Member Reviews


4.75 Stars


Finally we get to hear the final Spark Sister Story!

Seven years ago, twenty year old Harley was working as a live-in nanny for widowed dad Gavin and his 18 month old girl Peyton. It was her dream job and she loved the little girl. But then one sleepless-baby-crying-night she accidentally almost kissed Gavin and the little family moved to another city almost immediately.
But now, seven years later, they're suddenly back in Harley's life!
And Harley is still just as attracted to the single dad. And Little Peyton treats Harley as if no time has passed.

Will those three get a chance for a happily ever after?




Such a sweet romance!
Just like the first books it was so adorable and cute and a bit heartbreaking.
I still love the whole setting of this series. The family hotel with all the normal and not so normal events! And now they're partnering with the Mills brothers and their hotels. Everything is very busy and exciting - only Harley is not overly excited about all the changes. That's why she's so drawn to her old life as a nanny.
I really loved watching how she cares for that girl so much and with such fun projects like baking and arts and crafts and princess this and that. Glitter! So adorable!
And the adults are falling for each other too of course. Only it might not look so good to the outside - the very young nanny from years ago is falling for the widowed daddy. Gavin's mother-in-law is not happy - even though Harley is 28 now!

Anyway - that's it. Nothing more to say - I don't want to spoil things!

MAKE A WISH was an adorable + sparky + glittery + very sweet love story! I loved reading it! Run to your nearest amazon for your own Gavin - he'll be sold out in no time!

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Helena Hunting's Spark House series has quickly become one of my favorites. When I was reading Make A Wish, I kept wanting to stay in this world with these people. There is something about them that drew me in and I just wanted to stay a while!

Harley Spark works at Spark House with her sisters, London and Avery. Prior to working with her sisters, Harley was a nanny given her love of kids. Back when she was in her early twenties, she nannied for a recently widowed man, Gavin, and his brand new baby girl, Peyton. An awkward situation arose when one night Harley nearly kissed Gavin and then not long after, he made the decision to move away, closer to his in-laws to give them a chance to get to know Peyton.

Now years later, Gavin and Peyton have moved back so that he can help at his families business as his father looks to slow down and eventually retire. Peyton ends up attending a birthday party that is at Spark House, which puts she and her Dad right back in Harley's orbit.

Harley ends up helping Gavin out by spending time with Peyton and even babysitting from time to time. As Gavin and Harley spend more time together, it's apparent there is more between them than just friendship. Are they in a place now where they can explore that? Or will other forces end up driving them apart?

As I mentioned above, I loved spending time with these people! There was something about the world that has been created that just made me want more and more. I love the relationship between the three sisters and I also really loved how Harley and Peyton got on. Such a great story and one that everyone should pick up!

**I voluntarily read an early copy of this title courtesy of NetGalley and the publisher in exchange for an honest review**

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If a single dad romance is your jam you won’t want to miss this one! I really enjoyed Make a Wish! It was a fast paced read that I pretty much read in one sitting. I loved Gavin and Harley, but it was Payton that stole the show for me. I am a sucker for a cute kid that is a major part of the story. It is a pet peeve of mine while reading a single parent book and the kid is barely a background character. This wasn’t the case at all in this book. This book has some heavy and will give you the feels! Another book that once I finished I wasn’t ready for it to end. I’m greedy and wanted so much more! This is the third book in this series and is a true standalone. I absolutely recommend this book!

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I was so excited to get an early release of this one…I adored the 1st 2 books in this series. I’m not a “swooner” but shew, Helena can write some seriously swoon-worthy scenes. Books 1&2 I was all in and couldn’t stop telling everyone about them. This last one just didn’t have that…wow factor for me. It wasn’t bad…it was a decent read and I’ll definitely read the whole series again because it really is so good, I’m just not as keen on the last book as I thought I would be. Helena just set the bar so darn high with those 1st couple books in the series.

