Member Reviews

A wonderful start to a new series! I have read several books by Lynn Cahoon but never in order. I enjoyed the characters and will definitely love to see how they develop in future books. I thought the concept of a cancer survivor book club a great idea. Rarity after a scare with breast cancer has decided to enjoy life to the fullest and moves to Sedona, AZ to open up a bookstore since she loves to read. Her best friend owns the store next door and is Rarity sidekick in trying to solve the mystery of how one of the book club survivors was murdered. Of course that whole club gets involved and books are rarely discussed. A fast cozy mystery read….. I just couldn’t put it down.
Thank you NetGalley for this eARC. I am voluntarily posting an honest review after reading an Advance Reader Copy of this story. #NetGalley #TheTuesdayNightSurvivorsClub #LynnCahoon

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After surviving cancer, Rarity Cole moves to Sedona, Arizona, opening a bookstore and starting a book club for fellow cancer survivors. When a new member, Martha, disappears, Rarity, her best friend Sam, and the other book club members start investigating the case.

I’m not one much for cozy mysteries, as in a way I can find them oppressive when they part too much from reality. But I was drawn to The Tuesday Night Survivors’ Club because of the unusual focus – a group of cancer survivors – especially when I found out the author was writing from experience in this regard.

I really liked all the characters, especially Rarity, Sam, and Drew, but more minor ones are also well-sketched, and they were ones I’d be glad to see more of in future books. The author keeps a good mix of coziness and authenticity going throughout the story, and I enjoyed the way she balanced more serious topics with humor. The mystery was also intriguing.

However, there were aspects about the book that I did not understand or enjoy at times. For example, what prompts the club to get so invested in Martha’s death, considering they’d only met her once? I was also a little dubious of the various romances going on. We don’t get to know Archer, Rarity’s love interest, very well, as he pops up in the story only a few times. Meanwhile, we see the policeman Drew much more often, but though I liked him I did not really buy the romance between him and Sam. Still, what I would like even less is if Drew and Rarity end up together!

I read this book as an audiobook, and I thought the narrator C.S.E. Cooney did a good job with it. She had a good variation in her voices, so that I could tell the plethora of characters apart easily, especially all the women. As (I think at least!) is necessary for a cozy mystery, she read in a soothing manner.

Overall, a nice cozy mystery, workmanlike in its qualities.

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Thank you to NetGalley, Lyrical Press Books and Kensington Publishing Group for this ARC in exchange for my honest review.

This cozy mystery is a quick read that will keep you entertained. Rarity Cole just opened a new book store (The Next Chapter) in Sedona and is a recent cancer survivor. I loved the name of the book store and the idea of a woman celebrating her journey and on a mission to help others facing the same journey.

The book club for cancer survivors turns into more than just a book club. These women become investigators as one of their members appears missing. They will go to great lengths to help the detectives.

In this you'll find a mystery, friendship, love and just a cozy read!

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<b>*NOTE*</b> <i> This somehow slipped off my radar and I found it the day after it was published. EEK! I squeezed it in and here we are. Life happens sometimes you know?</i>

I like Lynn Cahoon. I think she is a gifted author. That said, in every single series that I have read of hers [and continue to read], I have not really liked [or heavily disliked] the first book [and sometimes the second, and in one case, even the third. It is now one of my favorite series so there is something to be said with sticking with something]. And while definitely not at the top of my list, this is the probably the best I have ever started with one of her series. And I take that as a HUGE win and hope it only goes upwards from here [some of my issue is, I think, the narrator. She is not one of my favorites and I think that added to the whole vibe of me not being 100% committed to it. For the next book {which I will absolutely be reading}, I will be read reading it unless the narrator changes]. I really like Rarity and Sam as friends and cohorts and I love how Sam supports Rarity, both when she was sick and now that she is well and has moved to her town. They work well together, and even though Sam needs to work on her trust issues, for the most part they are a good team. The setting of a new bookstore is always fun and I love how Rarity immediately wants to have a book club for survivors like herself, though I don't think she thought murder and then solving it would be on the reading list! LOL

The mystery was okay - I had the who figured out about halfway through, but not the why, so that is always a win; my complaint is that the reveal is V E R Y rushed and extremely flat. At no time did I truly believe that anyone was in danger. So that was a major disappointment. There is also a TON of dating/relationship stuff in this and I hope that doesn't continue. It is not a romance book, it is a mystery and while I don't mind a bit of dating etc, there was a TON of focus on this and it also detracted from the story in my opinion. The sensitive subject matter is handled deftly though [the author is a survivor herself] and is never maudlin, but is also not treated flippantly and I really appreciated that. There could have been so much wrong with that kind of story but thankfully it is does so very well that you never feel uncomfortable with it. Kudos for that.

I will absolutely be reading the next one and I am really looking forward to it.

I was also granted an audiobook ARC of this book and I have to say I was not a total fan. I have an issue with this narrator from another series I tried to listen to and had to stop because it was just...not my cup of tea. This one was better than that one, but it took me a long time to settle in to the story and I think the issues I have with the book stem from the narration. I would recommend staying away from the narration.

