Member Reviews

Personally, I feel this one may have missed the mark a bit. I'm not too sure if it was just the way things came across but I felt a bit disheartened by some comments that were made. Though, I will say, with a bit more work this could be a very good book for those who need/want it.
I received this e-book free for a genuine review.

I found this book to be insightful and interesting. I think there are a lot of parents interested in this topic and this book fills a need in my library.

This was a decent read. It wasn't overly lengthy and the information was set forth in a way that was fairly easy to grasp without being overwhelmed. I love how it is an inclusive book, making only slight mentions of religion and including multiple different ones when doing so.
The practices were easy to implement and some were actually quite fun. This book would work for multiple ages, not just the younger grades, as well as helping adults who suffer from anxiety. It wasn't as neurodivergent friendly as I would personally like, but if you are on the higher functioning side of that spectrum it should be ok; moderately challenging to stay focused at worst-extremely helpful at best.

I truly think mindfulness should be in line with teaching children their ABC's. Mindfulness is such a fantastic, valuable skill and can only help children as they go through life. I found this to be such a helpful, insightful resource. I would love to read a version for adults.

📖 59/100
Mindfulness for Preschool & Kindergarten by Monica Moore Jackson
Format: 📱(ARC from NetGalley)
(Rating: 3.5, represented by a 3)
A huge thanks to NetGalley and New Harbinger for the e-book ARC! This book will be available publicly this summer on July 31!
Jackson presents a program for “boosting social-emotional learning & classroom engagement” in this text directed at educators and early childhood professionals. I truly appreciated that it took time to point out the need for educators themselves to practice mindfulness, and provided that as the foundation of success with the program. While the text offered several refreshing and useful activities, processes, and ideologies, some of the writing was a bit “bulky” and took a few rereads on occasion. I can see that this will primarily be a resource book for me to look on in the future, which makes me thankful for the easy-to-follow layout of the chapters and sections!