I was so excited to hear Harley’s love story. Unfortunately, I couldn’t stand Harley, Gavin or Peyton so it just didn’t work out as well for me. I didn’t feel that 🤩 wow factor in this book like I did with the first 2.

The MIL angle really struck a nerve with me. It seemed so real and was well developed. It will make you want to scream but then when the characters take a look at things from another perspective things tend to fall in place.

I liked how the loss of Gavin’s wife and the Spark sisters losing their parents sort of gave Harley and Gavin a way to really and truly understand and find their way back to one another.

Audiobook or Physical book? I liked the audio narrators but the kid voices they used in the book just kinda threw me. So I think I’d recommend the physical book on this one. Peyton annoyed me so bad…it could’ve been the narration though. The narrators weren’t bad I just think the voice they used for Peyton was like nails on a chalkboard. But then again I didn’t like her character anyway.

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Harley Spark has been through some heartbreak in her young life, but as a twenty-eight year old her life seems to be on track. She works with her sisters in their thriving family business, is finishing her degree, and has a boyfriend. Maybe things are not perfect, but they are good.

And then Gavin Rhodes and his nine-year-old daughter, Peyton, come back into her life. She was Peyton's nanny when she was a baby and she and Gavin spent a lot of time together until he suddenly moved and took Peyton away. But now both he and his daughter want to spend time with Harley. Soon they are having fun family-like days together.

But it shines a light on what is missing from Harley's life and relationship and she realizes that maybe she needs to make some changes.

And there are a lot of unresolved feelings with Harley and Gavin both from their own history and also their separate tragic pasts. But there is also a new freedom to explore more. Their easygoing, sexy, fun relationship will be tested as things become more romantic, and serious, and involve a child and others.

I loved Gavin through most of the book but will admit there were a few times I seriously wanted to smack him. He is charming, sexy, and a fantastic dad, but he has some deep-seated issues too. Harley is a wonderful heroine who is smart, devoted, playful, caring, and determined. I enjoyed her relationships with her sisters, Avery and London, and their spouses. There was another side character that infuriated me.

This is about Harley coming into her own, figuring out her path, and fighting for what she wants. She is such a bright light and positive person, but she is also learning that she deserves to be happy in her life, career, and relationship. And Gavin still has some healing and work to do in order to find a way to let go of the past, live fully in the present, and move forward to a happier future. Precocious Peyton shines almost as brightly as Harley. I loved all of the scenes she was in and she constantly had me smiling.

This is a single dad, age gap, second chance romance that seemed for a while like it was going to be easy and low angst, but definitely had some emotional undertones and challenges. But the complex feelings of the characters and their confusion and mistakes were pretty realistic due to the circumstances. Overall it is a hopeful story of unexpected love, family, and healing.

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This was a great and kind of emotional read for me. This was book 3 in the Sparks sister series, and this last book explored the story of Harley and Gavin. Harley is really sweet, and like her sisters, found herself forced to mature quickly with the loss of their parents at a young age. She is devoted to her family, and longs for a family of her own someday – she also is at the point in her life, and in the changes within her family and family business, that she’s looking for what’s next and how to connect and proceed forward.

Harley was the former live-in nanny for widower Gavin and his daughter Peyton back in the day after Gavin tragically lost his wife to childbirth. It was a rough time in Gavin’s life, and Harley played a big support roll in those early dark days with a new little one and grief hanging heavy over the household. After a year or so, Gavin and Peyton end up moving rather abruptly to be closer to Gavin’s in-laws for support and help in raising Peyton – leaving Harley rather bereft and filled with some unease and guilt following.

I think this was definitely the most emotional book of the series, it was bittersweet and filled with a lot to process. I definitely found myself tearing up more than once and really feeling for all of the characters, mains Gavin and Harley and Peyton, as well as Gavin’s in-laws. I also think this was my favorite of the three books.
Gavin and Harley had an unconventional courtship – which felt realistic and authentic given the nature of their relationship and the points they were both at in life. I loved that Gavin as a single dad was played up. Peyton was a main character and feature and was in the book as much as the other too, it felt authentic.

