Member Reviews

I always liked underwater Animals and Wales always fascinated me, so giving this book a listen was a no brainer for me. At first I really liked it, the setting was nice and the plot had a good turn. But after a while the main protagonist really got on my nerves. She said and did things I really couldn´t understand and acted like a child. The the charakters also acted older, they should be around 18 but ated more like in their mid twentys. Overal it was a bit dissapointing and wasn´t what i was hoping for. A really low 3 Stars.

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Coriander and her best friend Ella bonded over whales when they were little. Now that Ella is gone, Coriander made a list of things they wanted to do before college. One of them is going on a marine biology internship in Cape Cod.

It's supposed to be a summer of new beginnings and dealing with the past, but all of that is a bit interfered with when she meets Mannix. He has a million of jobs trying to help his family and doesn't have time for anything serious. But love always finds a way. :)

Making a list was a way of dealing with the grief and the immense guilt she had over the death of her friend. As she spends time at Cape Cop, working very hard to get into the good graces of her boss, making friends and falling in love, the snippets of her past reveal why she has such a hard time with her death. With time the weight of it is lifted a bit and she can beat it again.

Coriander is a very complex character. She made mistakes, and now she has to live with them and that is not an easy thing to do, especially given her age. It is the kind of story that pulls at all of your heartstrings and you can't help but feel for her in the end.

received from Netgalley, all thoughts and opinions are my own

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This was a "finding yourself" type of book.

I enjoyed the whale aspects and learning more about them and their life. I pretty much hated the main character Coriander. She was a bit bratty and even though she went through tough times it doesn't seem like she ever grew up out of that selfish phase of her life.

I did enjoy the end of the book. It made the journey worth it.

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I felt the love for whales in this reading. It talks about preserving their lives, warning about the risk of extinction, and I even learned interesting facts about them!
It is a beautiful story about loss and love.
The audiobook is quick and enjoyable. Perfect for summer reading at the beach.
Thank you NetGalley and publishers for the opportunity to listen to the audiobook!

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The Edge of Summer was such a sweet summer story. Coriander spends her summer on Cape Cod, navigating both loss and love. She balances her grief, her new relationships, and her memories of her best friend Ella, with an important marine biology internship.

I listed to this audio book and really enjoyed the writing and the characters. My one hang up was the underage drinking. I just don’t love it in a teen / YA book. I wouldn’t even have minded as much if it was occurring but our protagonist passed. This book just seemed perfect for teens otherwise. (For the record, I was the goody-two-shoes who didn’t drink in high school… maybe I’m in the minority in this area and topic. 😉)

If you’re looking for a sweet, easy read (or listen!), this really was a good one.

Thank you to NetGalley and RB Media for the audio advanced copy of The Edge of Summer by Erica George!

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Synopsis: This is a first person narrative told from Coriander's point of view. She's interning as a marine biologist in Cape Cod the summer between her senior year of high school and her first year of college and staying with her gregarious uncle Jack. Cor has a bucket list of items to complete this summer before college and she can't let down her best friend Ella (again). She's there for the whales, and one in particular: Fraction. While flirting with a life guard/chef/handy man Mannix is sort of on the list (date a guy), Cor seems to be getting swept away into a relationship that may prove hard to navigate. Will Cor finish her bucket list and find more than just for the summer romance? Read on to find out!

"I think that's what it means to be human... that can't live in this world without affecting everything around us for better or for worse. We just need to be a little more cognizant of the ramifications of our actions. Live a little more gently" (George). -> this quote hit my in the feels and I think it connects to the novel overall very nicely.

What I loved most:
When faced with two really hard decisions, Cor makes mistakes and learns from them. But in the end, when she has to make a HUGE decision, I think she made the right call.
The whales! Who doesn't love a story with whales. In true larger than life fashion, these whales help teach lessons about the impact of fishing and ocean pollution. There's also seals, sharks and dolphins. The marine component of this novel was well done and well researched.
The trio of interns: Mia, Kyle and Cor have a good dynamic throughout the summer and I liked how they interacted.
All the characters are flawed and make mistakes as normal people do. That being said, Mannix does wear a lot of hats; however, as a teen/young adult character trying to figure out what they want to do with life, this makes sense to me.

What I didn't love:
Cor is whiny and selfish at times (but this also made her more realistic).
The ending felt rushed and more of a tidy bow than an actual concrete resolution.

Narrator: Great narration. She even came up with different voices, some accents, and inflections for different characters. Great work!

