Member Reviews

Things we do in the dark is a unique thriller with multiple narratives and endless mystery and suspense. I would definitely recommend this book to anyone who likes thrillers mixed with family drama and mysterious pasts.

Keep in mind of trigger warnings! Self harm, SA, etc.

Note: I was provided this ARC by Macmillan Audio in return for an honest review.

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This is a gripping, heartbreaking, fast paced thriller! This was my first Jennifer Hillier read and I will definitely be adding her other thrillers to my TBR list.

Even though Paris Peralta is suspected of killing her celebrity husband, her biggest worry is that her past, of which she’s gone to great lengths to hide, will come to light.

This novel goes between present day and 25 years ago, centers on a toxic mother daughter relationship, a traumatic childhood and early adulthood, and one woman’s resilience to redefine her life.

It is twisted and dark and emotional. I did wish the twists were a little more shocking, but I also could not put this book down! (Or stop listening in my case, as I listened to the audiobook.) Definitely recommend!

It does touch on a lot of different sensitive issues, so previewing the trigger warnings might be in order.

Thank you to NetGalley and Macmillan Audio for this advanced audio copy of Things We Do in the Dark by Jennifer Hillier.

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Paris is arrest for her celebrity husbands murder because she can’t remember how she ended up on the floor next to his dead body, covered in his blood and holding a razor. Oh did I mention that he is 30 years her senior and filthy rich. Is she the gold digger everyone thinks she is?

You will not be able to put this thriller down. Hillier hooks from the very first page. This was my first book by Jennifer Hillier and wow she did not disappoint! Told in six parts, the story unfolds in layers. Each one more shocking than the last. There was so much depth to this book that I was completely captivated! This book is defiantly worth all the hype! This book is going into my top 10 of 2022.

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This was SOOOO GOOD! When I read a Jennifer Hillier book I always know I'm in for a treat and Things We Do in the Dark did not disappoint! Full of twists and turns, plus a little bit of trauma for good measure. Kept me engaged until the very end.

Thank you to NetGalley, St. Martin's Press and the author for an advanced audio copy of this story.

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A strong 3.5 rounded down because I saw every twist coming a mile away. Don't get me wrong, this is a super fun read (or listen) with dual POVs and movement between past and present timelines. I enjoyed the plot and the reveals were still fun, just predictable. I'm by far in the minority with these thoughts so be sure to check out the 4 and 5 star reviews too!

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I enjoyed this book although it wasn't an edge of your seat thriller. I found it to be mostly predictable but a good, quick read/listen. The very end felt too rushed to tie up all the ends. The narrator was easy to understand.

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Things We Do in the Dark started off strong. We find Paris Peralta covered in blood and holding the murder weapon. Paris is the 5th wife of a much older celebrity and is the prime suspect in this high profile killing. The story moves back and forth in time and place. Paris has a secret...she has reinvented herself in the hopes of overcoming a past lived in poverty and abuse. Ruby, her abusive mother, and Drew, a past friend and present podcaster of "Things We Do in the Dark" play major roles in both her past and present.

The plot is very complex and does bog down a bit but the characters are well drawn and all the loose ends are tied up-very neatly-in the end.

The narration was excellent.. This book has a roll call of characters and I never lost the plot or had difficulty differentiating whose voice she was presenting.

Overall a very satisfying read..

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Paris awakens to find herself on the floor of her bathroom with a straight edged razor in her hand and police surrounding her with guns pointed at her. The bloody body of her much older, famous husband is lying in the bathtub next to her. Now Paris must somehow prove that she is innocent of the murder, while also keeping the secret of another crime she committed many years ago.
Great suspense and twists in Things We Do in the Dark! I recommend this book by Jennifer Hillier to lovers of suspense and mystery.
I was given an ARC of this audiobook by NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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This was a good one. I listened on audiobook, so sometimes it was a little difficult to determine when the narrator was talking to herself, and when it was out loud. There are many, many despicable characters and only a few decent ones. The story goes back and forth from flashbacks to present day, as the narrator and other characters deal with the tragedies and painful memories of their past. Overall, an addicting read.

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Jennifer Hillier is one of my must read authors and Things We Do In the dark is another home run from her.

This psychological thriller was face paced, bingeable, and character driven. Jennifer Hillier is a master of crafting a suspenseful read.

The narration was perfect and it was easy to get pulled into this story.

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An amazing thriller that kept me on the edge of my seat, guessing and i was very intrigued. The narrator was great and the story was divided into parts that kept me thinking what was this. Also the ending shook me.

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Paris Peralta is in trouble, after her successful comedian husband that is 30 years for senior is found dead under mysterious circumstances. But Paris is more concerned about secrets from her past coming out.

