Member Reviews

Rating: 5 stars

First, thank you to Forever Publishing & Kennedy Ryan for allowing me to have early access to this absolute wonderful book!

Triggers warning beforehand: Child Loss, Depression, & grief involving death.

We follow Yasmen & Josiah who are battling numerous things after some serious hits within their family. We meet the couple two years after their divorce and watch how the two and the family navigate with the new changes. The two manage a business together while co parenting their two children & try to avoid the still present and strong feelings they have for each other.

Honestly, I loved the whole story from start to finish. I love how descriptive and captivating Kennedy Ryan's writing is and how much soul and heart was put into this book. Kennedy Ryan does her homework when it comes to research for her works and I just always admire that about her. She makes her stories feel like you are the characters and you are going through this story front row. I can't tell you how my heart just clung to every word and struggle of Yasmen. She was my favorite. I related with her on so many levels.

The character development was perfect. It wasn't rushed or unrelatable. It was a story that grabs the heart of the reader and gives you ALL the feels. I cried, I laughed, I smiled. I shouted with joy at some parts. & the hot scenes were definitely some of my favorites. Please go read this book. You won't leave feeling empty, you'll end the book with your heart feeling full. Wonderful book.

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How is this my first Kennedy Ryan book? How is this my first time reading her exquisite writing? I need to fix this ASAP!

Anyone who knows me as a reader knows that I’m so opinionated I’m rarely ever turned speechless by a book. Well, this one is definitely an exception. I’m just so afraid my review for this book wouldn’t give it justice and that I won’t be able to find the right words to describe how amazing this is.

Wow! Just wow! I’m simply blown away! I’m a sucker for second chance romances and this is one of the best that I’ve read, if not the best.

The prose is gorgeous, raw, tender, golden and lyrical, with passion and longing filling my heart to the brim with each word. How Kennedy Ryan made me ache and revel with Josiah and Yasmen is beyond me. I felt every emotion, be it hurt, pain, guilt, regret and love, page after page after page. Josiah and Yasmen’s journey from how they fell apart to how they found their way back to each other may be painful and tragic but that just made the ending so fulfilling and worth it!

Content warnings abound and this was heavier than a lot of the romances that I consume, but that did not take anything away from my satisfaction from this one. In fact, this may be my BEST READ for the year. It is THAT astounding.

Again, I don’t think I’m giving this book justice but if you think you can handle heavier themes in a book, pre-order this or pick this one up once it’s out starting on November 15!

Thank you to Forever, NetGalley and Kennedy Ryan for the chance to discover this gem by providing me my early copy. All opinions are honest and my own.

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Kennedy Ryan delivers again!

Ryan is one of those rare authors who can deliver not only an incredible love story but also really make you think about an important social topic with her writing.

I’m so glad that she pulled this story out of the vault (it was her first book idea!) because I loved Yasmen and Josiah’s romance back to one another.

We first meet Yasmen and Josiah two years after their divorce. They have found a rhythm to their new life co-parenting two tweens and running a restaurant where they are constantly in one another’s path.

With the prospect of starting new relationships with other people staring them in the face, is it enough to push these two soulmates back to one another?

First and foremost, I enjoyed this book because of the great writing.

Ryan set the tone for these two soulmates right from the start and moved the story along wonderfully.

Once the reason for their separation and divorce is revealed (trigger warning: loss of a child) Ryan explores the very important topic of depression and how it not only effects a person but their relationships and children as well.

She also uses this book to talk about therapy and the stigma that keeps some from getting the help they need.

Because of some of the heavy nature to this story, I don’t necessarily see myself re-reading this book, but it’s definitely a book I’d recommend because of its message and the beautiful second chance that these two people carved for themselves.

*Thank you to Netgalley for the advanced reader copy. All opinions are my own.

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(ARC from NetGalley) This is the first Kennedy Ryan book I’ve ever read because I had been warned to prepare for heartbreak. I now give you this warning but also know there’s a happy ending.
Yas and Si have been divorced for 2 years and although all seems well on the surface, they both got a lot of feelings. Without spoilers, this story is about these two people who have experienced so much grief that they lost themselves. How do you save your marriage when you can’t save yourself?
Kennedy has this way of writing where it feels like you’re in the room with Yas and Si. Like I’m interrupting their private conversation. It’s so visceral and realistic. Truly felt the full range of human emotion and I cannot wait for the next Skyland book.

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Death has ruined Josiah and Yasmen’s marriage. When Yasmen and Josiah's lives fall apart, so does their marriage. After two years of being divorced, they both start to wonder if their divorce was the best idea. When a weekend together reignites sparks that never disappeared it leaves them wondering if they can repair what’s broken or if are they really over.

