Member Reviews

MY REVIEW: Silver Butterfly Wings, is one woman’s journey through the grief of losing her much loved husband and how she emerged from the other side and learns to live again.
Wendy’s journey was heartbreaking. Trying to come to terms with the death of a loved one is never easy.
I am a believer in an afterlife. And I was so touched by Wendy’s beautiful writing and especially how she took comfort in the small signs that came to her from the other side.
I know the concept of spiritualism and the possibility of an after life isn’t for everyone. However this true story cannot fail to touch the heart of even the most sceptical amongst us.
This is an outstandingly beautiful book, that will give anyone who is struggling with grief, hope in their darkest hour.
Silver Butterfly Wings is my story. It’s a story of transformation, of the many paths and decisions I faced while going through the process of grief. My husband had died and I was utterly shattered; could not imagine a life without him. Then signs from the other side appeared, filling me with hope: flickering lights, hawks flying overhead, our song on the radio, a butterfly’s silvery wings, a hot spot on his side of the bed. At first I was sceptical. How could my dearly departed be sending signs and messages from across the veil? Over time I learned to trust these signs, these gifts from Spirit. There was a reason I was still here. I was meant to go on, to live my life with passion. I was to figure out who I was becoming in this totally different world and trust that life was taking me where I was meant to be. In short, I was to transform - like a butterfly.
LINK TO BUY: Silver Butterfly Wings: Signs from the Other Side offering comfort and hope after death of a loved one (O-books; Spirituality) https://amzn.eu/d/cAGtV93
With thanks to Netgalley and John Hunt Publishing Ltd for a digital arc of this book.

After losing my grandad 8 years ago who for all intents and purposes was my dad, I found this book extremely helpful in dealing with the grief I still feel on a daily basis. I have now learned to trust any sign that my intuition believes is from him. This book has helped so much dealing with my grief and self recovery

This book may be triggering for some to read, due to the topics of grief in it but I might also help some people who are grieving the lost of someone the loved. It’s so beautiful written.

This book may be triggering for some to read, due to the topics of grief, but it is a lovely story with great and realistic characters.

The format of this book is very unusual. I was hoping for more in the spiritual sense than I received. I doubt that any of the signs Wendy thought were from her late husband David would have convinced any sceptics.
However, reading Silver Butterfly wings was like reading a friend's journal on coping with the grief of losing her husband. It was rambling and at times repetitious and overly long but it did give comfort that whilst it's a long and complicated process one can learn to live with the death of a spouse and I feel strangely sad now I've finished the book.

This book is dedicated to all those who are grieving after the death of a loved one.
When the author's husband dies, she deals with grief daily and finds comfort in different signs and messages that give her hope that there is life after death even though that love never dies.
Wendy finds herself on a journey to find herself again. Even though this journey is full of hardship, in the end, is transformative.
This book gives hope and encouragement, that every grieving person can arrive from overwhelming heartache and loss to a place of comfort, strength, and peace.
It is written beautifully, with great compassion, intuition, and understanding of how people feel when they lost someone dear to them.

Silver Butterfly Wings
Signs from the Other Side offering comfort and hope after the death of a loved one
by Wendy Willow
This book really got into me. I am 1 of 11 siblings. The 1 that is still living. The hardest thing was being a caregiver to my Mom, and twin sister. But, as Wendy did, I was never ready to et to go of everyone. So, this was one that had me in tears most of the time. But, I would do it all again, to learn and no what-ifs. Beautiful read and I am sure helps to let go, ready or not.

This book purports to give signs from the other side offering comfort and hope after the death of a loved one
However, instead it is the journal, month by month, during and after the death of husband from COPD and she coped with and changed from the experience. It was well written, but overly long. The message of comfort and hope got lost in the details of daily life.