Member Reviews

I am not recommending this for any of the things listed, simply because it's a coloring book. BUT! I played the heck out of Horizon Zero Dawn, and I will absolutely buy this for myself when it's released. :D There were a couple of pages where there was so much going on that it was hard to tell WHAT, exactly, was going on, but overall, it was a delight.

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Thank you to NetGalley and the Publisher for the eArc to review.

The art within this book is quite nice and most of the book is more simplistic which a few drawings being a bit more difficult to colour but overall it is a good colouring book. I took screenshots of the pages and coloured them on my tablet so I cannot say to the quality of the paper of the physical book.

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Review to come to blog (and goodreads) on July 16th.

I received this book from Netgalley/the publisher in exchange of an honest review.

While I don't play Horizon Zero Dawn, I do love everything surrounding it. The characters, I look forward to new designs and seeing fan-art of beasts and humans, I love seeing people play it. So when I saw this book containing art from the game? I needed it!

This book contains a lot of fun art from action scenes to beautiful sceneries and lovely character designs. I had fun flipping through the pages. Yes, I didn't go and colour it, I would have liked it, but I just have basic printer paper and that is not the best to draw/colour on, and two, I don't have any pencils or whatsoever because I went on a cleaning spree and got rid of them because they were old and not working.. and I just haven't had time to buy some new stuff.

I loved that the book managed to tell a story. It was a tad hard to follow, haha, but I could get the gist and I love it. I loved seeing the battles, seeing the beasts, seeing the different people around the world. See them discover new places. It was tons of fun!

While I loved most of the illustrations that were in the book, I feel that some could benefit from a tad clearer lines. Sometimes the lines are a bit unclear or it feels more like a sketch than a proper colouring page or there are movements that make things a bit difficult. And those three on pages 39/78/79 (of my copy) was just way too detailed. I mean, the rest of the book was all simplified (for most) and then BOOM, super mega detailed. I feel like they should have kept one level of colouring. Make it good for both young and old.

All in all, I am happy I got the chance to read this book and I would like to add it to my shelves (and get those pencils/markers). I would recommend this one to everyone who is a fan of the game.

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