Member Reviews

A witty and charming culinary cozy mystery! Perfect first addition to a new series, with plenty of food descriptions and a clever plot.

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Six Sweets Under is the first book in the True Confections series.
Having just visited Vermont last week, I knew this was the perfect book for me with it taking place in Larch Haven, Vermont known as the Venice of North America.
Becca leaves her long-time acting career to help her grandparents run their chocolate candy store. With lots of experience making chocolates she feels right at home making these chocolates. With the delicious sounding descriptions of candy making, I could just smell the chocolate in the air. Yum!
The popular gondola races are shaping up with high anticipation, same as every year. They are very popular and bring lots of tourists which is a big boom for small town storefront shops such as the candy shop and others. Many of the townsfolk's look forward to it all as well except for a local resident who is a bit eccentric and not the friendliest. To make matters worse Becca's grandfather is the one on the spot being accused with the murder.
The setting was pleasant, and I enjoyed reading about the traditions of the boat race. The characters, I enjoyed getting to know them and look forward to reading more in this series.
You can't go wrong with a mystery series in a charming small-town and lots of chocolate.

I was given a complimentary copy of the book.
All opinions expressed are my own.

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Been a minute since I sank into a great cozy mystery and I loved Six Sweets Under by Sarah Fox. It's the start of a new series, but you can tell that Sarah Fox is already an accomplished cozy author as this one is pitch perfect. It captures the quaint town and introduces the characters, while giving us a solid mystery to dig into as well. I loved that the main character, Becca, returned home really because she wanted to and not in disgrace, and I look forward to seeing how her Hollywood life might link up with her new role as a chocolatier.

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This is book 1 in the True Confections mystery series. Becca has left her acting career to return home to help her grandparents run their candy store. She grew up making candy at her grandmother’s side and is loving being home. Larch haven is a series of small islands in Vermont and is famous for its gondola races in the summer. When the town bully is found dead in a canal the police suspect Becca’s grandfather. A nice cozy with some interesting characters for future books. I love the idea of a town with no vehicles and lots of water. Looking forward to book 2.

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Six Sweets Under is the first book in a new shopfront cozy by Sarah Fox. Released 7th Feb 2023 by Penguin Random House on their Berkley imprint, it's 304 pages and is available in mass market paperback, audio, and ebook formats. It's worth noting that the ebook format has a handy interactive table of contents as well as interactive links and references throughout. I've really become enamored of ebooks with interactive formats lately.

This is an engaging and fun series starter with former-actress-returned-to-her-smalltown-roots Becca Ransom, who is helping her grandparents as a chocolatier in their shop, True Confections. When a local curmudgeon is found dead after a very public disagreement with Becca's grandfather, she is drawn into getting to the bottom of the scandal to clear her family name.

The book is full of the light puns and humorous dialogue readers expect from small town cozies. It's populated by eccentric characters alongside more realistic and relatable secondary characters. The author does a superlative job with the setting, which plays an integral part in the mystery.

The mystery is self contained in this volume and it works well as an introduction and standalone. There are some unexplained foreshadowed developments in the very last pages which strongly hint at the next volume, but they don't detract from the denouement and resolution of this story.

Four stars. Definitely one for fans of small-town shopfront light cozies.

Disclosure: I received an ARC at no cost from the author/publisher for review purposes.

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Six Sweets Under by Sarah Fox is the first book in the new cozy True Confections Mystery series. As with most cozy mystery series Six Sweets Under does contain it’s own mystery that is solved within the book so it can be read as a standalone novel. There will be some character development that will carry over from book to book though for those following from the beginning.

Becca Ransom always wanted to be an actress and for seven years she lived that dream in Hollywood. Becca decided to give up that life and return to her hometown of Larch Haven, Vermont missing the charming little city known as the Venice of the USA. Becca has decided to try on a new career that follows in her grandparents footsteps and becomes a chocolatier at True Confections, her grandparents shop.

Becca is just beginning work with her grandparents, Lolly and Pops, when the annual Gondola Races is gearing up to take place. The event has always been hugely popular and plenty of tourists attend each year which one local resident, Archie Smith, doesn’t want to see happen. What Becca never expected though was Archie would be found murdered and Pops would be the top suspect so Becca vows to find what really happened.

