Member Reviews

I am among the many who have read a lot of Kelley Armstrong and enjoyed it :) I continue to be surprised at her writing in different genres so well. This is yet another example. I found it "thrilling" enough to set down before going to bed, because if something happened outside the house, I didn't want to go to bed with that on my mind! the story introduced a scientific idea without really getting into how it was done, which is ok, it normally gums up the works. I had trouble deciding "who dunnit" and who would come out ok. I liked the ending, and it's still a book I could recommend without censoring for sex because there wasn't any, good on you in a YA book

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My first book by this author and was not disappointed. I read this due to receiving an ARC (thanks Netgalley!)
This is a fun YA mystery/thriller. A group of teenagers start to experience weird flashbacks/hallucinations and memory blank spots. One of them has a very public nervous breakdown. Then a vice principal winds up dead. But what REALLY happened? Can they trust themselves, their parents, their school?
YA can have a lot of tropes that are hard to avoid but this book does a decent job. The parents are not clueless idiots or simply not around. Instead, they are very smart and do actually try to parent their children but are definitely distracted with their own inscrutable activities.
I did figure out the "mystery" pretty fast so was at first disappointed but while solving the mystery is a part of it (and is completely revealed by halfway through the book), it's not the most important thing. The relationships and HOW they deal with their discovery are. And that definitely holds your interest to the very end. I finished this book in only 2 sessions due to not being able to put it down once I started, much to the detriment of my sleep the last two nights!
The author did leave a couple of loose ends that I kind of wished had been tied up. Perhaps there's going to be more books. I could DEFINITELY see a sequel to this with the kids getting more in depth as to the "why" of things at the top of the corporation. And to go on a hunt for the missing parent.

I would read more about Blythe, Tucker, Tanya, Gabi and the rest. And would probably read other books by this author as well. I am more of a harsh reviewer than most of the gushing gomers on Goodreads - not every book is amazing folks. For more information on my rating scale, see my profile.

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I received an ARC of this from the publisher via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

I didn’t expect this novel to be what it actually was. I only really glanced at the description but I generally try and get my hands on everything Kelley Armstrong writes.

This was a great teen mystery with a sci fi edge to it. It was a psychological thriller to be more exact. It starts off with a bang both literally and figuratively and this faced paced, page turner keeps going from there.

I enjoyed the characters but at the same time, I wish I had a better opportunity to get to know them better. Everything was thrown at you all at once and the reader needed some time to digest it, in order to settle into the characters a bit more. I also wish there was a bit more to the ending.

Other than that, I didn’t want to spoil anything, so I kept this review pretty general. I enjoyed it. If there was a follow up, I’d read that as well.

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Title: Someone is Always Watching
Author: Kelly Armstrong
Release Date: April 11th, 2023
Page Count: 356
Format: Netgalley and Audiobook
Start Date: April 15th, 2023
Finish Date: April 15th, 2023

Rating: 5 Stars


I really enjoyed this book. Very much. I had many theories about this book as I was reading it. Some were accurate. Some weren't. It was intense and thrilling through every page. I actually wound up buying a hardcover copy of this book for my mom and an audiobook for myself. I'm glad I did. I will definitely be rereading it. It's worth the read, but it's not a book that would be for everybody. Check triggers.

Important to Note: References to sexual assault, violence, cursing

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3.5/5 rounded to 4

Kelly Armstrong has done it again! This thriller is what you need in a novel. Red herrings. A mystery figure and psychology of relationships.

Blythe witnesses her friend attacking a teacher after a mental health crisis. Then is basically gaslit to think it never happened.

I was rushing through the pages trying to distinguish what was real and what wasn't. It kept me guessing to the end.

I enjoy YA novels as a rule and this was no exception.

Thanks for netgalley and tundra books for this arc.

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#SomeoneIsAlwaysWatching #NetGalley #KelleyArmstrong
Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for an E-Arc copy of this novel.

