Member Reviews

4 stars!

I love the Spark House series and I desperately wanted Harley, the youngest of the Spark sisters, to find love after both her sisters found their own happily-ever-afters. Make a Wish gives us just what we needed in this a second chance, single dad romance, and it is so good.

Gavin lost his wife in childbirth and was heartbroken. Needing help with his newborn, Peyton, he hired Harley and she was an integral part of their lives. But just as quickly as they came into Harley’s life, they were gone. It affected Harley more than she knew and when Gavin and Peyton move back to town, the past comes crashing back.

Harley and Gavin are special together. When Harley first worked for him, she handled so much of Peyton’s life and she became part of the family. It crushed her when Gavin and Peyton moved away, especially since she thought she was part of the reason they moved away. However, when she rekindles a friendship with Gavin, they both realizes just how much she means to him and Peyton.

Having Harley back in their lives makes everything so much better. These two have so much love but there are many challenges in their way. From past heartbreak for both of them and problems they face in the present, they have to figure out how they fit together. I love the progression from friends to more and was rooting for them from the start. There are frustrating moments but I understood the issues and didn’t fault them for feeling the way they did. There isn’t much over the top angst but there are definitely some challenges they must face.

While Harley faces her feelings for Gavin, she is faces changes with her family and the business. Harley loves her sisters and tries to find her place in Spark House. Taking care of Peyton years ago was her last nanny job but she still loves working with children. As the business starts expanding, there is less room for the things Harley loves and it weighs on her. She changes as the story goes on and stand up for what she wants. I love the heart to hearts the three sisters have as they figure out how the family and business must operate together.

Overall, I really enjoyed the story. It is filled with so much heart and I was totally invested in these two as well as the growth that they both experienced. I couldn’t put the book down until Harley got her happy ending. The epilogue is amazing and I loved getting another characters POV. It was everything I could have hoped for and more.

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I have absolutely loved reading Helena Hunting's Spark House Series, and up until now I thought no book would top When Sparks Fly as my favorite Helena Hunting book but Make a Wish has now surpassed it and is my current favorite. I absolutely loved Harley and Gavin, and Gavin's daughter Peyton, I thought they were such a great couple and had such great dynamics as a budding family.
One aspect of the book that I really liked was that for a good portion of the book Harley and Gavin were just friends and former employee/employer hanging out. So as the reader you got to see them get to know one another again. While I love romances that are like BOOM a couple, there I always something so nice and refreshing when its a slow burn romance.
I have always thought that Helena writes books with great family dynamics, and Make a Wish is no different. I loved seeing Harley interact with her sisters, and even though we saw that in the other books it was nice to see her POV. In that same vein, the sister dynamics was a great way to show how Harley's character grew as the story progressed. For Gavin he had an amazing relationship with Peyton and his parents, but he struggled with his deceased wife's mother. He didn't know how to stand up for himself, his parenting decisions and his personal life with her. And through this relationship we saw Gavin start to move on from losing his wife.
I truly enjoyed reading this book and series, but I am sad to see it end. But whenever an author, particularly Helena Hunting, ends one series she more than likely has something amazing coming soon and I can't wait to see what's next.

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Once upon a time Harley almost kissed her boss, the man for whom she was nannying his adorable daughter, Peyton. It freaked Gavin out so much he moved away and she hasn't seen him since. Until now. Until he and Peyton make an appearance at one of the children's birthday parties she so loves throwing. AND he wants to see her again. She's not sure what to think but perhaps it will be good for some closure on what was left on such an abrupt manner. Or perhaps more...

Gavin's lived for his daughter Peyton since the day she was born. Is now the time he gets to have a little for himself? Seeing Harley again has brought up feelings he wasn't ready for back when she used to be Peyton's nanny. Back when he was a newly single father and grieving his wife. But if he really does want Peyton in his life, he will have to learn to open up to both her and Peyton about Peyton's mother, and lay ghosts to rest so Harley doesn't have to come in second to the ghost of Gavin's first love.

What a sweet way to end this delightful series. Harley is definitely my favorite Spark sister with her sensitive heart and loving nature. She was at a crossroads, seeing her sisters in love and wanting to take their hotel in new directions but kind of leaving Harley out of the planning. I loved reading as she found her place, found her real calling, and found love with Gavin and Peyton. Gavin is equally adorable with his daughter, making him swoony af. Single dad romances are my jam, Harley, Gavin and Peyton are the reason why.