Six Sweets Under is not the first cozy mystery I’ve read by Sarah Fox even though it’s the first in the True Confections Mystery series so I wasn’t surprised to find myself enjoying this book. The setting was a completely charming town that was immediately brought to life as I imagined floating down the canals and who doens’t love chocolate?? After enjoying getting to know these characters too I’ll certainly be looking forward to returning to Larch Haven in the next adventure.

I received an advance copy from the publisher via NetGalley.

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From Sarah Fox, the “True Confections Mystery” series and book one, Six Sweets Under, gives readers a new series to devour. Former actress Becca came home to start life anew. The town of Larch Haven is picturesque, with canals and gondolas instead of roads and cars. The cottages made visitors feel as if they are in a fairy tale instead of a real town in Vermont. That is until murder interrupts the fantasy and real life comes back with a vengeance.

The characters are well-written, and most will grab readers' attention from the very beginning. You will fall in love with Pops and Lolly, the grandparents we would all love to have. Becca takes some getting used to; I found her slightly hard to warm up to, and as an actress, you would expect her to be a bit more verbose. The town, the gondolas, and the general atmosphere give readers a feel of Venice, Italy, and all of the romance that goes with it.

The murder itself isn’t anything grand, drowning in a canal, but the victim, a man that everyone considered a nuisance and who always complained about anything new or progressive. He hated the tourists and the gondolas, at least the races that drew hundreds of tourists to the town. Many people had a motive to kill him, including Becca’s grandfather. The evidence is crafted in a way to make it almost unnoticeable to the reader until they come to the point in the story that shows where the piece fits in. Becca runs down every clue and, using her actress skills when needed, finds the killer before it's too late. Readers will not be overly surprised by the identity of the killer but will cheer to see justice done.

This new series will be a hit with readers. The writing is top-notch, exactly what you would expect from a seasoned author like Sarah Fox. The characters hold your attention, actress Becca is finding her path, and her family and friends are showing her the way. The town is a living fantasy, the gondolas going up and down the canals ferrying tourists and residents from one place to another, and the community gives readers the perfect setting. The story keeps you engaged with breathless anticipation.

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This was a great debut for what I think will be a fun series! I liked the theme of a main character returning home, the unique setting and main mode of transportation being canals and all the chocolate treats. I really enjoyed the thought processes Becca had when sleuthing. Can’t wait for book 2!

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Really enjoyed this first in a series! Love the chocolate shop and the strong family connections. Great mystery that kept me guessing!

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The first book in a new series by Vancouver author (hurray!) Sarah Fox. I enjoyed Six Sweets Under, especially the unique setting and the delicious candy shop. I look forward to visiting Larch Haven again soon!

<i>ARC Provided by NetGalley<i>

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Brought to you by OBS Reviewer Jeanie

This is an excellent first in Sarah Fox’s new series! I am captivated by this charming little “Venice of North America” with its canals and gondolas, and many of the cottages take us to the English countryside. I feel as if I already know a lot about Becca even while learning about her grandparents and her best friend, Dizzy. This reader enjoyed descriptions of the various sweet treats at True Confections, a family owned and operated candy store. I think I hear a couple of the treats calling me…and can feel the added weight just from reading descriptions of Becca’s creations.

After college, Becca was an actress in LA with regular roles on at least two different television shows. The time came in which the growing fame, money, and glamour couldn’t compete with her hometown of Larch Haven, Vermont, her friends, and family. Rebecca was ten when she began to learn to make bonbons, truffles, and other chocolates from her grandparents, who are now 80 and starting to retire. Her cousin, Angie, manages the office and the storefront, and Becca is now the chocolatier. Other family members help in the shop, as does Becca during the busiest times. She loves her life here and even though she misses her boyfriend, Justin, an entertainment industry attorney, he is arriving in a couple days for a visit and to consider moving there.

Pops, Becca’s grandfather, had gotten into a loud disagreement with Archie, the crusty, 60-something neighbor who was not well-liked around the village. Pops, who rarely raises his voice for any reason, had caught Archie slipping in amongst the boats at the Boat Barn, and Archie took exception to being turned in, as well as the accusation of having stolen Pop’s vintage scooter. The gondola race was due to begin, and Pops didn’t want Archie to damage any of the gondolas or sabotage the races in any way. Archie tried to slug Pops, twenty years his senior, so Becca got in between the two. Just before Archie slugged her, Sawyer, a police officer that she had known from the time they were children, dragged Archie away before his fist made contact with her face.

