Member Reviews

The book was a bit slow at the beginning but really took off at the middle.
I love that Jennifer Hillier isn't afraid to dip into the darkside with her writing.
If you're looking for family drama that crosses all boundaries, this is it.
There are a bunch of character stories to keep in the back of your head, but they all matter. As soon as the connections start to click, the dark secrets turn out to be crazier than expected.

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I struggled to find my bearings for the first 25% of this book, but once I did it was much easier to keep track of the various timelines and characters. There are numerous mysteries in this story, and a couple of twists (at least one of which I was able to guess). While this was entertaining and a quick listen, it dragged in parts and didn't quite give me the shock I'm looking for in my thrillers. Little Secrets was much more compelling and surprising, so for someone knew to this author I suggest picking that one up first. I'll definitely be reading more from Hillier.

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I really enjoyed this book! It was fast paced and I couldn't put it down. This is a crazy thriller and it will absolutely blow your mind when you read it. It was well written and the author did a good job with character development throughout the entire book.

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When Paris Peralta's aging comedian husband, Jimmy, ends up dead in a bathtub of an apparent suicide, all eyes are on her. As a benefactor in his will, worth millions, Paris is suspect number one. A trail of deceit, one that Paris is responsible for creating, follows her wherever she goes. Connect the dots and see if you can figure out who caused Jimmy Peralta's tragic death.

Things We Do In the Dark by Jennifer Hillier is a tangled web of threads, all somehow interconnected. It was an interesting story, told from the perspective of Paris at different times in her life. I felt like I was reading her journal in a way, which was something I liked. To me, the plot was easy to figure out, and I left the book wanting more; I liked being shocked when I read a thriller. It was still a good experience overall, and worth the read!


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[Really liked it]

The writing was phenomenal as always. The narration of the audiobook was also really well done. It was a fast paced twisted thriller with lots of family drama, murders, lies, and deceit. I loved the multiple POVs but sometimes I felt like there was a few too many characters. The story kept me engaged throughout. I enjoyed the ending, I hadn’t figured out the twist but it wasn’t a huge surprise either. I recommend picking this one up!

Thank you to the publisher and @netgalley for providing a free advanced copy of this audiobook in exchange for an honest review.

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What a chilling and disturbing read. On par with Hillier 's other works! I enjoyed this and the narrator was good too.

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I'm a fan of Jennifer Hillier and I know there was so much hype about this one but it just wasn't my favorite. It started out with a shocking scene but then didn't really go anywhere interesting. I kept waiting for it to be creepy like her others, but it just never got there for me.

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Hillier crushes the thriller game 🙌🏻 Her writing style and character development are always top notch. The way her timelines and POVS are structured are perfection. I really love the way she incorporated music into this book with many song lyrics. It’s just so good 🤌🏻This one got pretty dark, as most thrillers do. There are trigger warnings at the beginning of the book so definitely check those. The abuse from Ruby was difficult for me. What a story. Heart wrenching but such a good mystery! 10/10 must read. She did it again 👏🏻

The audiobook was just okay for me. I enjoyed the calmness of the narrators voice but felt it lacked emotion. The voices also felt a bit forced.

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This is hands down the one of the best thrillers I have read to date! This book it unlike other thrillers which usually just unravel in the end. The whole book has so many twists and turns that it takes all of your attention. I will definitely be looking for more from this author!

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Add me to the list of readers who really enjoyed Things We Do in the Dark by Jennifer Hillier. Note: This book begins with a long list of trigger warnings. Sensitive readers should heed this and proceed accordingly.

I wouldn't classify this as a thriller, and it wasn't suspenseful until the end. But I was fully immersed in this mystery that felt like a Serial-type podcast series thanks to the audiobook narration of Carla Vega and the deep dive into the main characters' lives. If a compelling mystery can be character-driven, this one definitely is.

All of the characters have lives very different from from my own: Jimmy Peralta, an aging successful comedian who's on the brink of a big comeback; Paris Peralta, a yoga instructor decades younger than Jimmy and his newest wife; Ruby Reyes, a convicted murderer who may be paroled soon; Joey, a young woman who survives an abusive childhood and a 'career' as a stripper only to perish in a tragic fire, and Drew Malcolm, a true crime podcaster and Joey's former roommate. Their lives twist and turn between various easy-to-track timelines to ultimately unravel (at least) three mysteries.

This is the first book I've read from the author and narrator, and I'll definitely be open to reading more from both. I'm grateful to Minotaur Books, Macmillan Audio, and NetGalley for the review copies

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Absolutely stunning book. I loved it so much I was excited for the chance to listen to the audio. (Thank you NetGalley and McMillan Audio!)
Ms. Vega’s narration was a fantastic choice. A slam dunk!!