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Picking up a Helen hunting book is like ordering the perfect platter at your fave eatery. You get balanced meal of all the colorful sentiments to devour. She plots with precision and serves perfect portions of tropes for us.
There's a single dad angle, a second chance at love, a young delectable nanny angle and of course witty banter tops it all
The hero, Gavin Rhodes is a single dad to a toddler Peyton. He has his hands full and heart emptied after the death of his wife.
Enter the babysitter/nanny, nubile Harley Spark.
She manages to wiggle her way into their tiny broken family and makes her own place in it.
But the road to happiness doesn't start there, so the fork in the road proves to be a blessing in disguise.

“I’m not letting you off the hook. I’m telling you to let yourself off the hook.”
He gives me a wry smile. “We both deserve to be happy, even if it’s not with each other.”

7 years later they meet again but by now lot of water has flown under the bridge.
And there's an added baggage in Gavin's heart
And of course the "Karen"
It's light & frothy toll the banter hits home. Peyton is adorable but Gavin & Harley just need to get over their hngups, cause I cheered for them throughout .
A sensitive, yet fun read.
4 stars for Angels of Love

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I enjoyed getting Harley’s story in this final book in the series. Her story was definitely different from the other two sisters in the romance aspect. But even though she felt like she was the only one who didn’t know where she fit into the family business, really all the sister kind of felt that way in their own stories in their own ways. We did get to spend time with the other sisters, but with them now having their own loves/families, I feel that they weren’t as present in Harley’s book as she had been in their books.

Gavin was so frustrating in how he wouldn’t stick up for Harley, even knowing what his guilt was based on. But in a way that is what makes this story what it is. The fact that the people have real issues, and that they do have to maybe talk to someone, professional therapist or the like, in order to figure things out. The way that things aren’t just fixed because they realize they have the issue, because they also realize it isn’t going to be so easy to get past it.

I adored Peyton, the little girl was adorable and sweet, although maybe portrayed a little bit younger than I would think of a girl that age? Just because I have a niece right about that age, and she seems a little more mature. But it also would make sense with how her life has been and that she’s an only child that could have made her behave that way. And her role in the story was perfect, and even if a little young seeming, still realistic in my opinion.

As usual, I do miss the steaminess that comes with Hunting’s self-published books that we don’t get with the traditionally published books like this. And there were a few times I felt things were a little slow in this story. Also, I’m not really fan of the older man storyline. But I like how it worked out in this one and I do have to admit Gavin and Harley were perfect for each other. The epilogue was great too, and I’ll be sad to leave this little fictional family and their world.

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Wow, what an emotional rollercoaster that gives you whiplash, you won’t know which way their feelings will go. Harley was the nanny for Payton when she was a baby and Gavin lost his wife. Then a moment that almost crossed the line has him disappearing from her life. Harley since has been working with her sisters at Spark House and with a new changed possibly coming, Harley is starting to reassess her life. Then Gavin and Payton stroll into one of her birthday parties and Spark House and it’s like no time has passed. As these three start to hang out more, for Payton, emotions and feelings start to come out and lines to start to get harder to ignore. This is one heartbreaking, beautifully written journey that will have you devouring this book until you find out what happens! Will Harley finally get her happy ever after or will the past control too much of the future to let Gavin and Harley have a chance? I loved these sisters and each of their journeys, it has been a wild ride!

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A sweet and cosy second chance romance from Helena Hunting as the youngest Spark sister Harley reconnects with widower Gavin Rhodes and his adorable daughter eight years after being his live-in nanny for the then baby Peyton. With lots of emotion and angst as Gavin finally comes to terms with the guilt he carries over the death of his wife during child birth and opens himself up to the prospect of finding love again. One of the pros with this book was the depiction of Gavin as a dad. There aren’t many men out there who would willing dress up in a tutu no matter how much they love their baby girls. His relationship with Peyton was beautifully written. On the con side Harley did come across as a bit of a Pollyanna, always seeing good in everything and smiling and letting people walk all over her. I was glad by the end of Make A Wish she found her backbone as well as her voice and told everyone what she wanted and didn’t just go along with their decisions. With a touching epilogue I dare anyone not to read this book and finish it without a big smile on their face.

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Another fantastic read from Helena Hunting. I loved Harley and Gavin's story. The angst, the passion, it was just perfect for me. I also really enjoyed seeing more of how Harley interacts with her sisters and their husbands and getting insight into her feelings that we didn't see from the previous books, as well as her relationship with her Grandma. A wonderful read.

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I normally would not give book 3 in a series a 5 star review. Usually, there is too much connectivity with the prior books for it to fully stand alone (and there is some of that here), but the story told in Make A Wish reached in a grabbed a hold of my heart in a way that I couldn’t give it anything less.