Several days later, Archie’s body was found floating in a canal. He had suffered a head injury before landing in the canal. Pops was the last person he was seen arguing with. He did not have an alibi for the time frame in which Archie died, and he was very cagey about answering any questions. The police were looking at other people, also, but 80-year-old Pops was the primary suspect. Becca and her best friend Dizzy determined to do whatever was necessary to find the killer, or at least stronger suspects, so the police would stop looking at Pops.

I was so pleased that it was easy to get to know Becca, Dizzy, and Becca’s family! They are engaging, very likable, and overall positive people. We learn enough to picture the individuals, but we learn much more about who they are. One thing Becca says when feeling sad or angry over certain things is “I shook off. . .”. Oh, I do wish she would explain how she does it! The author is very familiar with feline behavior. She relates antics of Becca’s cats Binx and Truffles in a completely realistic manner.

Becca and Dizzy muddle through their first encounters of questioning people about their whereabouts when Archie was killed, and they learn through those experiences. Sawyer, in true police officer manner, tells Becca that she needs to leave the investigation to the professionals, but to his credit, he listens to what they learn from other people. The victim was disliked by almost everyone, and many folks had a grudge against him. I was somewhat surprised at who the bad guy was, as I had thought about, then discarded, the person. The murder was successfully solved, leaving no outstanding issues. I highly recommend this novel and am looking forward to returning to this New England paradise soon!

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Larch Haven is a charming and fun little town.

Becca Ransom lived her dream of being an actress in Hollywood. Now she has returned home, known as the Venice of North America to pursue another passion in her family’s chocolate shop.

Six Sweets Under is a fun and interesting, cozy mystery. The setting alone got me with this one. The town is completely charming and unique to say the least. Canals instead of streets, gondolas instead of cars, they really pride themselves on being known as the Venice of North America. A tight knit community with some interesting and charismatic characters. The confections that Becca creates in her family's shop are absolutely delectable. She also has an incredible sense of loyalty when it comes to her family. Which we see fully when her grandfather becomes a suspect when a local man is found dead. Becca does everything in her power to help prove her grandfathers innocence. The mystery could have been a bit stronger, but this was a fabulous introduction to what the series could be.

All in all, Six Sweets Under is a fantastic beginning to what could be an amazing, cozy mystery. You have great characters and an atmosphere that makes you want to step foot into the pages to be a part of.

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Six Sweets Under
A True Confections Mysteries, Book #1
Sarah Fox
5 Stars


In a cute new culinary cozy from USA Today bestselling author Sarah Fox, budding chocolatier Becca Ransom must solve a murder before she meets a sticky end.

Former actress Becca Ransom lived her dream in Hollywood for seven years before returning to her hometown of Larch Haven, known as the Venice of North America. The Vermont town has canals instead of roads, gondolas instead of cars, and charming cottages plucked from the pages of a fairy tale. It’s also where Becca is pursuing her newest passion as a chocolatier at True Confections, the chocolate shop owned by her grandparents, Lolly and Pops.

While Becca’s testing new flavors and reconnecting with old friends, the town is gearing up for the annual Gondola Races, popular with both residents and tourists, with one exception. Local curmudgeon Archie Smith wants nothing more than to keep tourists away from Larch Haven. He’s determined to derail this year’s event and does his best to stir up trouble for the organizers, including Becca’s grandfather.

Following a heated argument with Pops, Archie is found floating face-down in the canal, and Pops finds himself in hot water as one of the top suspects. Becca’s determined to clear her grandfather’s name, but when the case heats up, she could be facing a sticky end. (Amazon)


This is the first book in the series and it was really good. I enjoyed meeting all the characters and learning a little bit about them. The setting was unusual and intriguing and I really liked the fact the town had canals instead of roads. It would be very different but very relaxing.

The writing style flows smoothly and the book is an easy read. The author is very talented in her descriptive writing and these descriptions pulled me into the story from the very beginning. The mystery is well plotted and there were enough clues to sift and suspects to consider. There were a lot of people who did not like the victim and that made it especially hard to solve the mystery. I was not sure who the culprit was until it was revealed at the end.

I would highly recommend this book to anyone who enjoys a well crafted cozy mystery. I have enjoyed another series by this author and I am hooked on this one.

I voluntarily reviewed an ARC of this book provided by the publisher, Berkley Publishing Group, and NetGalley, which I greatly appreciate.

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Six Sweets Under is the first book the new True Confections series by Sarah Fox. I love culinary cozies and this one hits it out of the park. With fun main characters, a unique setting, and a complex murder mystery, Six Sweets Under kept me interested and engaged.

