Member Reviews

The author was awesome and I really enjoyed the way she wrote the book. I felt like I was talking with a friend a lot of the time.

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I am a HUGE fan of Betty Gilpin and I was so excited when I saw this book was available. I think it is so gripping and charming, and is definitely something I would revisit.

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I knew very little about Betty Gilpin prior to reading this memoir about her run-ins with Hollywood, modeling, and learning to love her true self, and I'm so happy I got to jump in on this ride with her, NetGalley, and Flatiron Books. I really enjoy listening to audiobooks of memoirs, for I feel I'm experiencing their waking moments alongside them.

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5 stars! I loved this massively funny, relatable memoir of growing up and finding direction in your early adulthood. This is a book everyone should read if they feel alone in not knowing how to be an adult. Betty Gilpin narrates and she is perfect!

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This novel was interesting. I enjoyed Betty's perspectives but ultimately was unable to remember enough of the story to give a proper review. The narration was excellent!

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This book was so funny and real. You can’t help but relate to Betty right away. Would love to read more from her in the future

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I love Betty Gilpin and I love this book. My IG review:

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Listening to Betty Gilpin is a treat in itself. Listening to Betty Gilpin read her own work is beyond delightful.

This isn't just a 'Hollywood tell-all' type of book. It's a dense, four-course meal of a memoir especially written for people who love words. Betty Gilpin has a way of writing that is entertaining, engaging, and something I had a great deal of trouble putting down. She talks about her upbringing and her life as an actress, complete with hilarious descriptions of sometimes embarrassing moments that highlight her ability to find humor in situations. She has a style of writing that is anything but ordinary and I loved it. Highly recommend!

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Interesting and well written I just personally couldn’t get into the story. Just a little slow and unbelievable at some points. I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

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All the Women in My Brain
And Other Concerns
by Betty Gilpin
Pub Date: 06 Sep 2022

Wow, this year has cranked out some really amazing memoirs from incredible women and Betty Gilpin's All the Women in My Brain And Other Concerns might be my favorite so far. I have absolutely devoured both an advanced copy of the print version as well as the audio book thanks to the lovely folks at @netgalley @macmillanaudio @flatiron @goodreads. I have screamed my love of this book into the ears of every book lover in my life especially in regards to the treatment of female friendships, the female experience in general and what it means to wrestle with who you are, how you are perceived, and who you'd like to be. Betty is not only a wonderfully talented performer (please get the audiobook!), she is a highly brilliant writer whose words were chosen with clear deliberation for impact. This is not your average "celebrity" memoir peppered with goss, it is a true meditation on personhood and relationships. CAN YOU TELL I LOVED IT!? Go get a copy that you can share with the women in your life.

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I laughed, I cried, I related to this audiobook HARD. I swear the author dug deep into my soul then wrote about it. I would highly recommend!

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Welp the marketing got me. I had seen this cover and title on an ad with no other context and couldn’t resist.

This was so hard to get through because it was so middle of the road. I didn’t know who she was, but I’ve read so many memoirs where I didn’t know who they were and got completely engrossed. Not this one. I dreaded picking it up to read a bit more and DNF at 52%. I am assuming people who love the actor will love this regardless.

The highlights were about Hollywood and how women were treated, but it never really goes deep enough to examine what’s there. It was just something that happened. Every other story outside of auditions were so mundane they could have happened to your aunt. The writer was neither comedic enough to keep my interest nor chaotic enough to warrant a memoir. I just didn’t see the point, so clearly this was just not for me.

Special thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for the eARC in exchange for an honest review.

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This audiobook was bonkers! I loved Betty Gilpin on GLOW, and was excited to see what else she had up her sleeve. This was honestly WAY more than I bargained for! Truly a taste of chaos. I had to be in the right frame of mind to enjoy this in the way it deserves. I loved how off the wall Betty was, but wow, this was a trip! You had to jump in the passenger seat with her to commit to this listen. Overall though, it was hilarious, powerful, and thought provoking.

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This was such a zany ride. Gilpin’s insights on all the internal battles women fight on a daily basis as well as the struggles of being an actress were heartbreaking, humorous and relatable! She is also a phenomenal and entertaining narrator - honest, hilarious, witty, hopeful.

Thank you to NetGalley and Macmillan Audio for this ALC in exchange for an honest review.

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This was great! Betty is freaking phenomenal in GLOW (still one of the Netflix cancellations I’m most upset about) and from watching some of her talk show interviews, her personality seems awesome and inherently hilarious. Definitely recommend the audio for this, Betty’s reading is fantastic! I cackled out loud multiple times and was crying by the end. I do wish there was a tiny bit more about GLOW but I still really loved everything.

I will say that I noticed a bit of an echo in the audio when listening at a faster speed which I’ve never experienced, so I don’t know if that was a production thing; I got used to it eventually though.

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All the Women In My Brain


* I will be editing to add a quote once it is approved by the publisher ''

If you're not familiar with Betty Gilpin, then you're in for a treat. This actress and comedian has written a memoir that is as entertaining as it is brutally honest. Gilpin doesn't shy away from discussing her struggles with depression and self-doubt, but she does so with a manner of self-deprecating sarcasm that is perfectly empowering and charming. All the Women in My Brain is a celebration of the female experience, where Gilpin speaks the words that yell at you inside your own head, but she does so with beautiful prose and Irreverent, profane, and addicting jokes.

I caught myself spontaneously laughing out loud and nodding in awkward agreement while listening to this audiobook because of how engaging and liberating was (apologies to all I crossed paths with while laughing out loud in public). Betty Gilpin's distinctive narration is a huge asset to the memoir. She brings a layer to the tale that you wouldn't receive from the written words alone, and she's a delightful character to listen to. 

Gilpin speaks the words that yell at you inside your own head, but she does so with beautiful prose and that irreverent, profane, and addicting voice (well, I should say, her voices). This book is utterly satisfying and will leave you feeling like you're not alone in your thoughts and struggles. You’ll end up wanting to nourish all the women in your brain too.

Thank you to NetGalley, Macmillan Audio, and Betty Gilpin for granting me an advanced reading listener copy.

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Analogy overload. This audiobook was just not for me. Maybe I am not the target audience but between the excessive use of analogies and meaningless dialogue, I was lost. The whole thing felt like a long rant that I could have lived without.

Thank you Macmillan Audio and Netgalley for a chance to receive this audiobook in exchange of an honest review.

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Thank you NetGallery and @MacmillanAudio for this Audiobook in exchange for my honest review. Woah this book was a lot. It was made up of short essays some I found more interesting than others like the first two I found myself thinking WTH am I listening to. Many of the time I didn’t understand what was even being said there were so many words that felt unneeded. Word vomit you may say. I see many people thoroughly enjoyed the audiobook so maybe I am not the target audience or maybe not knowing the author or her body’s of work left me at a disadvantage. It was a quick read and I found myself laughing out loud once or twice.

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Betty Gilpin hilariously tells us through different stories about her childhood, family, acting, and more. This memoir is wonderfully clever in every way and even better that it is narrated by Betty. She talks openly about depression in a way that is endearing and laugh out loud funny. I will read anything this woman writes and whatever comes from her brain.

Thank you to NetGalley & MacMillan audio for this ARC and happy pub day to Betty Gilpin!

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Betty has a talent for baring her soul in a way that will have you laughing one minute and crying the next. I highly recommend picking up the audiobook read by the author, which I found gave so much life to an already great written voice.

While sometimes chaotic and confusing, the book is written in a way that feels like you're listening to a(n occasionally messy but overall loveable) friend rant.

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