In Make A Wish, we get to spend time with the youngest Spark sister, Harley, as she reconnects with a single dad she used to nanny for. I genuinely like Harley and found her efforts to make a place for herself in the family business endearing. Gavin and his daughter Peyton are also characters that I found myself very much invested in.

The details of the story and evolving relationships are best appreciated by reading the story, but I will say that Ms Hunting approached delicate situations with grace and gentleness that made them relatable. She even managed to make the “villain” of the story someone that I could have empathy toward!

This final installment of the Spark House series delivers a whopper of emotions. Not only do we see Harley attempt to find her happy ending, we also see where Avery and London are now. This definitely wraps things up on a high note!

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4.5 Stars ⭐️

It’s official, 𝗠𝗔𝗞𝗘 𝗔 𝗪𝗜𝗦𝗛 is my favourite book of the series and Harley Spark my favourite heroine!

From the very first page I became obsessed with Harley, Gavin and Peyton’s story. It’s a beautifully complicated one that wreaked havoc on my heart, mind and book soul. Once I started, I could not put this book down. It was a reading rollercoaster of a ride and I have zero regrets.

If you love a good single parent, age gap romance then 𝗠𝗔𝗞𝗘 𝗔 𝗪𝗜𝗦𝗛 is the perfect book for you! I’m giving it the judy.ann.loves.books stamp of approval, TBR and Enjoy!

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I voluntarily reviewed a copy of this book (given by Netgalley)...

3.75 stars

This is Harley and Gavin's story; the final book in the trilogy.

There is something to be said about a man who loves his daughter so much that he would do anything or wear anything just to maker her happy and Gavin is that dad. Harley is her special kind of sweet and you can tell she really loves Gavin and Peyton, but they have some obstacles in their way, especially Gavin's mother in law. Harley has a passion for childcare and Gavin is a single dad so it's easy to see why they fit so well together.

The book has some flow issues and it some parts did seem to drag on a bit, but in the end it was enjoyable and a nice way to end the series.

More review to come.

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Our twenty year old heroine, Harley Spark, almost kissed our thirty year old Hero, Gavin Rhodes, while she was nannying for him after he lost his wife during childbirth. As a widowed dad trying to suddenly balance life raising his infant daughter and working, Gavin often found himself an emotional wreck at the end of the day. A sensitive Harley often saw Gavin suffering through the turmoil, and wished she could offer him some comfort,but he pulls away. For several reasons that he doesn't share with Harley, he and his daughter Peyton, move north to be closer to his wife's family. Fast forward seven years, and he feels it's time to move back to take over his dad's business. A chance meeting brings all the surpressed feelings Harley had for Gavin back to the surface. They resume their "friendship" since she has a boyfriend. She adores Peyton and takes her on special outings where Gavin is sometimes along for the adventure. Her sisters, Avery and London, try to caution her into being careful about taking the relatonship farther with a man who still carries a lot of emotional baggage and a meddling mother-in law who seems to hate Harley. Meanwhile at work, the family hotel, Spark House, is doing remarkably well in its expansion, but Harley's role seems to be dimishing which leaves her feeling a bit untethered.

Our wonderful author fills this story with so much emotion that Harley and Gavin both have to work through if they are destined to be together. Can Gavin put the ghosts of his past to rest so he can think about a future with Harley? Is Harley ready to take the next step in her life to resume the schooling she put on hold several years ago to help out with Spark House? All these questions and more will be answered before you hit "The End"!

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This is one of my favorite books so far this year. I absolutely loved Harley and Gavin's story. Harley is the third book in the Spark House series, a series following three sisters who work together running Spark House, a hotel/event space. Years ago Harley was a nanny for Peyton, Gavin's infant daughter after his wife died during childbirth. After an almost kiss, Gavin and his daughter move away to live closer to family. It's been seven years and Gavin and Peyton have moved back into town and end up back in Harley's life.

This story was filled with everything I love in a good romance. You have great characters, with lots of chemistry, lots of moments where you see the emotional connections building, and throw in complicated family dynamics and a tragic past for angst and turmoil. The connection between Gavin and Harley was lovely to read about, but I also loved Peyton and reading about her and Harley together as well. This was such a well written romance and left me smiling and happy many times during the course of reading it and with a huge smile on my face at the end!