Overall, a really well written and touching story. I was so happy to take the journey with these two and see them find their version of happily ever after. Thank you to St Martins Press and the author for the opportunity to read an early copy! All thoughts and opinions expressed are my own and freely offered.

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I am so thrilled that I got another visit to Spark House! What could be more fun than rounding out this trilogy with Harley and Gavin’s story! It’s a glittery bomb of fun and love to round out the stories of the Spark sisters.

Before the third book in the series, I’m not sure that I really understood who Harley was as character. And now, it’s clear why: Harley is the little sister who goes with the flow to help her sisters and doesn’t make waves. But I love that she finally finds her voice and grows into her own gifts and talents.

And I’m always in awe of the way that HH treats the mental health issues of her characters. It’s always refreshing to find authors who do this and do it well. Gavin has a lot of issues that need to be addressed. Harley, because she is wise beyond her years, gets it. Loss will do that to you.

Speaking of loss, the ending made me cry. A lot. But in a good way. That’s a rarity for me. So, when I tell you that this book is memorable and worth every second of your time, I really mean it.

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As I've come to love all 3 of the Spark sisters over the course of two books, I was so eager for Harley's story. And it did not disappoint.

While her sisters, Avery and London, have a great business sense, there is something truly special about Harley that you can't learn, the ability to connect with others. More importantly, the ability to build that connection with children. Harley has that gift, and this book explores her struggle to use that skill to grow the family business, and maybe even find love.

This story had two plotlines, Harley's reconnection with Gavin Rhode, and his daughter, Peyton, who she nannied years prior. Despite the years apart, the three find quick comfort in one another. Are Harley and Gavin using Peyton as an excuse to be with one another, or do they both have Peyton's well-being as a priority? I thought it fell somewhere between the two. It is clear they both adore Peyton, and it helps that Peyton adores Harley right back. But it was also clear that this reconnection was more than friendship, and I liked how they didn't waste much time admitting it.

The other plotline in this story involved the growth of Spark House and Harley's role within it. One of the reasons I love this story is the intelligence and hardworking nature of these sisters, who have grown a small local business into one worthy of expansion. Harley may not have the same business sense as her sisters, but her role in the business is no less important. I thought her struggle and hesitancy to voice her concerns felt honest, and I admired how she finally stepped up to voice her vision when the time was right.

This story does follow a similar formula to the previous two books, so I knew there would be some drama and heartbreak. But overall, the angst wasn't too much. And who doesn't like a little groveling, lol.

Overall, Harley may have been the last sister to find love, but it was worth the wait!

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The third and final instalment in the Spark House series focuses on the youngest Spark sister, Harley. This story weaves a complicated mix of the past and the present, memories and guilt, friendship, chemistry and attraction which shows that Helena Hunting sure knows how to write one hell of an emotional contemporary romance.

What starts out as any normal day for Harley quickly changes… One moment she’s hosting a princess-themed birthday party at Spark house, the next she’s reunited with her former boss, Gavin, and his now nine year old daughter, Peyton. She worked for Gavin as Peyton’s nanny after his wife died in childbirth, until Peyton was about eighteen months old and the family unexpectedly moved out of town. After being away for so long they all reconnect and after some initial awkwardness between Harley and Gavin an easy friendship forms. Gavin starts to feel a little less alone, starts to feel like maybe happiness isn’t out of reach for him anymore. Harley obviously feels confused about it all but the truth is that there were feelings that existed before that have re-emerged. They have a uniquely shared bond. They have a history together but does this mean that they will have a future?

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Is the ex nanny, single dad a trope? It could be because it definitely works in this book.

Harley worked for Gavin as a nanny seven years ago, when Peyton was a baby. After Gavin relocated they lost all contact but once chance meeting at a children's party brings them once again close together.