Becca is back home in Vermont after a stint as an actress in Hollywood. Her hometown of Larch Haven is perfectly depicted as Venice of North America. Similar to Mackinaw Island in Michigan, Larch Haven is a carless town. Instead of horse-drawn carriages though, Larch Haven has canals and gondolas to get residents and tours around the town. I loved this aspect of the story. Larch Haven may be fictional but the author wrote the entire story in a very realistic manner. I would love to visit a North American town set up this way. Going to Venice would be amazing, in an of itself, however I don't see that trip in my future.

The murder mystery is close to Becca and she will do anything to clear her grandfather's name. And in true cozy mystery fashion, that means amateur sleuthing behind the sheriff's back. Discreet snooping doesn't stay under the radar, though, and Becca finds herself in the crosshairs, the victim of threats.

Becca is a capable, competent, and likable character. I love her interactions with her family, friends, and townsfolk. I'm excited to see where the author takes Becca next.

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Dollycas's Thoughts

Becca Ransom left her idyllic hometown of Larch Haven, Vermont for the glitz and glamor of Hollywood. She had some success, staying there for seven years but now has returned to work in the family chocolate shop, True Confections, with a new passion as a chocolatier. Her timing coincides with her grandparents, Lolly and Pop taking a step back from the business to enjoy their lives in new ways.

The town is now preparing for the Gondola Races where tourists and residents, including Becca's brother race through the canals and around Shadow Lake. Becca works hard to keep the shelves of the shop stocked as do all the other shops around town. With all the tourists it is a very busy time. There is one resident not happy about the influx of guests. Archie Smith hates all the people and is working hard making trouble hoping to get the event canceled. He even gets into a public argument with Becca's grandfather about the event.

Later, Becca finds Archie's dead body floating in the canal and soon Pops is at the top of the list of probable murderers. Stunned by this Becca vows to clear his name knowing she could be the killer's next victim. Tempering chocolate and creating yummy truffles may be her passion but her love for her Pops knows no bounds. She may need to draw on her acting chops to get to the truth.


I really enjoy the Literary Pub Mysteries by Ms. Fox so I couldn't wait to see what she had planned for this new series.

I was immediately struck by the unique setting. Larch Haven also called the Venice of North America is built along a series of canals just like that other Venice. People travel by gondola, boat, or walking. No cars are allowed in the town proper. The homes are unique as well. Like her neighbors, Becca lives in a cottage that looks like it was just plucked out of a fairy tale. The author does a great job of world-building so that her readers can easily visualize everything clearly.

Ms. Fox has also created a fun cast of characters. Becca's life is in flux as she gets resettled at home while leaving her boyfriend back in California. She has her two cats, Binx and Truffles to keep her company.   Her grandparents live nearby so she can visit with them daily and they always seem to have something tasty to send home with her. Her cousins Angie and Milo work with her at True Confections and her grandparents and other members of her family drop by often. Desiree Bautista aka Dizzy has been her best friend since they met in preschool. She is a librarian and is very happy to have her friend back home. They also make a great team when a bit of sleuthing is needed. Of course, Officer Sawyer Maguire, who she has also known forever, would like her to keep her nose out of police business but he is also very happy that Becca is back in town. All the characters developed nicely throughout the story. Even the victim, "curmudgeon" Archie Smith was fleshed out well.

The murder investigation was personal for Becca so it was easy to get caught up in its process. The victim had angered so many people with his behavior that there were plenty of suspects to question and alibis to check. This was very well-plotted with an extra little twist or two that scared our protagonist but she didn't give up. I really enjoyed that an old missing person case was revisited and that it could be connected to the current case. Becca's love life also took on a life of its own thanks to the Gossip Grannies.  All of this kept me engaged and entertained. I am sure there were clues I missed because I was totally gobsmacked when all was revealed. I truly was on the edge of my seat as the action unfolded.

And yes, there is plenty of talk about chocolate, specifically truffles throughout the book. I really wish each book came with a sampler box of truffles because while reading and still days after my chocolate cravings have not been curbed. The recipes for Mint Melty Truffles and Peanut Butter Pretzel Truffles are included at the end of the story, but it may be easier to take a trip to the local candy shop. I am so happy we have one.

