Member Reviews

Little Red House is a captivating, quite eerie, thriller that spans over 20 years and follows the Foster family (mainly Eve in 1997 and Constance in the present). Eve's first child, Kelsey, goes missing in 1997. Eve then follows clues to her daughter's whereabouts in New Mexico; however, rather than finding her daughter, Eve discovers a close-knit community who are willing to lie, cheat, and, possibly, murder for one another. In the present, upon her mother's death, Constance inherits a random house in New Mexico. Constance travels out west and discovers that there was much more to her devilish mother's ways than she had ever known.

The author does a great job describing the deserts of New Mexico; I truly felt like I was there. There are so many twists in this book, many of which I was unable to predict. The story kept me at the edge of my seat, reading the book in one sitting. Little Red House is definitely a book that stays with you. I find myself continuing to think about the characters, the story, and the ending. It's unique and one of the better thrillers of 2022.

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A different novel
It rolled along with pace and plenty of twists to the plot
A dark and obsessive tale
Very powerful writing
If you like a sharp sting in the tail and the darker side of humanity

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Little Red House by Liv Andersson was a creepy, intriguing thriller! I enjoyed the creative storyline, along with the dual timelines consisting of past and present! The story flowed well and was an easy quick read.

I did find it a little dragged out but it was still good. I loved the creepy aspects of the story and the ending was perfect!


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Little Red House by Liv Andersson travels a timeline of 20 years. In 1997, Kelsey (Eve’s daughter) vanished, and Eve was convinced that Kelsey had been the victim of a serial killer. While this premise sounds good, the author's writing style was choppy, and the characters were cliche and not well developed. I also think this book needs a sensitivity read. Rather than guiding the reader along, the author explains too much, not allowing the reader to discover events.

The story also just seemed too long, and I lost interest in what was going to happen.

Unfortunately, a 2.5 out of 5 stars (rounded to 3).

#LittleRedHouse #NetGalley @crookedlanebks

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I found The Little Red House a bit laggy for the most part, only picking up about 2/3 of the way in. While I love dark and atmospheric reads, this one was a bit flat, and I found it a little depressing. The only characters I really warmed to were Jet and Micah. Not the worst thing ive read, but also not really my cup of tea. I give it 2 stars, plus half for Micah, rounded up.

Thanks to NetGalley ans Crooked Lane for my ARC.

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The first third of the book was off to a great start but it fell apart. The random sex scenes detracted from the overall story and the long pauses between scenes made for a tiring read. Two stars because the first part was good

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Little Red House by Liv Andersson

Little Red House is atmospheric and creepy. Even though it's not the scariest book I've ever read, it does have some noteable nerve-wracking moments.

After years of searching for her oldest missing daughter, Eve passes away in an accident leaving her estate to her twin daughters Lisa and Connie. In Vermont, Lisa received the bulk of the estate, while Connie inherits a modest home in New Mexico. Upon arriving at her property, Connie hears that several women in the area have been brutally murdered. The small tight-knit community in New Mexico seems to be hiding dark secrets that no one is willing to talk about.

Little Red House begins with a bang. It held my attention and surprised me with some interesting twists. In spite of my high expectations, I was a bit disappointed with the ending. In my opinion, it does have an audience that will fully embrace the spooky vibe, but it requires a suspension of belief. It would definitely make a wonderful scary movie.

Little Red House by Liv Andersson is available on December 6th.
(3.75 ⭐⭐⭐💫)

Thank you, NetGalley and Crooked Lane Books, for sharing this intense thriller with me. I appreciate your kindness.

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After Eve Foster’s death, her estate is left to her adopted twins, Lisa and Connie, The majority of the money is left to Lisa, the rest, a small monetary award and property in New Mexico, go to Connie. Connie isn’t surprised, she’s used to Eve’s petty cruelty. She heads to New Mexico to find a run down house in the desert, along with a caretaker, Jeff Montgomery, who lives in a small shack on the land. Before she has time to wrap her head around her new living circumstances, she’s informed there’s an active serial killer in the area. In the 1990’s Eve’s daughter Kelsey, ran away from their New Mexico home and was never found, many believe she fell victim to a serial killer. Could the same killer still be hunting his prey almost thirty years after Kelsey’s disappearance? Andersson pens a dark and disturbing picture of family life gone terribly wrong

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I find with thrillers they can either be hit or miss but this one was surprising in the sense that I didn't love it but I didn't hate it either.

The story in its basic terms is about two daughters who are left with an inheritance from their abusive mother - one daughter receiving the estate whereas the other daughter got a cabin in the woods, which conveniently is where her step sister went missing when a serial killer was on the lose.