Kennedy Ryan is one of those authors who possess the ability to make you feel like you're literally in the book with the characters. She sucks you in and makes you feel every raw emotion in the book. This is exactly what she did in this book! My heart shattered the entire journey. Second-chance romance has to be one of my favourite tropes and this was executed so beautifully. The writing was beautiful. As much as this was a book about second-chance romance it was equally about a woman (a black woman) specifically getting herself back, friendships and the relationship between children and their divorced parents. It was amazing to see how much each character grew throughout the book.

This book was excellent and I am honoured I had a chance to read it. Can't wait to read more by Ms. Ryan.

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Kennedy Ryan could never do me wrong. Before I Let Go was a beautiful second chance romance that does an amazing job touching on mental health and working on yourself. Also the food descriptions and the fact that it’s set in Atlanta was my favorite part.

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I’m going to need more stars!! From the first sentence I felt like I was teleported /enfolded into the lives of Yasmen and Josiah. This. Story. Right. Here. It was so beautifully and masterfully told. I don’t think that my review will do it justice but I will certainly try. Kennedy depicts the struggle and toll that unexpected tragedy can have on a relationship. She also lays out how essential self healing is as you fight your way out of utter darkness back to a new light. This story was raw, emotional and gut wrenchingly honest. I found myself intensely hoping that they could find their way back to each other while simultaneously wondering if they would. The depth of their pain and despair at times seemed as wide as the ocean. And yet It was so beautiful to see each stone fall into place for them as they found their way back to one another. I was so moved by the way things concluded. It was so beautiful to see that their love was worth fighting for and that true love never dies. By the end I felt emotionally exhausted and exhilarated at the same time! Kennedy’s writing is simply magnificent. This is a story that stays with you long after you read the last word. I felt privileged to be a part of their world and walk through the burning sands of their reconciliation story. I was bursting with anticipation to read this book and Yes this book was so worth the wait. Thanks for the opportunity to leave a review. It was truly my pleasure.

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“You ever think of how far we’ve come? If I think of that I have to think of all we lost too.”

You guys this book is everything. I have never read something quite like this before and Kennedy Ryan may be one of my new famous romance writers. If you are looking for an emotional second chance romance, this is your book.

This is a story about a couple (Yasmen and Josiah) who, in navigating their grief together, grow further apart. We watch them navigate their divorce, co-parenting their children, and running their business together. And all you can feel is the love (and the hurt) that is still there. This story is about grief, depression, pain, and overwhelming love.

Ryan’s writing is extremely profound. I couldn’t stop highlighting passages that felt like a punch to the gut thy were so real and raw. The relationships (and I mean not only romantic but family and friend relationships) are beautiful. I loved watching the growth of Yasmen and Josiah - both apart and together.

Also I really appreciated the emphasis the author put on therapy and medication for mental health.

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I enjoyed certain parts of this book and other parts were underwhelming. I had very high expectations since I had seen others highly praise this book and most of Kennedy Ryan's previous work. This book just did not work for me. I loved that this author highlighted mental illness especially as it related to trauma, but the romance felt very forced to me. I did not feel as if these two were soul mates that were destined to be together. There were certain parts that were very repetitive, and I just kept waiting for this earth shattering love, that just felt meh. I honestly felt like this book wanted to throw all this emotional baggage at the reader in hopes that you will cry. Overall I loved the support system/ friendships that were explored, but I wasn't in love with the two main leads and often found myself annoyed with them. I didn't care either way if these two reconnected and the steamy scenes did not make up for the lack of true emotion I was expecting. Overall the writing was good and easy to follow but missing that something special. An ARC was provided by the publisher via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

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I have loved every single Kennedy Ryan book so I had high hopes to this going in but BEFORE I LET GO exceeded ALL OF MY EXPECTATIONS!!!!! This was INCREDIBLE. The second chance romance, the hot main characters, the mental health journey for parents and kids, the friends, the restaurant they own, the STEAM, all of it is amazing. This is going to be one of the top romances of 2022! I think Kennedy Ryan is doing such an outstanding job taking tragedies that so many people face and shows that there is hope on the other side of healing.

This is definitely a ROM-DRAM - the themes in this book are HEAVY! Make sure you check the content warnings before you pick this one up! The main content warnings would be: child death, miscarriage, depression, mental health issues, and grief.

Thank you SO MUCH to Forever Publishing and Netgalley for this ARC. Pub date is November 15th so go ahead and pre-order this one while you still can!

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This book blew me away. I don’t even know if I have the proper words for how much I truly enjoyed this.

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Thank you to the author, publisher, and NetGalley for a free ARC in exchange for an honest review! An emotional story filled with all the feels! This marriage reconciliation romance is the perfect November read to make you cry and happy at the same time! Loved it!

