Member Reviews

George Monsoor and Mrs. Rose Rea have published a Biography of Medal of Honor recipient Michael Monsoor. It is a fitting tribute from a father to his sons memory and a reminder of the cost of war and also a reminder that some few among us are willing to die for abstract concepts like duty, friendship and love.

I don't know if enjoy is the right word to use when describing how I feel about reading books like this. But I do love reading military memoirs and biographies. Because every since I was a little girl military service members have been my heroes. They are indeed true heroes. This one was tough read but so worth it.

Everyone should read this book. It is about a real American hero. Not a celebrity of politician or sports figure that so many people idolize..Mr. Monsoor writes about his son in a very poignant manner. His son Michael felt great love and responsibility for his country and died in Iraq fighting for what he believed in. Highly recommend this book.

Defend Us in Battle by George Monsoor is a fantastic tribute to those that defend ones country and to Michael Monsoor who gave his life for his brothers. The book is a fast read and very well written and a little anusual for me since it's not often I read about no longer living people. It tells a story about a man growing up and his attitude towards life an adversities and such a remarkable man he was. The book also has a few extra dimensions since I've been listening to both Jocko Willink and Leif Babin on podcasts where they tell about there time in Ramadi. The book also tells a story about the family left behind and there view on things. If you like me sometimes feel like life is crap this is a good book to read and reflect over your own problems. I for one realizes that I have a good life with lots of comforts. I must thank Netgalley and Harper Horizon for letting me read this book and of course George Monsoor for sharing his sons story. Great book.