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I really enjoyed this book. Blythe and her friends start to unravel some very well kelp secrets. It's hard to know who to trust. There were so many moments where I predicted who the 'villain' was but got it so wrong!
I have to admit that's a first for me. I'm usually right!
I liked how the chapters continued to switch between the main characters.. It helped us get a better picture of what they were thinking, how they were feeling.. and it all came together very well.

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I like a well done YA thriller and this one- about sudden acts of aggression & memory loss that occurs within a group of close knit high school friends- definitely hit the spot. Thumbs up because this was a great fast-paced mystery that kept me guessing and was full of interesting characters. I had an idea of where the story was going but was definitely shocked at the final reveals. I do have to knock off points, however, because the end felt a little too far-fetched, like it over-reached a little more than it should. 4.5 stars rated down to a 4 star.

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Unfortunately this one wasn’t it for me. Although the concept was interesting, it didn’t hook me. Reading it felt more like a must instead of a want.

Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for an opportunity to read this book I’m exchange for an honest review

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DNF. I’m sorry, I’ve stopped requesting YA because most of the time it’s not for me. I read a couple chapters and am bored, so I won’t be continuing.

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What a great thrill ride provided by Kelley Armstrong!!
Someone is Always Watching was a tantalizing ride from beginning to end! Armstrong seamlessly weaves the science fiction elements into this young adult mystery, and I could not stop turning the pages. It has been some time since I've read Armstrong's novels, but after reading Someone is Always Watching, I'm ready to dive into more of her novels.
Readers will be captivated by this offering from Armstrong! I can't wait to share it with readers!

Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for this review copy. I voluntarily read and reviewed this ARC, and all thoughts and opinions are my own.

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"How can Blythe and her friends trust each other when they can’t even trust their own memories?"
Blythe, Gabrielle, Tanya, and Tucker have always been tight knit, until a violent act causes a rift between Blythe and Tucker. Then, unexpected bursts of aggression, disturbing nightmares, and strange happenings start to become more frequent in their daily lives. After some worrisome behavior from Gabrielle, she is found drenched in the blood of their deceased principal, with no memory of what happened. As cracks in their friendships and memories form, so does the risk of exposing long-forgotten secrets that could change all of their lives. Can they get to the bottom of what's happening before it's too late?
This was a great read! Everytime I had to put this book down, I couldn't wait to pick it back up. Each piece to this puzzle was carefully thought out and it all fit together so perfectly. This book has a unique twist that I've only seen done by one other author and it was executed perfectly. The narrator, Erica Anderson, did a great job at giving each character their own voice. I'd love to see a sequel to this story and hope that Kelley Armstrong decides to go in that direction. I look forward to reading more of her work!
I received a free copy of this book via NetGalley and I am voluntarily leaving an honest review.

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First off, I didn't realize this was YA when I jumped in. YA isn't my go to, so take these comments with a grain of salt.

Easy read, fast read, smart kids, a mysterious corporation that seemingly employs all their parents looms large, the kids are exhibiting unusual behavior and experiencing weird memories. That's the setting.

As mentioned, these high school kids are smart. Really smart. Maybe too conveniently smart, moving the plot forward. I didn't find it plausible, and the end was left too open (sequel territory?) for it to be satisfying.

My thanks to NetGalley and Penguin Random House for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Unfortunately this one just didn’t work too well for me. Although the concept was interesting, the overall story just seemed a bit convoluted

Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for an opportunity to read this book I’m exchange for an honest review

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I'm a big fan of Kelley's paranormal YA, so I was excited to see what she did here. However, this was not my cup of tea. I didn't relate to or like any of the characters enough to be invested. It didn't interest me. I think a lot of other people will love this book - it's not a bad book - it just didn't hit for me. But I look forward to a new group of people finding and loving her writing from this novel. I think it'll be a hit.

