Member Reviews

Another great Bookclub kit! Adore Sally Rooney’s writing, so this was great!
The self awareness interview was not something I’ve seen before, but still very much appreciated the insight of! The recipe always adds for a more homey bookclub experience and the discussion questions were clearly well thought out.
Overall, a great bookclub kit, however, I do wish there had been an author interview questions section.

Helpful discussion guide for the Beautiful World, Where are you. Great topic points and enjoyed the book recommendations towards the end.

This kit is a fine support to hosting a book club night focusing on Sally Rooney's BEAUTIFUL WORLD, WHERE ARE YOU? Recommended!
Thanks to the author, publisher, and NetGalley for the ARC.
Opinions are mine.

This guide had some of the best questions I’ve seen for a book club discussion. The questions leads to more depth than most discussion questions usually allow.
I also thought the trivia was really fun! A lot of people that read a Sally Rooney book want to read more, so I liked how this guide encouraged reading all of her books and watching the tv shows based on NP and CWF.

A very useful tool to assist with joint readings. A little less dynamic than the others from this company

I finally have the excuse to make my book club friends read this book, and with a kit like this one I really can't fail!
Thanks to We Are Bookish and NetGalley, who provided me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest opinion.

This book club kit would be a great companion to any book club meeting on Beautiful World, Where Are You. I thought the content included was very useful and would be a great way to start discussions. I wish there would've been more interactive content such as the recipe pages just to add a bit more fun to the book club.
I'm not a huge fan of Sally Rooney's writing however this kit has encouraged to maybe give Beautiful World, Where Are You a try!

This wasn’t my most favourite book. It had some good points don’t get me wrong but there was also quite a few sections that just had me annoyed to still be reading. Come the end I was very disappointed.

it's packed with everything i need for an amazing reading experience. next month, i'll be delving into this book, and having this kit by my side will be incredibly helpful. not only that, but the recipe included in the kit was an absolute blast to work with. it added an extra layer of fun to the whole experience!

I am so, so, so sorry for not providing feedback for this book club kit sooner. Until today I did not realize a review was requested, and I don’t know what made me finally realize it today. I simply thought that being able to download this book club kit was a bonus perk for agreeing to read and review books! Now that I know, however, I am happy to provide this voluntary review!
I am a member of a book club that meets once a month over Zoom that has been doing so since the beginning of the pandemic in early 2019. Five women from three different states and two time zones meet every month to discuss both fiction and nonfiction books. Each month it falls to one of us to lead the discussion, and the first thing we all look for is a reading guide specifically designed for the title we are to discuss. These are far more helpful in leading a meaningful discussion than are generic guides for any book.
My club found this particular book club kit’s reading guide particularly helpful in guiding our discussion, as the questions are pointed and inciteful. They led to a wonderful, deep discussion among us. We also very much enjoyed the added bonus of being able to make our own bookmarks and the fruit crumble recipe. One thing we didn’t find too useful, however, were the opinions of Ms.Rooney’s publisher. We would have been much more interested in seeing Ms. Rooney’s personal opinions regarding similar questions. Nevertheless, we thought this was an excellent, comprehensive guide.

Thank you to netgalley for "Book Club Kit: Beautiful World, Where Are You by Sally Rooney." All opinions are my own.
This is an awesome supplementary kit to go along with the book Beautiful World, Where Are You by Sally Rooney. It includes discussion questions, trivia about the author, cute book marks, and other books to read next. This is great if you enjoyed the book. Highly recommend!

An excellent book club kit. I will reading this book next month and this is very useful. The recipe was also so fun to work with.

This is a fun and comprehensive book club kit. Some content, although thoughtful and whimsical, I suspect won't be utilized like the cutout bookmarks and recipes. But I enjoyed the author interview, trivia, resources, and recommended reading sections. Nicely done!

The Book Club Kits are fabulous tools to enrich your reading experience. They provide questions that make you reflect more on what you've read and points to discuss in a book club to hear different thoughts and explore further. Even if you're not in a book club, you can use it to ponder on some aspects of the book that you may have missed or wouldn't have lingered on when you read it. If you want to get more out of a book, the book club kit will act as a wonderful learning tool. Highly recommended.

A Massive Thank You to the Author, the Publisher and NetGalley for giving me the chance to read and review this book prior to its release date.

this book club kit is really helpful and informative. I loved the bookmark too!
thank u NetGalley for the bookclub kit

The trivia and bookmarks are so fun! The discussion pages and pages with text could be brightened up a bit and made more appealing to the eye. Otherwise an excellent book club kit!

This is a MUST READ! Especially for Sally Rooney stans, but even for those who aren’t, then this is the book to read that will turn you into a Sally Rooney stan! As is on brand for her, this book beautifully explores the timeless question - what is the meaning of life and our purpose in the universe - via four characters (one of whom, Felix, is an outsider who met Alice on Tinder, and the other two, Eileen and Simon—childhood friends with each other—have known Alice for a decade) who have different outlooks on life and relate to each other in different ways, but strangely are also very similar in fundamental (and perhaps flawed) ways. The story cuts between the actual lives of Alice and Eileen and emails that they send each other during this same period of time. It takes awhile to get used to this form of writing, especially for the first quarter of the book, because these are profound but often lengthy and abstract emails that I think very few people would send today. But this form does lend itself well to exploring that character’s inner thoughts, almost like a sophisticated and polished version of diary entries. I switched between loving and hating these characters mostly because their struggles are so real, relatable and universal, and I think we can see parts of each of these characters inside us at various phases in our lives, which makes Rooney’s sharp observations and prose about life and living particularly cutting and poignant. The ending is also weirdly satisfying and somewhat unexpected, but entirely enjoyable. Highly highly recommend!

I love a book club kit! I feel it enhances the experience of reading the book. The kits draw a group reading together closer and sometimes make you think about what you are reading. It's always fun to learn extra little tidbits about a book and an author.

I LOVE this kit. Perfect for book club material or anyone interested in reflecting more on the book and knowing more about the author. It included author information, and suggestions for other books to read. I would definitely use this with our book group.