Member Reviews

This was so cute! I liked Nory's character and loved that she came from a different background than her peers. The love story was fun and fresh. The book felt a little long in some parts.

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Having enjoyed Bayliss’ previous holiday stories, I looked forward to this one as well. For some reason, it just didn’t live up to my expectations. On the plus side, <i>Meet Me Under the Mistletoe</i> had lots going for it including some interesting characters and inter-personal dynamics as well as two intriguing settings – the castle and estate grounds, particularly the gardens, and the main character’s used bookshop in London. There were a number of underlying subplots and themes which appeared throughout the storylines. While the story was a pleasant read, the pacing was steady and somewhat slowed by extensive detail and subthemes - some of which were repetitive and unnecessary. While the story took place primarily in the buildup to the holiday season, Christmas was not the focus but certainly enhanced the atmosphere.

Will continue to be a fan but this one didn’t replace <i>The Twelve Dates of Christmas</i> as a holiday fav.

FYI - I received a copy of this book through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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I this book just was not for me. I was looking forward to a sweet holiday romance, but I just couldn’t get into this story.

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I was so excited to pick this one up from the reuniting friends to Christmas setting. But the romance was just not it, it didn't feel very developed and was almost an afterthought. I was so excited to get in the Christmas spirit with this one as well, I wish there was more Christmas in it, and at times I forgot that it was supposed to be a Christmas book. In the beginning, I found all of the different characters to be confusing and I couldn't differentiate them but that just goes for most books with a large cast of characters, however as the book progressed came to know and love each of the characters and the relationships that they had with each other. This book once into it was just so much fun, bayliss' writing is so complex and well thought out and her characters are some of the most creative and well-developed characters I have ever read. overall I had a good time reading this, just wasn't as Christmasy as I was hoping for.

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This is such a wonderful story! The characters were delightful! I loved Elinor's friends and family. They were such a shining part of this story- I loved their humor and the way that they cared for each other. Elinor's growth and journey as she processes her perspective of the world as a teenager to the way she could grow to see it now was so well written. I could identify with and understand some of what she went through as she tried to put the process her childhood and friend group and how they impacted who she has become. Also, the setting was so dreamy- a castle for a wedding at Christmas, amidst a small town with their Christmas celebrations and traditions- I loved it!
I would definitely recommend this one, especially for a sweet read during the holidays!
I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book. All opinions are my own.

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Meet Me Under the Mistletoe by Jenny Bayliss
Romance, Christmas, Romcom

London bookshop owner Elinor Noel or Nory as everyone calls her. Is headed back to her hometown for a wedding of her small group of friends. She always had a hard time growing up in a hardworking family while she was able to go to a upper class private school. There was always a divide between her two lives. Years later and she’s back stuck between the two, but she’s not a kid anymore.

When she heads back to the wedding she’s surprised to see Isaac the gardeners kid now the head gardener at the castle. Nory is falling for Isaac but is the divide still they all this time later?

First off Christmas time in a London book shop, sign me up. Then a Christmas time wedding in a castle. I mean this has it all! I love this book. I love all the characters and what they brought to the storyline. There is a few tough issues brought along but handled well. I highly suggest this book if you are looking for a holiday romance book!!

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This book was so so good!! I loved all the different side characters and hearing about each of them even in the epilogue. I loved Nori and Isaac together and thought they were so cute. It felt a little long at times, but I still really enjoyed it and think it’s a really great feel-good book for the winter.

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Loved the enemies to lovers trope. It was emotional, warm and sweet. Perfect for the season and for anyone that loves second chances.

Thank you NetGalley and PENGUIN GROUP Putnam, G.P. Putnam's Sons publishing for sending me an eARC in exchange for my honest review.

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A friend’s wedding brings a London bookshop owner back home to a castle the countryside for a weekend filled with unexpected twists and turns. Nory has happily built up her life in London, but she’s looking forward to reuniting with her former preppy classmates she grew up with.

Little does she know the castle’s gardener is a boy (now man!) who she used to despise. Isaac has no love for the snobby rich kids either, but they end up finding common ground…and something more.

This is another holiday delight from Jenny Bayliss! There’s all of the charm of a winter wedding, but also an exploration of longstanding grudges, societal roles and prejudices, and living life to its fullest.

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Nory has been convinced to take a vacation from her second-hand bookstore to attend the wedding of people she went to school with. She finds herself wanting to escape from the memories and the extravagance of the wedding. On one of her escapes ends her being rescued by Isaac who she has known since childhood. As Nory and Isaac spend more time together she finds herself questioning what she wants out of life.

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Meet Me Under The Mistletoe is an easy read with a lot of great character development and dimension. I had some good LOL moments with Pippa and Ameerah. This book surprised me in a good way. I was expecting a lighthearted holiday read, but it struck the right balance of fun and emotionally stirring.

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A realistically complicated tale of the "haves" and the "have nots" told with Jenny Bayliss' keen insight. Nory is about to join her oldest school friends for a reunion prior to a wedding. Nory was a scholarship student at a posh school. Her family lives nearby the school and the beautiful castle where the wedding will be held.

At the castle, Nory encounters Isaac, the castle's gardener and her brother's best friend. Back when she was in school, Isaac's father was the head gardener. Nory is immediately attracted to the older Isaac and the two become reacquainted. But the new friendship is fraught with old insecurities. Nory's brother and Isaac always felt the student's at the posh school looked down on the village kids. Nory was caught in the middle then as she is now.

Can Nory and Isaac get past these perceived issues as well as solve a mystery and survive wedding drama?

