Member Reviews

I want to thank Netgalley and the author for gifting me the ebook. I really enjoyed this book a lot. I highly recommend it for all Christian's out there. It was a fast and easy read.

General Prayer Information
Theresa states that prayer is a two-way communication process, therefore, once we pray we give God a chance to talk back. She states that she wants to highlight a very important aspect of any kind of prayer, be it formal or informal: Jesus tells us to pray with confidence and trust in His loving response.
"Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours." Mark 11: 24
The author uses a four-step meditation process. The s are outlined below:
1. Step 1. Take a deep breath. Breathe out slowly and relax.
2. Step 2. Now consider your willingness to undertake this new beginning.
3. Step 3. Feel enthusiasm rising in your spirit like a stream of cleansing, healing water as you say the following prayer. (This is when would say your prayer.)
4. Step 4. Pause for a few moments and listen expectantly for anything that Christ may want to say to you now. As you go about your day keep open to His communications, which, in my experience, are often very quiet and gentle – so you will need to pay attention. As you diligently practice listening for God’s guidance it will become more obvious to you.
The author discusses many situations we face in our day-to-day lives and offers sample prayers, and states when we should offer prayer to God. She provides pertinent scripture for her prayers.
This is a very informative book on the types of prayers and I highly recommend it.

The author Teresa O’Driscoll focuses on repeatable patterns to apply while deepening a relationship with God.
Even if you are a new Christian or unsure about your relationship, the book provides basic prayers to help you start real conversations with God.
One of the sections that really helped me focus more was the author’s direction on visualizing section of the bible. Her examples and the ways she writes about Zacchaeus was so vivid you could see yourself there under the tree and listening to the conversation that take place.
I am looking forward to having my own copy that I can mark up as I revisit the pray and listen examples as I write in my journal.

Very elementary:
I was hoping for a lot more from this book. Despite the book's promises, I'd say it really is for those who want to move from formal to informal prayer. It provides examples from the authors life when she has prayed, giving a brief description of the situation and then the prayer that was uttered. These prayers were extremely short and simplistic, just 2-3 sentences long. Examples were also given of how the Lord spoke to her.
Overall I found this all too basic and whilst it might be revolutionary for new believers or people who have only ever repeated formal documented prayers, it doesn't go beyond that.
I received a free copy of this book and am voluntarily leaving a review. All opinions expressed are solely my own.

A perfect daily compendium, with prayers to reflect upon, meditate and enhance your spiritual life. This is an excellent book to keep by your bedside,to dip in and out of at any time . I would recommend it to any Christian or anyone needing spiritual guidance