Member Reviews

★★★★ ☐ The publisher has provided a copy for review.
Many of us have begun to learn a language or at least thought, "I should try." Maybe it's because you want to travel. Maybe your nana or your neighbor speaks another language. Maybe you just want to touch the heart of someone from another culture.
Lupis encourages us to start! Then have fun and persist. Don't give up too soon. These practical tips, realistic roadblocks, and anecdotes of language learning and the rewards of knowing other languages besides our mother tongue/s will cheer you on.

Such great tips in this book for learning a language. I have always struggled, so I found this really helpful.
Thank you NetGalley for my complimentary copy in return for my honest review.

Positives : a quick read, and the author is very encouraging
Otherwise I felt like the substance of the book can mostly be summarized into "just do it and don't give up". It had a lot of personal anecdotes and not as many practical tips as I was hoping for. That being said, I did feel encouraged and inspired in my desire/efforts to learn French
Thank you NetGalley for the free ARC!

A great "primer" for learning languages quickly - there are many out there, computer and web-based, but somehow the book form makes it easier to digest. These hints and guidelines will help anyone who wants to learn a new language quickly!

Fluent On The First Try is a short and quick read with helpful tips on learning a new language. I've attempted several times to learn a new language and quit after several months. So I decided to give Lupis' book a try. In her book, she gives some useful advice that I can now incorporate into my own learning process. Key takeaways for me were: Don't be critical of yourself in learning a new language, and don't compare yourself to other learners. Those tips should help me in my quest to become fluent.
Fluent On The First Try is a very good resource with helpful advice and references to other language learning outlets. Four stars.
I received a digital copy from BooksGoSocial through NetGalley. The review herein is completely my own and contains my honest thoughts and opinions.

This is a common sense 101 guide to learning an foreign language guide. Its practically realistic advice that applies not to just learning languages but any knowledge learning.
The netgalley adobe book layout was a bit odd which what I'm guessing the references and note being each individually shown on each pages.

Disclaimer: received this book from Netgalley in exchange for a review. All opinions are my own.
The author writes multiple methods on how to approach learning a new language and steps you can take to create sustainable habits to follow through. I agree with her on all the steps and the change in mindset that it takes to learn something new.
However, I do think this book can be condensed into an article. She does provide a checklist at the end of each chapter, summarizing the points she made.
Overall, I say this book is a good starting point for beginners new to learning a language or someone who got overwhelmed in the learning journey and need to re-center themself.

A short and quick book on ways to help you begin to learn a language and stick to it. The author has some good ideas on how to keep with language learning, but nothing new or unexpected.

I'm not entirely new to learning languages s I started when I was 3, but as I have gotten older the languages that interest me have changed so I thought I would give this book a go. Personally, I don't think this book is very great, it was very short and just seemed like a collection of different notes scrambled together. That is not me saying that this won't help others, but it was a no from.

This little book is full of guidance on tips that can help you improve your chances when learning a new language. At times, it feels like an advertisement for the author's other books (which she plugs a few times) as some items referenced are covered in more depth in that text. There are some good ideas on ways to improve the variety of sources for learning while emphasizing that individual goals are key in any learning experience. If you are not invested, it's hard to succeed. At the same time, Ms Lupis does a nice job of also stressing that one shouldn't fall into the trap of comparing oneself to others. I found some strategies that I've used and others I hope to implement in the future.

I have been learning languages for close to thirty years, first at school and then self-taught. I do, therefore, already have many of my own processes in place; however, I am always open to new ideas on language learning, especially since I have taken up a few new languages recently, which is why I decided to take a look at this book when I saw it on NetGalley. It was short (only 95 pages on my e-reader and about the last 15 of those were just notes), so I finished it in a single night. For me, personally, there was nothing new here. It's the same recommendations and suggestions you will find in pretty much every book of this ilk, as well as online for free in vlogs and blog posts created by polyglots and language learners. For veteran language learners, there won't be much of value in these pages, as you are likely, like me, already incorporating many, if not all, of these activities into your studying. However, if you are trying to learn a language for the first time and have not been exposed to many study tips yet, then there is useful information in these pages that might help you on your way. Based on what I personally got out of it, this book would only get two stars, but I am awarding it three, because newer language students would benefit from giving it a read and it might help them on their way to better language-study practices.

This wasn’t very useful for me. It just seemed like someone’s personal notes and items that won’t work for everyone. It was a very short book with not a lot of information or details. I’m not sure it will help my learning.

Thank you to Netgalley and the author for providing me an eARC of this book, however, all thoughts and opinions are my own.
As an ESL teacher, I'm no stranger to people trying to learn a language. And while it is true that different things will be required to learn different languages, I didn't find any of these tips to be especially groundbreaking. I had already seen all of these around before in various places. I suppose that it is nice that all of these tips have been compiled into one slender volume, but I was hoping for something different that I could recommend to my own students.
All this being said, if you are a reader that hasn't done a lot of research in tactics for language learning, you may really enjoy this and be blown away. However, I think readers more familiar with tips that circulate around on the internet, from teachers, and in text books aren't going to be all that surprised.

Practical and straightforward with excellent tips. I look forward to utilizing this as I continue to pursue language learning beyond my native English. Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for a copy of this!

Fluent On The First Try by Federica Lupis was exactly what I needed to read and at just the right time as I struggle through the process of attempting to learn a second language. The tips provided are clear, practical, concise and, most importantly, seem to unlock the secret to achieving optimum success. I very much look forward to putting these suggestions into practice with renewed enthusiasm as I continue on my learning journey.
Many thanks to NetGalley and BooksGoSocial for an ARC.