Member Reviews

how to even review this.
the childhood abuse/trauma was out of control and very believable and really made you hurt for Paris of just how shitty of a life she was given with a shitty mother named Ruby.. I feel some areas of the book were very developed and others were breezed right through.
I will say the twists of turns of this book were amazing and the book overall was entertaining
This book and audio were fantastic and i just couldnt put it down!.
was it wholly accurate for the police and legal aspects not at all but if you just pretend you are in the story its fine. No one wants to read lengthy waits here i sit in jail for ever to get a court date.
I also factored the legal bit as she is a millionaire and they do get some speedy trials
I factor the lack of police work at the begining as she lived in a poor area and cops tend to turn the other way all around the world and who knows it could have been lengthy i also didnt really care to sit and focus on it. I think maybe her googling the case a bit should have been added into the story becuase i think we did care about that.
overall it was a good book for me.
IMO any time the wod psychological thriller is involved that should be enough of a trigger warning. but there are people out there that demand the warnings very clear so to each his own

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This story is a great read. It takes us along in two different timelines and a few different point of views to weave a story that came together perfectly in the end. It kept me guessing the entire time and I did not see the twists coming, which always makes a book enjoyable to me.
The narrator did an excellent job at bringing this story to life.

This review will be posted to Goodreads and Amazon.

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I liked the book but I didn’t love the book.

It kept me interested and I appreciated the character development and the different points of view as it added layers to the story.

There were a few twists at the end that I did not see coming but I did feel at times it was taking a while to get to these main points.

Overall, 3.5/5 Stars.

I received an advanced read copy from NetGalley in exchange for my review.

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Thank you NetGalley and Macmillan Audio for my free audiobook ARC in exchange for an honest review!!

This book features several timelines and plots that tie together. I don’t know how to correctly explain this… but I wish there was more alternating between the stories, rather than blocking them together. If that makes sense? I personally feel that by the time everything was tied together, I forgot what had happened in the beginning with the original storyline. Other than that, the Things We Do in the Dark was decent to me. There were several plot twists that I personally thought were predictable. However, I could definitely see where a reader would be shocked. I loved Paris… I could empathize with her and I feel her character was written very well. Overall, the book was a slow-paced mystery and I have rated it 2.5 stars (rounded up). It kept my attention, but it just wasn’t ‘all that’ for me.

The narrator was fantastic!
**Please check trigger warnings or message me!!**

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Thanks the NetGalley and the publisher for the ARC copies of the ebook and the audiobook to review. I enjoyed the storyline and the multiple timelines. It kept me interested and guessing for most of the story, although I could see how it would be predictable at times.

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I have loved all of Jennifer Hillers books in the past, but this one just didn't live up to the past novels. I really seemed to enjoy it in the beginning, but then as it continued on with the flashbacks and character changes it really lost my interest. I felt that there was just too much going on, the plots were all very predictable, and I really never could get into the characters. It is not a bad book by any means, but from knowing what Hiller is capable of Things We Do in the Dark definitely did not live up to her reputation.

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Review - Things We Do in the Dark
By - Jennifer Hillier
4.5 stars

A smash hit for sure!!! Truly a captivating thriller that was well written with a diverse cast of characters that have endured some very dark moments.. WARNING there are trigger topics in this story, child abuse, rape and murder. Can main character Paris Peralta ever escape her horrific past & live a normal life? Could her situation be any worse? Possibly because “the only thing worse than a murder charge are two murder charges” and so the roller coaster ride begin!!!
Extremely well written with one twist after another that make this one hard to put down. Told in two different timelines alternating past and present but eventually meeting in the end. The author reveals just a bit more with each chapter slowly revealing the whole twisted picture. A few bumps along the way… but a good story with a well deserved ending! If thrillers are your jam then this book is a must read!
I opted for the audio version and was not disappointed! Thank you #NetGalley & #stmartinspress for the DRC. This is my honest review.

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3-3.5 Stars

It’s a truth universally acknowledged that I do not read many thrillers, so I always preface my reviews on them with a reminder of that fact, so you can take my review with a grain of salt!

I really liked this story as a whole; the writing was absolutely compelling and this book was a quick read. This was my first book by Jennifer Hiller and I’ll absolutely giver her other books a read. You can tell she is talented and knows how to write a strong character driven story of suspense.

Without giving much away, I did find the big twist to be very predictable, so it wasn’t a shock when it was revealed. However, I still enjoyed reading the story, watching it play out.

This story relies HEAVILY on domestic abuse of a child, sexual abuse of a child, and death by suicide as well as struggles with addiction as major plot devices. I feel like the author was considerate of that and tried her best to use these moments with care. It often did make me feel uncomfortable, but I don’t think this story could have stood without them.

The ending was very satisfying and as a whole I really did enjoy this book. It isn’t my favorite thriller, but is absolutely one that turned me on to a new-to-me author.

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What I Loved:
🪒diverse cast of characters
🪒fantastic narration
🪒multiple timelines
🪒dual perspectives
🪒felt like it could have been ripped from the headlines

This is absolutely one of the best thrillers I’ve read in a long time. I had some hunches along the way and sometimes I was right, but sometimes I was surprised by the twists and turns.

Definitely pick this one up if you’re a fan of thrillers.

Thank you to @netgalley for this audioARC.

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OOOOOOOwweeee!!!!! I love a good thriller that keeps you coming back for more. I was hanging on every word!!! All the pieces, all the twists, all the turns! I'm telling you if you are fan of secrets, murders and alluring people this will be a hit! Highly recommend.

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Thank you to NetGalley and Macmillan for the copy of Things We Do in the Dark. I really enjoyed it. The story was good and face paced enough to keep me interested the whole time while still giving you enough information to stay connected since there were more than one persons story being told. I definitely want to check out more of Jennifer Hilliers work.

