Member Reviews

A great book on the enneagram. I love learning more about it and this book had great insight. Highly recommend!

Authors Liz Carver and Josh Green have written an intriguing book on type 8 of the Enneagram. There are nine total personality types; 8 gives fascinating insight into the "protector, challenger, advocate." Highly recommended for those who long to know more about themselves and others.

This book explains well the characteristics and ideals of the 8. It also discussed the different kinds of 8s and explained that you didn't have to embody each statement. a set of journaling questions help you think about your 8ness and how you can be your best self.

I've been hearing about Enneagram a lot lately, and I have several friends who are really into it. To be honest I didn't really know a lot about it and wasn't sure what to expect.
After a bit of research I must say I find it really interesting and an extremely helpful tool to understand oneself and people in our life.
This little guide was very useful, but in my opinion this is a good guide if you already have a bit of background about the subject, not if this is your first approach to it, since it doesn't explain how Enneagram works.
I would recommend it to people who want to know more or deepen their knowledge about the subject.
Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

Ok so first off I am for sure an 8. I couldn't be an 8 anymore if I tried! I wanted to make that clear before I started with my review, because a lot of the content really resonated with me. I'm not used to undertaking these kinds of reflective exercises, but I appreciated how they were designed specifically for people such as myself.
In terms of the layout of the book as a whole, I really liked it and can't find a single fault.

Pros: The Enneagram is my favorite personality typing system because of its focus on motivations. I have found it so helpful to understanding family, friends, and coworkers and use it often in leadership positions as part of training. I volunteer with two individuals who are Enneagram Eights, so I especially enjoyed reading this book to learn more about them and to see how my type (One) works well with Eights. I loved how visual this book is with graphics and charts.
I appreciate that the authors first wrote a book about discovering one's Enneagram type, which then directs people to know which individual book to read. I can't wait to read these books on the rest of the types (notably Enneagram One, because that's my type).
Cons: This isn't a con but is more a note on something I didn't expect from the description. This book is very much a workbook for Enneagram Eights rather than a book explaining what it means to be an Enneagram Eight to all readers.
Thank you to NetGalley and Quarto Publishing Group – Fair Winds Press for the opportunity to read this book!

As a recently "diagnosed" 8, I am interested in learning more about what it means to be an eight. I spent a while in denial, after all, who wants to be the bully of the enneagram, the pushy, aggressive loud mouth, the one with the will of iron? "Not me" said I, knowing all the while, deep down that there was no getting away from it. Vengeful, excessive, insensitive, domineering, self centred and skeptical. No wonder I wanted to be any other number, I even pretended for a while I was.
But then I read on, at our best we *s are compassionate, self confident, empowering, inspiring, loyal, energetic resilient, protective and the best damn advocate you will ever have.
The trick is to remain a healthy 8, and this little book is a perfect start. It asks the questions, but you supply the answers. It helps you identify your fears, examine your motivations and sets out clearly the warning signs for slipping into unhealthy 8 that nobody wants to be, or be around.
Thanks to #netgalley and #quartoknows for the galley.