Read Meet Me Under the Mistletoe to find out!

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An absolute must read this holiday season! Bayliss does an amazing job capturing your heart and really connecting you to the main character Nory. Nory currently a second hand book sales shop owner has lived her life between two worlds of the wealthy and the gardeners daughter of her boarding school her entire life. Now as an adult everyone’s getting back together for a wedding among friends at the Castle. As they spend a week all back together, Nory is stuck between choosing between the new gardener her child hood crush, her brothers best friend and her elite friends once again. The challenge will be how she can manage both worlds. You’ll fall in love with Nory and really root for her to find her place to merge both her worlds once and for all. A beautiful holiday novel about family and friendships that last forever.

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I enjoyed The Twelve Dates of Christmas, but this one fell flat for me. There were too many side stories, too many explanations about things that had nothing to do with the plot, and it just wasn’t interesting enough to keep going, even though I tried. I liked Isaac (LI) and Dev (side character), but I DNF’d at 40%.

Thank you to Putnam for a free digital ARC and to PRHAudio for the audiobook.

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Thanks to Netgalley and Penguin Group for this lovely holiday ARC.

I really love Jenny Bayliss' holiday books! They're easy to read, less predictable than most, and always come with a happily ever after of some sort! It was an enjoyable holiday read, with a lovable main character and a crew of eclectic friends. I mean, who doesn't love a holiday book where the main character is named Nory Noel!

The story was full of real life situations: from disapproving siblings, to friendship drama, to bridezillas and more. The novel followed a group of friends who were together for a wedding, spending a week in a castle local to Nory's hometown. Nory attended private school with this group of friends, but grew up in the town. The novel shows how friendships grow and evolve, and how relationships start in the most interesting of ways.

Super cute holiday novel!

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Jenny Bayliss never fails to charm with her seasonal romances, and Nory Noel's story might be my favorite yet. A secondhand bookseller who came late to her calling, Nory has spent the last several years attending to business--which also happens to be her passion. Unfortunately, she has not been so successful in the romance department. With two of her closest friends' wedding house party approaching, Nory is forced out into the world again and away from her books.

The house party takes place on the estate where Nory attended a privileged school as a scholarship student. Though this created some tension in her very blue-family, Nory's friend group has remained close despite--or perhaps because of--the suicide of one of their members.

Now, not only has Nory been reunited with her friends during Bridezilla-themed wedding festivities; but she has also once again encountered Isaac, the son of the groundskeeper and a friend of her brother's. Despite fraternization rules, snobbishness, and sibling arguments, Isaac and Nory quickly become attached. When Nory makes a grand gesture that betrays a confidence, however, their newly-found rapport takes a nosedive.

Can Isaac and Nory overcome all of the obstacles leading them to a true Christmas romance?

Although there are a lot of characters, they all quickly develop strong traits (some of them deplorable), and the chemistry from the whole group rings fairly true. Nory's mother is a true delight, as is Andrew, her shop assistant. A definite must-read for fans of Christmas fluff and reunion stories.

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Jenny Bayliss books are like warm winter hugs. I always love the rich setting of the quirky towns she chooses. This was a great kick off to holiday reading!

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Quick and Dirty⁣
-hometown romance⁣
-enemies to lovers⁣
-bookish MC⁣
-tightknit friend group⁣

Ever since she was selected for a scholarship to Braddon-Heartmead, a prestigious local private school, Nory’s felt like an outsider. Her middle class background meant she struggled to relate to the posh lifestyle of her new friends. Despite their differences, Nory and her school friends formed a lasting bond. Now two of the gang are getting married in her hometown of Heartmead. Better yet, they'll all be staying at Robinwood Castle, a local historic landmark, for the week. Not long after arriving, Nory comes face to face with a blast from the past. The awkward son of the head gardener has assumed his father’s role, and, surprise, he’s handsome! Too bad he and Nory are sworn enemies. ⁣

Guys, this might be the holiday romance of the year for me. It’s sweet, a little spicy, and truly magical. I loved every minute of this book and think you will, too! The relationships in the book give depth to the story, adding elements of family drama and deep friendships to round out the plot and character arcs. Watching Nory navigate the minefield of past mistakes, complex relationships, and new love was a thing of beauty. The tension that results gives the story authenticity that some holiday romances lack in my opinion. It was heartfelt and moving instead of fluffy, which I personally loved! It reminded me of One Day in December, my favorite holiday romance from last year. Fingers crossed you pick this one up!

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I love a good Christmas romance. There’s not as much Christmas spirit in this book as there was in Bayliss’ 2 previous holiday books, but I liked it nonetheless.
The FMC, Nory, went away to school as a scholarship student, and she’s always felt that she didn’t exactly fit in with all of the other more wealthy students. She owns a used bookstore in London.
Two of her old friends decided to have a reunion at a castle before a wedding that they’ve all been invited to. One of Nory’s old flings is there, and she wants to avoid him. She makes friends with one of the gardeners named Isaac, and they have a lot in common besides the instant physical attraction between them.
Nory and Isaac have serious feelings growing between them, and need to figure out what happens when Nory leaves.
I enjoyed this book, 4 stars.

Thanks to the publisher and NetGalley I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed as in this review are completely my own.

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Ok I need to start off by saying this cover is one of the cutest Christmas covers I’ve EVER seen.

Ok now that we have got that out of the way…

This book was great. It was one of those books that is more of a marathon, not a sprint. You’re here for the journey. For a good time, not a fast time.

As long as you go in with that mindset this book should be very enjoyable for any reader.

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