Member Reviews

Really neat read on different brains in the workplace! I found it a little bit repetitive at times however but it was still interesting to learn about!

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“The Brain-Friendly Workplace: Why Talented People Quit and How to Get Them to Stay”
by Friederike Fabritius is a must have for all leaders wanting teams that thrive, create and innovate.

The book is based on extensive research, made by Friederike herself, as well as other scientists and is therefore an amazing collection of leadership science bundled up and presented in one book. While that might sound tedious to some, don’t worry, this is a fun book that is really easy to read. I actually laughed out loud several times.

The author succeeds in her effort to present the information in a brain-friendly way, that is, to make sure we as readers, not only understand, but remember it.

To ensure that this is not a book that is placed on a shelf after reading, the book is filled with practical tips on what to do and how to do it in a wide range of situations that leaders are faced with. Tips that are easy to understand, and easy to implement.

It is clear that Friederike has great knowledge in the subject, and shares not only her own thoughts, but also those of several other leaders in high positions in the interview section at the end of each chapter.

This goes to my list of my favourite leadership books and I truly recommend it to all leaders wanting to create a work environment where people are happy and therefore produce more efficiently.

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This is truly a topical read. Today's workplace just isn't working for a lot of people. People are leaving their workplaces in droves after the pandemic. Could the key to improving the workplace be neuroscience? Friederike Fabritius thinks so. She has written an easy to read book about brain types and how to make sure that employees with different brain types have what they need. I'm not a science major and I found it easy to understand and it made perfect sense.

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