Member Reviews

Things are never easy for October "Toby" Daye. In this 16th installment, Toby has triumphed over adversity and has even tied the knot with her King of Cats, Tybalt, but of course, that means that the next challenge is just around the corner. This book ratchets up the tension and starts to really delve into the main background mystery that this series is built on: Where is Oberon and his two queens, Maeve and Titania? Along with the main story is some a background novella dealing with the sea witch Luidaeg and how the fundamental tragedy of her life came to be.

If you've committed to Toby's journey so far, the last book might be where you might stop since it is the culmination of much of her personal growth as a hero. However, this book shows you where the story is going next and it's going to be interesting! As a reader, long series like this usually has the main character have to level up in power because the villains get more powerful as well, and certainly that is what is happening with Toby. However, her growing strength has been developing slowly and in response to tragedy and trials, so it doesn't feel too out of balance with the rest of the world. However, if you read book one and then this latest work, it's certainly quite a different set of circumstances! Overall, I'm interested in where this story goes next and will read the next installment.

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Note: This review includes my feedback as both a longtime fan and a librarian.

**For the fans:**

Book 16 is everything Seanan promised. It answers one of the biggest mysteries of the series so far, and sets up lots of new breadcrumbs for the next phase of Toby’s adventures.

One small downside is that audiobook listeners may be a bit confused, as there are references to the print/ebook novella “And With Reveling” that was released with the previous book. It’s not insurmountable, but definitely annoying.

**For librarians and booksellers:**

I wholeheartedly recommend this series for urban fantasy readers who love intricate, emotional, Shakespeare- and mythology-inspired plot lines. Plus, lots of of found family and queer supporting characters!

It’s also great for readers who don’t like a lot of romance interrupting their plot. There is a love interest, but that takes a backseat to overthrowing monarchs and picking fights with quasi-deities. Steamy scenes are very rare.

Trigger warnings include parental trauma and more blood loss than even a semi-immortal should be able to survive.

Book one is Rosemary and Rue.

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This series is one I have on automatic pre-order, and absolutely associate with picking up at a Seattle book store when we used to go out for PAX. So, chances were good I was gonna love it. And I did.
Seanan does a fantastic job of recapping the events of the past 15 books, which is always a tricky thing to do. As noted by the publisher, this book definitely hearkens back to previous events and we get to see the full impact of lines left here and there over the years and volumes. I can't say much for fear of spoilers, but grab your hankies and be prepared to gasp.
The novella 'Such Dangerous Seas' follows the Luidaeg before and after the slaughter of the Roane.

Thank you *so* much to DAW and NetGalley for the ARC!

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The latest in the October Daye series is another stellar book in the series. McGuire starts to tie off loose ends and solve those nagging bits from the previous books even if you had kind of forgotten about them. (guilty!) I love this series so so much and am always pleasantly surprised at how <i>good</i> it is.

As always, McGuire writes extremely well and tells a good story. Toby and her adventures are a major part of my life and I am always thrilled to read a new story. Included is another story about the Luidaeg, filling in more of her backstory.

#BetheSerpent #NetGalley

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Oh, wow. I just finished this book, and I am speechless. So many things happen in this book, and I’m thrown for a loop. First, this book contains the great writing this series has had from the beginning. I really hated to put this down, and I read this in a day taking just a few breaks when I had to. The characters, plot, reveals, secrets…pretty much everything is on point. I have so much to say, and I really can’t, or I’ll give it away. Toby is almost driven to the point where she is about to give up, but being the hero she is, she does her duty. This book ends on a cliffhanger, and I am so very upset it’s going to be awhile until I’ll find out what’s going to happen. Urban fantasy at its absolute best: splendid writing, long term seeds planted coming to fruition, wonderful characters, pulse-pounding action, and a great ride. Very highly recommend. I was provided a complimentary copy which I voluntarily reviewed.

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This is quite possibly my favorite ongoing series. After I requested the ARC I checked my email constantly, hoping to see the request approved, so of course once I had it I started reading immediately. This book is big. Like, possibly more major developments and backstory and answers then any single book in the series so far.

Be the Serpent picks up shortly after Toby's marriage. She and Tybalt are happily adjusting to married life, and everything seems relatively quiet. The story starts with a hearing in Arden's court to determine whether Rayseline should be woken, and segues from there into an entirely unexpected rollercoaster of events that will change Toby's life forever.

I don't want to give too many details because I think the book hits best when not spoiled. However, if you've been paying attention then you very well might have guessed what's coming. I will say that having guessed one of the big twists in advance in no way diminished the power of the reveal when it actually happened.