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Thank you to Netgalley for providing a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. I will state upfront that Kelley Armstrong is an auto read author for me. I am all caught up on her stand alone novels under this name or a pen name. (I kind of wish she didn't use pen names). It doesn't matter to me if its a YA or Adult novel or a thriller or paranormal book. I am invested. This book is a YA suspense about students at a private STEM school funded and ran by a company that employees most of the student's parents. Just from that, I sort of knew what kind of trouble could be afoot in this book. The story is told from Blythe's perspective and involves her best friend Gabrielle, Blythe's younger sister, and close friend (possible crush) Tucker and his sister Tanya along with a few others. One day at school Gabrielle is found covered in blood in the principal's office as he lies dead beside her. She is taken away and no one is sure what happens to her but nothing is on the news and the whole episode feels strange. As the friends begin to investigate what happened to Gabrielle more and more things come up that make no sense. Are their friends hiding big secrets? And what does the company have to do with it? I found this book to be engaging and fast paced. I figured out some of what was going on but there were still some decent surprising moments along the way. If you like YA thrillers or just like Kelley Armstrong, this book is definitely worth a read.

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Blythe Warren has always been the steadfast, responsible member of her adolescent friend group. Her best friend Gabrielle Harris is constantly teasing her about being not only the grown-up of their circle, but also about the way she mothers her own younger sister Syd:

[“]First you get a”--she deepens her voice–”<i>serious book</i> for yourself.” She points to the neurology text in my hand. “Then I help you pick a book for Syd.”

She gestures to the YA romance I’m holding with the textbook. “You’ll give it to her after you read it, telling yourself you’re vetting it, which is nonsense. You’re like one of those parents who reads their teen’s book in a desperate attempt to reconnect.”


“Truth,” she says, and then slings her unencumbered arm over my shoulder. “Don’t worry. If you start listening to her music, too, I’ll hold an intervention. For my own sake as much as yours.”

So when Gabrielle starts acting weird at school, Blythe is naturally concerned, despite her own personal drama. Blythe has recently started dating handsome Callum Kilpatrick, in a perhaps misguided effort to smother her lingering feelings for her other best friend, Tucker Martel. Blythe and Tucker have agreed to keep their distance from one another after a recent incident seriously alarmed their parents. Tucker’s younger sister, Tanya, is giving Blythe the cold shoulder in the wake of it all. Complicating matters is the recent return of Gabrielle’s former best friend Devon Sharpe, who went away to California for a few months and came back completely changed, wanting nothing to do with their circle yet seeming unable to completely stay away.

Gabrielle’s change of behavior starts with small things, like trouble sleeping and difficulty focusing in class. But when she starts muttering about cameras always watching, Blythe tries to intervene, to little avail. After Gabrielle attempts to disable the security cameras in their high school, she’s sent to the vice principal’s office, culminating in a horrific act of violence… that Blythe almost immediately forgets.

Gabrielle is taken away for treatment even as Blythe’s memories of that fateful afternoon slowly come back to her. Worried not only for her friend but also for herself, Blythe reluctantly calls on the Martel siblings for help in tracking down where Gabrielle was sent to. But when Syd is the accidental recipient of a desperate message from Gabrielle, and is subsequently the victim of violence herself, a frantic Blythe will stop at nothing to uncover the secrets of their small town in order to protect her friends and family from further harm.

Alternating with Blythe’s narrative chapters are other main characters’, including Syd and Tanya. Tanya is similarly protective of her older brother, especially in the face of their mom’s departure and their dad’s weird attitude to his only son:

Dad has always had that counterfeit laugh and booming voice. He’s the lab’s HR manager, but he also manages PR, and the stink of insincerity wafts off him like cheap cologne. But when he speaks to Tucker, there’s a strained tone that smells like fear. Like saying “Nice doggie” to a snarling rottweiler. Which makes no damned sense. Tucker might have his wild side, his dark side, but <i>he’s</i> not the one their dad should be afraid of.

While Tucker has no viewpoint chapters, he’s the compelling heart of this Young Adult thriller, as his motives and actions are constantly obscured and revealed as the novel progresses. All of these teenagers, as we soon learn, have damaging secrets that are somehow linked to their parents’ jobs at a cutting edge research lab. But who would go so far as to kill, not to make sure that those secrets stay buried, but to make sure that they all come to light?