The best thing about this book is the fact that the suspense happens instantly. You are thrown into the story and as the book progresses, more questions started to appear. The twists and turns were unexpected which I really liked as I had no idea where the story was going. However, I did have some issues with the plot. For example, there would be an obvious solution to a predicament but the main character would just ignore it and do something completely different and then be surprised when the outcome was what it was (I Don't want to give spoilers)

What I didn't really enjoy about the story was the writing style. The writing did not not appear to be coherent and the sentences were choppy but not in a 'stream of conscious thought way'. It was as if the author had ideas for the plot but didn't put them into sentences that flowed.

Also, I had issues with the characters in the fact that I didn't completely understand the character's decisions and motives which made them really unlikable. I understand that we as a reader are supposed to not like Eve as the abusive mother but the sympathy but the character of Connie was unlikeable and unrelatable (in my opinion)

I think the story would make a really outstanding TV Series but I feel that as a book it was lacking. Not bad but not outstanding either.

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I would like to thank Netgalley and Crooked Lane Books for an advance copy of Little Red House, a stand-alone psychological thriller set in various regions of America but chiefly in New Mexico.

In 1997 Eve Foster’s daughter, Kelsey, ran away to New Mexico and was never seen again, the victim, Eve believes, of a serial killer. 20+ years later Eve is dead and is still manipulating her adopted daughters. Lisa gets the business and the estate in Vermont, Connie gets the eponymous little red house, a dilapidated house in Nihla, New Mexico and a caretaker, Jet Montgomery, she can’t get rid of.

I liked the sound of this novel as it has an unusual premise and offered, I thought, a good mystery, but I don’t feel it lives up to the promise. There’s a reason that I don’t read a lot of psychological thrillers and this is a prime example - they tend to describe behaviour that is too extreme to believe. I could see Eve as being vindictive towards Connie, but the terms of her will are so outrageous that I couldn’t see a lawyer agreeing to drawing them up, never mind enforcing them. This put me off to start with and the unlikeable characters put the tin lid on it.

The novel switches between 1997 with Eve in Nihla to find Kelsey and the “present”, which mostly follows Connie and her trials and tribulations. Initially this is interesting as the reader wants to know what happened to Kelsey and why Eve banished Connie to Nihla, but the answers don’t really come until the ending and that is so convoluted it’s gobsmacking. Credible? Not hardly. To be fair there are good ideas in the novel, but most of them get lost in extraneities and irrelevances. I like the plot, but not the execution.

Little Red House is not for me but may appeal to readers who like a more psychological approach.

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Liv Andersson’s book Little Red House is a psychological thriller with twists and turns that keep you guessing. The book travels a time line of 20 years. In 1997, Kelsey (Eve’s daughter) vanishes and Eve is convinced that Kelsey has been the victim of a serial killer. When Eve dies, she leaves her possessions to her twin daughters, Connie and Lisa. Connie inherits a dilapidated old house near where Kelsey disappeared years ago. It is clear that this house is somehow connected to the murders. This novel will keep you guessing. I hope to read more novels from this author. Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher, Crooked Lane Books for the advance review copy in exchange for my honest review.

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Connie and Lisa, twins, inherit after their mother’s death due to an accident. Sadly, the bequests are not as they would have imagined, and a real can of worms is opened.

After reading the blurb I thought this was going to be a real treat. Story started off well, and seemed promising.

Was I wrong! Long winded, rambling and trying too hard. What could have been a dark suspenseful thriller turned in to a mish mash of a plot, with random sex and odd conversations. The actions taken by both Eve and Connie were unlikely and silly, a real shame as this book had so much potential.

All in all a real struggle to finish.

Thank you NetGalley.

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Unfortunately this book just wasn't my cup of tea, and I did not finish it. What I read I didn't enjoy.

Thank you to NetGalley for the opportunity to read and review this ARC in exchange for an honest opinion.

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Well I was actually expecting a Scandi-drama (the author and title sort of hinted towards Sweden), this book is however set in the the US. When Conny and Lisa's mother dies in a swimming accident, the terms of the will are unusual. Lisa inherits the majority of the extensive estate, Conny a delapidated old house in New Mexico.
So Conny lands in New Mexico to find that girls have been murdered , a few recently and many more in the 90s. The story is told from her POV and that of her adopted mother, Eve in 1997. The story was interesting, well told and fairly believable. You feel Conny's frustration when the townspeople are reluctant to discuss the deaths and the police too are unsupportive. Everyone thinks she should get out of town. The book is mainly concerned with her investigation into what happened in the past and what is happening now. Yes the answers are there, maybe not what would be expected.
The characters are seen from Conny's or Eve's point of view and so not always fleshed out and are coloured by their feelings . There is a feeling of foreboding throughout the book, what is everyone covering up ?
Thanks to Net Galley for a good read in exchange for an honest review