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Thank you to Tantor Audio for providing an ALC in exchange for an honest review!

Pub date: 7/21/22
Genre: coming of age
In one sentence: Feeling adrift after the death of her best friend, teenage Cor is determined to save the whales like they've always planned - until she meets Mannix.

I love coming of age stories, and Cape Cod is a beautiful setting for one! Cor feels like a real teenager - she makes mistakes, she has a lot of regrets, and she's not sure what life holds in store for her. I enjoyed following her work with the whale conservation and seeing how it helped her grieve her friend Ella. The Cor-Mannix relationship wasn't as strong for me - Cor didn't really consider his feelings and came off a bit selfish in their interactions. I also wish there had been a bit more clarity in the ending of the book.

I would recommend this one to teens who enjoy beach settings or are dealing with a personal loss.

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This book was brilliant and perfect young adult summer read. I loved every minute of it and I just had to binge read it. This book really focuses on friendship, hard work , protecting the environment and a relationship. I just found the story line was amazing and very unique. I loved how it contained excellent life lessons and a brilliant insight into very important environmental issues. I felt the author did an exceptional job at portraying the the characters and solving issues in a very realistic way. Incorporating a brilliant balance between people making a living at sea and still protecting the Whales . I loved how the characters were developed causing the book to feel both relatable and realistic.  

I listened to the audiobook and loved the narrator who really brought out the passion, atmosphere and tense of the book to life. I really can't recommend this book enough I know that even adults will love this book aswell. It just made me feel so much happiness while reading it. 

Only the highest of praise goes out to the author and publishers for putting together this fantastic story that will both excite the readers and also involve them emotionally in this tale.

The above review has already been placed on goodreads, waterstones, Google books, Barnes&noble, kobo, amazon UK where found and my blog either under my name or ladyreading365

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What an adorable contemporary romance. I honestly had my doubts at first because it kind of gives that vibe of “Oh I’ve read this kind of story a million times already.” but as the book progressed I realized that wasn’t true. I absolutely love how it’s about a girl spending summer on Cape Cod researching whales. You get to learn a little about them through this book. There’s an amazing friend group and a cute romance. I loved the use of they/them pronouns for one of the characters. It’s something I’ve never seen in a book till now. The ending was kind of nerve wracking but it made it enjoyable. I could really feel what the characters must’ve been feeling. And the narrator made it all the more real. Definitely a must read.

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Thank you to NetGalley and Tantor Audio for the audio version of this book. I really enjoyed listening to this book. I was a love story mixed with a young womans journey through grief at losing her best friend to the ocean. Its funny how in life a book can bring you to the ralization that grief and healing and accomplishing what you and a friend talked about in life- you finishing the dream or goal can really be a boost to yourself. I really enjoyed listening tot his book.

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The Edge of Summer is a YA Summer Romance that is packed with an unexpected amount of drama.

Coriander begins the summer with a list of to-dos that she and her best friend created before she passed. Determined to complete the list over summer break, Coriander experiences love, loss and her dream to be near WHALES.

This summer romance is perfect for anyone looking for an emotional but sweet summer book. The Edge of Summer is certainly at the top of my list!

If you have read this book, I put three fingers down in the "what if" game. Read this and let me know how many fingers you put down.

Thank you to Tantor Audio and Netgalley for this ALC.

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During a recent forum about the Young Adult publishing industry, one of the panelists explained the importance of writing what you’re passionate about along with relevant topics to fit into the “political correctness” of this world. The Edge of Summer is a perfect example of this advice.

Coriander has one summer to make things right before going to college. With the list of goals she and her best friend, Ella, made in high school, Cor is determined to prove her loyalty — even if she has to complete the tasks alone. Haunted by the guilt of what happened to Ella the year before, Coriander arrived in Cape Cod for a marine biology internship, determined to keep her promise to protect the humpback whales from entanglement. However, after meeting a local named Mannix, Coriander’s priorities are split. Can she give her heart to Mannix if it causes Ella and the whales to become second?

Whales. Romance. Inclusion.

The Edge of Summer is a story of healing from loss and finding love; however, my thoughts on this novel are conflicted. While the author’s passion for whale conservation drove the book and made me very happy, her desire to remain PC gave me a reason to pause. Though most novels are being infiltrated by this “woke” world, it still comes as a shock to find it so nonchalantly included in teen literature. I think the only reason I continued listening was to see how Cor would forgive herself after Ella and use her summer to save the majestic mammals that had come to mean so much to her.

