Member Reviews

Book 3 of the Spark sisters series. I really enjoyed this second chance, first love, romance. Harley fell in love at a young age with someone who was not ready for her. Years later he’s back in her life and it’s their chance for a happy ever after.

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Yay for more Spark sister awesomeness! Wonderfully written, packed with emotion and some great naughty bits. I loved Harley and Gavin, but Harley with Peyton was also amazing and heartwarming. The epilogue left me ugly crying, but it was so worth it. *I received an ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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A second chance with so much heart! Really enjoyed this heartwarming and highly entertaining journey. An emotionally thrilling roller-coaster adventure filled with lots of witty and engaging charters, memorable twists and emotional turns.

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Seven years ago, Harley almost did the unthinkable as a nanny. In an emotional moment caught up with a teething toddler and the overwhelming feelings of the baby’s widowed father feeling like he wasn’t enough, she almost kissed him. Within days, they were both gone from her life, and Harley was left wondering if she could ever get close to another family again as a nanny and instead began working with her sisters at Spark House.

But seven years later, Harley is in for a shock when Peyton and her father show up as guests at one of the birthday parties she is hosting at Spark House. Even more shocking is when Gavin suggests they all get together to catch up with one another.

As Peyton helps her former charge adjust to the move back to Colorado Springs, she begins spending more and more time with both Peyton and Gavin. And, just like before, the feelings between them are a bit more than friendly.

But, is Gavin in a place where he is finally ready to move on from his past and accept that he can have love again and can Harley keep herself from falling into a situation that may not have the happy ending she is hoping for? And, can they both keep from breaking Peyton’s heart if a relationship between them isn’t meant to be?

Make a Wish was such a beautiful and moving love story! This book had my emotions all over the place. Harley is such a giving person, always putting others feelings and needs above her own. She’s an optimist and a literal ray of sunshine, bringing genuine smiles wherever she goes. Gavin is still somewhat lost in his feelings of guilt over his wife’s death as well as navigating some extremely tricky waters with his in-laws, who have helped raise Peyton for the last few years. He thinks he’s ready to love again, but is he really? Harley and Gavin feel so easy together, like they are meant to be, but there is a ghost between them. They also have to keep Peyton’s best interests front and center of their relationship. And, let me just say, Peyton is beyond adorable and an amazing character in this book!

As a side story, we also see Spark House expanding . . . and all of the drama that brings, especially for Harley as she works through what that looks like for her future as well. Readers can expect some great sister moments around this plot line as well as giving Harley relationship advice and support.

With lots of emotional ups and downs, Make a Wish focuses on family, staying true to yourself and making dreams come true. 5 stars!

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MAKE A WISH is the third book in the Spark House series. I adored the first two books, but this one ended up being my least favorite in the series.

What I loved —
▪️cameos from Harley’s sisters Avery and London
▪️age gap + father love interest
▪️dual POVs
▪️the topic of grief was handled well

What I didn’t like —
▪️a lot of the conversations between Harley and Gavin’s daughter felt unrealistic
▪️I didn’t feel invested in Harley and Gavin’s connection and their chemistry was lacking for me
▪️the conflict was irritating and repetitive

These books can be read as stand-alone a but I’d definitely recommend starting with WHEN SPARKS FLY! However, MAKE A WISH has a 4.15 rating with over 1,000 reviews on goodreads!

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3.5 stars. Make a Wish is the third book in the Spark House series and the final Spark sister's book. This is Harley and Gavin's book. Harley was a nanny at age 20 for a year and a half for widower Gavin's daughter Peyton, when his wife died in childbirth. But when lines got blurred at the time and playing a family began to feel too real, Gavin moved away to be closer to family at the time. Now, seven years later, Harley is planning parties and working for her family's Spark House hotel. Gavin and Peyton have recently moved back to town and are guests at one of those parties, where they run in to Harley. Harley instantly feels a connection to the little girl she helped raise as an infant, as well as her father, and they all begin spending time together. A romance blossoms and connections are formed. There is some family and work drama, but Harley, Gavin and Peyton get the happy ending the deserve.

I liked this story. The relationship is slow burn and takes a while for anything to happen romantically. Gavin asks Harley out at 48%. I liked Harley. She was funny and sweet, if a little too understanding. Gavin was only okay to me. He was passive, lukewarm and didn't really have any passion or drive to be with Harley. I felt she deserved better treatment and not to be taken for granted. He "thinks it is Harley" he wants to be with long term at late in the book and that wasn't quite enough emotion for me. I don't love books with a dead spouse because often it feels like the new partner is a consolation prize. In this book, I didn't feel like that because I didn't feel like Gavin had strong feelings for his dead spouse or for Harley. So I wasn't bothered by that aspect in this case. I just never quite felt Gavin's love or appreciation for Harley. The ending felt rushed and I wanted more resolution and more chemistry between the couple. I did feel love for Peyton though. She and Harley had a great connection and relationship.