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Before I Let Go is a study of the absolute terror and triumph that is a direct by product of actually living the life one is given. Much like truly living one's life, reading Before I Let Go is not for the faint of heart. Kennedy Ryan, as always, keeps it really real. She does not pull any punches while telling the story of a beautiful couple caught in the most difficult season of their lives. The one constant of reading a Kennedy Ryan novel is that it will always bring the heat while completely satisfying the soul. Ms. Ryan does this with complete honesty and compassion using the most beautiful prose that exists in literature today.

Yasmen and Josiah Wade have been through it. They have a once-in-a-lifetime love that has been tested and and a relationship that has been damaged by a set of horrific losses. This story of how they manage life as they lose and eventually find themselves plucks every emotional string that binds the heart and soul.

Before I Let Go is the story of how sometimes it is necessary to do what is necessary to save oneself. It is the story about how what one does to help another hurting person may eventually end up saving oneself. It is the story of how nurturing an infinitesimal seed of hope can give one the courage to cultivate and grow relationships that flourish despite the inhospitable conditions of the surrounding soil.

Kennedy Ryan has written a painfully gorgeous novel that is ridiculously hard to set aside once the cover is opened. It will make you think and question while you curse, cry, cheer, fan yourself, and laugh. There is no way to remain unaffected by the very recognizable, real and relevant topics addressed in this contemporary romance. Most of all, the end result will make you smile as a good romance should.

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This is such a beautiful second chance romance. I really enjoyed this story, all of the characters and the poetic-ness of the writing style. I usually am not a huge fan of dual points of view but this book was an exception!

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I LOVED this book. It was absolute magic. It was raw and real and sweet and hopeful and funny and HEAVY. There is nothing better than a second chance romance honestly and this was so much more than just that. This was a second chance for an entire family, both Yasmen and Josiah individually and as a couple. It was so heartbreakingly good.

There was so much in this book and Kennedy Ryan wrote it all so beautifully. The grieving process and how it looks different in different people; Yasmen needed to stop and Josiah needed to keep going. They processed their grief at different speed and even at different times. They both end up in therapy. Josiah always thought it was a waste of time but once their son was recommended to start, Josiah did it to help his son. He eventually found that it was helpful, that he did benefit it from it. This book also shows how hard being married is, how hard being a parent is, how hard being a kid is, how confusing it is to watch your parents get divorced, date other people and then get back together?!

Deja and Kassim were very much a highlight for me. Not only did Yasmen and Josiah go through all of those things, so did those kids. And while kids are resilient, it’s not easy to process big feelings. Deja took a lot on her mom, blamed her for a lot. Kassim was quieter but he was struggling just as much, he had real fears of losing his family. And they were so strong. And Kennedy did a wonderful job of depicting their journey as well.

I loved Yasmen and Josiah so much. The love they had for each other was so deep. Even though they went through the hardest thing, even though they got divorced, they made sure to keep their kids their top priority. They did a fantastic job of co parenting and keeping their business relationship functional. They never faltered in that sense and it was amazing.

I loved seeing them find their way back to each other. Even though it was hard, they did the work, and realized what was important. They didn’t just skip over the things they lost, and how how they hurt each other, they learned and changed and came back together. They were able to have fun together again!

This book was amazing. There’s going to be more books in this series which is very exciting! I cannot wait to see what else Kennedy Ryan has in store for these characters!

There are HEAVY topics in this book: loss of a loved one, loss of full term pregnancy, divorce, grief. It was a happy ending for everyone, but the journey was not an easy one.

Thank you to Netgalley and Forever Publishing for this ARC in exchange for an honest review!

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Yasmen and Josiah were married and thought it would last forever. But life has other plans. They work together and coparent their kids together. They STILL love each other. Can they make it back to each other? This story has you feeling so many emotions! Read this book when you have nothing else to do as you cannot put it down! Also, have tissues and boxes of them close to you! I received an advanced readers copy and all opinions are my own.

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GAH, Kennedy Ryan. Just knows how to rip your heart out and mend it back together.
I am not a newbie when it comes to the queen herself. I very much love her books, and although they take an emotional toll on any reader who has the honor of reviewing and reading one of them, for that reason they are extremely well written. I don't read many books that deal with second chance romance, especially with couples who are divorced and are trying to fall back "in love" with each other again, but this one just did a number on me. I felt that emotion from both characters and definitely had those moments where I was just rooting for them the whole time and wanted to shoo anyone that got in their way, but also was just angry that they were at odds at all. All that's to say, the tension in this book, coupled with the steaminess and burn was everything I wanted and more from the queen herself. A job well done.

