Member Reviews

While I finished the whole audiobook, I can't say that I particularly enjoyed it. It wasn't terrible, but maybe just not my thing. I didn't feel like much was happening to move the story forward even though it should have been quite dramatic with things that happened.

I want to thank Netgalley and the author for gifting me the audio version. Very interesting story plot. If you are looking for a sort of end of the world type book, you might like this one.

Great audiobook, thanks to NetGalley and the publishers for letting me access it in exchange for my feedback.

While I hate leaving bad reviews, I did not enjoy this one bit. I don’t think it was genuinely bad, just definitely not my cup of tea.

What did I just read? I thought this book was going to be a premise of solving the mystery around why all the Y Chromosomes were missing. But, When reading this novel, That was the minority of the story. Actually, I had to ask myself more than once, If this story was about an x chromosomes (sex offenders) Sex life or the mystery surrounding the disappearance of the Y Chromosomes. I wish this book focused around the disappearing "men" more. For that reason, I did finish the book but did not like it. I gave this book 2 stars.
The Narrator. I did listening to this book thanks to Netgalley and the publisher. I do like the way Mia Barron read the book and I will be looking for more books narrated by Mia. She was easy to understand but gave the story the character it needed.

I wanted to read this but didn't realize it was expiring. My apologies for bad time management. Will leave a better review when I can find the book on Libby or something. Appreciate the gifted copy.

Oh, I wanted to give this a chance. I really, really did. I requested this book before I read other reviews, because I really needed to form my own opinion for myself.
I think this book has a promising premise, but it's execution is just... A huge question mark. There's a lot of context just missing, and every opportunity to lean into the social commentary regarding misogyny and the patriarch backfires so much so that I'm not even sure what the author's intention was meant to be.

This is a polarizing book - you either love it or hate it. I am happy to have received the audio version because firstly Mia Barron's narration is great, and secondly because otherwise I might have DNF'ed it. And that would have been a big mistake.
This is not only a story about what the world looked like without men. It gives you plenty to think about: racism, gender issues, mental health, motherhood, love, climate change and the future of the Earth. The structure of the book and the twists are clever, but you need to be patient to have the full picture in the end. It's absolutely worth it.
I think it's easier to follow the separate stories and the different timelines if you choose to listen to the audio book.
This is the most unique book I have read of late.
Thank you NetGalley and RB Media / Recorded Books for the Advance Review Copy.

Overall, this book is enjoyable, and I still find myself thinking about certain aspects of it. I think it is a unique story, for being a frequently used dystopian trope, and it managed to surprise me with cleaver spins, unique characters, and truly bizarre details that no one has ever used before. I enjoyed seeing how society thrived without the men, making it a little less dystopian and a little more like paradise. The book uses a lot of flashbacks of the main characters lives before the event which gives this book more of a social commentary/literary fiction spin. The beginning had religious undertones and thinking of the “rapture” made the book feel slightly misogynistic. There were a few times where I found myself questioning wording in the book and I had to double check that it was written by a woman. So, I’m torn because I almost DNF the book in the beginning but by the end I find myself having enjoyed it. I would recommend finishing the book before judging it because it really is something different and something new.

This book was certainly a very interesting journey. It was one of them unusual books that your either going to love or hate with it . With its very unique story line. It's a book the likes of which I have never seen before. I was very interested in read a book where all the men disappear. Then life must go on for all the women must carry on. It's a genre hybrid type book that is part dystopia, part thriller, part romance and part LGBTQIA.
I listened to the audiobook and liked the narrator who brought great atmosphere to the story.
As I write this review I am still sat on the fence as to whether I liked this book or whether I didn't. It seem to trigger my autism with its none logical story. I really felt this book could of been so much better if it would of followed a slightly different path. Saying all this it did really make me read on to find out what was going to happen next. I was neither elated nor disappointed by this book.
I definitely recommend this book if you love to read unusual storyline. I would recommend you read a sample of this book to decide for yourself if you love or loathe this book as everyone's tastes are very unique.
Many thanks to the author and publishers for creating this very interesting and extremely unique novel.
The above review has already been placed on goodreads, waterstones, Google books, Barnes&noble, kobo, amazon UK where found and my blog https://ladyreading365.wixsite.com/website/post/the-men-by-sandra-newman-rb-media-3-stars either under my name or ladyreading365

The description of "The Men" made me expect something different from what we actually got and what we got didn't make a lot of sense in my opinion.
The idea that all men just disappear and how humankind goes on afterward is an interesting one and could have led to a really interesting story, but in "The Men" the disappearance of men doesn't really make a difference in everyday life, international relations, or to the characters themselves. Or at least it's only touched on and never really developed: society just moves on and everything goes back to normal in only a couple of days even though half the workforce is missing.
The ending somehow manages to make even less sense than the rest of the novel and I'm still not sure what exactly the author wanted to say. There are so many topics touched on but never properly explored that I just felt somewhat dissatisfied after reading this.