Overall, I would say this book never quite got there for me. But I did enjoy it in general. The story was interesting and held my attention. I was happy Harley ended up happy with her relationship, family and work. She deserved to be happy. Make a Wish is an easy, sweet read and I look forward to reading more from Ms. Hunting in the future!

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There were scenes in this book that reminded me of my childhood or my one grandmother that made it an automatic win for me. The characters in this story worked so well together and I did not want it to end as a result. I think Harley might be my favorite Spark sister.

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Make a Wish is the last book in the Spark House series and it was a great way to wrap up everything up (although I'm really hoping that the author pulls another book out...maybe a next gen story?!?). Helena Hunting delivered a beautifully emotional story about loss, moving on, meddling family members, and finding one's happily ever after. It's funny, touching and completely heartwarming.

Harley Spark is wise beyond her years. She's loving, supportive and has the most nurturing spirit. When she bumps into Gavin and his daughter Peyton after years of not seeing them, her life completely changes. Gavin is a widowed father of a 9 year old precocious girl who Harley used to nanny for. As they reconnect, things turn romantic and Gavin and Haley begin a relationship. There are many challenges for this couple most revolving around his deceased wife so nothing comes easy for them. But the bright spot in this situation is Peyton who is so freaking adorable! She brings these two together to form the perfect family despite the ups and downs.

Make a Wish is a wonderful read that will tug at your heartstrings but also make you smile and laugh. It's raw but beautiful. I have absolutely loved the Spark House series and am sad that it is (presumably) ending. Helena Hunting delivered beautiful words as usual and I loved every minute of it! 5 stars

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Did this book make me cry on a plane? Maybe. Did I love it? Absolutely. I loved watching Harley and Gavin grow their relationship and navigate all the hurdles that Gavin’s single parent status presented. Helena handled the pain and loss in this book phenomenally and it made it so that I could truly immerse myself in the story. I’m so happy that they found their happily ever after with Peyton. I’be loved all the Spark sisters but I think Harley might be my favorite. As always I will continue to read anything Helena Hunting writes and I think you should too. Also if you ever see me in the galley crying over my kindle, no you don’t.

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I loved this final book in the Sparks series. Harley is currently trying to find her place in the family business as the spots she has held keep going away or changing. She is not sure where she really fits yet. Enter back into her life Gavin, the man she nannied for 7 yrs again and is currently back with his now 9 yr old daughter. She still has feelings for him and isn’t sure what to do about them. Gavin lost his wife when he gained his daughter so navigating feeling for someone new is hard for him as well. It was well written and I loved these two and there second chance age gap romance.

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Such a great story! I love this series and I'm happy that Marley got her HEA! It was certainly a long time coming and a very complex and happy way to get it!

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The third book in this series, the story of Harley and Gavin. She was his nanny years ago and then he broke her heart, so what will happen now he is back in her life?

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This was a beautifully emotional and sweet love story. This series has been a wonderful one. The narrators were perfect for the audio version.

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FInally we get Harley's book. I loved her since meeting her in the first book of the Spark House series. And what a whirlwind we get with Harley and Gavin. There's a lot of angst but eventually a lot of love that comes through in the end.

Harley is the youngest of the sisters who run the Spark House. Her sisters London and Avery have already had their happily ever after. Harley runs the social media account for Spark House and also helps to create the content for their marketing.But now that things are changing for them, she's finding herself a little lost in what her real role is. Enter, or should I say re-enter Gavin and his daughter Peyton. Before joining Spark House, Harley was a nanny for Peyton. Gavin's wife died during child-birth and so he relied heavily on Harley in helping him with Peyton. Lost in his grief and struggling to learn on how to raise a baby, the two of them worked closely together for months until Gavin moves to be closer to his wife's family. Now they're back and Harley is happy to reconnect with Peyton, and with Gavin.

The chemistry, not only with Harley and Gavin, but also with Harley and Peyton is so fun to watch. I love how Harley interacts with Peyton, showing her how to be herself and seeing their connection. Gavin and Harley have a palpable chemistry and i love that they didn't rush into anything, being considerate of the fact that there is a child involved in this whole situation. Hunting really thought about how to navigate this type of relationship and did it in a way that was respectful and natural.

Of course there are always roadblocks. And this time it was Gavin's mother-in-law. She was pretty annoying in this book and sometimes you just wanted her to go away. She took some things too far and after so many years after the passing of her daughter, you'd think she would just want everyone to be happy.

But in the end, I really enjoyed this book and the epilogue. I loved seeing a glimpse of characters from Helena's other books too. Great wrap up to a good series.

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Helena Hunting never fails to deliver amazing stories! This is the third and final installment to the Spark House series and it was everything! I am beyond obsessed with the single dad trope and Gavin was the most adorable dad. Harley was so relatable in trying to kiss the dad of the baby she was nannying for LOL, love her. This was a feel good romance that had all the elite makings of Helena Hunting. It was cute, funny, witty and heartfelt. Can't wait for her next releases!