Six Sweets Under has set this series off in a delightful way. The setting will grab you, the people will hold you and the mystery will have you hanging on tight. I am excited to see that book two, Baking Spirits Bright will be released on October 3. I have already saved a spot on my reading calendar.

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My only issue with this book is that Larch Haven isn't real and I can't move there and become Becca's other BFF! Six Sweets Under is such a fun cozy! I love Sarah Fox's voice and world building. The mystery unfolds nicely - always intriguing when you have the challenge of too many suspects in the murder of local curmudgeon. The chocolate shop and community involvement work very well for Becca and Dizzy's sleuthing as they work to clear Becca's grandfather from the suspect list. Readers meet a variety of characters throughout the book and the pacing is well done, it never feels like infodump as we're introduced to this world. There's also a subplot about Becca's romantic life as her long distance boyfriend is finally coming for his first visit.
Highly recommend this first book in a new series for contemporary mystery lovers.

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I was blown away by the amazing backdrop of a canal town, here is the US. This mystery has all the ingredients for a winning cozy, and to top it off with chocolate…superb. Former actress Becca Ransom returns home and returns to the family sweet shop to take over the mantle of chocolatier. Hollywood might have had glitz but Larch Haven is home and home is often where the heart is. Speaking of which, Becca will have a choice to make as to who she will share her heart with, will it be the Hollywood attorney she has been seeing or will it be…? All seems good yet bittersweet as the town remembers a young girl who went missing years ago. Shortly after the town’s gathering to observe the anniversary of her disappearance is followed by the death/murder of the town curmudgeon and possible sneak thief. It was no secret that no one enjoyed Archie Smith’s company. At least that is what Pops, Becca’s granddad says since his scooter went missing, but then Pops becomes suspect No. 1, and Becca decides that she can’t stand around crafting chocolate goodies with Pops as a person of interest, even if Officer Sawyer Maguire doesn’t really think that Pop is guilty. Becca and her BFF Dizzy, town librarian with sweet research skills, are on the trail of a killer.

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Becca Ransom has returned home to Larch Haven, Vermont, and has taken over the chocolate making in her family’s chocolate shop. She is loving being around her family and friends again, but she isn’t as happy to see that Archie Smith is still being obnoxious in town, opposing just about everything. When he is found floating in the canals in town, everyone is shocked to learn it is murder. When Becca’s grandfather becomes the prime suspect, can Becca figure out what really happened?

I’ve been wanting to try a book by this author for a while, so I figured the start of a new series was the perfect time to do that. Plus, I can’t resist a chocolate theme. That aspect made me drool. However, the mystery could have been stronger. We got more theorizing than clue gathering, although Becca did still reach a logical solution. Speaking of Becca, I really appreciated how mature she was, realizing her own fault in one particular sub-plot. And I loved her and the rest of the regulars. Likewise, the setting in fantastic – I’d go visit in a heartbeat if it were real. While I wish the plot were stronger, I’m planning to visit again when the sequel comes out.

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Six Sweets Under is the first book in the delicious new A True Confections cozy mystery series by Sarah Fox. It's fun and sweet and I enjoyed every bite, er...bit of the story. The characters were fun and engaging, the mystery kept me entertained, the town of Larch Haven sounds like it would be a fun place to visit, and there was chocolate!
And what a great cover with a cute kitty.

Many thanks to Berkley Publishing and NetGalley for an advance copy of this book. My thoughts and opinions are my own and without bias or favor or expectation.

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SIX SWEETS UNDER has everything I look for in a cozy mystery. Interesting characters, an intriguing mystery, and an ultra-charming setting get this new True Confections Mystery Series by Sarah Fox off to a great start.

After Becca leaves a successful acting career in Los Angeles behind to be a chocolatier at her grandparents’ confectionary shop, life seems pretty great. When local curmudgeon Archie is found dead and Becca’s grandfather becomes the prime suspect, she does all she can to unmask the real killer.

Larch Haven, Vermont, is often compared to Venice, and it provides an idyllic backdrop for the story. I so wish I could visit this sparkling tourist town that boasts Italian style canals, gondolas, shops, restaurants, and cute cabins. The characters are engaging, and I find Becca intelligent, friendly, and thoughtful. Her friend Dizzy is a great sidekick, and Becca’s family add a great supporting cast. The mystery is well laid out, and I did not figure it all out until Becca did. The story moves along at a good pace and is engaging from start to finish.

SIX SWEETS UNDER is a great read. I look forward to more adventures featuring Becca.

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