in exchange for my honest review.
#bookreviewer #bookinfluencer #canadianbookreviewer #canadianbookstagrammers #twoandahalfstars #netgalley #thewomanbefore #notawinforme #cantlovethemall #justmyopinion #books #readingbooks #readingislife #readingisfun #bookpeople #thiswasnotforme #hardtofinishbooks #bibliophile #hopeyouloveit

This book was great for a debut. It’s so well written and the storyline flowed really well. It had me guessing the entire time I was reading. Not many do these days, so that was great.

This was a bit of a strange story to me and I didn't engage with the characters even though it was well written but the story line just wasn't for me unfortunately.
Thank you to Netgalley and HQ Digital for this ARC.

I received an advanced reader’s copy in exchange for an honest review
What a weird little gothic tale. I didn’t hate it but it didn’t truly engage me like it did the other reviewers. 3.5 stars, rounded up for the weirdness

In The Woman Before, pregnant Fern and her husband Paul move inot a new home to make a new start after their twins' death. Soon after, Fern starts experiencing nightmares about the previous owner and spirals down into an obsession... but is she onto something?
This was an enjoyable book which kept me on the edge of my seat. The main character was very relatable and I had so much sympathy for her as I watched her life unravel. The mystery kept me guessing and the ending was satisfying...!
Disclosure: I would like to thank the publisher and author for my advanced review copy of the book. This is my honest review

#TheWomanBefore #NetGalley
Awesome. 5 🌟
Fern and Paul move into the large, old house on Crenellation Lane, with beautiful high ceilings and a luscious garden, they think they’ve found their dream home. After the devastating loss of Fern’s twin sister, it will be a fresh start and somewhere to raise their first baby. But as soon as they arrive, Fern starts having terrifying nightmares about the woman who lived there before. When the woman showed Fern around, they bonded over their pregnancies. Now, Fern can’t let her go. Paul fears his wife has relapsed, obsessing in the same way she did after her twin’s death. Fern questions the neighbours about the previous owner, but nobody wants to talk. It’s like the woman never even existed. Refusing to give up, Fern uncovers a shocking secret and now suddenly her whole family is in danger…
I loved it. I can't believe it's a debut novel.
Thanks to NetGalley and HQ for giving me an advance copy.