I think the star of the book is hands down Harley, she is exceptional, a wonderful heroine with a sharp mind and so thoughtful.

Gavin had some emotional growing to do, he was still stuck in the past and wasn't as open to move past it as he seemed.

I really appreciate how Harley fought for what she wanted and deserved, she didn't backed down from a fight even when it wasn't the easy choice, especially when it wasn't.

Peyton was such a sweet little girl, her relationship with Harley was truly sweet and all around wonderful.

This was one of the my most anticipated book of the year and it was really great.

* I want to thank the author and publisher for the ARC.

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Peyton, was Gavin's nanny a life time ago, but a sleep deprived almost kiss brings things to an uncomfortable ending. Fast forward seven years Gavin Rhodes and his adorable now nine-year-old daughter, Peyton, reappear at a princess-themed birthday party hosted by Spark House, and a a fast friendship reemerges from the past. Can they keep things platonic? Or will the feelings from Peytons past come back with a bang. And what if Gavin feels the same way?

Ooooooh boy! If you want a book that will make you smile the whole book, pick up Make A Wish. The Spark House series has been one of my favorites by Helena Hunting and the third book lived up to the HYPE! This is a second chance, single parent romance and even though the characters are pretty clean cut, there is plenty of steam for every romance lover. Not to mention she goes and throws in a little age gap and former employer tropes. It's the best of both worlds. I loved that both main characters were facing a lot of obstacles, without being overwhelming. They also faced a lot of loss and grief, without it being too heavy. There is a big focus on mental health which is refreshing. The secondary characters were all so great as well. Gavin's mother in law was so perfectly awful. I love that we saw our favorite Spark House couples and the previous plot lines with the hotel are still present. I cannot get enough of these sisters and I am sad there isn't a secret fourth sister to get another book!

Thanks to the publisher for the ARC in return for an honest review.

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This one was by far my favorite of the three books! Gavin, Harley and Peyton will just steal your heart away! 5 stars for this one, and it deserves way more than that!
Harley started out being Peyton's nanny, and she enjoyed every minute of it, but at twenty years old, Gavin, a widower thought she should be out enjoying her young life and hanging with friends, he'd been having a rough go of it for a few nights with Peyton not sleeping well, and Harley gave him a hug, and an almost kiss, caused Gavin to flee to a different town to be closer to his wife's family so they could help him raise her. Harley was devastated, but after a few years managed to move on and work at Spark House with her two sisters. Now Gavin and Peyton are back in town seven years later, and her attraction to him is back front and center, and add in Peyton, who through pictures, recognized her and wants to spend time with her. Will Gavin and Harley be able to fight the attraction they feel towards each other, or will they give into them?
This story was so amazing! I adored Peyton, and Gavin, while he had a lot to overcome, will worm his way into your heart, and of course Harley, she'll own it! Don't miss out on the third in this series, grab it asap!

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Thank you @macmillanaudio @smpromance @netgalley for a copy of the audio and ebook. This was my favorite of this series and bummed we got all 3 sister's stories and there will not be more of their story.

The story focuses on Harley who had a crush on a single dad when she was 18 and meets a few years later on a chance. I love how the story showed that grieving process and it doesn't end in a few years - it felt so real.

I love Gavin's devotion to Peyton and seeing his struggle with his relationship with his in laws. His MIL was so overbearing and made me cringe. The star of the book was Peyton, she was such a sweetheart.

I enjoyed seeing Gavin & Harley's friendship develop into love and also Harley's growth as well.

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I’m so sad this series about the Spark sisters is over but the ending of this book got me right in the feels and I’m not going to lie I cried.
From the prologue you knew this was going to be an emotional book. In the prologue alone I was slightly sad and empathic and then was like “oh boy, don’t do that! It’s a mistake!” And then it ended on well damn!

