Member Reviews

Harley's story is perfection

The Spark House series by Helena Hunting has been thoroughly entertaining and enjoyable. MAKE A WISH is the third and final book in this series about three sisters and their search for love. It is a second chance romance with a woman who is unsure of her place in life and a single dad trying to the best he can for his daughter.

Harley Spark and Gavin Rhodes have a history, she was his daughter's nanny until he decided to move away. They meet again eight years later at a child's birthday party being held at Spark House. The pull between them was instant, and Harley is surprised when Gavin asks her out for lunch. Is it because he has missed her, or does he just want to catch up? I adored Harley. She was an absolutely ray of sunshine, a sweet, glittery woman who always tried to see the best in people. She was the person who always put others before herself. I loved Gavin. Carrying a full load of guilt from his past, Gavin was a man who did everything for his daughter, Peyton. I swooned every time he wore a tutu and played tea parties with her. Gavin struggles with his guilt, and as a result has allowed his MIL (monster-in-law) to walk all over him. Will Harley bring Gavin the happiness he has been missing for the past ten years, or will outside influences and a "ghost" prevent that happiness from being found?

MAKE A WISH was an emotional rollercoaster ride. It's a journey where hearts are broken, dreams are shattered then realized, friendships are made, and love is found. I adored the relationship that Harley and Peyton shared. Peyton was a little livewire, she was like a mini Harley - a princess, a fairy, and a glitter queen all rolled into one. I enjoyed catching up with Avery/Declan and London/Jackson and seeing the three sisters working together to ensure that Spark House continued to grow and be successful. I loved how Helena tackled some delicate issues with her usual class and style.

MAKE A WISH was a wonderful read that pulled on my heartstrings. I laughed, cried, swooned, and sighed. An absolute MUST READ. Even though they are all standalones, I strongly recommend reading the previous two books in the series.

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⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 5 STARS

I loved the Spark sisters, but Harley held a special place in my heart! I felt like I related the most to her character. Harley and Gavin's romance evokes so many emotions, it hooked me from beginning to end. I always know that I will love any book that Helena Hunting has written. I highly suggest reading this EPIC series, if you haven't already done so. Make a Wish by Helena Hunting is an EPIC read that will join the ranks of the BIBLIO-ARISTOCRACY!!!

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Harley is one third of the Spark House crew, along with her sisters. Their event hotel is gaining in popularity and has even caught the attention of the Mills brothers, who want to franchise it. This is a dream come true for Avery and London since they thrive on their work. But Harley’s role has been in flux since business started booming and she doesn’t yet have a defined role in this new version of the family business. She’s anxious about her future and considering stepping away from Spark House, even though she’d hate to leave.

As Harley struggles with the future, she’s forced to confront a past she’d prefer to forget, in the form of gorgeous single dad Gavin. She made the biggest mistake of her life seven years ago when she tried to kiss her boss. He moved shortly afterward and Harley’s regretting losing them ever since.

Peyton is thrilled to meet the former nanny she’s seen pictures and heard stories of, but can’t remember and instantly falls in love with Harley. The feeling is mutual but things are far more complicated for her and Gavin. They both understand loss, but even after all these years, he may not be ready to move on. Harley is so sweet and kind, I wasn’t sure if she’d stand up for herself, but she rose to the occasion more than once. Gavin is broken and although he wants to start living again, he’s got a lot of work to do. This is a sweet but angsty story that will make you smile. I received an ARC from the author in exchange for an honest review.