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Make A Wish is the final book in the Spark House series. I was so sad to see the series end, but it was great to watch all 3 of them build and grow as the stories went on.
This story was so sweet – I adored Harley – she was the softer of the sisters, but through this book you watched her flourish, stand up for herself and really stand her ground on what she wants in life. It took her a while to get there, about 55% of the book, she let her sisters run circles around her, allowed a boyfriend to not treat her the best emotionally all while trying to figure herself out. When she finally makes that turn. Gah! My heart.
Gavin - I liked Gavin for most of the story – and some times I wish he had a back bone. I will say, coming from being a single parent needing my parents help for a few years, I felt his struggles and his pains. I know what its like to be afraid to stand up for your own parenting because you are dependent on someone else. I also know the freedom that comes with standing up for yourself. It may hurt at first, but it will get better.
Peyton – Peyton was the gem in this story, 10 years old, in love with princesses, her dad, and Harley. I have seen a lot of people review on how they felt this book was to dependent on the family aspect and not the romance - Again as a single parent, that’s kind of how things go sometimes. There was of course romance, but you want to make sure this person fits in your life with your child. It just makes sense. I loved that aspect of this book as a lot of the times kids are written in and the relationship between them and the adults gets lost in the sauce of overwhelming amounts of sexy time. Sexy time is great – I know but when you’re a single parent, you cant just run in the door and start humping on the tables. You need to time things, sneak things in, love your partner, and your child and love them together.
My rant for the day I guess? Loved this book, loved the series, cant wait to dive in to a reread every now and again!

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Make a Wish is Book 3 of Helena Hunting's Spark House series. While we get to revisit characters in past stories, it stands perfectly fine on its own if you haven't read the other books yet.

As much as I enjoyed Gavin and Harley and characters, the story fell a bit flat and their romance seemed to miss some of the spark I was looking (and hoping) for. As for the mother-in-law, I kept waiting for Gavin to grow a pair.

Overall, it was very a well written and engaging story which I finished very easily.

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Make a Wish is Book 3 in the Spark House series, and follows the youngest Spark sister Harley as she reconnects with single dad Gavin, the man she almost kissed 9 years ago when she nannied for his daughter Peyton. The story follows them as they rekindle a relationship, initially centred around Peyton, and the obstacles that come in the way of their fledgling romance.

Ahhhh what can I say? I adored everything about this book! Make a Wish is a charming, heartfelt story that melted my heart. It's beautifully written and very realistic and I felt like I was reading about real people. I absolutely loved Harley and Gavin and I was so invested in their relationship. Gavin was such a brilliant character - sexy, caring and not afraid to rock a tutu for a fairy tea party with his daughter. Harley was adorable, smart, sweet, caring and owned her love of glitter craft and Disney with style. I admired how she knew her own mind, stuck up for herself and was prepared to make hard decisions to protect her heart.

The story is very thoughtful and touching and I liked how the author had the characters think through their actions, rather than jumping into a relationship as is often the case in romance novels. Harley's relationship with Peyton was beautiful and again the author handled the topic of blended family carefully and sensitively. I loved the way that Peyton viewed the world, and despite their romance, Gavin and Harley always put her thoughts and feelings first. The epilogue was absolute perfection and really moving.

Let's talk about Gavin's awful, controlling mother-in-law though - argghhhhh! Whilst I gained more sympathy for her towards the end of the book, she made my blood boil! Harley has the patience of a saint.

I haven't read the first two Spark House books, but this read really well as a standalone. I'm now going back to read London and Avery's stories as I love these characters and I need to know more!

Make a Wish is a thoughtful, touching story about second chances, family and finding love where you least expect it. It's the perfect novel to cosy up with on a cold winter's day!

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Mark your calendars for Tuesday, January 24th, because that’s when Make A Wish by Helena Hunting (aka the last book in the Spark House Series) comes out and it is the adorable and heartwarming romance that you need to read right now!

I think this was my favorite book of the series! Warning: the waterworks will be flowing while reading this book. Peyton is just too sweet and adorable of a character and the bittersweet tragedy that brings Harley and Gavin together is definitely tear-jerking at times. But overall, this book is a great single parent age-gap romance that kind of borders on being a second-chance romance also.

Plus the cameos of the rest of the Spark family is really fun to read about. However, this book would be just as enjoyable if you didn’t read the first two books.

I’m sad to see the Spark Sisters’ stories end, but this age gap/single dad/second-chance romance is such a great conclusion to this series! I highly recommend checking it out as a standalone or as the end of a trilogy.

*I received an ARC from St. Martin's Press in exchange for my honest opinion.

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The finale to the Spark sisters is here and what a sweet one it is!
Gavin and Harley was second chance, single dad with the an adorable girl who totally stole your heart. After a tumultuous ending, Harley finds herself unexpectedly face to face with the man she never thought she’d see again: Gavin Rhodes. Who knew there were residual sparks between these two just waiting for the match?
Helena Hunting packed this baby with emotion, steam…pretty much all the feels! Harley, Avery and London’s sisterhood was absolutely everything!! This was my favorite of the series! What bittersweet feelings to say goodbye to the Spark sisters but I loved getting to be on their journeys of hea!

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