Unfortunately I think part of my underwhelming reaction to this audiobook is related to the hype surrounding it. There's nothing necessarily wrong with it but there's nothing special about it either. I didn't find a particularly thrilling or surprising. In fact I guessed the killer immediately and was proven right. There are some dark subjects in this story in relation to the flashbacks. If you're sensitive to some of that material this may not be the book for you. I wasn't particularly bothered by that and have read and seen far worse things.

Thank you netgalley and macmillan audio for giving me an advanced review copy of this audiobook in exchange for an honest review.

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This was a very enjoyable, twisty book. Paris Peralta's husband is found dead, and the story becomes so much deeper. The reader uncovers her connection to a journalist who works on a crime podcast and a woman convicted of a similar murder decades earlier. Jennifer Hiller does a great job balancing a complex plot with multiple characters and timelines. The middle of the book initially lost me because it does abruptly abandon the story it is telling in the first 60 pages, only to return much later. Once I got back into the new rhythm of the book, I found it enjoyable again. Hiller has told a great mystery that examines how past trauma and abuse can inform our present. Paris Peralta is a great main character with so much depth that the book explores.

Carla Vega did a wonderful job on the audiobook conveying the different characters and the emotion and seriousness of certain scenes.

Thank you to MacMillan Audio and NetGalley for a copy of the audiobook in exchange for an honest review.

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Things We Do In The Dark is a dark thriller that centers around Paris Peralta, accused of killing her husband. Paris’ past is haunting her, and she is worried that someone will recognize her and destroy her new life. Twenty-five years ago, Ruby Reyes was indicted and convicted of a similar crime and is now getting out of jail. Reyes knows who Paris is and threatens to expose all Paris’ secrets. Paris is now forced to face her past head-on.

The beginning got me intrigued. I loved how Hilter pulled me in with her dark descriptions of Paris being arrested in her bathroom covered with her own blood holding a razor. I could not wait to see where the story was going to go. I enjoyed Hilter’s writing, but I got uninterested in some parts because the book heavily relied on deep diving into Paris’ background. I think it was necessary though because it gave Paris a realistic past and it helped me feel sympathetic towards her. The story picked up in the second part and I enjoyed the ending. The audiobook was excellent to listen to too. Carla Vega did a great job as the narrator.

Thank you to NetGallery and to Macmillan Audio for giving me a copy of the audiobook.

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I really enjoyed this audiobook. I was able to figure out the "twist" for this book before it was revealed, but I read a lot of psychological thrillers and watch a lot of procedural crime shows. I appreciated the fact that we were basically told at the beginning that she was unreliable narrator, but had to wait for the history. The resolution of the story coming full circle with Ruby was satisfying at the end.

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📖 Hillier is a master of crafting a suspenseful read and this one is no different. Told from alternating storylines between past and present, she executes phenomenal character development as the story is told from three different POV. While that might sound complicated, and has the potential to be a bit messy, she did so with such finesse that it was engaging throughout and I could not wait to unravel more dark secrets at every twist and turn. 

🌟 If you haven’t had a chance to read her books yet, this would be a great place to start! 

📚 Jennifer Hillier is an auto-buy author for me, so I was thrilled when I saw she had a new book coming out this year, and even more honored to have the opportunity to read and review it.

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Our main character, Paris, is arrested for killing her famous husband. She’s in fear of her past coming to light when the media starts digging for information.
A similar murder happened in the past by a Ruby Reyes and she knows Paris past.
Paris must confront her past and figure out what is going on.
I listened to the audiobook and the narrator was fabulous!!
The ending is a twist I did not see coming, great thriller!!!!

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This is a review of the Audio version only, as I have not yet read the ebook but plan to shortly. Perhaps I will enjoy the story more as I read it. I did not enjoy it in the audio version, which surprised me as I have been entertained by this author's novels since her debut. However this time I could neither take an interest in nor empathize with the protagonist, and I found the backstory rambling and not sufficiently cohesive to maintain my intrigue.

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#thingswedointhedark by #jenniferhillier was a excellent audiobook. The story had me interested from the very beginning. Awesome character development and some nice twists and turn. It definitely had me until the end. Great job by the narrator #carlavega and a big thank you to #netgalley and #macmillanaudio for the chance to preview this book.

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The narration for this audiobook was excellent. I really enjoyed the voice actress. The writing was actually better than I expected. I am always wary of starting new thriller authors because of all the tropes and cliches in the genre that I don't like. Hillier did an excellent job of keeping the suspense while also giving the readers snippets of answers along the way. The characters had a lot of depth and were well written. My biggest issue is that there weren't really any "aha" moments, for me at least. It takes a lot to surprise me and the ending seemed really lackluster after the well built story that we spend getting there.

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