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ʀᴇsᴇɴʜᴀ | Make a Wish - Helena Hunting|| 365p. @stmartinspress 5⭐🔞🇺🇸
Harley é a mais jovem das irmãs que comandam a Spark House, o empreendimento da família. Depois de anos sendo social media ela está perdendo um pouco o caminho já que elas estão expandindo. Quando mais jovem, ela era babá e amava, mas depois de um mal entendido entre seu chefe, Gavin e ela, ele acabou de mudando e levando a pequena Peyton com ele. Agora, nove anos depois Gavin e Peyton estão na cidade e se reconectam com Harley e a relação dos três volta, talvez de onde nunca deveria ter parado.
Eu sou completamente apaixonada pelos livros da Helena Hunting, ela sempre consegue entregar narrativas que vão desde o drama que vai ter deixar em lágrimas até histórias como essa: de segundas chances.
Harley é uma jovem extremamente madura e tem um jeito incrível com as crianças. Ela ama estar perto dos pequenos e faz isso com maestria. Quando Gavin foi embora seu coração ficou partido, pois ela amava Peyton e perder o contato com a bebê tirou um pedaço dela. Quando eles retornam é como se Harley tivesse ganhado um presente e as cenas dela com Peyton são muito bonitas.
Gavin, por sua vez, é um personagem que precisou se libertar de algumas amarras e Harley o ajudou nisso, claro que como vocês sabem todos os personagens que precisam essa autora manda pra terapia e isso é tudo pra mim.
O que eu mais gostei desse livro é que a relação deles foi construída para além do físico, eles foram amigos e depois isso foi crescendo.
Eu fiquei muito com a impressão que vamos ver mais dos personagens dessa série depois. Ainda não tive um fechamento com ela.
#ResenhasLeD #helenahunting

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Super excited when Harley and Gavin's story arrived. I enjoyed going back to Spark House with sisters Avery, London, and Harley. Now its Harley's turn to find love. Gavin is a single parent and struggling to adjust with caring for his daughter Peyton, work, and trying to please his in-laws. Harley was Peyton's nanny for about 18 months of her life, prior to Gavin and Peyton moving away. Years pass and they move back to the area. A chance meeting brings them back in to each other's lives. This story is fun and easy to read. Harley is such a unique, beautiful soul. Gavin is a hot dad that still has a lot to work through after losing his first wife. Such a great story of two people who deserve to have love and find each other. Enjoy!!!

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Helena Hunting dose it again; Make Wish the 3rd book of the sisters of the Spark House series. Harley’s world is upside down with the Spark house branching out, she not sure what her roll is anymore, they decided to stop the birthday parties for kids because they didn’t fit in the bottom line. Everyone is so excited about franchising Spark House, Harley just goes along to keep the family together. They day of the last princess party a little girl is late & as Harley comes out to get the little dresses up as a princess she realizes it’s Payton the little girl she Nannied for when she was a baby & then she hears Gaven’s voice Payton’s daddy. All the memories flooded back along with the connection she had with them both. Harley’s heart was broken when they moved to boulder 9 yrs ago & never heard a word then today they are back in Colorado Springs for good, Gaven has come back to work & take over his family’s business. This story has so many ups & downs, tears & heart wrenching moments. It’s everything Harley’s story should be. Have a box of Kleenex ready & see how Harley, Payton, & Gaven’s story ends. Thank you Helena it’s a beautiful story.

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Awww, the final book in the series, with a sweet epilogue and a fine, swoony romance. I couldn't ask for more!

Harley and Gavin's story was a quick, fun read with the right amount of humor and emotion that kept me entertained and invested in the overall story.

I was glad to finally get to know more about Harley because she seemed so different from her sisters. I admired her loyalty, her reliable ways, and how family-conscious she was. I also came to understand her uncertainty about her role in the family business now that it was expanding and how having her sisters start families caused her to yearn for the same thing for herself.

And in come Gavin and Peyton, the first family she immersed herself in as a live-in nanny. Seeing them reunited was a treat to read because it allowed me the chance to finally see Harley in her element—relating to kids, taking care of them, and truly enjoying herself separate from her sisters and the business. I enjoyed Harley, Payton, and Gavin's time together, but it was Harley and Gavin's time with each other that cemented their connection for me. With candid conversations, flirty banter, and steamy moments, I found myself cheering them on and swooning right along with them.

Of course, it was nice to see the sisters' romantic relationship going well and to have all of them involved in the business too. Having Harley finally find her way and her HEA made this final installment a worthwhile read.

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Another wonderful ending to both a book and a series by Helena Hunting. From the very first book I fell in love with this series and the Spark sisters. Each and every one of their happily ever afters was a simple joy to read

This last installment told Harley’s story and if you think your heart was breaking then.. you have no idea what’s coming to you. We not only get a troubled past heroine but a hero as well whose mutual grief bring them together at the wrong time.. only for time to bring them back together years later. This is one fated romance if I’ve ever heard of one and the ending will leave hours of happy sighing. Such a must read!

