Member Reviews

In Someone Else's Life, Annie has just moved to Kauai from New York with her family. They're running from circumstances that were making it impossible for them to be happy, but that doesn't mean they have no regrets about what they left behind. The events that forced them from their lake home and left Annie jobless, motherless, and dogless mean she has debilitating mental health issues (TW for depressive thoughts and panic attacks on the page) she battles through largely alone, something she attributes to the cultural taboos in her father's Taiwanese family. As we get to know Annie, we learn that she always seems to be losing things, but just recently some of those items have been finding their way back to her at odd times. Things she hasn't seen since they lived in New York are appearing in Kauai. And though she can find ways to explain away each item's absence, she worries that she's not remembering her own actions. How deep do all these mental health struggles go?

A big storm hits the island, and Selena knocks on Annie's door. Annie's home alone, and Selena's stuck with a broken-down rental car. Though Annie is uneasy about being trapped with a stranger, they develop a rapport. The shared darkness of depression is the basis of this bond, and Annie feels like she can share things she wouldn't with her family or even her friends. Annie starts to ignore the creeping feeling that she's seen this woman before in the face of the joy that comes with camaraderie. The relief of having someone to empathize with gives her hope that her life will turn around soon. But of course, this is a thriller, so everything's not quite so rosy.

The story is slow-paced, but not in the way a creepy thriller builds to its climax and scares the shit out of you. It's slow in the way that the same warnings are repeated from all sides while one interminable night drags on. Annie harbors a kernel of distrust, and her husband and best friends get bad vibes when they catch wind of the situation, too. For completely fair emotional reasons, Annie isn't able to heed those warnings. But as a reader, it's like I GET it already. The explanation behind the weirdness isn't that hard to glean given the sheer number of details available. That, paired with the frequent reminders not to trust Selena... there's not much to feel suspenseful about.

Know that beyond the mental health warnings I listed above, there's some other distressing content afoot (beyond the general thriller situation, of course). Annie's Taiwanese, Chinese, and Hawaiian, and has to put up with some annoying racial microaggressions. Also, there's a mention of homophobia through a conversation with Annie's best friend. She's bi and afraid to come out to her parents now that she has a serious girlfriend. Finally, Annie's new canine buddy comes to some harm before all's said and done, though it's not lethal. Thrillers are really the only genre where I'm not enthused to see a dog, and this is why.

I think this book had some things to say about motherhood and not feeling good enough. It also addresses the importance of seeking help for mental health concerns before they ruin your life. These are some big-picture, important ideas. My problem is that I was desperately bored of the thrilling components, the main vehicle of the plot.

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This offers an intriguing exploration of mental health, personal growth, and family dynamics, though it has its ups and downs. The novel starts slowly, with the first half feeling tedious and frustrating, but it picks up significantly in the second half, bringing thoughtful themes to the forefront.

The discussion of mental health is a standout aspect of the novel. Annie, the protagonist, has been grappling with depression following a series of devastating losses, including her mother, her dog, and her business. Her Taiwanese family's dismissive attitude toward mental health and therapy leads Annie to self-medicate with wine. It takes a frightening incident for her to reconsider her approach to mental well-being and start seeking healthier coping mechanisms.

The novel also delves into the complexity of understanding people who commit wrongdoings. Annie's interactions with a mysterious stranger in her house force her to confront uncomfortable questions about empathy and self-reflection. This theme adds depth to the narrative, as Annie gains new insights into herself through these challenging encounters.

Motherhood and family dynamics are central to the story. Annie's fears about being an inadequate mother and her struggles to connect with her son are portrayed with sensitivity and realism. These worries, while not universally experienced, are relatable and contribute to Annie's journey of self-improvement and better communication with those around her.

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Annie Lin’s life crumbles, bit by bit. First her dance studio goes bankrupt. Then her mother and beloved dog are gone the same year. Then a terrible accident leaves her young son traumatized. It’s time for a change.

Annie picks up what's left of her life and moves to Hawaii with her husband and son. Paradise, right? So it seems. But then strange things start to happen. And a stranger appears. And nothing will ever be the same.

I thought this was a really good book, but definitely had room for improvement. The idea behind it was fantastic, but I found the execution lacking, especially the pacing.

I received an ARC from NetGalley in exchange for my honest review.

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loved the premise on this and it started out strong, but it quickly lost steam for me. this is a very slow build and is more character focused than thriller

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In 'Island of Shadows,' the idyllic setting of Kauai becomes a backdrop for a gripping tale of loss, trauma, and the haunting power of the past. Annie Lin's journey is one of resilience as she navigates the challenges of rebuilding her life amidst personal tragedies. But as mysterious reminders from her past resurface, the tranquility of her new home is shattered by a sense of unease and the unsettling presence of a stranger. With each revelation, the boundaries between reality and illusion blur, leaving Annie—and readers—questioning what is truly happening on the island. 'Island of Shadows' is a captivating psychological thriller that keeps readers on the edge of their seats until the final, chilling conclusion.

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This book was SO disappointing. After reading the synopsis for it, I was super excited to have received a copy. The cover is beautiful and I was excited about the Hawaii setting. Sadly, the book did not live up to its expectations. It was not thrilling or exciting at all. Rather, it was boring and drawn out. The ending was also a major letdown. After around 20-25% in to the book, NOTHING HAPPENED. I kept waiting for something, ANYTHING, to happen! Maybe if it was condensed into a shorter story it would have been better...

The main character Annie was really frustrating and annoying. The way things panned out after her inviting a stranger into her home was just so unbelievable that it made for a difficult read. Annie was just so dumb and wishy washy it was really annoying to read.

Thank you Thomas & Mercer and NetGalley of the copy in exchange for an honest review..

