Member Reviews

Fan of The Little Mermaid but looking for something a little more adult to peak your interest? Look no further! Thorne weaves a web of dark mystery, captivating mythology, and daring romance.

This book was a bit slow to get into, but if you stay patient you will be rewarded with an incredible story that you just can't seem to put down.

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Overall a decent story. A little bland for me as a fantasy/magical read, which made it feel slow. I expected more from the fantasy elements. Ironically, they felt a bit out of place in this book. The characters were ok and the MC, Ari was a pretty decent, realistic character, but I was never fully invested in any of them or their motives. The setting and descriptions were enjoyable and really helped set the vibes but a lot of the book was predictable. The romance was slow and, while not unappreciated, not something that I cared about too much either. Still not sure how I feel about the ending.

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The mystery keeps the story flowing amidst several tragic love threads of unrequited love and loss. History, archaeology and old legends twist it all together to create an enjoyable fantasy romance, suitable for all ages, as the one love scene is written very mildly.

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This book was a thrilling read! I was interested in reading it a lot for the mystery, not so much the romance. Thankfully, I wasn't disappointed. This book felt like a combination of Atlantis, Indiana Jones, and the Salem Witch Trials. I'm sure there are better analogies, but that's what came to mind just now. TBH, if I were the Princess of Ys, I would have cursed that jerkface, too, and probably worse. Action, magic, curses, intrigue... everything you could ever want in a good book.

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Amazing amazing book. Had this on my shelf for a while and finally got round to reading it and I wish I’d done so sooner. The characters are well thought out and relatable, it’s quick paced and keeps you wanting to know and read more, the story is just beautiful! Amazing book and loved every second of reading it!

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This was a surprisingly good fantasy/mythology romance that took me by surprise! Considering fantasy romance is generally not what I reach for, this book was still easy to get into and overall very well written! A good fantasy novel takes you to the very place you're reading about and this one did just that! With a little romance, mystery, and suspense, this one has a little something for everyone! So glad I read this one, especially at the start of fall! Perfect timing. 😍

I received an advanced copy for free and am leaving this review voluntarily. Thank you to NetGalley, Bookouture, and Jessica Thorne. 🩷

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This took a little while for me to get into, but once I did, I found it enjoyable. The romance felt a little too rushed.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for providing an e-ARC copy of this book, in exchange for this honest review.

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Absolutely loved this romantic mystery full of legend, myth and folklore!
Extremely descriptive, the world building was very well done!

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I really enjoyed this book , The element of magic , whimsy , romance and mysterey, Everything you could want in one book!

The Romance element of this plot is well written and doesn't take over the main story and each character is given a well written introduction to help you gain an understanding on how they work within the plot.

The Folklore/Mythology element is what held me captivated within this book as it was good to input this into the story to learn some actual history and lore of Brittany in the early years.

I Thourougly enjoyed this book and reccomend this to anyone into Witchy and Wonderful vibes or just enjoy reading about Folklore/Mythology.

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''Brittany, France. Ariadne Walker’s fiancé Simon drowned in the stormy Atlantic Ocean doing what he loved: searching for the lost underwater city of Ys. Local legend says it was destroyed centuries ago when the princess of Ys became a water witch, cursing the name of the man who betrayed her. Ari never believed these tall tales. And the letter Simon sent before he died finishing their relationship is a devastating secret she’ll take to the grave. But arriving in Brittany, Ari encounters a man emerging from the sea in a rocky cove, saltwater dripping from his dark hair. Rafael swears the legends are true: and his ancestor was cursed by the water witch. Now, his own life is in terrible danger. And the secret to breaking the curse lies hidden in the lost city.
When Ari finds a cryptic map and a golden mask of a woman’s face amongst Simon’s things, she has no choice but to believe Rafael’s plea. Can they follow the trail and save Rafael’s life? Pouring over the map by candlelight, the flickering flames only add to the heat between them… but will Ari’s fragile heart soon be shattered all over again? And will they ever find Ys and break the curse – or will the water witch demand another sacrifice?''

This book was full of so many elements that I enjoy in books. It's part mystery, part romance, part legend, involves a curse, talk of a witch, etc. So juicy and fun! I enjoyed how the author built the story. She intricately wove parts of the past into the present as things unfolded. The search for clues was ladened with tension. Would the diving crew find clues? And if so, what would those clues hold? The central mystery concerning the lost city and the witch, was intriguing. I just had to know more!

There is more, so much more. There are twists, turns and revelations! The mystery is the main star in the book with the romance being a supporting player. But what a supporting player it is! It will break your heart, then help you grow a new one!

Thank you to Bookouture and NetGalley who provided me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All the thoughts and opinions are my own.

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What a fun read! Overall good story and interesting lore in general! Writing was simple but well done. Was a little slow to start, but then it pulled me in with the plot and characters. A very nice surprise!

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This took a little while for me to get into, but when I did I couldn’t put it down. For lovers of Little Mermaid

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The water witch is real and so is the lost underwater city of Ys.

Ariadne has lost her fiance to the waves, who was looking for the lost city of Ys. She never believed in those tales untill she meets Rafael who makes her question her beliefs and things going around this involving her in a years (centuries I guess) long curse. Rafael has everything to lose and only one person can save him.

Folklore, tales, curse and found family to break it, what else is needed in a fantasy book. The plot, setting for this was imaginative and unique. It reminded me a bit of the movie Journey to the Mysterious Island. The writing was beautiful and smooth, intricately weaving the plot and characters. It starts slow but picks up the pace soon.