Kelley Armstrong does her usual terrific job in crafting an immersively strange, utterly plausible environment, this time with extraordinary teenagers as her focus. Her characters are wonderfully believable and diverse, with a progressive message underpinning the plot threads, particularly in Tanya’s relationship with her dad. Someone Is Always Watching feels like the beginning of a blockbuster series, one I would absolutely continue reading.

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Thank you NetGalley for the ARC!

Overall, this is a really fun, twisty high-school thriller/mystery. Parts of it were a little predictable, but other stuff surprised me, and I found the writing overall very engaging - I was never bored, or thought the plot was moving too slowly, and there was a good balance of action and detective work.

My main problem is that some of it felt a little TOO easy, or too quick. Without getting into spoilers there's a moment where Blythe is trying to jog a memory, and it just kind of... happens. Some of the answers are just too easy to get. Same with sneaking around some of the labs. Just some more challenge, or not always knowing exactly what to do, would have been nice.

I would also warn that there are characters with anti-social personality disorder symptoms, and while they make a point that psychopaths are not real, and that signs of sociopathy/psychopathy are, I cannot speak to how these issues are handled and what research was done, or if it was accurate. I personally thought they were good characters, and not demonized by the narrative, but I'd like multiple opinions.

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Teen fiction is often my go to, curl up in a comfy chair, getaway and read the day away choice.

Someone is Always Watching is Kelley Armstrong's new YA book. And my latest teen read.
Blythe is our protagonist in this book. She’s part of a tightknit friends circle, that all attend a small prep school.

All’s good with them - okay, mostly good. Blythe and Tucker are taking a bit of a break. There’s an event alluded to between them, but it’s not spelled out until much later. And then Gabriella has a bit of a meltdown. Ok, it’s much more than a bit. The group is seriously worried - what the heck is going on?

I really liked the characters in this book. They’re all intriguing and all are very different. The interactions between the friends are really well written. There’s a lot of caring amongst the group. That caring is shown in the respectful dialogue that they have, and their actions. But then again, they’re all teenagers so we do see the flipside of that as well. The adults in the book are hard to gauge - within them who is telling the truth?

And of course the teens are going to investigate, right? I was pretty sure I knew how the plot was going to play out but Armstrong plants lots of red herrings along the way to the final who and why that kept me guessing.

And being a teen novel, we’ve got to have a romantic thread, right!? There’s lots of yes, no, maybe so, but it’s done well.

I've been a bit obtuse, as I don't want to provide any spoilers Teen flicks are also on my watch list. So, if you've enjoyed Outer Banks and Riverdale and the like, you'll enjoy Someone is Always Watching.

I'm so glad Kelley Armstrong loves writing - because I really enjoy reading her books!

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Someone is Always Watching is a thought-provoking novel that follows a group of teenage friends as they uncover the secrets their families (and each other) are keeping from them. It's a quick, exciting read that felt very original to me!

I enjoyed this story, though (as I often find) I was a bit confused when differentiating the characters to begin with. With the exception of Gabrielle, Blythe and Tucker, they all seemed to blend together in my mind. As soon as I got further into the novel, however, I saw each character as the different individual they were! And I hugely enjoyed seeing their unique reactions to learning about their parents' betrayal as well as enjoyed discovering their different back stories.

Themes explored include trauma, trust, friendship and love, as well as paranoia which is brilliantly alluded to in the book's title! The family dynamics, particularly the fact that the parents of the teens are involved in something top secret with each other, are interesting to read about and help make the parental characters complex as well as believable.

Some of my highlights include:
Gabrielle! I thought she was a brilliant character and I'd have loved to see more of her. Though, on the other hand, I do think she was in the book the absolute perfect amount; having so much of her personality be a concept and quite mysterious worked excellently.
Blythe, nicknamed Bliss, was a lovely protagonist (though seeing elements unfurl through everyone else's POVs added more layers to the story. Callum's chapters were particularly fun to read).
Sydney's storyline, both with her friend and with her sister. I'd have loved to see more of her, especially near the end of the novel, and really enjoyed her parts.
The front cover! It's eye-catching and intriguing and perfectly matches the plot.

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