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Thank you to NetGalley and Mercer books.

Unfortunately this one did not work for me. The main character was hard to relate to and her choices were frustrating as a reader.

But the settings and premise of two strangers in a house may work well for other readers.

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This is one of those those situations in which it is painstakingly obvious this a debut for the author. Unfortunately I didn't find this particularly well written or plotted which made it even harder to put up with the constant thriller cliches. I was hoping a book published in 2023 would shy away from the binge drinking, memory issues. lack of awareness, etc. that plagued so many protagonists of thrillers in the previous decade. It's overdone and frustrating at this point.

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I enjoy thriller books but sadly this one wasnt for me and I had to DNF it. The writing wasnt very good and the plot, which sounded interesting from the synopsis, failed to grip me.

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So chilling and intense! I could feel the vibes coming off the pages. A story of family and facing demons.

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A new life in paradise should have healed her wounds. But for a woman struggling to hold on to her family and her sanity, one stormy night could change everything.

Blow by blow, Annie Lin’s life crumbles. Her dance studio goes bankrupt. Her mother and beloved dog are gone the same year. Then a terrible accident leaves her young son traumatized.

It’s time for a change.

Palm trees, mai tais, peace and quiet—Annie should be at ease, safe in her new Kauai home with her husband and son. She hopes proximity to her family can provide them all with a sense of belonging and calm. But soon items from her past start turning up—her dog’s collar, a bracelet that disappeared years ago—and she has the unnerving sensation she’s being watched. Reality begins to fracture, and Annie’s panic attacks return. When, during a brewing storm, a woman appears on her doorstep looking for shelter, Annie is relieved to have the company and feels an unexplainable bond with her visitor.

As the night progresses, Annie realizes the woman is no stranger. Their lives are inextricably intertwined—and Annie might just lose everything.

This is a thrilling read.
Wonderful well written plot and story line that had me engaged from the start.
Love the well fleshed out characters and found them believable.
Great suspense and action with wonderful world building.
Can't wait to read what the author brings out next.
Recommend reading.

I read a complimentary advance copy of the book; this is my voluntary and honest review.

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Nothing about this was quite for me. Plot twists were ridiculous and I was very disappointed. The cover is gorgeous and the setting is great but other than that, this was a huge miss for me.

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Annie moves to Hawaii for a fresh start after a terrifying accident involving her son leaves her struggling with her mental health. One night during a tropical storm, a woman knocks on her door seeking refuge for the evening after her car broke down. Annie immediately connects with the woman and is genuinely thrilled at the prospect of having finally made a new friend. The woman however seems to know way too many intimate details about her life, details she knows she hadn't shared.

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This was a decent book. I loved the twists and it was fast paced and easy to read. Thank you netgalley for making this book available to read.

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I read a ton of thrillers and I enjoyed this book, but it did end up being slightly predictable. It was a bit drawn out to me a took a while for me to get into. Overall it was a solid 3 star and I would recommend it to casual thriller fans.

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It is a gripping psychological thriller that explores the unraveling of a woman's life amidst haunting secrets and mounting tension. A captivating read that keeps you guessing until the very end.

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Holy smoke, my eyes are wide open now!

Lyn Liao Butler, is coming out hot and let me tell you, I am here for it!

Someone Else’s Life, is an exceptional debut that will send chills up your spine. You can attempt holding your breath but Butler is just going to knock it out of you.

That’s how I felt during the entire book, I was sucker punched with every reveal exposed and just look at this stunning cover, it screams “pick me up!”

The whole Kauai setting was just stunning. Although, after what I just read, I doubt I’ll be visiting any time soon.

If you’re looking for a pulse-pounding thriller, this one is for you. Then find me, so we can chat about it !


A new life in paradise should have healed her wounds. But for a woman struggling to hold on to her family and her sanity, one stormy night could change everything.

Blow by blow, Annie Lin’s life crumbles. Her dance studio goes bankrupt. Her mother and beloved dog are gone the same year. Then a terrible accident leaves her young son traumatized.

It’s time for a change.

Palm trees, mai tais, peace and quiet—Annie should be at ease, safe in her new Kauai home with her husband and son. She hopes proximity to her family can provide them all with a sense of belonging and calm. But soon items from her past start turning up—her dog’s collar, a bracelet that disappeared years ago—and she has the unnerving sensation she’s being watched. Reality begins to fracture, and Annie’s panic attacks return. When, during a brewing storm, a woman appears on her doorstep looking for shelter, Annie is relieved to have the company and feels an unexplainable bond with her visitor.

As the night progresses, Annie realizes the woman is no stranger. Their lives are inextricably intertwined—and Annie might just lose everything.

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This book was interesting. I think it is a great story; however, it was a bit slow at parts. I think this is a good book for anyone who enjoys a slow burn.

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Great story about starting over, deadly paradise and mysterious strangers. The cover is also so gorgeous!

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⭐⭐ -- This cover was the best part of the book!

I recently read Someone Else’s Life by Lyn Liao Butler and unfortunately, I have to give it a 2-star review. The book tells the story of Annie Lin, who moves to Kauai with her husband and son after suffering some traumatic events in their past. However, instead of finding peace and quiet, things start to unravel for Annie when, during a storm, a mysterious woman appears at her house looking for shelter.

While I did enjoy the cover art and loved the setting of the book, I found the writing to be quite repetitive which made it difficult for me to stay engaged in the story. Additionally, I had a hard time believing some of Annie's choices given what she had gone through prior to moving.

The twist at the end did shock me, but it wasn't enough to save the book for me. Overall, Someone Else’s Life was just an okay read that fell short in some areas.

**ARC Via NetGalley**

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