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I'm convinced that Kennedy Ryan knows exactly how to pull at every heartstring while crafting a novel that will have us feeling all of the emotions by the time we're finished. Before I Let Go is so exquisitely written and it's one that I would highly recommend.

Yasmen and Josiah Wade thought their love would go the distance. They got married, had two children and started a business, but then when they least expected it, they were dealt a series of blows that challenged them both as people and as a couple. They weren't able to save the marriage, but they co-parent and continue to be co-workers.

Following the divorce, it's clear that Josiah still loves Yasmen, but he also understands how difficult everything was on her and how he had to let her go. Yasmen has gone to therapy and is starting to become stronger, learning from therapy and also from the people in her life. While both Josiah and Yasmen try to move on with other people, it just doesn't feel right. Will these two be able to have the tough conversations and learn from their past mistakes to enable them to try again?

The characters that Kennedy Ryan has created are so realistic, raw, flawed, and human, which I love. There is so much emotion, angst and hope in this story and it just goes to show that second chances to exist if you're willing to work hard enough to get to the desired outcome. Simply put, this is an amazing work of art.

**I voluntarily read an early copy of this title courtesy of NetGalley and the publisher in exchange for an honest review**

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Wow! Did you ask for an ALL THE FEELS, kind of book? Because Ms. Ryan delivered! Josiah and Yasmin are a divorced couple going through everything that entitles moving on after unspeakable heartbreak. When you marry someone it’s not just the two of you, it’s the kids, extended family, business, house, cars, bank accounts. Everything! And when you’ve been with someone for so long, how do you navigate life without the person you thought it was going to be your forever? Just wow! This book is a beautiful tale of mature love where not everything is rainbows and unicorns but it is love after all.

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(Thank you Forever Publishing for an e-arc of a copy of Before I Let Go. All Thoughts and opinions are my own. )

CWs: Depression, Suicidal Ideation, Stillbirth, and Divorce.

1. Second Chance trope / Divorced couple/Co-parents
2. One-bed trope ( OHHH MYYY!!!)
3. 2 years of pent-up longing & pining
4. Garage Spice ( Kennedy said TURNNing THE HEAT UPPPPPP!!!!!)
5. Mental Health/ Therapy rep
6. The spice meter (🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️)

Kennedy Ryan had me sobbing, shaking, and Hyperventling, head-to-toe shaking, on the verge of shattering. I was parched, starved, and yearning after I finished this book. It was un-put-downable. Ryan has a possessive grip on writing intimacy, the magnitude of loss, joy, and second chances. Before I let go is an absolute winner of how relationships need work and nuanced discussions about mental health and healing. Best romance book of the year! I've read Before I Let Go seven times. It's truly a masterpiece. If this is the first book you're picking up by Kennedy Ryan, prepare a box of tissues beside you as you will be hit with a wave of violent emotions.

Before I let Go is the first novel of the Skyland series that takes place in Atlanta. Readers follow Yasmen and Josiah Wade; A couple that seems unshakable. A love that is supposed to last forever. A forever that tastes hot and sweet and ravenous. But when life throws devastating blow after blow, their love wasn't enough to salvage it. Now nearly two years passed, and they are both moving on with co-parenting, and managing their successful business. Yet, the air crackles between them, a familiar current drawing them together as they begin to wonder if they are ready to let go of everything they once had. Like a carousel, spinning of fingers whispering across the skin, Hot illicit kisses,after-f*ck glows, anger, and resentment crackling and festering as truths are being confessed as they try for a second chance. This book will stay with you long after you’ve turned the last page. It's so beautiful.

These are my Favourite Quotes from the book.

We had the kind of chemistry that burned everywhere it touched—skin, bed, hearts. Nothing was safe, and if there is one thing I want to be after my last few perilous years, it’s safe.

Our traumas, the things that injure us in this life, even over time, are not always behind us. Sometimes they linger in the smell of a newborn baby. They surprise us in the taste of a home-cooked meal. They wait in the room at the end of the hall. They are with us. They are present. And there are some days when memories feel more real than those who remain, than the joys of this world.

“God, yes,” he rasps and lowers his mouth to me.

“You have to make peace with that woman, Yasmen, because she is you. She’s not someone you banished with therapy and meds. She is you. You cannot dissociate from her. Until you reconcile that, you won’t find true peace. Until you have compassion for her instead of judgment, you cannot fully heal.” She grabs her pen and pad from the side table, lifts her head, and stares me down. “So let’s set a date.” “A date? For what?” “We need to put it on the calendar, the day you’re going to forgive yourself and get about the business of living your life.” “Um, pretty sure it doesn’t work like that.” “It can work like that. You can’t change what has already happened.

“This is mine tonight, Yas.” His voice is half growl, half groan.

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