Member Reviews

I received an audiobook ARC in exchange for an honest review.

Story: 4/5 stars. I thought this was a unique twist for a new cozy mystery series set in a bookstore! A book club slash murder investigation squad of women who were cancer survivors or in treatments. The characters were definitely lovable and there is great potential for a variety of stories to continue in this series.

Narration: 4/5. I found the narrator to be super engaging and she made it very easy to get through the audiobook in one setting! Her choice of accents were interesting, but didn't detract from the story.

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Lynn Cahoon's latest story is The Tuesday Night Survivors' Club. It is about women in a book club who have all survived cancer. It is a chance to share their experiences with others who have had the same issues. It is a chance to read and escape from the pain that life brings sometimes. Rarity started the club shortly after she opened her new book store in Sedona, Arizona. When one of their members comes up missing and then dead, they turn into a mini sleuth club as well. As they try to discover what happened to their friend, they discover a lot about themselves and the people around them. This was a fun read. I actually had the audiobook and the e-book. I listened to the first few hours then read the rest so that I could see how it ended. I am thankful to NetGalley and the publisher. The narrator did a good job too.

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I liked the start of this new series by Lynn Cahoon. I really like the main characters and cannot wait to see where this series goes. Thanks NetGalley for the advanced copy.

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It is hard to like an audio book when the narrator is this annoying. Unfortunately this wasn’t entirely the fault of the narrator. She didn’t have much to work with. The book was completely contrived and unbelievable. The main character is named Rarity. Seriously? And the new-age stuff along with the “plucky” cancer survivors was actually really insulting. And the “mystery” was suddenly solved as an afterthought. At least it was short.

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The story centers around Rarity Cole. She is a survivor of so much. Cancer, loss of sense, of self and security, love, is still reeling from betrayal and so much more. Books have always been her friends so she starts anew and opens a book store. New town, new career and a new kind of life is exactly what she needs. She wants to create a safe space to thrive in. She starts a Cancer Survivors book club. Her hope is to help others through their own cancer journey, feel supported and maybe make some friends. Its an interesting cast of characters. Some likable and others a little less. When one of their group goes missing and they become super sleuths and won’t stop until they figure it all out with or without the help of the local police detective. It’s part women’s fiction, mystery and a sort of romance. I found the attempt at romance and the search for love desperate and that it detracted from the main story. I think I might have enjoyed it more had I read the book.
My rating:
Story 4 stars
Narration 2
Overall 3

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Absolutely LOVE Lynn Cahoon, LOVE CSE Cooney, LOVE this new series! I love the premise of bringing together a group of cancer survivors. Rarity is such a great, mature character who is brave enough to rebuild her life. I love the group of friends she starts creating. I love that she's a secret bombshell (lol). Cute dog. I love the investigation, but also that it didn't seem forced. I love the setting. I can go on and on but I'm a huge Lynn Cahoon fan and felt so lucky to get an early copy of this! CSE Cooney has a great, kind of sexy voice that really brings Rarity's character to life. I enjoyed the audiobook so much.

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This new series brings us a Survivors Club of women who has beat cancer. The club owner Rarity hopes to create a safe and nourishing environment, but when one club member goes missing a mystery of its own surfaces.

Full of mystery we get a good look into the characters lives. They form a book club and use it as a cover to secretly meet to solve this mystery. The story flows pretty good and you also get loads of insight into these cancer survivors life's and of their own everyday struggles. We also receive a little romance which I liked too. The narration for this book was really great. Overall, a very enjoyable book in this brand new series.

Thank you Netgalley and Tantor Audio for the opportunity to review this ARC in exchange for my honest opinion.

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The Tuesday Night Survivors' Club by Lynn Cahoon narrated by Narrated by C.S.E. Cooney is a great contemporary/cozy mystery that is the first book in what I expect will be an awesome new series: Survivors’ Book Club Mystery.

I have been a fan of Ms. Cahoon for a while, so I was super pumped to find she has started this new series.

