Member Reviews

This book was very extra sweet. It might have been too sweet for me, but it was a cute story. This book was well written. I typically like my romances a little bit spicer than this. The plot was a little bit unbelievable. It definitely had some good parts, but I think it just may not have been for me. I thought the narrator did a fine job. Huge thanks to the audiobook publisher and Netgalley for allowing me to read and review this book.

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This book is a very light, fluffy romance. I found the summary to be a little misleading. The book begins with the announcement that there may be a "marriage of convenience", when three sisters are told by their mother that they are in debt and to get out of debt, one of them could marry this wealthy guy. This is set in the modern day, so honestly this was a hard pill to swallow. Moving on. The three sisters then set a deadline by which they should all get married, and whoever wasn't engaged/married would marry the debt-erasing guy. Our main character has had a huge crush for years and has been pining (knitting something on every one of his birthdays but not doing anything??). She uses the debt-marriage-pact as an excuse to start wooing him. I honestly couldn't stay in this book. I thought the mom and the main character were bad people. I couldn't get past the premise. The writing wasn't that engaging; I didn't get a sense that the characters were mature or had much interior lives. I think this could be a good beach read for a romance reader looking for a very light book, but it just didn't work for me.

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Nell and her sisters enter into an agreement: the last one of them to get engaged in the next 30 days will enter into a marriage of convenience to save their family’s coffee shop. Nell has been infatuated with Grant Williams since high school 12 years ago but has never had the courage to approach him. Now, with a deadline looming, Nell pretends to be outdoorsy to join a hike he is leading as an adventure guide. Can she find the love she’s been dreaming of?

The only thing I can say about this relationship is, Eww. Nell’s behavior due to her crush on Grant was creepy, not sweet, venturing close to the territory of stalker-ish. Then she does nothing but lie to him once she is finally talking to him? Major, major turnoff! I saw absolutely no reason that he should like her.

Many thanks to NetGalley for providing me an audio ARC of this book.

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A funny, tender and emotional love story. Nell is been; pinning on Grant for so long that she even make him a birthday gift which never gives him. Now she needs to be engaged in less than thirty days in order to keep the family business. It makes sense for her to finally make a move on Grant. But she will be brave enough to do it and tell him the real reason for pursuing him? You will laugh out loud, and also cry with the shenanigans they will be through. A really great reading and better as audiobook, Rachel does a really good job with all the emotions.

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A sweet, clean romance. Parents are supposed to be the ones taking care of their children, not the other way around and yet it doesn’t work that way in the Delaney house. Her parents are in a terrible place financially and have made a deal that requires one of their 3 daughters to enter into a marriage of convenience to save their home and business.
The sisters have made their own deal. Whomever doesn’t find love in the next 30 days takes one for the family and complete her parents deal. And so begins the race to find love to avoid the set up. Nell has always had a thing for Grant and decides this is finally her time to let him know. All is going well until he learns of the sisters bet. Then he decides to get even. Its amusing and of course there is the inevitable HEA, but a very outdated concept.

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If you enjoyed that episode 'He doesn't know I know he knows I know he knows' on FRIENDS then your going to like this book. And the whole camping conversation had me in stitches.

Can't wait to see what is in store for the second sister.

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First Bride to Fall by Ginny Baird
Contemporary romance.
To save their parents home and business and avoid a prearranged marriage contract, the Delaney sisters make a bet to be engaged by October 1st. Nell has had a long time crush on Grant and this is the exact push she needs to talk to him and maybe convince him to go on a date with her.

Adorable and sweet, Delaney and Grant are immediately attracted and charmed with the other. At least until Grant thinks he’s being conned. I really liked his friend trying to warn him it was the wrong direction for him to take and that Grant felt guilty in the antics he pulled. I agree it would have been better to just talk it out but then we wouldn’t have had the book.
Bumps and twists of course, with wonderful resolution in the end with heartwarming epilogue.