This book had many elements like romance, mystery, suspense, legends and so on. The twists and turns all kept me on edge, though I had my doubt, the way it came into light was good.

Overall, this was an entertaining read.

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This book is mystery/fantasy and legends in a way which drags you in and under the waves. The way the author wrote this book keeps you turning pages as you just want to know what is under the next rock. The characters are so well done I was shocked and I love all of them and want them to survive and watch them grow stronger and stronger

It was a great book well written and the way the plot moves it’s prefect I haven’t read a book like this is a long time and so will be watching out for more books by this author

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I read this on a whim but I'm pleasantly surprised by how much I liked it! I went into it knowing pretty much nothing so despite being clueless, it kind of worked to my advantage — no high expectations! The writing was simple and nice, nothing flowery. It moved at a good pace and it was just.... interesting. I loved the lore and all the detail that went into it. I was hooked at the mention of secret underwater cities and tragic loves and curses. The characters were memorable and admirable; I especially loved Ari and her quiet strength. There is a romance but honestly I was more absorbed in the search of the lost city and the breaking of the curse more than anything. I would definitely recommend this! Especially if you're looking for something a little different than what's hot in the market right now.

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3.5 (rounded up) ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Thank you so much to Bookouture and NetGalley for an e-arc of this book.

I was really pleasantly surprised by this book! If you liked the Essex Serpent or Once Upon a River I think you would like this too- whilst not set in the past this book has a similar vibe.

I really liked the Breton setting and the myth this book is set around. The author did a great job at setting up the mystery and the world building-I would have loved more of the myth-side tbh as I found it really interesting.

The characters were a bit ho-hum for me. Pretty standard and not massive work done on characterisation.

Would definitely look out for anything else by this author.

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I couldn’t connect to the story. It started out great but plot got mixed up with too many things. There was no magical elements as such.

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Ari lost her fiance Simon several years earlier, looking for the place he was obsessed with, the missing underwater city of Ys. Her brother calls her back to Saint Sirene, convinced that he might have found proof of the city's existence, but he needs her help. Once there she meets Rafael Du Lac. The water witch has cursed all the men of his family to die young and he's desperate to end it. Together, they set out to find Ys and break the curse once and for all.

The Water Witch is an action-packed romance with an air of mystery and a dash of the fantastical.

There's great description and some vivid imagery that draws you into the story and gives you a genuine sense of place.

The mythology and folklore of Brittany is weaved expertly through the book. From the missing city of Ys, the power hungry princess who later becomes the water witch, along with a guest appearance from the servant of death, I just loved every minute of it!

Ari and Rafael are great characters. Their banter and chemistry was fun to read. Ari is still deeply scarred by Simon's death, even quitting a career she loves because it reminds her too much of him. Rafael is headstrong, used to getting what he wants by throwing money at it. The romance between them was nicely done, slow burn and didn't feel too rushed.

I wasn't the biggest fan of the ending, but it made sense once I put the book down and thought about it.

If you love romance with a sprinkle of adventure and splash of fantasy, then I'd highly recommend The Water Witch to you!

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3.75 stars!

I really liked the setting and atmosphere of this book, but found that the romance was simply not interesting. It was a quick read, and I liked that it was a retelling of The Little Mermaid, but did not really feel any connection to the characters.

Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for this ARC!

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I liked The Bookbinder’s Daughter, another of Jessica Thorne’s books. So I jumped at the chance to read and review this one. While I think I like The Bookbinder’s Daughter better, this is an enjoyable story!

Bad enough that Ariadne (Ari) Walker’s fiancé Simon broke things off with her. But shortly after the breakup, he died. Drowned in his pursuit of the legendary lost city of Ys. Ari has sworn never to return to Brittany, and while she grieves Simon’s death, she sees it as a tragic accident. She puts little stock in local lore that says the princess of Ys was horribly betrayed by one she loved, and as a result, cursed the man who betrayed her and his descendants.

When her brother Jason asks her to come to Brittany to help bolster his case that his team has, in fact, located Ys, she plans to stay a couple of days. She has no intentions of staying in a place that brings her so much pain. But Rafael du Lac, charming and ridiculously wealthy and next of the du Lac men to die if the water witch has her way, convinces her otherwise. Soon things are happening that she can’t explain, and she finds herself drawn tighter and tighter into the search for Ys. Finding the city and breaking the curse may be the only way she – or any of them – survive.

The romance felt a little too rushed, too insta-romance for me. I mean, Ari is still heartbroken over both Simon’s dumping her and his unexpected death. But she’s now developing feelings for the new guy, who may be dying soon, too, if the curse has its way. I know, liberties must be taken for the book. That’s just a trope that bothers me a little.

And bless Rafael’s heart. He’s got so much money, he thinks it fixes everything. Ari says she needs to get back to her job? He sets up a foundation for the school where she teaches and covers all of her expenses to boot. There’s a problem with an artifact they found and the university whose help they may need authenticating everything says it’s a fake? He dumps a load of cash on them and suddenly they’re irrelevant. I almost felt sorry for Rafael, because clearly no amount of money can keep the water witch from coming for him.

But the lore, based on actual legends of Brittany, is fascinating. Characters are not always what they seem, and I found plenty of twists and turns to keep me guessing. Thorne’s writing style is both beautiful and easy to read, and Ari is an easy character to care about.

So this wasn’t quite up to the level of The Bookbinder’s Daughter for me, but it’s a solid four-star read. Very enjoyable if you’re a fan of a good paranormal tale with a dash of fantasy, romance, and adventure.

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