This is such a unique premise that lends the narrative a slightly more serious thread to the overall cozy genre. The author balanced it all nicely. Sedona, Arizona is the backdrop for the community involved, and Rarity Cole is the main character. A cancer survivor, she has opened a bookshop and has started a book group for cancer survivors. The support network she is working at setting up is wonderful and much needed. Through this time, she makes friends…a potential love interest is introduced…and unfortunately a member ends up dead. The group decides to investigate the suspicious death.

I really enjoyed this story, the pacing, the character cast, and I am looking forward to seeing where this series goes in the upcoming books.

The narration was ok. I wasn’t as drawn to it as others in the last, but it was still a solid performance.

5/5 stars for the novel, 3/5 for the audiobook/narration

Thank you NG and Tantor Audio for this wonderful arc and in return I am submitting my unbiased and voluntary review and opinion.

I am posting this review to my GR and Bookbub accounts immediately and will post it to my Amazon, Instagram, and B&N accounts upon publication on 7/14/22.

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This book is a fun cozy mystery of a cancer survivors bookclub/ support group turned sleuthing club. After one of the members goes missing, and later turns up dead this group of woman make it then goal to find out who did it.

I will admit I wish there was a little more rawness. Breast cancer, and what it’s like to be a survivor does come up and I do feel it is probably a good representation ( I can’t say because I have never been there) but it wasn’t as raw and honest as I wanted. I think I wanted a little more emotion.

That being said Rarity, the main character is a gem and I loved her. I also loved her bookstore, her love interest, and her new companion Killer a cute yorkie.

I can’t say I loved the ending. It felt very rushed like a “surprise I’m the killer” kinda way. If it was just a little bit longer with just a little bit more evidence it would have been a more solid ending. As it was, they had no evidence to prove who the killer was, just a hunch and that scared the killer enough to confess.

At the end of the day this is a 3 star book for me. It’s a fun cozy mystery that’s easy to read but nothing special.

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3/5 stars.

Thank you Tantor audio for the chance to listen and review this audiobook!

Rarity Jones: cancer survivor and, now, book store owner in Sedona, Arizona! Rarity has just opened up her bookstore and is planning a Tuesday Night book club for other cancer survivors like her. All is going well until one of her book club members, Martha, suddenly disappears! The members band together to investigate the case and, ultimately, uncover quite a lot of secrets.

This one was just okay for me. I listened on audio and felt like some of the accents/voices were slightly irritating. It was a quick listen and I was curious about how things would end up, but I never felt like I really connected with the characters or the story. Rarity was a delightful main character and her best friend, Sam was one to root for. Overall, this one just didn't hit the mark for me.

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audiobook review
Narrator C.S.E. Cooney Tantor Audio, 7 hour duration

I thoroughly enjoyed the e-book version of this book and was delighted to see an audio version available. The story's focus on a group of soon-to-be friends who are brought together by them having survived cancer could be a downer but the book was more a story of friendship, new beginnings, and inner strength than cancer. Kudos to author Lynn Cahoon for handling this potentially tricky subject matter (Cahoon is a survivor, too) and making it work. And, all this circles about a murder that the book club members are determined to look into, even after being cautioned not to do so by the town detective, Drew. It's an intriguing mystery, highlighted by the growing friendship of the group. See the original review below my thoughts on the audio version for more insight.

As for the audio version, although I was having trouble keeping which voice was which straight initially, I realized at some point that I'd nailed it and just automatically knew who was speaking when the narrator spoke as the book progressed. This was done through both subtle changes of pace, emphasis, accent and inflection as well forcefulness, if that makes sense. In other words, you quickly could pinpoint the more confident, forceful personalities of the group. As for Rarity, the main character, the narrator's voice seemed perfect, showcasing her kindness and concern for all. The voice made me feel that Rarity was someone I'd like and trust.