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Really enjoyed this story with Harley, Gavin, and Peyton - the adorable 9-year old to Gavin. After the death of Gavin's wife, Harley stepped in as a nanny to Peyton until things got a bit too complex. Gavin being overwhelmed with being a single parent and building a business, Harley for feelings for Gavin, and Peyton not able to distinguish Harley as the nanny and not her mom. Fast forward 8 years, and Gavin and Peyton are back and show up to an event at Spark House. The three reconnect quickly, and Harley realizes what having a partner really means.

This seems to be the final story in the Spark House world, but would love to see more from these characters.

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I have really enjoyed all the books in the Spark House series, but Harley and Gavin's is my favorite!

Harley was the nanny for Gavin's toddler daughter after he lost his wife. After one awkward moment he moved away and she didn't see or talk to them again. When they meet again it is obvious there's still a connection between them. I loved their second chance romance and thought the dual POV was great to understand their dynamic and how their feelings developed. There was a great mix of emotional moments, drama, and swoony romance.

As always, Helena's writing is always engaging and she does a nice job creating interesting characters and stories. I love picking up one of her books, and I can't wait to see what she writes next.

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This is the third in the Spark House series, and it's also set in Colorado Springs. I'm always looking for romance books set in Colorado so was extra excited for this.

Harley used to nanny for Gavin Rhodes and his daughter Peyton when she was 19. Gavin lost Peyton's mom during childbirth and was grieving and trying to raise a baby. Harley lived with them for a year and they all got very close. When things were about to turn into more, Gavin moved him and his daughter to Boulder, saying it was to be closer to his in-laws.

Seven years later, and they all run into each other at Spark House, the event center where Harley works with her sisters. They fall back into each other's lives, but is it what's really best for all of them? Each of them know what it's like to lose the people you love most, and can they afford for that to happen again?

Harley and her love of glitter and crafting really spoke to me. I'd been waiting to get to know her better. I had a few issues with Gavin to begin with and felt like he was taking advantage of Harley's kindness, but I came around to him in the end.

Even though this is part of a series I feel like the books work pretty well as stand-alones because they're each about a different Spark sister. If you like second-chance, single dad, friends-to-lovers, or age-gap romances you might want to pick this one up. It has some lighter (and some steamier moments) overlayed on top of a lot of serious themes. It definitely made me feel all the feels.

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Emotional and heartwarming. Harley, Gavin, and little Peyton's reconnection is full of adorable sweetness, love and laughter as Harley and Gavin explore and build a relationship.

Gavin has so much to overcome years later after losing his wife in childbirth and raising Peyton as a single-father. His MIL is a nightmare ... And when he reconnects with Harley—who's struggling to find her role in the quickly changing Spark House—they begin to build a wonderfully patient and empathetic connection.

Slow-burn, second-chance, with a few lightly steamy moments, tons of love and characters that will capture you heart.

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This book gave me all the feels. I felt irritation, anger, sadness, happiness and love lots of love. This is a single dad story which is one of my favorites. Harley Spark is a nanny for Gavin and his infant daughter Payton. She loves Payton and being her nanny and tries to make life just a little easier for Gavin since his wife died during child birth. Gavin has been struggling since his wife's passing and having to try to care for his infant daughter. Harley tries to help as much as she can but almost takes it a hair to far. Gavin decides it is best for him and his daughter to move closer to his in-laws leaving Harley having to go work for her family's business Spark House.

Fast forward 9 years. Harley is working for Spark House and plans and organizes kids birthday parties. She loves doing this but it is not a big money maker and her siblings and their spouses are telling her that they are going to have to stop doing that to make way for other things that make them money. She is hosting one of their last birthday parties and one of the guests happens to be Payton. Gavin and Payton moved back to be closer to his parents and he is excited to see an older and still beautiful Harley.

They begin to talk about old times and share with Peyton who Harley is to them. The three of them begin spending more time together giving Payton hope that they may become a family. This book was so good and hard to put down. This was a great addition to the Spark series.

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I loved this book from the Spark House series. Harley is so sweet and I wanted so much for her throughout the series and she got it! I love seeing her with Gavin and his daughter Peyton. Definitely a winner!

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Make a Wish, book three in the Spark House series is a beautiful, emotional story that will speak to you and have you falling in love with these amazing characters.
Gavin and Harley have history and now that Gavin is back with his daughter, Peyton they have a chance to get to know each other again. This time, however, instead of a nanny, parent relationship they have a chance at not only friendship but so much more. But first, Gavin is going to have to face his guilt and learn to put Harley ahead of it. She in turn, knows she deserves to be treated like his girlfriend and lover, not his nanny and at the same time she needs to figure out where she fits into the ever changing landscape of Spark House.
I love a happily ever after story and this book is that and so much more.

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