Did I enjoy listening to this book? Somewhat. Was I swooning over Cor and Mannix’s romance? Not really. Would I recommend it? Probably not.

Positive content: 2.5⭐️
Language: 3⭐️
Sexual content: 2.5⭐️
Violence: 0⭐️
Age: 15+

*Thank you, NetGalley and the publisher, for providing me with a pre-release copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are entirely my own!*

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A YA summer romance that has the main character dealing with grief and her first love. Coriander aka Cor is spending her summer on Cape Cod, interning to help save humpback whales from entanglement before she heads off to college. Cor has a bucket list of items she'd like to complete that she had made with her late best friend Ella. When Cor meets Mannix, a local lifeguard, she gets distracted and loses focus on what's important to her.

Having been to Cape Cod and on whale watches in Stellwagen Bank, I felt the author did a fantastic job at transporting me back there. I also really felt the connection between Cor and Mannix, it had me reminiscing about when I was 17/18 years old. I enjoyed the audiobook and looked forward to more by Erica George.

Thank you Netgalley for the audiobook copy.

**This is definitely not meant for younger YA readers.

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I received an arc of this title from NetGalley for an honest review. Great young adult/teen novel about finding yourself after loss. Great love and coming of age story, and I loved the extras about the whales.

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Book was emotional and sweet. I've lost my best friend suddenly so i understand that need for connection like the main character does. Definitely a must read feels good on the heart.

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This was a cute, easy summer YA read.

I’ve been obsessed with sharks since I was a little girl, and despite the book focusing on whales, there were enough mentions of Great Whites that it made me want to hop on a plane to Cape Cod and take a boat tour!

The story was fine, but I really could not connect with Cor. I understand she is young and working through grief, but my hopes for a redemption arc ended as abruptly as the last page of the book. Maybe if the author had included an epilogue in the future it would have been more satisfying, but the way the book suddenly ended without anything more than the barest hint of a Happy For Now was very disappointing.

Overall, I liked it, but I didn’t love it. I listened to the audiobook version and the narrator did a great job of giving each character a unique voice.

Thank you to the publishers, author, and NetGalley for the free copy of this audiobook.
#NetGalley #TheEdgeofSummer

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The Edge of Summer was such a cute YA novel which showcased Coriander navigating her way through grief and the loss of her best friend. We follow Cor's life through the summer as she makes new friends, starts a new internship helping to rescue whales from entanglement, checks things off of the list of things to do before college that she and Ella made together, finds new romance, and finally feels that she's made Ella proud. I love the fact that this book shows just how a teenager/young adult experiences and deals with death, especially of a close friend, at such a young age. I would recommend this for all young adults trying to navigate through a loss.

Thank you NetGalley, Tantor Audio, and Erica George for this advance reader copy in exchange for my honest review.

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Thank you to the publishers, author and NetGalley for the free copy of this audio book.

This was a cute little summer romance story. I wasn't completely in love with the main character but overall it was an enjoyable read, and the narrator did a great job.

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Summers at Cape Cod were a staple, and the marine biology internship was the dream for Cor and her best friend, Ella - until tragedy strikes and Cor is on her own. While she navigates her grief and learns the ropes of the helping whales entrapped in fishing equipment, she meets Maddix, a local lifeguard who adds a little something extra to her summer.

"For fans of Sarah Dessen" was the perfect descriptor for this book! It had the nostalgic summertime romance feel of many of Dessen's prior works, and I appreciated the whales and bit of learning I gained from listening. The cover drew me in, the Sarah Dessen reference had me clicking request, and overall I enjoyed myself.

I thought the romance between Cor and Maddix was pretty sweet, and liked how they both had their own journey to navigate throughout. I feel like every small town has a Maddix - he has a bunch of jobs, you see him everywhere, and he's just so sweet and caring.

I didn't love Cor, but we all come across characters we don't like much. It didn't detract from the story for me. When it comes to YA, you can't blame the characters for being immature (their brain isn't done developing after all!) so that comes with the territory.

The narration was great - the perfect companion for gardening.

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The Edge of Summer is a great YA summer read! I really enjoyed the writing style, storyline, and the themes of friendship and regret. I didn’t love the MC, Cor. I didn’t find her relatable and didn’t love the selfish decisions she made.

I listened on audio and enjoyed the narration!

3.5 / 5 stars

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