🎧 I listened to an audiobook version narrated by Rachel Leblang. The performance was supremely well done. At times I really thought there were two narrators for male and female. But no, it was all just the one person. Great voice variations in cadence and emotions and timing. Fully enjoyed this. I did listen to this at a speed of 1.3 which I felt was the best for matching a conversation.

I received a copy of this from NetGalley and RB Media.

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Thanks to Netgalley and Tantor Audio for the access to this audiobook in exchange for an honest review!

This book is perfect for the people who miss early 2000's romcoms. They don't make movies like this anymore, so might as well enjoy the read! It's a super fun concept, and I look forward to the other sisters' books, especially whoever ends up with Aidan.

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SPOILERS INCLUDED - Marry for love or save the family business in less than 30 days....Sure there are no real romantic prospects, but now is the time to go do or die for the high school crush that you have been pining for for 14 years. 3 sisters have come up with a plan to save their family home and livelihood, by betting to see who will marry a stranger they have never met. . This is a love story...An unlikely on, but a love story none the less. A little more than 50 % of this book takes place on the first day that Nell and Grant meet and pretty much decide they fall in love (without saying they are in love).It's an unfortunate comedy of errors that drives them away from each other, but eventually concludes with a perfect "Happily Ever After". This is not my usual romance, so it was a little saccharine for my taste, but a cute story none the less.

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Normally I love a good chaotic love story, but this one missed the mark for me. The premise was very intriguing and generally a good starting point for a series, but the follow through was lacking. Some other reviewers were critizing that the book felt a bit too juvenile and I have to agree. The story telling, the characters, how everyone acted... I simply can't imagine any adult behaving the way the characters did. Everyone acted like high schoolers and there were just some many cringey scenes and dialogues... I also received the ARC of this book as an audiobook, which I don't think helped the situation. It just made it feel more like a real life situation and that somehow worsened it. While I did somewhat like the narrator, I didn't love her impression of Grant. At times he was spoken like a Grandpa and not like a love interest.
In the end just not a book for me. I wish I could say more about the individual characters, but besides Nell being just very inept and Grant liking being the hero to her damsel in distress, I just didn't get any kind of good impression.

I received this book in exchange for an honest review.

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I love myself Ginny Baird and audiobooks are fast becoming a favorite. I received this complimentary audiobook and all opinions expressed are entirely my own.

The book follows Nell Delaney a young woman who will do anything for her family including waging a bet with her sisters to determine who will get married soon to avoid a marriage of convenience. I absolutely enjoyed this book and the narrator was engaging. I loved it so much!

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I am going to start off with the audio. Rachel Leblang narrates and I am not familiar with her. I almost DNFed the book in the first chapter because of the voices she used when speaking dialogue among the three sisters. I persevered, and thankfully, the chapters between Nell and Grant were less annoying. I would definitely recommend sticking to the print/ebook version and skipping the audio though.

Now, the story. Nell has been in love with Grant forever. Grant really doesn't know she exists. When her mother tells her that one of the three sisters needs to marry a particular man for a business merger, the girls decide the last one standing has to marry him. They only have thirty days to become engaged to someone else. Nell decides to finally go after Grant to avoid the marriage for convenience. They end up in forced proximity for a few days. Things go well at first, until Grant realizes he is being used. Then it becomes a battle of wills.

So....... the narrator didn't help, but this came off very cheesy at times. It is also insta-love. Like super insta-love. Nell has been pining for years, and while Grant knew of her, he didn't know her. Then, poof, both are in love. Within HOURS. Some of their banter was cute, but most of it made me roll my eyes.

If you are a fan of Hallmark movies, you will probably like this. It is very Hallmark-ish. Clean romance, insta-love, sweet.

I received an audio copy in exchange for an honest review.

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Quick Summary: First Bride to Fall was all about family ties, secret crushes, heartbreak, rainbows, reconciliation, and true love.

