Member Reviews

This book was WILD!! I love this author anyway but this book was superb! Not a dull moment. I was constantly guessing at what was going on and I was never right!
The narrator was PERFECT for this book!
Readers are going to love this one!
I'm definitely recommending it to everyone!

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First, I have heard of the great books Jennifer Hillier has written but to my loss, I did not pick them up. Needless to say, I was late to the party but better late than never. This was my first Jennifer Hillier book and all I can say is; What a read!

I am a Filipina and what a joy to read about Filipino characters written by an absolutely awesome author of Filipino descent. The characters were speaking my native dialect Cebuano and reading about them cooking good food! So, even if the Filipino characters were criminals, I was ecstatic!

The plot was very well layered out. Just as I thought I figured out the outcome, here comes more curve balls and tight twists that had me second guessing myself and making this book hard to put down.
The drama- oh. the.drama!
The murders- yes, that is right! Murders!
The lies- was there even anything true!

The suspense was real , the thrill was inevitable, the race to the end was bound to happen! I was very thankful for Minotaur Books and MacMillan Audio via Netgalley for giving me an e-copy and audiofile to review. Carla Vega was sounding awesome! It made me pick this book as my BOTM choice for the month as it deserved a spot on my shelf! This is never going to be my last Jennifer Hillier as I am making this author an auto-buy!

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When Paris discovers her husband dead and then is arrested for his murder it is not the first time Paris has been involved in something like this. She has a very twisted past that just may come back to haunt her now.

What worked for me:
- well paced plot, didn't drag or move too quickly.
- a heroine who was smart and likable and made me want to root for her
- interesting side characters
- a relationship between Paris and Jimmy that was sweet and realistic
- a twist that kept me guessing until it was revealed
- a satisfying ending

What didn't work for me:
- nothing

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Within the first few chapters of Things We Do in the Dark I didn't think I was going to enjoy it, but I was quickly proved wrong with this absolute page turner! I thought this was going to be a predictable, copy and paste thriller without much substance but it delivered the wow factor with a dark and twisted plot and characters. I had so, so many theories during this book and of course none of them were correct. Paris was such an interesting and heartbreaking character to be in the mind of! I don't feel like I can say anything about the plot without giving away spoilers because this whole book is filled with plot twists up until the very end.

I wanted to pick this up because I'd heard great things, but I didn't know much about the actual book and I completely recommend going into this book the same way, totally blind. The audiobook was such a great reading experience and so addictive and easy to listen to, I finished it in a couple of sessions and highly recommend it.

Thanks so much to Netgalley and Macmillan Audio for my ALC!

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The writing was excellent and I can see why this author is so popular! Unfortunately I found it hard to get into this story and didn’t love how disconnected the two storylines seemed. Almost 2 books smushed into one but neither storyline really held my attention

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In true Jennifer Hillier fashion, she’s killed the writing game once again! THINGS WE DO IN THE DARK is my third JH book and I’ll forever be a fan.

This book starts off strong and I was thoroughly invested in the story. My mind went everywhere trying to put all the pieces together, but I couldn’t. I had suspicions, but they weren’t validated until the end of the book.

The middle was a bit slow for me, but it was important to the entire story, so by the end everything made sense and explained why things were the way they were.

The ending left me satisfied and I’ll say this is my favorite JH book so far (I’ve read LITTLE SECRETS and JAR OF HEARTS).

Highly recommend THINGS WE DO IN THE DARK to all thriller lovers!

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Although I figured out all of the twists pretty early on in the book, I enjoyed listening to this newest thriller by Jennifer Hillier. It was an interesting look at one woman’s path to surviving a life of abuse and pain. The narrator was excellent.

Thank you to Net Galley and the publisher for an advance copy of this audiobook in exchange for an honest review.

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I enjoyed this book. I was hooked from the beginning with the main character being arrested and covered in blood. As the story went on I liked that there was two point of views. There was flashback moments and a couple mysteries throughout the story along with the main mystery. I did not guess any plot twists which is a first. The only thing I wish that the book had diary entries and podcast episodes to break up the story a bit.