As always with this series, the only drawback in getting to read the book early is that now I have that much longer to wait before I see what happens next. And with this book in particular, I really really need to see what happens next! Also I can't wait until the book comes out for real so that I can talk to someone about it.

The novella included at the end is both wonderful and gutting and shows us a first hand perspective on events that we've known about for years but never actually seen. It's a perfect complement to the main novel.

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Wow. 16 books into a series and it's still so fresh, intense, and absorbing every time?! Witchcraft. October Daye survived her wedding, and is finally settling into married life. So of course, things have to get complicated.

No, so much more complicated than that. Truly mindbendingly complicated, and as always it seems impossible until it isn't.

And then the ending! AAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaagh.

I resented everything that kept me from reading this, and now I resent the existence of linear time that means that I have to wait SO LONG for the next book.

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This is probably the most difficult review that I've ever had to write, because what can be said about this book without giving everything away? This one hurt. Seanan warned us, and still it hurt.

Be the Serpent picks up not long after our last foray into October's world. She's happily married, fresh from honeymoon, and to attend Raysel's trial. Everything is going so well, so of course it must now fall apart. And it does, spectacularly so, with the screams of children.

Welcome to the party, we're so glad you could attend.

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HOLY CR*P!! So much I want to say but can't cuz everything could be a spoiler. McGuire indicated this was going to be a game changer and it is. But the wait for the cliffhanger resolution is going to be a long one.

On a side note...I love that at the beginning of every book McGuire works a recap into the first couple of chapters. Since there is usually 12-18 mons between installments, and I am at an age where my memory isn't the greatest anymore, I have to say that I really appreciate it!

Now let the long wait begin...

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OMG! After finishing Be The Serpent I NEED the next book like right now!

This new book shakes up everything we thought we knew. We get a betrayal by someone very close to Toby that puts not only her but everyone she has ever cared about in mortal danger. Bad news, on top of more bad news, and some literally jaw-dropping reveals. Non-stop action from beginning to end, and had me on the edge of my seat frantically flipping pages until we reached the end. Then as soon as we think everything is settled if not completely taken care of BOOM this thing happens that leads to a cliffhanger that will haunt me until the next book comes out.

We also get a little novella at the end about the Luidaeg, revealing some key moments in her past that were pretty heartbreaking to witness. But I did like reading more about her as she is one of my favorite characters in this series... Who am I kidding? I love basically every single side character we meet, minus all the ones that are actively trying to kill Toby...

This is one of my favorite series, by one of my favorite authors, and as long as Seanan McGuire is writing I will read it all!!

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Berkeley gave me an advanced copy through Netgalley. I really appreciate it! I've decided to review the book, and this is my honest opinion.

Phew, this one was a long time coming, and it has completely shaken up the world of October Daye. Big reveals, big twists, big losses, big changes, and what appears to be a cliffhanger that will kill me slowly over the next year waiting for the following book.

I really can't say much about the book, because pretty much anything will give away spoilers. Let's just say that this one has some devastating consequences for both Toby, her family, and Faerie in general. Like big massive serious consequences. I'm totally here for it... but I'm also saddened by the hits Toby has taken.

Following the novel, there is a brief novella staring the Luidaeg, long before we know her, with some big things happening to her as well.

Five+ stars, but highly recommended to read the rest of the series first.

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Holy crap! What a book! From the first twist to the last this was a "interrupt me and die" read. I cannot wait to see what happens next.

Thank you to DAW and NetGalley for a review copy.

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Wow, I just utterly loved this book! I dropped everything to read this book, because this synopsis just had me dying to know what was going to happen! And boy, was it just a fantastic read! I just couldn't put it down-I needed to know!

Seanan McGurie has posted about this on the internet, that every 3 books there's something, and every 4 books, there's a game changing event. And this was the gamechanger, 16 is a multiple of 3 and 4. So we knew that the events of this book were going to be big. And boy, where they!

The hidden enemy? Yeah, that hurt. And to find out all the little details just ground the hurt in even more. But boy, were the stakes high, and so engaging to read! Toby and co. really have their hands full with this. And that ending, oh, that was epic and incredibly evil! It can't end like that-I need more!

Such Dangerous Seas was heartbreaking to read, because it's the story of how the Luidaeg was cursed. We knew she was, the details of the curse, but watching it unfold was pretty devastating. But there was mentions of what's currently going on in the series, so I'm really glad that we got it!

Loved reading these two, and now I'm dying for the next installment! The wait is just going to be pure evil!

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