Make a Wish starts with 20 year old Harley caring for 18 month of Peyton who’s mom died in childbirth and who’s father is grieving. Peyton and Gavin move away leaving Harley sad and hurt. 7 years later they magically end up back in her life and sparks between Gavin and Harley start to fly.

But Gavin has to move on and figure out if he can love Harley the way she deserves. Not going to lie there was a moment I was so mad at him I wanted to bury him. My only complaint is that their could have been more groveling.
Favorite quote:

“One day very soon I intend to eat you like your my last meal” - Gavin

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The third (and I assume, final) book in the Spark House trilogy is a beautiful conclusion to three sisters' stories. In this novel, we see youngest sister Harley struggling to find her place at Spark House as they grow bigger and bigger with franchise opportunities and her desire to return to working with children swells. At their last children's birthday party before the service is cut for costs, Harley runs into Peyton, a now-nine year old she nannied for as an infant, and, her incredibly handsome father, Gavin. But last time she saw Gavin, she was 20 years old and he was grieving the death of his wife--and Harley made the mistake of trying to kiss him, sending Gavin and Peyton across the state. But now that they're reconnected, can they form a friendship? Something more?

This is a very interesting book, in that it very intensely covers what it would be like to date a single parent, particularly a widow with in-laws. Harley and Gavin ultimately connect romantically around halfway through the book, but have several hurdles that keep the story going until the end, which is an unusual pacing--that I enjoyed--for a romance novel. Harley also begins the book with a boyfriend, which produces an interesting arc (with no cheating). Overall, I really enjoyed this novel and would recommend it!

Thanks to St. Martin's and Social Butterfly PR for my eARC! All thoughts and opinions are my own.

5 stars - 9/10

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I have been hit right in the feels! I absolutely adored this book from beginning to end. Harley is such a beautiful soul and despite her own grief and loss, she’s able to see the ray of light in the darkness and be a compassionate shoulder for others. Together with Gavin, who has his own grief to shoulder, these two dig deep to come out the other side. Gavin and Harley are so entwined and beautiful together. The love they share is awe-inspiring and even more so with Peyton in the mix. Peyton is a another very special soul and the connection between her and Harley is truly beautiful. They just get each other on a level others cannot fathom and Harley is that presence that Peyton needs. This book made me feel everything! Love, loss, hope, grief and everything in between. I might have even gotten teary-eyed 👀. I loved this book so much! It was such a feel good, emotional wringer and I couldn’t have asked for better!

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4.5 ⭐️

I love Helena Hunting's books and this Spark House series has been such a wonderful journey.

Make A Wish is the story of the third Spark sister, Harley. About 8 years ago Harley worked for Gavin, a widowed father, as the live in nanny to help care for his infant daughter, Peyton. One particular hard night when the Peyton was teething and not sleeping, Harley and Gavin had a moment where they almost kissed. Shortly thereafter, Gavin and Peyton moved away devastating Harley. Now Peyton is 9 years old and she and Gavin show up at the Spark House at a birthday party hosted by Harley and completely throws her for a loop. Gavin and Harley reconnect and realize the attraction is still just as strong as it had been before he left but Peyton is still haunted by feelings that she caused Gavin and Petyon to move away all those years ago and Gavin is still dealing with the grief over the loss of his wife. Can they overcome the hurdles in their way to find their way to happiness?

This story was so sweet. I don't think I can pick a favorite Spark sister because I have loved all of these books but this one definitely hit me in all the feels. I love single parent stories and this one did such a great job of exploring those dynamics of what it is like to try to explore a new relationship while still needing to put your child's needs first.

I loved Harley. She was sweet and kind and so spunky. I also loved that we got to see both POVs in this book because Gavin had such internal struggles over so many things, it was good to see where he was coming from on things. This is a touching story of grief and loss and moving forward that will have you reaching for those kleenex.

Overall, this is an excellent read and I will be sad to see the Spark sisters come to an end.

