Member Reviews

It’s unfortunate that I didn’t really take anything from this read. The writing is fine, but essentially unhelpful.

There was extremely good information regarding Alzheimers and causes of other dementias. However, there was a lot of technical language that the average reader may not be able to understand.,

Aging is not Inevitable. It is an opportunity.
by Robert P. Friedland
The author of this book is a Neurologist and Professor of Neurobiology. He backs up his wisdom learned from his long clinical practice and keeping abreast of the latest research.
Health into old age is not a passive process he says. We can make a difference by taking control of four important factors that determine two forces within us.
Salutogenisis – the promotion and maintenance of health.
Pathogenesis – the promotion and maintenance of disease.
His book weaves between Cognitive, Physical, Psychological and Social.
Although it is in the self-help category, this is not a quick read with simple lifestyle hacks. ‘Staying healthy requires fierce, tenacious attention…” he tells us.
One example, in terms of psychological health, highlights that Alzheimer’s groups are 4 times higher for people who have less than an average number of physical, social and intellectual activities. It is these activities that increase new neurons in the brain.
He also explains how immune cells in the gut/brain axis play key roles in our bodies; the plethora of bad diets (processed and chemically laden food groups) are not adapted to our genes, which were laid town 100,000 years ago. Eat right and stay healthy, and this book explains how and why.
This is my own honest review of an advance copy, compliments of NetGalley and Cambridge University Press.
EDITION: Paperback
PRICE$19.95 (USD)
Due to be published October 2022 by Cambridge University Press

In Unaging: The Four Factors that Impact How You Age by Robert P. Friedland we learn about the bodies four reserve factors: cognitive, physical, psychological and social factors that maintain the balance of our bodily systems. I appreciated that though Dr. Friedland is a neurologist his research was presented in an easily digestible manner. As a reader, I gained a deeper understanding of how the brain, physical environment, body, and society all interact to either positively or negatively impact health, disease, fitness, and overall longevity in the life cycle span of human beings.
There are so many people whose life is suddenly taken away and often without cause or reason. We all do not get the privilege of aging and this text is a great reminder of that. Dr. Friedland's assertion that aging is not inevitable but rather a privilege is a powerful mindset shift our society needs. I enjoyed that this is a book that teaches us how to appreciate aging and do so exceptionally. Thank you to the author and publisher for the e-arc copy.