Member Reviews

Kind of a middle school version of Handmaid's Tale - Biblical "utopia" with the country divided into the religious, protected cities and the "lawless" remainder. The writing style reads younger than other dystopian books like Hunger Games or Divergent, but the main characters ring true as middle school students. There's not a lot of depth to the plot or characters, but overall this was an entertaining novel once the action picks up. The ending does set itself up for a sequel, but doesn't really need one.

Thank you, NetGalley, for the ARC.

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Fremont City — utopia or dystopia?

This is a fast-paced and action-packed story set in 2053. I love speculative fiction and this seemed like my kind of read, but I think the synopsis makes things sound more exciting than they are actually are. A lot happens in this novella and not all of them are clear. The story didn't always hold my interest so I found myself skimming parts at times.

I can't decide whether Sophie is well-written as an angsty teenager or just an annoying brat. I also feel like Miguel and Beth aren't developed enough. The book leaves many loose ends, likely because it's setting things up for a sequel.

Not particularly satisfying but an okay read and good palate cleanser overall.

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One side of the wall is ruled by elders. It’s supposed to be the religious side. People that disobey with what the elders or the bible think or say are sent to the institution. Which heavily reminded me of conversion therapy but for anything that didn’t fit into the elder's rules. This side of the wall has ‘enforcers’ (guards) and strict rules.

It’s also very hard to leave. Or to be let back in if you do somehow escape.

The other side of the wall is our world now. No institution. There’s choice of religion.

Every character was connected to every other character which made it very confusing for me to follow. Almost every time a character was revealed it gets revealed shortly that they know all the other characters.

There are two gay relationships in this book. One I thought was done very well, made sense to the book and the character. And the other came completely out of left field, there had been no build-up or hinting. It felt like they made this character gay to have a gay character.

Overall this book was not for me. I don’t think I would personally read anything else by this author unless the plot sounded really interesting to me. Being her debut book, I am excited to see where she grows and what she decides to write next.

Thank you to Netgalley and Wolf Grove Media LLC for an E-ARC (advanced reader copy) of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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I read this book straight through and enjoyed it. I felt that it had a lot to interest a preteen audience but also offers much to the young adult audience too. I hope that there is a follow up book as I would like to know how the story develops.

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I enjoyed Hollow City. The story is fast paced and exciting, and the characters are relatable. I think any middle grade reader who enjoys dystopian fiction or thrillers would like this one.

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Hollow City by Beth Connor is a good YA dystopian fantasy with well-developed characters and an interesting premise. It was a quick read and kept my interest throughout. The book was making me mad regarding the intolerance of the Confederated Cities and religious rigidity. Still, it all made sense in the end. The premise could reflect the future of what might happen in the United States. I felt so bad for Sophie and her questions going unanswered by her grandmother and Aunt Bree, and all the secrets were making everything worse.

The ending seemed a bit rushed, and I would have liked more explanation regarding Sophie leaving Fremont City and settling in Seattle. Also, the book ends on a cliffhanger, so I'll have to wait to learn more about Sophie, her grandmother, and all the other interesting characters!

#HollowCity #NetGalley @LPOBryan

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