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Make A Wish is the third and final book in the Spark House series, and I loved the journey that youngest sister Harley went through with Gavin, the hot widowed dad she used to nanny for. This book had a heavier feel to it than the others did, simply because Gavin was kind of stuck in the past as far as grieving his late wife Marcie (who died the day their daughter Peyton was born) and his feelings about making a future with Harley.

Helena Hunting infused this book with her signature charm and wit, and gracefully handled how Gavin came to terms with moving past the love he lost. I also felt that the issues Gavin had with his mother-in-law and her grief were handled wonderfully. Sure, Karen was mean and snippy, but once they really got into things, it was clear that she was consumed by grief herself. And Payton is a wonderful little girl and brought so much to the story.

I went back and forth between listening to this book on audio and reading it, and I adored how Jason Clarke and Stella Bloom brought these characters to life.

Make A Wish is a wonderful story about finding love after loss, and I think it was my favorite of the bunch. And I loved all three books! And the bonus epilogue was a fantastic wrap-up for this series!

I received a complimentary copy from St. Martin's Press via NetGalley and voluntarily left a review.

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A single dad, second chance romance, Make a Wish is the last book and my favorite in Helena Hunting's Spark House series. All of the books can be read as standalones and each book is about a different Spark sister. If you love books that hit the heartstrings with all the feels, I highly recommend Make a Wish and the Spark House series.

Thank you to NetGalley and SMP for sending me an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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The Spark House Series continues to wow in this complicated second-chance, single-parent romance. It was a heartbreaking and emotional journey with unique, real, complex, and relatable characters. It tugs hard on the heartstrings and brings all the feels. I may have cried a time or two. At times, it was messy, difficult, and frustrating (just seeing what the characters went through). It involved family drama, grief, guilt, loss, and other obstacles along the way. It is well-written, to where you feel every raw emotion and you can picture the scenes clearly. The evolution of their relationship took us on quite an emotional roller coaster. I'm so happy Gavin and Harley finally got their HEA! I recommend reading this heartfelt romance. It is standalone but I highly recommend reading the previous books in the series. I loved them!

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5 The Ultimate Second Chance Stars

I’ve loved this entire series, but I can honestly say Harley’s book is my favorite. I’m a sucker for a single dad book especially when the child is a little girl that is as intelligent and precocious as Peyton. While her bond with Harley was interrupted for several years, there is no doubt that their connection is as solid as ever. What’s different this time around is that Gavin has experienced life without his wife for the last several years and now he can be more open to his feelings for Harley. It also helps that their age difference that seemed monumental 10 years ago doesn’t have the same stigma.

With the first two books, Harley has clearly been a major player in the storylines, but I’ve always wondered what was really going on in her mind…especially as Spark House starts growing and each of the sister’s roles change. With this book, we really get to see what Harley is so good at and while she’s so happy that their business is growing, it also may result in what she loves to do being put on the back burner. Thankfully, Gavin and Peyton are back in Colorado Springs and as Gavin and Harley spend more and more time together, friendship slowly turns to so much more… but are they willing to take the risk? There’s so many others that need to be considered. Some of whom I wasn’t a real fan of, but, such is life and that’s one of the things I adore so much about Ms. Hunting’s writing; she tells it like it is!

Not only was I captivated while reading this book, but I also had the chance to listen to Jason Clarke and Stella Bloom embody these characters with finesse, grace and love. I fell so in love with everyone because of their narration. When children are in a story, it’s so important to capture their innocence and love of life and both Jason and Stella do a wonderful job in this role.

This book wraps up this series so well. I’m definitely going to miss the Spark Sisters and everyone that surrounds their lives. I wish Spark House was real because I’d definitely be booking an event there just to experience the magic of the Spark Sisters!

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Avant toute chose, je souhaite remercier Helena Hunting et les équipes de St Martin’s Press pour ce service presse.

Make a Wish est le dernier tome de la trilogie Spark House sur les sœurs Spark. Après avoir découvert leur univers avec Avery et London, c’est au tour de Harley, la petite dernière, de nous embarquer dans ces aventures.