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Thanks to MacMillan Audio/Minotaur & NetGalley for providing an audio ARC in exchange for an honest review.

I've been hearing about Jennifer Hillier for the past couple of years, but this is my first time reading her work. Now I see I'll have to go back and read her back catalog! The writing is immersive and subtler than what one usually finds in a mystery novel. We start off with Paris Peralta, a yoga instructor in young middle age, married to a comedian famous for a long-running sit-com. Paris finds Jimmy dead in his bathroom, his femoral artery sliced by one of his own straight razors.

Pivot to Ruby Reyes, the Ice Queen, now up for parole after having murdered her rich, white lover, also her boss, in Canada. Ruby wants payback.

Drew Malcolm, former journalist, now podcaster with millions of followers, wants to tackle the story of the Ice Queen for his pod, but will his involvement with Ruby's daughter, Joelle, cloud his ability to investigate the case?

What is the link between Ruby and Paris? Hillier weaves a deliciously complicated story with some nice red herrings tossed in. The climax is not overly dramatic - no hugely built-up twists here, just plain old good writing and character study.

Carla Vega does a great job with accents here, and it really adds to the story, which deals with the bonds between Filipino-Canadian family members. I saw some reviews that were unhappy with all the backstory we get about Joelle's childhood, which was fairly bleak, and her mom and extended family, but I thought it added to the overall story and informed what happens later. There is a lot of child abuse and child sex abuse is mentioned obliquely as having occurred, but there is nothing explicit. I saw other complaints about folks having guessed the "twist," which wasn't really much of a twist. I think people have gotten too used to edge-of-your-seat suspense stories and are unused to a suspense book that is more about the characters and how they move through the plot - just my 2 cents.

I enjoyed listening to this story and will check out her other books.

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Things We Do In The Dark by Jennifer Hillier is a twisty murder thriller. There was nothing too shocking for me, but the story was good.
The different stories told come together to create a great mystery.
TW: Child Abuse, Rape
I would recommend reading Things We Do In The Dark.
Thank you NetGalley & Macmillan Audio for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Wowowow. This was one of my favorite reads of the summer!! Thrilling, suspenseful, mysterious, dark. All in perfect balance.

I found myself gasping and asking the book questions out loud trying to figure out where the story was going. For me, it was one of those stories where you THINK you know what happened but can’t quite figure out how to get there so you continue to second guess yourself as you keep reading. A very exciting read!

This was my second Jennifer Hillier book after Jar of Hearts and this one blew that one out of the park, in my opinion. It is a must read!

Thanks so much Macmillan Audio and NetGalley for the ARC audiobook.

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🔊Song Pairing: Killing Me Softly With His Song - Lauryn Hill

💭What I thought would happen:

Jennifer Hillier, knew she’d be throwing out some grade A murder book with all kinds of creepies.

📖What actually happens:

Paris Peralta (great name) is in a state. She is covered in blood, holding a straight razor and her husband is brutally murdered beside her. She is obviously the number one suspect as her husband was a vastly wealthy comedian, not to mention the press love a murder scandal with a hearty will.

Paris has plenty of skeletons in her closet that she’s been running from and now worried all this spotlight will open her past wide open including a less than ideal situation with her mother.


Well I have been on quite the thriller kick…I think I needed a break from all the romances and this was a perfectly fine thriller between some very very excellent ones. If I was in a desert and thirsty for a murdery book this book would have been a 5 star quencher

I liked the way everything went down in the book but I did see it 1000 miles away. I was at the point where @ the end I was like okay let’s get to the shock factor.

