Member Reviews
Stars 2.5
I was very excited to review this Executive Function Workbook. However, this book wasn't what I was expecting. Some common causes of executive function issues are ADHD, autism, or brain injury. That said, this very much reads like a book with small size pictures every 3-4 pages. It's way too verbose and definitely too overwhelming for a child with executive functioning issues. I'd have loved to have seen bullet points for important information or colorful post-it notes and fun facts. There is good information within this workbook, but maybe difficult for a newbie to find.
My biggest issue stems from there not being activities to get my child moving around. If I were doing this with my child, I'd hide the crystals around the house or outside with clues and have my child verbally answer questions. Most children with executive functioning do better multi-sensory learning. I don't see the author incorporating different learning styles .
The cover and description state this is geared towards children. I disagree; I would recommend this book as a resource for parents with children with executive functioning issues, and to make accommodations in real life. Break down a "real school assignment," for example. The few pictures of characters are child friendly, the text isn't.
Thank you, NetGalley and BooksGoSocial, for providing me with a digital ARC for an honest review.