Thank you to NetGalley, Lynn Cahoon, C.S.E. Cooney - Narrator, Kensington Books/Lyrical Press, and Tantor Audio for providing the ARC and audiobook ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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This first installment in this new cozy mystery series follows Rarity, a lovable character who got through breast cancer and is now cancer-free (you gotta love that). She is now devoting her time to helping others through her bookstore, that focuses on the power of healing. So she starts a Tuesday night book club for survivors. But when one of the member goes missing, they all become sleuths to find her.
I read this in audio and loved the narration.
The story is set in a pleasant setting, with relatable characters, a lovable dog and a bookshop. All the ingredients are mixed for the perfect cozy! The ending was a bit obvious to me, but I do read a lot of cozies (and mysteries), so I am hard to impress in that front. Of course, the main character finds a love interest along the way, which I can't wait to read more about in the next books. I read this in one sitting, and I enjoyed it.
I received this book in exchange for my honest opinion from NetGalley and Tantor Audio.

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I’m a sucker for cozy mysteries. I’ve never read this author, but I will certainly be tuning in to the sequel of this one.
Love the characters - Sam, Rarity, Drew, and especially, the little Yorkie named Killer!
I look forward to seeing what they all get up to next!
And I was thoroughly impressed with the narrator on the audio. It was one person but with all the voice and accent changes you would think it was a full cast!

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3.5 stars *

I wasn't sure what to expect with this new cozy series given the subject matter. However, I was pleasantly surprised with how positive and uplifting the story was and how hopeful the book felt. I liked our protagonist, Rarity Jones, and I love that she was portrayed in a realistic, smart way. I loved her best friend, Sam, and I thought she provided the perfect amount of comedic relief. The mystery was fun, and I enjoyed trying to solve it with the characters. Unfortunately I feel like the love interest is a bit forced, even though I adored his actions at the end of the novel, and I feel like this is set up for a potential love triangle, which I do not like. The audiobook narrator did a great job, and I am looking forward to book 2!

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This book was so good but then again I love cozy mysteries. I really like that this book was about a book club. I really liked Rarity and her friend, Sam. I like the setting, I've always wanted to visit Sedona, AZ. This is my first book by Lynn Cahoon, I know she has a bunch of different cozies I'll have to check them out.

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I really enjoyed this read , loved the charcters and the heart of the story , these ladies are surviors of caner .This storyline was about the bookclub that has just started when one of thier own is murdered, the ladies take it upon themselves to find out the killer , turning into sleuths .I hope there will be more stories , I thinj this will be a fun series if were to turn into one .

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The Tuesday Night Survivors' Club is a small-town bookshop cozy and the first book in a new mystery series by Lynn Cahoon. Due out 14th June 2022. I loved the narrator and the lightness of this book about lovely people dealing with the seriousness of Cancer. I look forward to reading book #2.

Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for a free copy in exchange for an honest review.

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Let me start of by saying that this was the first book I read (or rather, listened to) by this author, but will certainly not be my last. It’s about a Survivor’s Club of women who beat cancer who love to read. I absolutely love the idea of a bookclub in cases like this as it’s a debilitating illness where support is extremely important (during treatment and afterwards). I personally feel that the author did a good job at handling this sensitive subject by not dwelling on it too long each time. This made it so that the subject of cancer wasn’t the main plot of this book.

The plot starts picking up when one of their club members goes missing and the club decides to investigate the disappearance and help (in a way) Sedona’s police officer Drew in trying to figure out what happened.

This book is full of characters who are charming in their own way: Sam, the best friend who is a power to be reckoned with; Drew, the first potential love interest but the question is for who; Rarity, who’s a novelty in town with her new bookclub and non-southern roots; the bookclub members with each their own cancer survivor story; Archer, the hiker and old schoolmate of another of the characters; and so many more interesting characters.

For most of the story there’s also a cute dog involved which I absolutely loved! The setting of the bookshop is also a thing I adored about this story. You can never go wrong with a setting like that!

Re: Audiobook
The narrator just a variety of different voices and accents for the characters. For the most part she kept them with an occasional slip up. I personally liked it as it brough more life to the different characters, but I can imagine it’s not something everyone will like. Another note to add is that I’m not from the USA and have no clue if the accents that are portrayed are factual with the region. But alas, even without this knowledge I could enjoy the Southern twang of characters like Sam.

Thank you NetGalley, Tantor Audio, and the publisher for the opportunity to review and read this book in exchange for my honest opinion.

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This new cozy mystery series is based in Sedona, Arizona, which, along with gorgeous scenery and trails, is known as a center of “new age” mysticism (crystals, vortex, etc.). Newly relocated Rarity Jones has opened a bookstore which has an emphasis on healing and health, along with the stock most bookstores would carry. She’s a breast cancer survivor and has come to Sedona to live near her best friend, Sam (short for Samantha, I assume). She also decides to start a book club, hosted in the store, aimed at cancer survivors. And of course, one of the club participants goes missing and is later found dead/murdered.

