Member Reviews

Quite a heavy research driven (apparently) book which evangelises the properties of a plant based diet. We eat an almost entirely plant based diet but have refined what we eat over a number of years. I doubt that it is healthy to just change your diet overnight on the advice given in this book. It is quite strident in opinions and puts research out as facts rather than opinions (some not yet proven). I do agree that for our own health and that of the planet that our diets have to change to much less animal products but not sure that this would be the book to convert me.

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DNF. This is the first time I have DNF'D a book on NetGalley. Sorry, but....

As a lifelong vegetarian, I thought this would be right up my alley. I am not fully plant-based but my BFF does WFPBNO (whole foods plant based no oil) and that diet has always been attractive to me. Unfortunately I lost interest (and the author lost credibility) when it categorized Vegetarians as people who sometimes eat fish. 🐟 🙈 False. People who eat no other meat but eat fish are not vegetarian. They're called pescatarians.

Thank you for the opportunity to read and review this book. Unfortunately it wasn't for me. 💕

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Needs a lot of editing; the author’s thoughts and opinions are all over the place. Repetitive and poorly organized.

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Informative to those who don't know much at all about plant based eating. As a vegetarian, this was just a bit basic but it might be a good place to start for some. Never really sure about reflections on diets like this for certain illness, it's tricky territory so that put me off a little.

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This was an incredible read, I’ve read a fair few books on loosing weight but I never manage to stick to any of them. I try to mostly eat plant based foods so when I saw this book I jumped at the chance of reading it. There are a lot of amazing tips to getting starting on a plant based diet in here that even the biggest fan of meat would be able to make the switch.

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I truly wish that this book was available way back in 1983 when I became a vegetarian. I had originally thought that this book has recipes but it doesn't. What it has is a clear explanation of a plant based diet. Granted it was slightly aimed more at vegans but us veggies can benefit from it too.
I highly recommend this book if you want to tiptoe into a plant based way of eating. I dislike using the word diet to apply to a way of eating.
I give this review honestly.

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I received a copy of this book through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

I'm not quite sure what I expected from this book, but it wasn't this. The book is basically a diatribe of all the reasons people should be living plant-based lives. From defining what plant-based means to talking about is as a lifestyle instead of just a diet to health benefits and other information the book just read like one giant listicle to me. At times it was heavy handed, but also the information felt high level. I didn't find anything in here I hadn't already heard before or couldn't easily find online.

Maybe I'm not the demographic for this book, but I didn't find it useful in finding ways to eat more plant based or more sustainably as I'd hoped.

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Very informative primer on plant-based eating. A bit dense but covers some approaches and background on why you should consider eating a plant-based diet. By the end the information seemed repetitive and it all started to read like a long brochure/cure-all. I was really expecting recipes. I also found the lack of graphics that could have conveyed information more clearly odd.

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This book had good information. Definitely good for people easing into plant based diets. It was an easy read

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This is a dense and thorough read that covers the building blocks of plant based food. This is informative and valuable to any eater. This read as more of an encyclopedia vs a cookbook to me.

Thank you to NetGalley and BooksGoSocial for the ARC.

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This is definitely a complete guide to beginning a plant-based diet. There is an infinite amount of research provided about the benefits of a vegan, vegetarian or plant-based lifestyle. This book is not for the light-hearted reader hoping to find lists of what to eat and what not to eat. That list is provided within the last 2% of the book, but you will have to decide yourself if you want to read the previous 98% and truly educate yourself about the process before skipping to the easy stuff. Good luck!

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The author makes the case well for the adoption of a plant based diet, on health and other grounds, such as not being cruel to animals, and uses history and other arguments to support the case. Powerfully written and persuasive. Thank you to netgalley and the publishers for giving me a copy of the book.

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This wasn’t what I was expecting at all. It was informative yes but not expected. Not sure how to take that

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