One of the things that came through to me much more forcefully in this audio version was how much Rarity adored the dog she unexpected found herself with. Hearing it, I realized how often the dog was the topic of conversation or interest, not to mention that Rarity talked to it frequently, just as most of us owned by dogs do. In addition, besides these frequent mentions the author also gets in subtle bits of info on dog care and all involved with owning a dog, including the importance of vet care, the need to tag and identify your pets, and the need for proper nourishment and such items as dog beds, toys, leashes, and, well, the list can be endless as any dog owner knows. I honestly didn't really notice this via simply reading. The chapter changes were simply a stated "Chapter__" whatever with no disruption to the flow.

Bottom line, a fine addition to the editions available. Thanks to #NetGalley and #TantorAudio as well as publisher #KensingtonBooks for making this audio version available. I should note that my own little dog listened as I did and says Killer deserves extra treats.

I've become a huge fan of Lynn Cahoon. This book only made me more of a fan. Skillfully centered about a cancer survivor book group, Cahoon deftly weaves in introductions to new characters and new mysteries without either making cancer the central theme or ignoring it. As someone who was a bit wary of reading this book given my own family's losses from the disease, I have to admit to almost passing it up. I'm glad I didn't. Yes, cancer survival isn't hidden in some dark corner in the book but it is more the thing that brought this intriguing cast on new characters together. With nods to the worries and concerns that all survivors have, Cahoon, who has survived her own cancer journey, doesn't try to pretend the disease doesn't exist. Instead, she uses it to pull people together, form and strengthen friendships, and, oh, yes, solve the murder of a group member. I had no real clue who the murderer was until the reveal, so it definitely will keep you guessing.

The characters were likeable and it was interesting to see the dynamics of friendship and, hmm, maybe romantic relationships developing. I was actually sorta meh on Archer until the end, maybe because it didn't seem like we got to know him as well as we did Drew the detective, but he won me over when he showed up with flowers after Rarity's regular cancer checkup. This was in sharp contrast to her last boyfriend who pretty much ignored than left her while she was ill. Her best friend Sam, who it took me a moment initially to figure out was probably a Samantha, not male, has always had her back and despite a brief flair of jealousy on Sam's part, still had Rarity's back. We all need friends like that who will tamper down their own emotions to support us. Drew, of course, seemed like a winner from the time he told Rarity about the now owner-less dog, Killer. Dog lover that I am, I had to admire Rarity for agreeing to take in Killer even when she was most likely envisioning a large, scary dog. It didn't take Killer long to worm his way into her heart, however.

I liked the characters and how well the medical issues surrounding potentially fatal illness was worked smoothly into the story. This included doctors who may or may not be real doctors pushing miracle cures, treatments, and pushing their products on the most vulnerable. Grr, but enough said on that topic, The key theme here isn't medical. It's friendship. It's good to have friends and Rarity is slowly but surely finding friends and making her own place in Sedona, New Mexico. I'm looking forward to following this series.

Thank you #NetGalley and #KensingtonBooks - #LyricalPress for introducing me to Rarity and the rest of her growing circle of friends, not to mention Killer. Treats for Killer!

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The Tuesday Night Survivors' Club is a small-town bookshop cozy and the first book in a new mystery series by Lynn Cahoon. Due out 14th June 2022 from Kensington on their Lyrical imprint, it's 175 pages and will be available in paperback, audio, and ebook formats. It's worth noting that the ebook format has a handy interactive table of contents as well as interactive links and references throughout. I've really become enamored of ebooks with interactive formats lately.

This is a light and fluffy cozy mystery built around a strong romance/women's fiction framework. The titular Survivors' Club is a group of women who gather to discuss books as well as their previous cancer diagnoses and treatments (that's the survivor part). When one of their number is murdered, they decide to investigate. The author is quite adept and prolific; she knows what she's doing. As such, although it's almost entirely dialogue driven, it was readable and moderately engaging. There were several places in the story I found myself rolling my eyes over some less than believable dialogue, but I persevered to the end and found the denouement and resolution satisfying if a bit predictable. There was no real push-back from official law enforcement when Rarity & co. decide to investigate the crime and that rankled a bit.