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I am really torn on this book, it started very strong and I was engaged with the characters early on, and then around the midway point I started to feel like the story just went flat, I did finish the book, the ending was nothing I would have guessed at. Constance (Connie) and Lisa are the adopted daughters of Eve Foster, a wealthy widow who passes away swimming in a lake on her estate. Lisa, the blonde beautiful daughter, is given the estate (building, land, money) in the will while Connie gets a house in New Mexico that neither sister even knew existed. There are a number of conditions, Lisa can't share any of the wealth with Connie except for a limited amount of money each year. Connie takes off to take a look at her new house. In a separate timeline that takes place 20 year earlier, Eve is trying to hunt down her daughter, Kelsey, who has run away and Eve is desperate to find. It just so happens that Eve is in New Mexico, the same town where the house Connie had been gifted is located. This town has a scary history, several women have been found dead, tortured, mutilated, in some cases dismembered, Eve worries her missing daughter may be next if she isn't already. Connie also discovers the town history and that her house is more a rundown shack needing lots of work, and it comes with a caretaker, Jet. The story goes back and forth and for the most part it works, but for me it just went on way too long and some things just became implausible. The ending was out there I will say that. Thanks to #Netgalley and #Crooked Lane Books for the ARC.

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Sorry but this plot of is too confusing and there are too many little kid characters. Thanks for the digital review copy.

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After an intriguing start, Little Red House fell flat. To say this book is anticlimactic is an understatement. Andersson spends so much time building events up, focusing on minute details that drag on and on, and then just completely skips over the actual excitement, mentioning them briefly as if they’re a footnote and not the thing that she just built up extensively for several chapters. So strange. It’s as if she was hesitant to get into the actual meat of the action so she decided to just gloss over it instead. Not exactly what a thriller reader expects. For me, this ultimately turned a book full of potential into a lackluster read.

Thanks to NetGalley and Crooked Lane Books for the advance copy in exchange for an honest review.

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Thank you NetGalley and Crooked Lane Books for my ARC of Little Red House.

Although a bit of a slow burn, Little Red House starts off interesting enough to keep you wanting more. The plot attempts to be moody and mysterious and does that quite well for about half of the book. Then the storyline become slightly outrageous.

I did enjoy the dual storylines, particularly Eve’s search for her missing daughter and the lengths to which she would go to get information on her daughter’s whereabouts.

The New Mexico setting felt like the perfect playground for a corrupt town hellbent on keeping its secrets. Liv Anderson paints a compelling and vivid picture of this setting.

With a compelling beginning that eventually drifts towards the ridiculous, and a lacklustre ending, I am rating Little Red House 2.5 out of 5 stars.

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This twisted tale is full of revenge, hate, torture and sociopathic scenarios that will make your hair curl but keeps you hooked from the git go.
The story flips back and forth over a 20 year span to a small town in New Mexico with a history of missing girls that no-one seems to care about or notices are gone. This town has secrets.
Twenty years ago Eve, a very wealthy mother spawned by Satan, is convinced her missing, spiteful daughter is hiding in this small town and wreaks havoc in an attempt to find her……..unsucessfully.
Fast forward and Eve has drowned while swimming. Her adopted twin daughters discover the will she left reveal stipulations that will send them both into a tailspin. All planned by a woman who tortured these twins physically and emotionally all their lives. They should be glad that’s over but Eve comes back to rule their lives from the dead. One daughter inherited all the wealth, the other a small house in this same New Mexico town…Eve is still searching from the grave, making sure someone is still looking for that long lost daughter.
The narrative unfolds slowly and only doles out enough information to make the reader deduce where it’s heading only to be shocked in the next chapter. The wickedness that surrounds this story keeps the reader engrossed and turning the pages.

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More than twenty years ago, Eve Foster lost her runaway, teen daughter to, presumably, a serial killer in the area; her body was never found. Fast forward to present day, Eve dies, leaving her adopted daughter, Connie, nothing more than a dilapidated red house in New Mexico. Connie considers the life of cruelty she's suffered in Eve’s care, and knows she will soon find out what twisted games Eve continues to inflict on her from the grave.

I loved Little Red House, by Liv Andersson, for its thrilling plot filled with secrets and lies, and its dark and twisty mind games! I found the two timelines–1997’s Eve Foster searching for Kelsey, and present day Connie as she struggles though yet another sick game planned by the only mother she's ever known–to be intriguing. Even better, in the end is a delicious, jaw-dropping twist that I never saw coming.

Thank you to NetGalley and Crooked Lane Books for this thrilling ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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