Member Reviews

Many thanx to NetGalley, the author and the publishers for allowing me to read and review this book.
I felt as though I was thrown back to my own childhood as I was also a child of the '50's! Such a carefree childhood but the author had an added element of the sea and sailing. His enthusiasm came through so well and I was quite sad when he didn't make the navy cut!!
He was also very fortunate in having such a lovely set of parents and the holidays they planned. What a wonderful and happy boyhood and this obviously helped to make him the man he became.
A lovely read, enjoyed most of this book.

Really enjoyed going back in time post Ww11 .The author brings us into his family time his activities his life.Well written entertaining.#netgalley #matador

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for providing this book in exchange for an honest review.
The summary of the book sounded interesting to me. Parts of the book were fun, coming-of-age stories. Other parts of the book were a bit boring as some of the memories were "you had to be there" moments.
I did enjoy reading about his childhood and how free kids were to be kids at that time. It was very much a carefree and fun era with parents actually parenting their children and teaching them responsibility and respect.

I found the beginning of this book more interesting but less so as it progressed. I am, more or less, the same age as Peter Waite so the start of the book evoked many memories of a childhood in the '50s, particularly the reference to Cremola Foam, wonderful stuff which is [probably disgusting to an adult palate. I enjoyed reading about his early adulthood and especially the time in France too but once it got on to skiing and sailing I'm afraid I somewhat lost interest a lot of which just seemed random tales of escapades within a group of friends. No doubt entertaining to those involved but really didn't mean much.

An interesting account of the author’s life during the post WWII era and beyond. People interested in what it was like to live in England at that time will no doubt enjoy it.

Gave it a good try. Description seemed to imply a coming of age story, but the first third of the book was about his parents life around the time of the war. It seemed to be, this, then this, then this, with very little story or personal insight. Didn't find it compelling reading.