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Thank you to the author, publisher, narrator and Net Galley for providing a free e-audio version of this title in exchange for my review.

I enjoyed this audiobook a lot more than I expected to. So many times now, books that are hyped up are disappointments to me, and I was also unsure how much I would enjoy a book about a murder and the podcast about it. But this book was about SO much more than that! The characters were fully developed, even the locations felt authentic and real, though there is less description of the locations. I found myself worrying for Joey and feeling uncertain about Paris. I was cautious about Elsie and Zoey. Overall, it was an engaging and enjoyable book and hard to turn off!

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THINGS WE DO IN THE DARK was a surprise to me. I haven't read Jennifer Hillier's work before, and I found her writing to be engrossing and thought-provoking, a mystery/thriller that is rooted deeply in the in the secrets and traumas Paris/Joey has endured and survived.
This is a slow-burn read, less about the pow twisty revelation, and more about a deeper understanding of what the characters are motivated by and how each experience shame, loss, disappointments and secrets.
This is a sadder book than I expected. Your heart breaks again and again reading what Joelle goes through. Ultimately her resilience is inspiring and this is a story about making the most of a fighting chance to rewrite your own story.
Narrator was FANTASTIC!

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I was intrigued with this one and hoping it would deliver on its premise and it mainly did. For most of my listening of this one I gave it three stars- I figured out some of the twists, I just didn’t know what direction it would end up going in. And the final hit is what gave it the 4th star. I loved the ending!

This is my first book by Hillier, and I plan on reading more by her. I actually bought Jar of Hearts in a secondhand bookstore and then for weeks afterwards, it was showing up on Bookstagram accounts! Talk about timing on buying that one!

But back to Things We Do in the Dark: Past and present come together throughout this novel. This is the story of a much younger wife charged with the murder of her famous much older husband who was in the process of a career revival. I was pulled in from the beginning.

Hillier has written a sympathetic and likable character with Paris who comes with a past. We also are dealing with another story 25 years ago with the Ice Queen herself Ruby Reyes, who brutally murdered a boyfriend and got everyone’s attention in Canada. The connection between the two is Drew who runs a podcast: Things We Do in the Dark. And the connection goes back and forth between the two stories. The past is dark with dealings in a strip club and there is also child abuse involved.

This novel is not super-fast paced, but set at a steady pace where reveals happen that keep the reader/listener involved. For the most part it was an average read for me, but then we get the final few chapters and WHOA: That brought it up another star for me!

You can’t say too much with this one without giving something away, which is why this review is somewhat vague. It’s better to go in not knowing much with this one. I enjoyed Things We Do in the Dark and will look into more of Hillier’s novels to see what might intrigue me.

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After loving my first Jennifer Hillier book "Little Secrets", it's a no-brainer that I must read her newest offering.

"Things We Do in the Dark" has a gripping start and completely caught my attention. Paris Peralta married a much older millionaire comedian who is dead in their bathtub. She was arrested while covered in his blood with a murder weapon still in her hands. Moreover, Paris has a secret past that she left behind. Being on the front page news is not the attention she wants.

This is a dual timeline story. I had a hard time with the past section There's too much backstory and dark stuff that instead of empathizing with the character, I actually felt bored. I think the story lost steam because of it. I do like how things concluded in the end, but the big reveal was not much of a surprise.

Carla Vega's narration was great. I think her voice suits the character and story.

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Loved this one! I listened to the audio version and the narrator was sooo good..really added to the story. I’m on the fence about multiple POVs- sometimes they’re written really well but a lot of times they are lacking. This one was written really well and the author tied the ending up nicely!

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Thank you Net Galley for an audio copy of Things We Do in the Dark by Jennifer Hillier. This is a new- to- me without and I loved this well thought out thriller. My favorite thriller so far this year!

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Fast paced and riveting thriller. Enjoyed the multiple time lines and multiple POV. Although the story started to slow about 75% in it still came together nicely in the end.

Paris comes home to find her rich, famous and older husband Jimmy dead. When she is arrested she pleads her innocence even though she is pictured as the stereotypical gold digging black widow. Paris begins to wonder why after walking away from her old life not one but twice it still always ends with a dead body. She starts to navigate her defense on murder charges while getting messages from someone in her past that they know her secret and will only keep quiet for a price.

This was my first book from Jennifer Hiller so I am excited to read more of her work.

Thank you to NetGalley and MacMillan Audio for an advanced audiobook for review.

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This was one twisty tale that takes up from past to present and back and forth telling this tale. Paris Peralta's life is forever changed when she is woken by the police sitting on the bathroom floor holding a straight razor and her husband is dead in the bathtub. Did she kill him? She doesn't remember but most likely not. All signs are that she did not. She is lead out of the house in her slippers and handcuffs and immediately a twitter highlight and arrested. Her husband's best friend and lawyer comes to her defense but when at the arraignment a surprise will is introduced all bets are off and a new lawyer is brought in. Soon, though, charges against Paris are dropped. To add to the plot, her mother is getting out of prison and blackmailing her. When Ruby is contacted by a blog author who happens to be a friend of her daughter's Ruby sends him on a lead to Paris. This is another twist. Who really is Paris. So many twists and secrets. I really enjoyed this one!

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4.5 Paris is standing in her bathroom holding a bloody razor in her hand with her wealthy and famous husband dead in the bathtub behind her, cut to pieces. She has no idea what happened but is obviously arrested for his murder. As bad as this is, she is even more worried about the things she is hiding and what will happen if those things are uncovered. This twisty tale with a quite a few surprises kept me listening, anxious to hear what happens and each twist and turn we surprising, all the way to the very end! My thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for this book. Best wishes to Jennifer Hillier. I highly recommend!

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