Thank you to MacMillan Audio, SMP Romance and Helena Hunting for an advanced copy in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

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Make A Wish is the Third book in the Spark House, and it's Harley's story. When Sparks Fly is Avery's story, and Starry-Eyed Love is London's story. The three sisters who's parents died in an accident, and they were raised by their grandmother, who left them the Spark House, a bouquet hotel.

The youngest, Avery, was only eleven years old when the accident happened and was left motherless. At age nineteen, she became a live-in nanny for an infant, Peyton, who lost her mother after giving birth and stayed with the single dad, Gavin, and the baby until she was eighteen months old. When the family moved to Boulder, CO., Avery always wanted to work with children and studied child development but put everything on hold once the family moved away. She went to work with her sisters at Spark House, where they created beautiful weddings, unique conventions, and events. Years later, Avery is throwing her last princess birthday party at Spark House for a little girl when her life is turned upside down.

Do you believe in second chances? Do you like single-dad stories? Do you want happily ever afters? If so, this is your book! Helena Hunting does not disappoint; she brings it all with the last Spark sister! The epilogue is perfect, and we find out how all the sisters fared.

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5/5 Stars

TW : Parental Loss, Spousal loss, manipulation

Thank you to Social Butterfly PR, Netgalley, and St. Martin’s Press for providing me with an ARC to review.

This is the third book in the Spark House series and it follows the final sister Harley. I had my eye out for an arc of this book after I won an arc of book 2 last year in a giveaway and loved it and then read book 1 which I also loved. This book was my favorite of the three and while you don’t have to read them in order I would recommend it as this book becomes even more fun if you already know and love the couples from the first two books. This book had me crying at the end and just had such a powerful story.

This book follows Harley while she is struggling to find her place at the Spark House with all of the changes that are happening. During the last birthday party she gets to host she learns that a dad she used to nanny for before she decided to work at the Spark house has moved back. She agrees to go out to lunch with him and his daughter who she helped raise for a year and a half when she was first born after his wife died and then eventually they keep hanging out. When she realizes old feelings haven’t left and he realizes maybe he always had feelings for her, how can they both tackle their relationship when many things seem to be against it.

The romance in this book was well developed because Harley and Gavin spend a lot of time as friends before going to anything more. I also loved the relationship between Harley and Payton, Gavin’s daughter. It felt so real and Payton was adorable throughout this whole book.

The discussion on how trauma like losing you partner the same day you gained your child and how that affects everything even in ways you might not know was amazing. Gavin struggles to accept that he isn’t replacing his wife by dating and loving Harley and coming to terms with that was well done. I find that Helena Hunting always does discussions on therapy well also as there was multiple mentions of couple therapy during the book not just to save relationships but to strengthen them so they don’t reach that point and using it as a way to guide open communication in a relationship. I feel like couples therapy is only ever mentioned as a way to try and salvage relationships and never is talked about in a way to help relationships survive and thrive.

I highly recommend this book if you are looking for a single dad romance, family connections, and an adorable romance.

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4 stars. This is my favorite Spark sister book. While I didn’t love Avery or London as characters, I really loved Harley. She was just so sweet and kind and empathetic and understanding. Single parent is a favorite trope of mine, which is funny because dead ex is a trope I typically don’t enjoy. And they often go hand in hand, as they do here with Make A Wish. But I loved the single parent aspect of Make A Wish, and especially the relationship between Harley and Peyton. If I’m being fair, their relationship maybe slightly overshadowed the romantic relationship, but that’s ok. Because Peyton was the cutest. Given these tropes, the conflict is probably predictable, but the way Harley and Gavin overcame it was really sweet. I also loved that the epilogue was from Peyton’s point of view. I do think this can be read as a standalone. The couples from the first 2 books do play a part in this book, but the role is very much secondary. All in all, I think this was a really great end to the Spark sisters series, and thoroughly enjoyable.

Thank you to Helena Hunting and SMP romance for the ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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