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Rating: 2.75 leaves out of 5
-Characters: 2/5
-Cover: 3/5
-Story: 3/5
-Writing: 3/5
Genre: Mystery/Thriller
Type: Audiobook
Worth?: Eh

Want to thank Netgalley and publishers for giving me the chance to listen to this book. I do love a good mystery and a good twist. This on the other hand was kind of predictable at times. I did like some of the things Paris did in her past and I am glad Drew can be a pretty smart guy.

What I really didn't like was all the characters. Listening to it was a mess and a half.

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Jennifer Hillier grabs me again and doesn't let go! I have enjoyed her previous books and was so looking forward to this one and I was lucky enough to get the audiobook!

There are a few times you have to suspend belief on Paris but I was completely swept up in this story and what were the secrets in her past that she was running from?

Carla Vega's narration was very well done I thought she really brought Paris' emotions to a head very well.

Hillier is an auto-buy and I look forward to her next book!

4 stars
I received this book from Macmillan Audio and NetGalley for a fair and honest review!

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As much as I love them, Jennifer Hillier's novels are always a bit difficult for me to review, and she's done it again. This is another fun, dark, twisty read, but I'm one of those people who loves twists and turns in my books, yet I don't much like to read reviews that tell me there are big plot twists, because I want them to surprise me. So I'll put it this way - this is another fun read from Jennifer Hillier. If you like books that go to some dark places, that have some twists, that are basically what you'd expect from a Jennifer Hillier book if you've read her. No need to rehash the publisher's blurb, you can get the basic plot points there. The beauty is in watching Hillier uncover how things got to where they are at the beginning of the book, and where it goes from there. Interesting characters and locales and she does a good job of changing time periods and points of view without making it confusing. I listened to the audiobook and it's beautifully narrated by Carla Vega.
Thanks to Netgalley and Macmillan Audio for providing a copy for an unbiased review.

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** spoiler alert ** This book was great! Jennifer Hillier's mind is a nightmare and I love it! She looks so sweet but can create the darkest and craziest stories, she is the best! This story had all of those elements in it. It was a dark twisty-turny fabulous story. I love me a happy ending and the fact that Paris got one makes my heart happy! I know this book just came out but I can't wait for her next one!


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Things we Do in the Dark is a great suspense/thriller book. I liked the audiobook narrator. The plot moved along quickly, and I liked the mystery surrounding the story. I sort of predicted the plot twist, but it was still enjoyable.

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This audiobook is so good, I could not stop listening because I had no idea how it would end. My library has purchased it and I have added it to my staff picks and am recommending it to everyone.

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Paris has returned early from a weekend yoga retreat to find her famous comedian husband, Jimmy, dead in their bathtub. Paris is arrested and immediately suspected to have killed him as they found a straight razor in her hand and she's covered in his blood. She's going to be tried for murder... and that's not the scariest part. Paris has some skeletons in her closet that the unwanted media attention could bring to light. Paris isn't exactly who she says she is and she's worked hard to build the life she's currently living.

A similar crime was committed 25 years earlier by the "Ice Queen", Ruby Reyes. Ruby was sentenced to 25 with the possibility of parole. Well, parole time has come around and she's being released... Ruby knows Paris's true identity and could ruin everything for Paris. Reyes begins to blackmail Paris - she wants money, lots of it, or she'll expose Paris's secrets...

I really enjoyed the audiobook. I think the narrator did a great job and the book was well written. The plot and storyline was easy to follow. My complaint is that this was pretty predictable and it was "put down-able", I wasn't completely hooked or engrossed in the story. I saw the major plot twist coming way before it happened. The final twist was surprising, but there was enough time to guess that one too. Overall, I would recommend this if you're looking for a quick read thriller.

**Be sure to check the trigger warnings prior to reading this book, there are A LOT of them**

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I'm a huge Jennifer Hillier fan so I was super excited to get a ARC of this audio. Unfortunately, it just didn't live up to the hype for me. It was definitely a slow burn, and far less of a mystery/thriller than some of her other work, like Jar of Hearts which is a fav of mine! It was well written and narrated nicely, but more for people who like less thrill and more "who-don-it" vibes. There were a couple times I was annoyed at holes in the plot, but overall a well-written book that was fun to listen to.

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I loved the audio version of Things We Do in the Dark! Despite violence and tragedy marring her young life, Joey is a survivor who tries to remain a good daughter, niece, and friend. I thoroughly enjoyed following her story and thought Carla Vega’s narration only enhanced it.

Things this book did that make a suspense work for me:

🔪 A likable main character you can root for
🔪 A solid number of twists and turns that leave you guessing (even if you can figure out a few in advance)
🔪 A generally suspenseful vibe that has you questioning what will happen next

I also appreciated that the author/publisher provided trigger warnings up front, including child abuse (physical, emotional, and sexual), murder, drug use, and suicide, among others. For me, it didn’t feel too heavy in the moment, but some readers could definitely be affected.

I’d recommend this book either way but think the audiobook would make a solid pick for any suspense listener!


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