DNFd at 65%
I can’t. I cannot force myself to finish this book. The premise is great...a dream come true....but this book is not for me. Maybe I’ll try to finish it down the line. I encourage everyone to give it a shot though. You never know what book will become your next favorite

Great premise. Well narrated. And, there were some parts that just gutted me (the main character’s backstory).
But, oh boy, did this just really get bogged down and never really go anywhere. Overall, I was disappointed.

Audiobook received for free through NetGalley
I absolutely loved the idea of this book and it destroyed me. Combined with the overturned Roe versus Wade decision as I finished the book it was a bit disheartening. That said an incredible book that I’m glad I came across.

This was an interesting feminist dystopian world in which one day all the men in the world disappear inexplicably (unborn fetuses included!), leaving the women left behind to grieve their loved ones and re-build society. This book was eerily reminiscent of The end of men by Christina Sweeney-Baird and gave me a lot of The measure by Nikki Erlick vibes. The mystery of where the men went and whether they were really dead drove the plot nicely for me and I loved the cast of memorable female characters. Fans of feminist dystopias are sure to enjoy this book. I liked Mia Barron, (a new to me) narrator too and would definitely recommend this one! Much thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for my advance listening copy!

The synopsis of this book was super intriguing and I was actually looking forward to reading this book.
However, the book itself was just extremely clunky. I'm not going to talk about the absolutely problematic handling of gender essentialism and trans- and non-binary phobia and honestly very questionable homo/bisexuality because people have already done it before (and it is just too wrong - like where do I even start).
I absolutely love reading a well-done dystopia. It gives me chills and creeps me out but goodness heavens, this was creepy in a whole different way.
The book itself was very strange. You'd assume that the author, if wanting to handle a problematic main character would do it in a way that you'd be intrigued? But I just got more and more irritated by everyone. I have said this before too - I don't want to like the protagonists or all the characters in a book, honestly. But they should be root-able or should have redeeming qualities. Here, everyone was just horrible people who have the worst kinds of thoughts, and the writing was just... bad?
I wish the protagonist's before-the-apocalypse story was the main story because that was creepy and could have made a great book a la Lolita, if it were better written.
I'm trying to think of a good thing to say - I suppose the premise was actually intriguing and I wish everything else were bearable.

This is not my style or typical genre, however I decided to give it a try. I absolutely could not get into it and decided to DNF. HOWEVER, I have a feeling that the right people that dig this genre will love it, it just ultimately was not for me.

I made it 60% of the way through this audiobook and ended up having to DNF it as I just wasn't connecting to the story at all. The premise of the story sounded good and it was one I was looking forward to listening to and it did start off really good and gripping but towards the middle of the book, it just failed to keep me gripped and unfortunately had me not wanting to continue with this book

Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for a copy of the audiobook.
I wish I had listened to this book before being aware of the controversy around it, because that was in my head the whole time and possibly changed my reading experience. The Men is the story of a world in which every human with a Y chromosome has vanished, including trans women, nonbinary people, and fetuses. The author has been accused of transphobia for establishing this scenario in her novel, for including trans and nonbinary people as "men." I completely understand why this is controversial, yet I also recognize that this is a speculative novel and the author can take it wherever she likes. People don't have to like it, however, and no one should be surprised by the criticism. I went back and forth while listening to the book, sometimes caught up in the characters and sometimes (especially at the end) feeling like it was all a bit silly. The best part of the book was the characters' background stories, particularly the main character Jane's history as both sexual predator and victim. I would have been more interested in a book solely about that experience. I wouldn't really recommend this book to anyone, because there are far better dystopian books that aren't so clunkily put together.

Uh........ This book was trying to make a point but I can't tell what it was. Thank you so much to netgalley for the ARC because I was so excited for this book but it fell so flat and I would have been so mad if I had paid real money for this nonsense. What the fuck was this?
It was all over the place.
I don't agree with the reviews saying it was transphobic and racist. If anything, it leaned heavily on race issues and trans issues. However, maybe people are saying that because the race issues were brought up by a super unlikeable character who seemed to be a compulsive liar? I don't know. Literally this entire book was a mess. I kept hoping for some fascinating finale and ending and I was left just wondering what the hell I had just read and what the hell the point when was.
As a feminist, liberal, and queer woman, I am baffled. Was the lesson literally that all men are the enemy? Because that's the only take away I ended up with from this disaster. Yikes.