The unabridged audiobook has a run time of 7 hours and is narrated by C.S.E. Cooney. The book is full of dialogue from characters of varying ages and accents, both male and female. She does manage to keep them mostly distinct from one another. Her rendering of main protagonist Rarity Jones, has some odd breathy, almost adenoidal quality which I never warmed to, unfortunately. Her voice for Rarity's best friend Sam is some eldritch mix of deep Louisiana bayou with an uptonal Georgia twang (everything she says sounds like a question) and although the character herself is sympathetic, her accent made me want to hop back over to the ebook format. I split the book about 50/50 between audio and print, and I honestly think I'd've enjoyed it more if I had stuck to print format only.

I absolutely love bookstore cozies, and there are some good name-drops included here. It was fun to figure out which books she's discussing even when she doesn't name them outright. I'll be sticking around for a while to see how the series develops.

Three and a half stars for the book overall, two and a half for the audiobook narration.

Disclosure: I received an ARC at no cost from the author/publisher for review purposes.

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First in a new cozy series! I knew I would love this one as I have read and enjoyed all the cozy mystery series Lynn Cahoon has written so far. The entertaining writing style she has had for all of her books remains true for this one as well. The storyline was interesting and the characters make me want to come back for more. I listened to the audio version and while the narrator isn’t necessarily my favorite, she does a great job of putting emotion to the words.

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I was really excited to read this one as Lynn Cahoon has a wonderful way of building a community and what a refreshing idea, a group of survivors coming together to discuss books. The characters were interesting and I enjoyed the premise but the story itself lost a few points when Rarity started investigating. I always have a hard time believing the police ask for an amateur’s help, and while the police did discourage her to some extent, they also encouraged her to do so in a roundabout way. I also figured out really early on who the killer was, which I rarely do, so it must have been obvious. I will, of course, read the next one, and hope that the series starts to hit its stride and sheds these growing pains.

Narration was well done, no issues.

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Thank you Net Galley for an audio ARC of The Tuesday Night Survivors Club by Lynn Cahoon. This one just didn’t work for me. I think that the whole thing was not good..

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I didn't get very far in this before setting it aside -- it was just so cliched and boring.


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Sadly, this one fell really flat for me. Both the narrator and storyline were not engaging, and two mentions of women's weight within the first chapter is not appealing.

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4 stars

This is a charming cozy mystery and marks the great start to what I hope will be a long series with these delightful characters.

Rarity, the m.c., has recently moved to Sedona where she is still processing her state of remission, trying to make a living by running a very cute bookstore, and attempting to make some social connections. All three of these goals come together in the establishment of her book club: The Tuesday Night Survivors' Club. The members of this group share not only an interest in reading but in establishing community. AND a significant feature of their community is their (mostly) shared status as cancer survivors.

One of the greatest features of this book is Cahoon's ability to bring light in the darkness. Yes, all of these folks are dealing with some aspect of cancer, but they are still finding ways to enjoy life, make friends and start new romances, and even solve murders. This is truly cozy in every sense of the word.

The standout star of this book is Killer, the dog. You name a cute dog "Killer?" I am here for it. I really enjoy how much this dog and this dog's welfare come into the characters' minds and dialogue. It's a small detail but a highly relatable one for this reader and one that helps the characters feel even rounder (in a genre that can limit that possibility at times).

If you're a cozy fan, you'll enjoy the simple and light nature of this read. I'm already looking forward to future installments of the series, especially with the assistance of this narrator.

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I can't review this book. I really dislike the way the narrator sounds and I just can't continue. Would be interested to read or listen with a different reader.

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Pros: This is a book for readers who love cozy mystery series and books about book clubs. This was a quick listen—under 7 hours—which is a great length for a cozy mystery. My favorite character was Killer the Yorkie.

Cons: This book was not for me—I prefer the mysteries/thrillers I read to be darker than cozy. When I saw the word “survivors” in the title, I thought it was going to be about survivors of crimes (like in a Riley Sager book), not cancer survivors.

Thank you to NetGalley and Tantor Audio for the opportunity to listen to this book.

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