I listened to the audiobook version and the narrator was okay, nothing special. Some of the voices she used grated on me a bit.

I thought the detective was realistic and smart, except for asking Rarity to ask questions for him, which I thought was weird. I liked the possible love interest for Rarity. And of course, there's an adorable dog. However, with so many cozy mystery series to choose from, I’m not sure I’d bother reading another one in this series.

Thank you to NetGalley and Tantor Audio for the opportunity to listen to an advance copy of this audiobook. All opinions are my own.

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The narrator did a decent job, some of their voices made me a cringe, like the one for Sam (too over the top with the southern accent) and the African American neighbor (made him sound like a super slow talker, maybe even made it seem like he hard trouble with words).

The story overall was decent enough, followed the usual cozy mystery storyline, had two love interest which Archer didn't make sense to me, she was selling his books at her store so she 100% should not be involved with him at all as a conflict of interest.

The murderer I didn't see coming but mainly because the person was very out of left field and didn't make the most sense either.

Overall any okay first book and I would read the next installment.

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I feel like this book would be great for an older age group. The characters have a very southern charm and it is a very different story line than I’ve ever read which makes it different. I liked how it was a murder mystery but it also had some romance in it. Overall it’s a very wholesome book.

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I was accepted for a copy of this audiobook via Netgalley and I got major The Thursday Murder Club vibes with an added book club of cancer survivors. The characters in this book were likable but it failed to fully grip me into the story. The narrators were easy to follow which made the audiobook very easy to listen to.

A book club that starts small and grows soon becomes a murder investigation when someone from the town has gone missing, the group take it upon themself to investigate the murder and disappearance and come up with evidence and clues to establish what happened.

The one thing that stood out to me was Killer, the yorkshire terrier! Other than that this book really failed to grip me fully. I did enjoy it to a degree but I couldn’t help compare to Thursday Murder Club which I loved so much, so unfortunately for me this book isn’t rated highly by me and I don’t see myself reaching for the 2nd book when it is released.

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This was a cute cozy mystery which involved strong women coming together to support each other, participate in a book club with a side of sleuthing. I thought it was a good idea to people who have survived cancer rally around each other and help each other through tough times. I really liked that Killer was a very small dog with a fierce personality. I like that the small town setting, and how everyone was there to support Rarity's book shop and help her adjust to living in the desert. I can't wait to see what other shenanigans the ladies are going to find themselves in next time. I will definitely continue with the series to see what happens next. I think this book will resonate with a bunch of different types of people.

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This was not for me. The narrator was fine excluding the MC's voice being breathy and sultry. It was very off-putting.
As for the book, the civilian forcing themselves in a police investigation is a thing I can only get behind when I'm 100% in with the characters and I was not, I didn't care about them at all. Some of the conversations were very alien as well

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In a small town like Sedona, everyone knows everyone’s business and gossips, except who killed Martha? Rarity Jones, a survivor, bookshop owner finds Martha (one of her book-club member) went missing and couldn’t ignore the gut feeling telling her something was off and soon got the answer that Martha was murdered. The tight knitted members of the club start playing Sherlock Holmes in finding the murderer and made a list of suspects and start searching soon to find answers. The plot was well-paced. Every character has its essence in making the story come alive. When Rarity find out they should search about why and not who about the murder, the story got my interest a notch-up. The basic thriller and crime set questions like motive, opportunity and means were linked throughout the novel. The narrator did a good job in reading along with different voices for different characters that helped a lot in keep going with the book. Only the plot-hole I find that needs a bridge is Eric, Son of Martha. If the book-club discussed about the will of Martha in detail, it would have been more satisfying. Overall, it is one amazing read both author and the narrator has done an admirable piece of work.

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This was such a charming beginning to a new series! Rarity is new to Sedona, AZ and she’s looking to make some new friends. She runs the local bookstore and decides to start a book club for survivors of cancer. She herself has survived breast cancer. Well, after the first meeting, one of the members goes missing. So the book club slowly turns into an sleuth club to try and figure out what happened.

This has a little bit of everything! A mystery that needs to be solved, a circle of friends, potential romance, and an adorable yorkie! There’s characters that you’re drawn to right away and then there’s characters that are suspicious. And you can’t forget about the quirky side characters like madame Zelda the local psychic and Rarity’s neighbor. The narrator of this book really brought the story to life! She did a wonderful job! Can’t wait for the next installment!

A big thank you to Netgalley and tantor audio for allowing me to listen to this book before it’s release date in exchange for an honest review!

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I want to thank Netgalley and the author for gifting me the audio version. Well I have really been getting into murder mystery books. This one was just a bummer for me. The story really didn't have anything interesting in it. It was unrealistic. For instance there is no way a cop would ask a civilian to go and ask questions for him. Also the worst part was the end. When the killer came out it I thought it was a joke. It was laughable and cheesy. I didn't really like the narrator. I didn't mind some of the voices but when she did the main character it was annoying and breathy.

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