Dès les premières pages, on découvre qu’Harley est la plus discrète et arrangeante de la fratrie. Elle s’accommode de ce que ses sœurs et beaux-frères lui laissent au sein de l’entreprise, même si c’est parfois au détriment de ce qu’elle souhaite.

Elle jongle entre ses études, son travail à Spark House et son petit-ami Chad jusqu’au jour où sa vie va être totalement chamboulée par le retour de Gavin et Peyton à Colorado Spings. Sept ans auparavant, Harley était devenue la nounou de Peyton lorsque Gavin avait tragiquement perdu sa femme Marcie lors de l’accouchement.

Peyton, aujourd’hui âgée de neuf ans, va peu à peu s’infiltrer dans la vie de Harley, cherchant désespérément à créer un lien avec l’ange qui s’est occupée d’elle à sa venue au monde. Gavin n’aura d’autre choix que de suivre les souhaits de sa fille, Harley n’opposant aucune résistance à faire partie de la vie de Peyton.

Une relation d’abord amicale va s’installer entre Harley et Gavin puis, la promiscuité va faire que des sentiments vont apparaître. Gavin va tomber sous le charme de Harley et, après plusieurs péripéties, elle deviendra officiellement sa petite-amie.

Mais très vite les choses vont se compliquer, car la relation entre Harley et Gavin n’est pas au goût de tout le monde. Karen, la mère de Marcie, va être particulièrement affectée par l’intrusion de Harley dans la famille. Bientôt, la situation va s’envenimer et Gavin devra faire un choix.

Vous l’aurez compris, ce nouveau tome nous fait découvrir la suite de l’aventure Spark House mais aussi la vie de la dernière de la fratrie. Avery et London, ainsi que Declan et Jackson, feront partie intégrante de cette histoire et nous verrons comment leurs couples évoluent et comment leur famille va s’agrandir.

Même si j’ai apprécié clore ce chapitre, j’ai tout de même trouvé que certains passages manquaient de peps et d’humour. La passivité d’Harley et Gavin dans certaines situations et le personnage de Karen m’ont parfois donné envie de hurler. Quant à Peyton, certains passages me laissaient penser qu’elle était plus jeune que ces neuf ans.

En bref, un tome qui amène une jolie conclusion à cette trilogie. Peyton est une petite fille déterminée et pleine de vie, un rayon de soleil qui va venir illuminer la vie de Harley. Si vous aimez les romances de familles recomposées, de seconde chance, alors ce tome est fait pour vous !

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I love these sisters and this wonderful world they live in. Gavin and Harley both had issues they had to deal with and I was glad that she wasn’t a push over when it came to him. Their chemistry is great but his past still haunts him.
He is a single dad, his wife died during child birth and he just moved back to town after seven years away. He sees Harley right away and they reconnect (she was the nanny for his daughter). He wants to be happy but doesn’t realize how much he blames himself and uses his mother-in-law to stop a serious relationship.
Harley had a crush on him seven years ago and promises herself she will keep relations as friends only. Unfortunately, things don’t turn out that way and she finds herself falling for both him and his daughter all over again. She puts up with a lot from his mother in law and him, but ultimately stands up for herself. I felt bad for her where Spark House was concerned because I felt like she was being pushed out and not listened to. I loved how she finally spoke up for herself with her sisters and their SO’s.
I loved this book and the entire series. I received an ARC and this is my honest, voluntary review.

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A*R*C for honest review with no compensation, Received from NetGalley and St. Martin Press 4.5 stars

Make A Wish is book 3 in the Spark House series by Helena Hunting with the final Spark sister, Harley. Sure hope we see more of Spark House, the Spark sisters and maybe the new Sparkle House…

This Harley’s story from her time as a nanny to a single dad, Gavin Rhoades who lost his wife during childbirth. After almost 2 yrs, she almost kisses Gavin (who is still grieving) and suddenly he up and moves away. Now 7 yrs later he and Peyton move back to the area and they reconnect but all it not as easy as it looks on the surface.