My Review: Ginny Baird did an outstanding job with First Bride to Fall! I was completely enamored with this beautiful romance. It was an unexpected delight. From beginning to end, I had hope, believing that N and G would get the HEA that they deserved. And they did!

My Final Say: Surely, this will be a series. I want to know about N's sisters. Will they get their HEAs? I also want to know about the mysterious A. I get the impression that he's a good guy at heart.

* This is the kind of romance novel that warms my heart and makes me want to personally thank the writer.

Rating: 5/5
Recommend: Yes
Audience: A
Re-read: Yes
Keeper: Yes
Favorites Shelf: Yes
Interest in a Series: Yes

Sincere appreciation is extended to the author, to the publisher, and to NetGalley, who provided access to this title in exchange for an honest review. The words I have shared are my own and have not been influenced by the aforementioned in any way.

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Yes, it’s cheesy but that just adds to the cute characters and the fun banter they share. This PG love story is lighthearted with some drama to keep the storyline moving along. You can conquer it in a day because it makes you happy and is the perfect escape from a crazy busy life. Cheesy ain’t so bad with this one even if you don’t quite find out how the actual problem is solved. But again… you find that you dont care either!

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This was a very cute and hallmark-type story. Even with being a bit too "sweet" at times, it provides a great escape for when you just feel like listening to an all feel-good story.

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This sweet romance story is the perfect read or rather listen since I chose the audio book version! The narrators did an outstanding job of bringing the wonderful characters to life and made the plot even more fun! Lots of misunderstandings and miscommunications wound throughout witty dialogue and fun antics makes these characters the ones that you want to read about. I am thrilled to realize that this is the first of the series so I'll get to follow the characters even further as the sisters race to see who can fall in love first leaving the last one standing the choice for an arranged marriage to save the family business! I can't wait to see what happens in the next book and highly recommend that you select this as your next listen so you can join the fun too!

Thanks to Netgalley and Tantor Audio for the chance to listen to this book and express my opinions about it!

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If you were nearly 30, and had no real romantic prospects would you take a marriage of convenience to help save your families café? This is the question that Nell, the oldest sister of 3, has to face. She has lived her life being the caretaker of the family, always stepping in to help when needed, but when her and her sisters make a bet she decides to put herself first for once.

She now has only 30 days to get her forever crush Grant to fall in love with her and propose, because the last sister to get engaged has to get marries to Aiden Strong, the families arch nemesis. Nell devises a plan, and it is all working out great, until it's not.

This book is the first romance book I am giving 5 stars, that's how much I liked it. This book is super sweet, romantic, and honestly very funny. There were multiple times this book had me laughing out loud. I honestly love the semi competitive relationship that Nell and Grant share.

I think one of the many reasons I fell so hard for this book is I can relate to the characters. While I am the baby of 3 sisters, I was typically the peace keeper. While Nell knits, and sells her items on Etsy, I crochet and do the same thing. Nell is a bit "girly" and not very outdoorsy but is willing to try new things in order to make a connection with her intended partner, which is much like the relationship I share with my partner.

Overall l would highly recommend this book to really anyone, but especially to someone that loves sweet, romance with forced proximity troupes,

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Loved this fun Rom com, Nell and Grants love story was fun, humourous and realistic .Nell and Grants antics and cease fire type fun to get each other to break first was funny .I could totally see this as a Hallmark movie .

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First bride to fall by Ginny Baird releasing June 2022 Three sisters have a bet of who can find a husband. I really didn’t care for the narrator. She sounded immature. The storyline was very simple. Man has wilderness expedition s. Girl does a wilderness hike. She sprains ankle. He likes her she likes him. They get stuck in cabin

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So cute! I read this as an audio book in one sitting. The narration was good, the plot was good and as predictable as you want this kind of romance to be, with a little heat but not spicy. It was kind of cheezy, but I'm here for it. I am not a big fan of the faking liking someting for someone to like you trope (or in life in general). Presumably, this will be a series, and I will definitely read the other books.

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