Overall, a quality summer thriller but not as good as Jar of ❤️s and looove all the 🇨🇦 references

⚠️ Seriously all the triggers. All of em. This book has all kinds of flags

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Super predictable on all things but one next early on. But I still enjoyed the read and would recommend it

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I loved how this book started out. Paris, the much younger wife of a famous comedian, is arrested for the murder of her husband. As her lawyer questions her - really her dead husband’s lawyer she must be careful not to expose who she truly is…

Then the book shifts to Drew, a true-crime podcaster. He has learned that the Name Killer, Ruby Reyes, is about to be paroled. Drew is particularly interested because he was once close friends with Ruby’s daughter Joey.

You have to be patient with the abrupt shift, it does all come together, but there are a lot of backstories. This is one of those - “your past demons will eventually slink out of the dark and find you!”

It does get a bit dark, so the title is appropriate - child abuse, sexual content, obviously murder. And can I just say how cool this unique cover this is! A little eerie when your book glows on the nightstand when the lights go out!

Thank you @Minotaur_books for this gifted copy.

🎧 Thank you for the gifted audiobook.

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This is my second Jennifer Hillier book and also my second five star rating! She is slowly filing the void left behind when Gillian Flynn stopped writing.

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This was a solid read, but it fell apart at the end for me. I liked the way the back story was built, and the unfolding of events was natural and kept the story moving.

I received an advanced copy. All thoughts are my own.

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I've really enjoyed Jennifer Hiller's last couple thrillers, so I was excited to see what her newest one had in store.

In Things We Do in the Dark, we follow Paris, who is married to a celebrity comedian who is found dead. When the police charge her with his murder, Paris has to not only worry about claiming her innocence, but also that her past will come to light and ruin everything she has run away from.

I did sort of figure out the twists before they were revealed, but I enjoyed my time listening to it regardless.

Just an FYI: Her books can be gritty at times and don't hide away from triggering content.

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I couldn't resist Things We Do in the Dark by Jennifer Hillier. Carla Vega narrated this suspense story with superb changes in characters. I was hooked by the first chapter.

First, the title is the name of a true crime podcast by a man named Drew. Not the main character, this seemed an interesting choice for the title yet so fitting.

Paris Peralta is the young and striking woman who is found with her older husband's straight razor while he lays dead in a tub of water and blood. She can't remember what happened but knows she would never do this. As she fights to be exonerated, her very hidden past threatens to come out and take her even deeper.

Ruby Reyes is getting out of jail and has set off a string of triggers for Drew and Paris. She is not going away quietly.

This was a solid suspense story for me. That first chapter was what first chapters should aspire to be. So much to question and unravel! The way it was narrated gave me all the angst, fear, relief, and sadness in Paris's story. I could feel all the evil and desperation coming from Ruby, and also the need to help from Drew.

I went in pretty blind to this tale as I am wont to do, and I am glad! I did guess a couple things midway and I think we are supposed to. I didn't necessarily know how this would flesh out and it all felt satisfying at the end. I would say that if you enjoy a more character developed suspense story, this is a great choice! I definitely enjoyed it, and highly recommend the audio as well!

A huge thank you to @NetGalley and for the advanced audiobook. This title will be available for everyone on July 19!

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This was one of my most anticipated books of the year and WOW. What a truly fantastic thriller this one was! From the very first page I was completely hooked. I couldn’t turn the pages fast enough! I don’t want to go into too much detail as I like to keep my reviews as spoiler free as possible. But let’s just say this one had me cringing in the way only a good thriller can. Tensing like I was the one being hurt. And going through every single emotion from sadness, anger, fear, relief, triumph and finally happiness with these characters. Overall this was such a good book. I truly can’t recommend it enough!

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While I had already bought the hardcover from BOTM, getting the audiobook approval from NetGalley still had me beyond thrilled! I LOVE Jennifer Hillier’s books so much and being able to jump in immediately was such a treat!

This book is full of twists and turns. We uncover many secrets and listen to the narrator from multiple POV. While I do wish that there had been a cast of narrators, the single one did a great job with the different POVs and voices. It was very enjoyable to listen to.

This story was just as enthralling as other Jennifer Hillier books, while it isn’t my favorite of hers, I definitely loved it.


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