Confrontation, old feelings surface, not letting go of the past, some laughter, tears and more…

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I am so sad to see this Series come to an end , but what a great book to finish it off with.
This story was funny, emotional, and many ups and downs.. all together a great book to read.
Helena Hunting has always been one of my favorite Authors and never seems to disappoint me in any of her books. This can be read in order of the Series or as a stand-a-lone. But it is a must read forsure

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You cant’t help falling in love with Gavin and Harley’s second chance! Helena Hunting has given us an excellent second chance at romance with a twist. Sometimes after time passes during what seems like the darkest times in our lives we start to regroup and rebuild and that’s exactly what you experience readying Gavin and Harleys story. I loved it and would definitely recommend it. I am voluntarily leaving my honest review after reading this arc, but I loved it so much I purchased my own copy.

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4.5 Stars!
Harley Spark lives in Colorado Springs where she owns and runs an event hotel called Spark House with her two older sisters Avery and London. She spends her days working on their social media, and planning fabulous events. While hosting a princess themed birthday party she crosses paths with a man she hasn't seen in seven years. When she was twenty she nannied for Gavin Rhodes. He was a struggling widow trying to survive, and she was his lifeline most days. She took care of his daughter for a year and a half, and then she crossed a line when she almost kissed him. Everything changed and they moved across the state. She got attached, so it was hard on her when they suddenly disappeared from her life. Now it feels like the past is coming back to haunt her. She's embarrassed and feels awkward, but Gavin seems excited to reconnect after all these years.

Gavin Rhodes and his nine year old daughter Peyton move back to Colorado Springs. After only a few weeks in town they run into Harley. She's part of their past and feels familiar. Father and daughter both like spending time with her, and an easy friendship forms. She's like a ray of sunshine back in their lives, and makes them both happy. As Gavin and Harley get reacquainted will they want to explore the connection between them? Now that they are now both in different places in their lives, could the timing finally be right?

Make a Wish by Helena Hunting is the third book in the Spark House series. It's a single dad, friends to lovers, second chance romance about family, love, and beautiful connections. I've been looking forward to the youngest Spark sisters story and it didn't disappoint. I adored this couple and their electric chemistry. This book was packed with plenty of emotion, swoon and all the feels! <333

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I adore this Spark House series and now that each sister’s story is complete I cannot wait to recommend binging these three stories back to back.

Check out my more detailed thoughts below…
Characters: Harley is the youngest Spark sister and is seemingly the most lost about her role in the future of Spark House. As much as these books have been about the sisters and their love interests, it has also been cool to see the evolution of Spark House. Harley is the type of character that is easy to love, a super nice person and caring to all. Her love interest is Gavin, and oh my poor boy! I really loved how dynamic his character was. He doesn’t really have it all together much either, both of our characters are struggling with this. For Gavin, his story is just as much a story of someone figuring out how to live with their grief instead of pushing it down.
Setting: This story is set in Colorado Springs, with the Spark House playing a major role. I enjoyed that the Spark House represented different things for each Spark sister. For Harley, it is a stressor, but some aspects that are seemingly becoming obsolete bring her joy. If you have read these books in the order you will appreciate the inner workings of the Spark House and Mills Co. acquisition, you’ll love it even more if you have read the books about the Mills’ (Shacking Up, Hooking Up).
Pacing: Helena really concocted these stories at such a perfect length. I was said when it ended because I am sad to leave the Spark sisters behind.
Romance: This was an interesting romance. I have seen takes on this trope before, the nanny/babysitter and the single dad falling in love. I have never seen someone write it in this way, that the first temptation happened so many years before and then we flash forward years later. When the heroine is a bit older and a bit more ready for this relationship to surpass just a crush or flirtation. Helena always does a good job of balancing the hot, intensity of the characters hooking up in secret. Balanced nicely with the way that feelings could not help but grow between Harley and Gavin.

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It took me a minute to fall back into this series, but the author does a good job of dropping bits to refresh your memory. I loved this story, the history and bringing it all full circle. The epilogue was so sweet, I got teary eyed. I'm kinda bummed that it seems like we're done with Spark house, having only the 3 sisters. Gavin's history was so heartbreaking, but Harley was the perfect person to come flip his world back to rights.

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